From Subordinate Sect To God-Level Sect

Chapter 350: Going Out To Slay Demons【Please Subscribe】

The Heavenly Alliance Conference of All Races was held.

It is said that there are ten thousand races, but in fact many of the former ten thousand races have been wiped out.

Today there are only an estimated 2,000 remaining tribes.

The inheritance of many of these ethnic groups has been cut off, their avenues have been robbed, and they will never be able to stand up again.

They can only survive by being reduced to blood food and the vassal strength of powerful races.

You can say that.

Races that do not have a master of the avenue are weak.

For example, the ghost tribe only has the Indistinguishable Dao realm, and the ghost tribe is divided into weak tribes.

If it had not been divided, the ghost race might still be one of the powerful races now.

There are many races in the Tianmeng who have masters of the avenue.

There are hundreds of races that have masters of the avenue.

Of course, the masters of the avenues are also divided into strengths and weaknesses. There is still a big gap in strength between the masters of the fifth-level avenues and the masters of the third-class avenues.

Therefore, these hundreds of tribes are also divided into strong and weak.

Among these hundreds of tribes, the strength of the Yaksha tribe 01 and the human race is average.

Not particularly strong, but not weak either.

Still very vocal.

However, among the Tianmeng, the leaders are still dominant.

For example, the Ming Emperor, their Ming clan has more than one master of the avenue.

They have the highest say among the Tianmeng.

Moreover, the Emperor of Ming controls the first-class avenue of Ming.

With the ability to deduce the future, he can be said to be the decision-maker of Tianmeng.

All major matters will be decided by him.

The most powerful one in the Tianmeng is not the Ming clan, but the Kunpeng clan.

The Kunpeng clan is the most powerful, and they have many masters of the avenue.

Next are the Taotie Clan, Chaos Ao Clan, Dragon Clan, Immortal Phoenix and so on.

The Yaksha tribe played by Lin Fan's avatar has successfully seen the Yaksha tribe's great purpose.

Playing a very similar role and possessing the memories of the Yaksha clan leader, he had already managed to get through it.

He learned about it from the Lord of the Avenue.

The meeting of all races was actually held because of a passage deduced by Emperor Ming.

The Devil Emperor was born and the ancient world was in chaos.

There are actually words below, but Emperor Ming doesn't want to read them.

The main reason is that Emperor Ming is afraid of death and dare not go all out to deduce.

After seeing only eight words, he decided to hold a meeting of all races.

He even contacted the other five major forces,

It is said that the safety of the entire ancient world is related to the other five major forces.

A messenger has been sent.

The main discussion this time is to unite all races.

Destroy the demon clan.

However, the tribes have been at war for many years, and there are many opinions on the matter of fighting the demons.

Who is the vanguard? Is it a question?

Who will deal with the Devil Emperor?

How many people should be sent from that clan?

When attacking the demons, is the safety of our own race guaranteed?

What if someone fights and other races occupy the avenue he vacated?

On the first day of the conference, everyone became a mess.

How can we raise our troops to slay the demons?

The Lords of the Avenues all started arguing.

We can’t just use the Heavenly Alliance to exterminate the demons!

The five major forces are watching with eager eyes.

What if their assistant goes to deal with the demons and the three major forces take the opportunity to cause trouble?

The envoys sent by the five major forces said they were cooperating.

Who knows if they will accompany me.

Moreover, many powerful men from the five major forces have left the Evil God Ancient Realm to fight outside the realm.

Not back yet,

What if they come back when they go to attack Devil World?

In short.

It’s just that no one wants to go.

Especially a race with only one master of the avenue.

They are just the master of the avenue, if something happens to them when they go to exterminate demons.

Their entire clan can only be left to their own devices.

There is even the danger of annihilation,

The Devil World is very weak, there are not many Dao Lords, and there are not many strong Indistinguishable Dao realms.

But with the Devil Emperor here, if the Devil Emperor is really angry.

You will all suffer...

Kill the Devil Emperor. I didn’t kill him tens of years ago. Can I kill him now?

So the meeting of all races turned into a mess.

Everyone held their own opinions, and nothing was discussed in a day.

The meeting of all races is held in secret, and only a small number of Indistinguishable Dao realm experts know about it.

You don't have to worry about being known by the demons.

But as time went by, it became clear.

So the leader of the Kunpeng clan came out to call the shots.

It is imperative to destroy the Devil World.

The races that don't agree are going against the top 630 powerful races like them.

They will allocate how much combat power the race needs to invest.

They know exactly how strong other races are.

Under their noses, no matter how much strength any race has, they cannot hide it.

As for the five major forces, they can only decide how many troops to send.

Of course, if the five major forces do not send troops.

The sword of the Heavenly Alliance will be the first to point at them.

This is the ultimatum issued by Tianmeng.

Half a month later.

Go out to destroy the demon clan.

The race that refuses to send troops has only one fate.

That is genocide

Now everyone compromised.

The Lord of the Avenue discussed the next matter.

Lin Fan's clone is ready to leave.

To attack the sealed Devil World.

This is a good thing for Lin Fan!

Why do you say that!

There will definitely be casualties in the battle, and if there are Indistinguishable deaths in battle.

He can take the opportunity to seize the avenue.

It would be best if the master of the avenue dies.

And the most important point is,.

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