From Subordinate Sect To God-Level Sect

Chapter 340: Accidentally Trapping The Lord Of Prophecy【4/10】

Because his strength has improved.

At this time, the Ten Thousand Dao Formation has become a world of its own.

There are many spatial faults between them.

The Lord of Prophecy seemed to be Lin Fan in front of her, but in fact Lin Fan was very far away from her.

It seemed close at hand, but the actual distance was far beyond her imagination...

Moreover, what the Lord of Prophecy is good at is prophecy and deduction, and his understanding of space avenues is not advanced.

Lin Fan's understanding of the Space Avenue has already entered the Fusion Dao realm.

She can dodge all the attacks of Lin Fan's Ten Thousand Dao Formation, which shows that it is not simple......

However, Lin Fan can be sure that now that he has deployed the Ten Thousand Dao Formation, ordinary Dao Lords can be trapped for a moment.

certainly. It can only be trapped for a moment, because the strength of the Lord of the Avenue can completely break it with force.

Lin Fan's main reason is that he controls too few avenues and they are too weak...

The Lord of Prophecy is not good at attacking, but he is also very powerful.

The Lord of Ordinary Avenue is among them. It is easy to block attacks, but it is difficult to dodge all attacks.

The Lord of Prophecy, in the Ten Thousand Dao Formation, can always predict attacks and avoid them in advance.

Her ability is really terrifying......

However, she was unable to fly in front of Lin Fan. It could be said that she was trapped by Lin Fan's Ten Thousand Dao Formation.

The Lord of Prophecy stopped flying, looked at Lin Fan and said: "Interesting, interesting, little guy, your formation is more mysterious than the "Great Thousand Worlds Formation" of that 01 old guy from Tianmeng. I want to see if I can break it." This formation of yours."

The Lord of Prophecy closed his eyes as he spoke, and his body easily avoided all attacks.

She is quickly approaching Lin Fan....

Lin Fan runs formation, changes formation, trying to trap her in the space fault.

However, what surprised him was that after deduction, the Lord of Prophecy actually saw through his purpose...

When the formation changes, he is prepared in advance.

However, she seemed to be interested in the formation and wanted to deduce the formation on her own, so she did not break the formation violently.

The strength of the Lord of the Avenue should not be so......

Lin Fan didn't want to get entangled with her, so he left a clone to sit in formation.

Thousands of incarnations left...

And he himself took the opportunity to get into the Cave Heaven Paradise.

After closing the entrance, don't worry about it anymore.

After he leaves

The Lord of Prophecy was stunned and murmured to himself: "Can we avoid the world of Celestial Secrets? Is it something outside the ancient world of evil gods?"

Immediately she said: "That's all, I'll let you go today. This formation is really good. It seems that the power of the avenue attached to each sword is different. The combination of these avenues is really amazing, but how can one person control it?" How many avenues are there?


Could it be that he is really a creature from other ancient worlds, and what is his intention to sneak into my Evil God's ancient world?"

The Lord of Prophecy was obsessed with Lin Fan's Ten Thousand Dao Formation, but without Lin Fan's control, the Lord of Prophecy quickly destroyed the formation.

The clone left behind by Lin Fan cannot be integrated and operates the Ten Thousand Dao Formation according to the movements of the Lord of Prophecy...

She soon found a way to capture Lin Fan's clone.

After breaking through the formation, the Lord of Prophecy chased Lin Fan's clone with the weapon bound to Dongtian Paradise.

Lin Fan didn't know that he was targeted by the Lord of Prophecy.

...The Lord of Prophecy soon caught up with Lin Fan's clone and seized the sword that bound the Cave Heaven Paradise.

After taking it off, she murmured to herself: "This sword is not simple. It is about to enter the Dao Item category. It is probably because of material limitations that it cannot enter the Dao Item category!"

Immediately she was stunned and asked doubtfully: "Hey, how is that possible?

There is no universe in this sword. This is impossible, I definitely did not pursue the wrong pursuit, this is impossible..."

Then she disappeared and chased other Lin Fan clones.

At this time, Lin Fan tried to open the entrance to Dongtian Paradise and wanted to check the situation outside.

Unexpectedly, I just opened it,

Then I heard the voice of the Lord of Prophecy,


Lin Fan immediately prepared to close the entrance.

Unexpectedly, the Lord of Prophecy actually entered the Cave Heaven Paradise.

Lin Fan was immediately shocked, wow, she actually followed.

He quickly threw out his sword and arranged a Ten Thousand Dao Formation to trap the Lord of Prophecy.

We can't let her out, there are many Sect disciples in this Cave Heaven Paradise!

And Huang Xianyi and the others...

The Lord of the Avenue actually came in……………….

The Lord of Prophecy who came in regretted that it was too late, the Cave Heaven Paradise had been closed.

She instantly lost contact with the avenue of prophecy, and this space could actually block her connection with the avenue.

In an instant, her strength was greatly reduced...

She couldn't get out of the Ten Thousand Dao Formation in front of her...

The Lord of Prophecy sneered: "Damn it, you are really from another ancient world. What is your purpose in coming to the Evil God Ancient World?"

Lin Fan looked at the Lord of Prophecy who had lost the blessing of the avenue. It was impossible to resist him just with the remaining power of the avenue in her body.

In fact, Dongtian Paradise can be regarded as one of his trump cards. As long as he introduces strong people into Dongtian Paradise, he can lose his connection with the avenue and reduce his strength.

Even a master of the avenue like the Lord of Prophecy will suffer a sudden drop in strength when entering here.

The current Lord of Prophecy is about the same strength as the Fusion Dao Realm, or even worse than the Fusion Dao Realm.

Because the Rongdao realm can use the power of the avenue to fight, but she can't use the power of the avenue now.

Lin Fan was very confused as to why the Lord of Prophecy said he was from another ancient world.

But the top priority was to make the Lord of Prophecy lose his fighting ability.

So he mobilized the formation with all his strength, so that the Lord of Prophecy had to use the power of the avenue to stop it.

There is no Dao in the Cave Heaven Paradise, only Spiritual Qi, which consumes the power of the Dao in the body of the prophecy, so Lin Fan is not afraid of her.

After two days of consumption…………

The Lord of Prophecy has been injured, and she can no longer withstand the attack of the phalanx.

Lin Fan just trapped her, and the Ten Thousand Dao Formation isolated Spiritual Qi, preventing her from having a chance to recover.

Wait for the Lord of Prophecy to settle down.

Lin Fan just entered the formation to meet her.

Looking at the Lord of Prophecy whose white clothes are stained with blood, she does not look like a demon, and her body is full of holy aura.

Lin Fan said calmly: "Lord of Prophecy, please stay here for the time being!"

The Lord of Prophecy said coldly: "Evil thief, what do you want? What are your intentions in sealing Devil World?"

Lin Fan said calmly: "I don't want to do anything, just stay here for now!"

He didn't want to talk to her, the Lord of the Avenue was too dangerous...

It would be necessary to have a clone separated from the three pure beings come over to specifically suppress her.

But now he is in a dilemma......

As long as he opens the Cave Heaven Paradise, maybe she can connect to the Prophecy Road and regain her strength...

He wants to go out now, but he doesn't dare.

Do you want to kill her?

But if you kill her, the path of prophecy will definitely benefit others...

Lin Fan wants to find an opportunity to kill her slowly. She is Devil Emperor's right-hand man. If she dies, Devil Emperor will definitely be angry.

The entire Devil World will be in turmoil. It is impossible for him to seize the opportunity to steal the passage.

But wanting to keep her meant that he couldn't go out.

At this time, the Lord of Prophecy threatened: "My original body is in the Prophecy Avenue. I have lost contact with the avenue. My true body will inform the Devil Emperor. The Devil Emperor will not let you go..."

Lin Fan said speechlessly: "Then the Devil Emperor must find me. What will happen if I kill you?"

The Lord of Prophecy said: "You can't kill me, just if you are a real body."

Lin Fan: "Really? How could the Lord of the Dao who fought in the ancient evil world die in battle?"

Hearing this, the Lord of Prophecy quickly said: "You are indeed a person from other ancient worlds. What do you want?"

Lin Fan ignored her...

He transferred Sect disciples, transferred Huang Xianyi and them, and let them all enter the Time Tower together.

There cannot be too many people left in the Cave Heaven Paradise, lest the Lord of Prophecy threaten him.

In the end, he decided to open the exit of Dongtian Paradise and go out...

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