From Subordinate Sect To God-Level Sect

Chapter 346 The Temptation Of The Lord Of Prophecy【10/10】

This figure is the clone of the Lord of Prophecy.

The clone she left behind after escaping from Cave Heaven Paradise.

The clone of the Lord of Prophecy said: "The moment you open it, I sense the existence of my true body, but the distance is far away. Are you sure you want to kill me."

Lin Fan smiled and said: "What's the use of keeping you?"

The Lord of Prophecy said: "If you need it, I can give you half of the avenue."

Lin Fan said sternly: "I don't believe what you say."

The Lord of Prophecy said calmly: "Although I don't know how you escaped, I can assure you that I will not tell the Devil Emperor your location.

Lin Fan smiled.

"What do you think it will do if you tell the Devil Emperor my location? I just need to kill you and move my location again."

The Lord of Prophecy sighed: "That's right, you may not believe me, but I am already dying, so there is no need to lie to you.

I will give you the great road, and I hope I can live a little longer!"

Lin Fan was confused: "What do you mean? I don't understand."

The Lord of Prophecy said: "The heaven and the earth are unkind and treat all things as stupid dogs. In order to be strong, we compete with the sky for our fate, but in the end we cannot escape this disaster.

Eat people today. When you are strong enough, you will understand.

Because I have revealed too many Celestial Secrets, I will soon be assimilated by the Avenue of Heaven and Earth. At that time, I will walk on the path that ninety-nine percent of all creatures will take, and I will be forced to merge with the Tao and become a part of the Avenue of Heaven and Earth.

I will completely disappear from this world and become the nourishment of the prophecy."

God eats people?

Lin Fan asked: "You mean, the master of the avenue who controls the avenue will eventually be assimilated by the avenue, or even swallowed up?"

The clone of the Lord of Prophecy nodded and said: "That should be it! Dao Wuqing, I no longer have seven emotions and six desires. My only desire may be that I want to exist in this world for a few more days.

Maybe if you seize my road, I can survive a little longer. "

Lin Fan frowned, "According to what you said, if I seize your avenue, won't I eventually be swallowed up by the avenue of prophecy?"

The avatar of the Lord of Prophecy said: "Yes, but don't you want to become stronger? If you reduce the use of the avenue, you can live for a long, long time.

When you have an endless lifespan, you sometimes feel that living is boring, but when you really have to face death, you want to live longer.

Looking at the sighing Lord of Prophecy,

Lin Fan is a little confused. Is it actually a scam to claim that becoming the Lord of the Great Dao can live as long as heaven and earth?

If you become the master of the avenue, will you eventually become the nourishment of the avenue of heaven and earth and be swallowed up by the avenue of heaven and earth?

Maybe this is the destiny of the rules!

If you don't become strong, if you don't become a strong person, if you don't become the master of the avenue, you will be trampled under the feet of other creatures.

However, if you become stronger and become the master of the avenue, you will eventually be suppressed by the chaotic world.

Lin Fan asked: "The Devil Emperor took Tao into his body and stepped into Tao Ancestor. Does this mean he has broken away from the shackles of heaven and earth?"

The clone of the Lord of Prophecy shook his head, "Devil Emperor, he is half successful. By becoming the Dao Ancestor, he has indeed escaped the danger of being assimilated by the Dao.

However, he walked heaven-defying, so he was suppressed by heaven and earth at all times. He himself was in great pain at all times, and could only relieve the pain by sleeping for a long time without using the great road.

And was bound to this chaotic world forever,

He sincerely wants to cooperate with you. If you can take him out of the chaotic world and ask him to help you with anything, he will help you. "

Lin Fan joked: "Do you want me to go back and cooperate with Devil Emperor? That's impossible, I won't put my life in the hands of others."

The Lord of Prophecy showed a sad smile and said: "No, Wei has helped him a lot. If not for helping him, Wei would not be like this.

I just want to give you half of the road. "

Lin Fan still didn't believe her and said: Okay, I don't need it, I won't kill you for the time being, you are being tricked. "

As he spoke, he threw out the Ten Thousand Dao Formation and trapped the clone of the Lord of Prophecy.

He didn't believe it at all when he was offered the chance to be on the road. He felt that this was a conspiracy of the Lord of Prophecy, trying to lure him out of the cave.

And even if what the Lord of Prophecy said is true.

Lin Fan wants her way, but he can't believe her.

If he wants to encroach on the highway, he must go out,

When encroaching on the avenue, the Lord of Prophecy will sense his presence.

Maybe he would bring the Devil Emperor with him.

He won't be fooled.

Entering the Cave Heaven Paradise, getting rid of the pursuit of the Lord of the Avenue.

Now he had one more thing to do.

That is to fight the clone as soon as possible, and the clone has recruited many top talents.

Throw Lin Fan and the others into the Tower of Time, so that his Realm on the Avenue of Time will speed up a lot.

Before I knew it, several days had passed.

Lin Fan locked the clone of the Lord of Prophecy in the Time Tower to prevent her from contacting the outside world.

Only then did he carefully open the exit and explore the situation outside.

It was discovered that the Ten Thousand Dao Formation he had arranged had been destroyed and all the swords had been taken away.

There are no living creatures around,

He immediately used the void movement technique to leave, and after using it several times in a row.

He concealed his aura and left, only to find that the Lord of the Avenue was not following him.

He just went to fight the clone...

Return to the Star God Realm again. .

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