From Subordinate Sect To God-Level Sect

Chapter 338: Occupying Eight Avenues [2/10]

Lin Fan's position has been transferred.

This time the Indistinguishable Dao fell, he learned the news immediately.

It was also the first time to start occupying the ownerless avenue that was vacated after the death of the Indistinguishable Dao realm.

This avenue is considered a fifth-class avenue, and it is the weakest among the avenues.

Because Lin Fan's Canglan Sect only recruits ordinary disciples, and most of them are ordinary geniuses.

But there are so many of them, and these ordinary geniuses have a profound understanding of this weak path, and they can only go to this unknown and weak path.

So much so that Lin Fan has a thorough understanding of this avenue.

He had just begun to encroach on the avenue and occupied one percent of it at an extremely fast speed.

The invasion speed was very fast. Although it had slowed down, he felt that he could control it and complete it within an hour.

The freed part of the avenue occupies 12% of the entire avenue, which is pretty good.

It greatly improved his strength.

Because until now, he has not controlled more than 10% of any avenue,

As long as the occupation is successful, it is a huge breakthrough.

It was of great help to him.

If the occupation is successful, the power of the Ten Thousand Dao Formation will be greatly increased.

Indistinguishable Dao can also be trapped for a long time......

He started to invade the avenue with all his strength, but of course he still left some means to protect himself, and behind him was the entrance to the Cave Heaven Paradise.

He already knew that he was being targeted by the Devil Emperor, so he was naturally prepared.

He has seen some of the methods of the Lord of the Avenue, and they are terrifying...

At present, he is not absolutely sure how to deal with it, so he still has to take precautions.

As expected, the imagination is full and the reality is very skinny.

After all, it didn't work out as he wished, after he controlled five percent of the avenue.

He sensed that there were beings trying to break through the Indistinguishable Dao of the avenue, and there was more than one...

The remaining seven percent was occupied by one percent in an instant, and it was still being occupied at an extremely fast speed.

Breaking through the Indistinguishable Dao realm and experiencing Heavenly Tribulation is much faster than his invasion of the avenue.

Those who successfully break through the Indistinguishable Dao will own the avenue they occupy.

If they fail, which part they occupy will become an ownerless road again.

Not only that, there are other encroachers.

This group of invaders is naturally different from Lin Fan. There are basically no geniuses like him who can understand multiple avenues. They are not Indistinguishable Dao realms of other avenues.

They themselves are the Indistinguishable Dao realm of this avenue, and when they sense the Indistinguishable Dao realm Death, they come to invade the territory as soon as possible.

There is no way, it is impossible for them not to feel the death of a strong fellow.

Maybe it was because the distance was relatively long, so the sensor was received late, allowing Lin Fan to occupy part of it in advance.

Fortunately, Lin Fan has already occupied 5%, but he may not be able to grab much more next time.

Because the speed of his invasion also slowed down.

In the end, he only grabbed 7%, and 1% was taken away by other Indistinguishable Dao realms.

There are still 4%, and there seems to be a breakthrough.

Successfully broke through to the Indistinguishable Dao state, he only occupied 4%.

It's a pity that he still can't control ten percent of a road.

After the occupation was completed, he quickly changed places.

I can't stay here any longer....

After transferring his position, he sold into Dongtian Paradise.

Knowing that the Devil Emperor was targeting him, he would not give the Devil Emperor any chance.

He doesn’t know what the Devil Emperor is planning on him…………

But he always feels that the Devil Emperor is his biggest enemy now.

0.Please give me flowers 0.……

It always triggers fluctuations in the path of robbery in his body, which makes Lin Fan have to be vigilant.

And his clone continued to stare at the other thirteen Indistinguishable Dao realms, who were also cursed by the undead.

There is no way to lift the curse of the undead, they can only suppress it.

How long they can suppress it depends on their methods...

But even if they are powerful in the Indistinguishable realm, they cannot escape the fate of Death in the end.

Especially in the sealed Devil World, it is impossible for them to stop and suppress the undead curse...

The next day there was another Indistinguishable Dao Realm Death,

Lin Fan uses the same operation,

The occupation of the main road was accomplished in one go, and there were still people who robbed him of it, but this was already pretty good.

Because in the sealed Devil World, there are no powerful men from the five major forces and the Heavenly Alliance to disturb him.

He can invade the avenue unscrupulously...

This allowed his strength to increase rapidly. Every time he occupied a avenue, the Ten Thousand Dao Formation would become stronger.

And with one more avenue under his control, his methods also increase.

Among the fifteen Indistinguishable Dao realms, eight died in total in the next few days.

All died in battle.

As for the remaining seven, they seem to have gone to the boss for help...

Not surprisingly, Lin Fan occupied some of the eight avenues, with the most occupying 9%, because Death's Indistinguishable Dao realm itself occupied 18% of any avenue.

It's a pity that he only got half of it.

And because he did this, he finally caused trouble for the Devil World...

Just as he was seizing Eighth Avenue.

I remembered an old voice outside Devil World.

"The Devil Emperor is here, come out and say three.".

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