From Subordinate Sect To God-Level Sect

Chapter 345 Killing The Devil Emperor’S Clone【9/10】

He didn't feel wrong about that terrifying aura.

It was as if he was the aura of the avenue and the true form of the Devil Emperor.

Upon seeing this, Lin Fan immediately revealed that he had left the Taichu Divine Realm.

The characteristics of the Taichu Divine Realm are like this. As long as Death will go out and return to the original place.

Lin Fan returned to the original place and saw the Lord of Prophecy with an anxious look on his face.

Seeing Lin Fan come out, she was surprised: "How could you do that? Where is the Devil Emperor?"

She had already taken action while speaking.

Obviously he wants to keep Lin Fan,

But it's a pity,

Devil Emperor Lin Fan is no match for him, but he can still deal with the Lord of Prophecy.

After all, his strength has improved again.

After the Ten Thousand Dao Formation trapped the Lord of Prophecy, he ran away directly.

He ran away without stopping. He didn't know how long the Devil Emperor would be addicted to the Taichu God Realm.

If he doesn't dare to die and never comes out because he's afraid of dying, then that's easier to do.

But before he comes out, if Lin Fan cannot escape from the sealed Devil World, he may have no choice but to hide in the Cave Heaven Paradise and never come out 01.

So he left immediately after trapping the Lord of Prophecy.

Fortunately, after Devil Emperor entered the Taichu Divine Realm, the space ban on this world has been lifted, and he can already use the void movement technique.

He didn't make any further stops and left directly to seal Devil World.

Already being targeted by the Devil Emperor, he will stop wherever he goes.

The purpose of his trip has been accomplished by Devil Emperor. He just wants to kill a few Indistinguishable Dao realms.

Seize their avenue and improve your own experience.

That's all, because it's too difficult for outsiders to kill Indistinguishable Dao.

Now that his strength has been improved, he naturally no longer needs to stay in the sealed Devil World.

As soon as he leaves the Devil World, it will not be so easy for the Devil Emperor to find him.

After several void moves, he had arrived at the border of Devil World.

His clone is actually nearby,

After letting the clone make some noise, he took the opportunity to leave.

But after sealing Devil World, he was still targeted.

"Stop this devil, don't let him escape."

"Kill him, kill him."

"Kill him and seize his avenue."

"Surround him and don't let him escape."

Even though Lin Fan's clone made a noise, it still did not attract all the Indistinguishable Dao situations.

He had just left not far away when he was targeted by the Lord of the Avenue.

The masters of the three avenues, and the few Indistinguishable Dao realm runners outside.

Lin Fan is very fast, but they are all from the same Realm, and their speed is not slow either.

Even if Lin Fan travels through the void, they can keep up.

Three of the avenue masters even launched an attack on him.

Fortunately, his strength has improved, and he can barely resist this ordinary fourth-level avenue, the master of the fifth avenue.

Based on the Indistinguishable Dao realm, he is already very powerful.

He had to run despite resisting their attacks. The main reason was to stay away from the Devil World. He couldn't stay near the Devil World for a long time.

If the Devil Emperor comes out and the Devil Emperor comes after him, he will really have no choice.

The Devil Emperor is much more powerful than the Lord of the Avenue.

If what he said is true, he may be the strongest person in the ancient evil world.

After all, when he stepped into the realm of Tao Ancestor, he was the only creature that had the bad Tao in his body.

Of course, Lin Fan hasn't come into contact with many top players, so he doesn't know much about this.

But if you think about it carefully, there is no need for Devil Emperor to lie to himself about his strength.

Maybe he is really a strong man in the Dao Ancestor realm.

But that's okay.

He has escaped from the sealed Devil World.

It won’t be easy for Devil Emperor to catch him again…………

He carried the attacks of the three Avenue Lords forward and escaped from the sealed Devil World.

The three Avenue Lords were shocked.

"How is it possible? This demon is clearly in the Indistinguishable Dao realm. How can he withstand my attack?"

"He seems to have a strong defensive formation. We must catch him. I am very interested in this formation."

"His physique is really powerful! How can a human being have such a strong physique? He doesn't belong to the old turtle,"

Lin Fan felt that after being away from Devil World, he didn't want to get entangled with them anymore, so he created many clones and reverberation audio-visual.

He himself took the opportunity to hide in the Cave Heaven Paradise.

After entering the Cave Heaven Paradise.

He discovered that there was actually a clone of the Demon Emperor in his cave.

This should have been left behind when he was exploring the Paradise of Cave Heaven!

"Little friend, how dare you come in? Hey, you didn't sense my true identity. What did you do?"

Lin was distraught and immediately hummed: "It's just a clone, labor and capital will destroy you."

As he spoke, he turned his hand over and found a Wheel of Myriad Tribulations with an evil aura in his hand.

He threw it directly towards the Devil Emperor clone.

"Even if this emperor is a clone, you can't destroy it at will."

The Devil Emperor clone easily blocked his attack.

But Lin Fan doesn't care about him that much.

Ten Thousand Dao Formation,


Attack after attack greeted him.

If you can't kill his real body, why can't you kill a small clone?

He is blessed by the power of the whole sect.

The Devil Emperor clone was consumed by life and death.

After completely dispersing the Devil Emperor's clone, Lin Fan looked at a figure at the same place.

"Are you going to blow yourself up, or should I help you?"

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