From Subordinate Sect To God-Level Sect

Chapter 344: Devil Emperor’S True Form Enters The Realm Of Taichu God [8/10, Please Subscribe]

Lin Fan opened the entrance to the Taichu Divine Realm.

He instantly escaped into the divine realm of Taichu.

After entering, he immediately closed the entrance.

He doesn't believe in the Devil Emperor. He can open the entrance to the Taichu Divine Realm at any time, and the Taichu Divine Realm is extremely mysterious.

It was originally a place he used to train Sect disciples.

As long as he thinks, he can come out and return to the original place, but as long as he does not come out, he will always stay in the Taichu God Realm.

The Divine Realm of Taichu is a very peculiar space.

Based on the strength of the entrants, corresponding strong men from all races will be constructed to fight against them.

As long as you don't die in the divine realm of Taichu, you won't come out.

Even if you die in the Taichu Divine Realm, you will not really die even if the Devil Emperor follows you in.

You can't kill him, even though the space you enter from the same entrance is the same,

But the vastness of the Taichu Divine Realm, the space in it seems to be boundless, even for the Indistinguishable Dao realm, it is boundless.

Comparatively speaking, it is much safer than entering the Cave Heaven Paradise and the Time Tower.

At that time, he had his woman inside, so it was inconvenient for the Devil Emperor to enter.

In the Cave Heaven Paradise, Shen Lang had nowhere to run, so he entered the Taichu Divine Realm.

He didn't believe a word the Devil Emperor said,

In this world where The Weak are Prey to the Strong, no one can be trusted.

Shen Lang didn't know what the Devil Emperor was planning, but he was not at a loss as his strength had improved again.

However, he was still unsure about facing the Devil Emperor.

"I didn't expect that there are other space treasures hidden in your kid. How is this possible? How can there be such a powerful creature here." Devil Emperor still spoke.

But what he came in with was just a clone.

After Lin Fan came in, he first arranged the Ten Thousand Dao Formation to protect himself.

He has basically determined that the Devil Emperor is just a clone.

However, Shen Lang was not sure how strong his clone was.

After laying out ten thousand ways, he threatened: "Devil Emperor, let's capture him without any effort! Otherwise, I will have to destroy your identity."

Devil Emperor coldly said: "Even if you destroy my clone and I'm really outside, you can't get out. Can't you cooperate with me?"

Lin Fan smiled and said: "It's not bad, I just don't like my life being in the hands of others."

The Devil Emperor clone smiled and said: "Okay! I understand, but are you sure you want to be my enemy?"

Lin Fan scolded: "Stop talking nonsense and let's see how it works!"

The Ten Thousand Dao Formation moved directly towards the Devil Emperor clone to attack and kill him.

The Devil Emperor's clone is not as good as the Indistinguishable Dao state, and may be less than one thousandth of his original strength.

Soon the Devil Emperor's clone was destroyed by Lin.

Completely disappeared into the divine realm of Taichu.

at the same time.

outside world.....

Devil Emperor was still sitting there, and suddenly his clone reappeared.

Devil Emperor looked at his clone, intact.

The clone's memory was instantly read by him...

He wondered: "How is it possible? Aren't you already destroyed? What on earth did you just enter that space?"

His clone replied: "I didn't have time to explore. I felt a lot of powerful auras in it, and the space was very vast. Before I had time to explore, I was blasted out by that little one."

Devil Emperor reclaims his own clone.

Being in a stable state, he just sent one clone in,

Fortunately, I only sent one clone in. That space was a little weird.

How could there be so many strong people among them?

Devil Emperor looked at the Lord of Prophecy next to him and asked: Can you still deduce him?"

The Lord of Prophecy nodded and said: "I can try,"

Devil Emperor said: "Don't force it."

After a while, the Lord of Prophecy's body became extremely ugly, her orifices were bleeding, and she finally stopped breathing heavily.

She shook her head and said, "I didn't see his future, not even a single fragment."

Devil Emperor said: That's all, that kid should still come out from here, just wait! Go and prepare some blood food for me.

"Okay, Devil Emperor"

Devil Emperor didn't leave, he was just waiting here.

He can afford to wait.

Lin Fan was in the divine realm of Taichu, using the Ten Thousand Dao Formation to survive.

Don't fight against the powerful existence in Taichu Divine Realm.

He can't die. If he dies, he has to go out.

Fortunately, you can also enter the Tower of Time and Paradise in the Divine Realm of Taichu.

He can also go in and kill time with the Sect kids.

Chuan Chuan Sect Disciple Martial Skill...

His understanding of the Avenue of Time is slowly increasing, and it should be that his external clone has recruited another disciple.

But we can’t just spend it with the Devil Emperor like this!

But he couldn't think of a way to deal with the Devil Emperor for a while.

He is a powerful man above the Lord of the Great Dao,

what to do?

If he goes out now, he will inevitably have to fight Devil Emperor 4.1.

He's not sure yet...

All we can do is wait...

Half a month passed in the blink of an eye, and Lin Fan couldn't stand it any longer.

Go find the strongest duel in the realm of Taichu God,

Eventually he was killed.

The moment he came out, he immediately felt the coldness on his back

Being targeted by a terrifying being.

Lin Fan arranged a Ten Thousand Dao Formation, but the formation was violently broken open by one hand.

He opened the Taichu Divine Realm again.

"If you want to run away, there's no way."

In a flash of thought, Lin Fan entered the Taichu Divine Realm.

But he still felt a chill on his back,

Because they felt that the real body of the Devil Emperor seemed to have come in this time...

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