From Subordinate Sect To God-Level Sect

Chapter 339: Battle Against The Lord Of Prophecy [3/10]

"The Devil Emperor is here, please come out and talk."

The speaker is a very tyrannical and strong man.

He must be the Lord of the Avenue, otherwise it would be impossible for the entire Devil World to hear his voice.

Lin Fan was very confused and thought: It is impossible that he provoked them again!

He has only occupied 8 avenues, what about them?

Although these are all traitors, since they have entered the Devil World, they have nothing to do with their previous power...

The Tianmeng and the five major forces are a bit too shameless to act like this.

Fortunately, they didn't break into the Devil World in person, they just shouted outside the Devil World.

He didn't dare to break into the sealed Devil World.

This shows that they are still afraid of the Devil Emperor. The Devil Emperor is as feared as the rumors.

People from the Tianmeng and the five major forces don't dare to be tough...

This is much better.

Not like when he was in the Star Temple.

Every time he just grabbed a little avenue, others would directly break into the Star Temple's territory and want to cause trouble for him.

If "Zero 27" were caught, he might be beaten to death directly, so how could they care about their face?

Especially when seizing the avenue controlled by the Tianmeng, the strong men of the Tianmeng not only broke into the Star Temple, but even caused a lot of killings along the way, and finally led people to surround the Star God Realm.

They didn't dare to go against the Tianmeng and could only let them kill because they were not strong enough to fight against the strong men of the Tianmeng.

Otherwise, Lin Fan would have already controlled more than 10% of the avenue...

I didn't expect that someone would come looking for me this time, but fortunately, they didn't force their way in and kept their attitude low.

They dare not break into the sealed Devil World easily.

There is still a reason…………

First of all, since entering the Devil World, he has been cursed, the curse of the devil's mark.

Once they are cursed by the demons, their situation will be affected.

Secondly, it was because they were afraid of the Devil Emperor and did not dare to break the agreement, fearing that the Devil Emperor would cause trouble for them.

If they break the agreement, Devil Emperor will have reason to seal Devil World.

Soon a voice came from inside Devil World.

"Go away, do you want to break the contract? If you have the ability, step into Devil World."

This is the voice of Devil Emperor. The voice is very unacceptable and full of domineering.

"Devil Emperor, calm down. We are here to make a deal with Devil Emperor."

The strong man who came was not angry, but spoke calmly.

"Go away, this emperor is not interested,"

Devil Emperor said impatiently.

"Devil Emperor, you need the incomplete and ownerless road! If Devil Emperor is willing to cooperate, I can give Devil Emperor the incomplete and ownerless road."

Hear the words.

Devil Emperor's attitude changed.

"What are you talking about, are you willing to give up the incomplete and ownerless road? You can talk about what kind of deal you want to make.

"Please ask the Devil Emperor to come out and discuss it in detail."

The words ended here.

The two sides went to talk privately, but Lin Fan must not have heard.

Even if he can absorb information from the avenue, it is useless. In front of the Lord of the avenue, these avenues that have not yet reached the Indistinguishable Dao level are too weak.

I don’t know what the Devil Emperor talked about with the powerful man who came.

Lin Fan can only send more clones out to find out the news...

There are many Indistinguishable Dao realms in this Devil World, and he wants to kill a few to seize the avenue.

Although his current strength is only in the Indistinguishable Dao realm, it is not impossible to kill the Indistinguishable Dao realm.

Because his current strength has improved again, the Ten Thousand Dao Formation can trap the Indistinguishable Dao state.

And as long as he is trapped, he has the means to kill Indistinguishable Dao.

He also has secret magic weapons, such as the Curse of the Undead.

However, just when Lin Fan changed his position.

Suddenly a figure appeared in the void.

She wears white clothes, has a pretty face, fair skin, a human body, wings on her back, and horns on her head...

This seems to be the legendary demon clan.

Lin Fan was shocked, how did she find own?

He has used Dao Dao to hide his own aura, and also used illusion magic to change his own appearance. He has disguised himself as a writing monkey.

Even so, she found her,

Lin Fan already has some thoughts about who she is.

Lin Fan said calmly: "You are probably the Lord of Prophecy, the Devil Emperor's right-hand man."

Because the power of the Dao of Yuyan in his body was ready to move, reminding him of groveling, as if the woman in front of him was his master.

The master of the avenue is the master of all living beings who practice that avenue.

However, Lin Fan practiced more than one avenue, and the power of the prophecy avenue in his body was suppressed by him.

The woman was slightly startled, and then said: "The little guy knows a lot. I have been staring at you for a long time, and finally I am willing to come out. You actually have a treasure that can block Celestial Secrets. It's not easy!

Tell me! What is your identity? "

Lin Fan sneered: "What's there to say? Devil Emperor wants to capture me, so I'm afraid it's not enough to send you here.

As he spoke, he flicked his hand, and a Ten Thousand Dao Formation was established. "He is in the middle of the Fang Dao Formation.

Ten Thousand Dao Formation can attack, defend, and trap the enemy...

At this point he established a defensive formation.

It wasn't the Devil Emperor who came in person, but he wanted to try whether the Ten Thousand Dao Formation could withstand the attack of the Lord of the Dao.

He stared at the Lord of Prophecy.

She was slightly stunned, and then said: "Interesting, little guy, there is no formation that can stop me so far.

Saying that, she walked into the Ten Thousand Dao Formation…………

Lin Fan quickly activated his formation and used his ultimate move directly on him.

Seven hundred and twenty swords were directed at her.

Her figure was like an afterimage, as if she could predict the trajectory of all swords in advance.

They all dodged easily.

The Lord of Prophecy said with great interest: "Yes, this formation is very powerful, but unfortunately the people who set it up are too weak."

As she spoke, she quickly flew towards Lin Fan.

But soon, a look of surprise appeared on the face of the Lord of Prophecy.

No matter how she flies, the distance between her and Lin Fan seems to have never changed...

And Lin Fan showed a smile.

The Ten Thousand Dao Formation finally showed its prowess...

The mystery of the Ten Thousand Dao Formation would not be comprehended by ordinary people unless he possesses the inheritance of Martial Skill.

There are countless changes in its connotation, and it is arrayed with thousands of ways. How can it be simple?

Now his strength.

Lin Fan

Age: 21 years old

Identity: Canglan Sect Sect Leader.

Sub-professions: Tao-level pill refining master, Tao-level weapon refiner.

Martial Dao Realm: Indistinguishable Dao Realm middle stage

Cultivation Technique:Wandao Return to Self

Laws of Comprehension: Five Thousand Four Hundred and Thirty-seven Ways

Martial Skill: Wheel of Tribulations (Return to Original Nature) Samsara Fist (Return to Original Nature) Chaos God and Demon Body (Return to Original Nature) Devour Heaven and Earth (Return to Original Nature) Heavenly Dao Body (Return to Original Nature) Heavenly Moving Technique (Return to Original Nature) Void Movement Technique (Return to Original Nature) Lock the Holy Tower (Return to Original Nature) ) Ancestral Dragon Armor (return to nature) Taixu Miejingguang (return to nature) Taiyi Qingmuling (return to nature)

Secret Technique: Second Stage Qi Jin (Return to Original Nature) Thousand Faces Technique (Return to Original Nature) Dantian Sealing Technique (Return to Original Nature) Barrier-Breaking Eye Technique (Return to Original Nature) Illusion God Technique (Return to Original Nature) One Qi Transformation into Three Purities (Return to Original Nature) Ultimate Killing Saint Technique (Return to Original Nature) Reverse flow of time (return to original nature) Resurrection of all spirits (return to original nature) Immortal seal (return to original nature) Curse of the dead (return to original nature) Samsara1.9 (return to original nature)

The method of controlling beasts: Selflessness, rebirth (return to nature), Samsara, rebirth (return to nature), dream world (return to nature), Nine Heavens (return to nature), Heavenly Dao contract (return to nature), Hearts Demon (return to nature), master-servant contract (return to nature)...

Formation: Wandao Formation (return to nature) God-killing Formation (return to nature) Futian Formation (return to nature) Jingshen Formation (return to nature) Soul-Seizing Formation (return to nature) Fancage Formation (return to nature) Ecstasy Formation (return to nature)...

With more than 5,000 avenues, it has reached the peak of the Dao Fusion Realm.

Even the strongest Time Avenue has entered the Fusion Dao Realm.

There are dozens of avenues that have entered the Indistinguishable Dao realm, although some only occupy less than 1%.

However, his understanding of the Ten Thousand Dao Formation has returned to his original nature.

At this moment, he displayed the Ten Thousand Dao Formation.

It has begun to show its prowess.

Why can't the Lord of Prophecy fly to him?

that is because…………………

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