From Subordinate Sect To God-Level Sect

Chapter 351 The War Is Imminent [Please Subscribe]

If all the major races went to war.

That means that the human race will also participate in the war.

Then he would have the opportunity to capture more human geniuses to join their Canglan Sect and give them tools to practice the Great Path of Time.

He is still not fast enough for the Realm of Time Avenue.

If more geniuses could join the Canglan Sect.

His understanding of the Avenue of Time will speed up.

As long as he steps into the realm of Indistinguishable Dao through the Avenue of Time.

By then he will not be afraid of the Lord of the Great Way.

It won't be long before their Canglan Sect becomes the number one force in the ancient evil world.

He just sat back and waited for the battle to slay the demons to begin.

A clone of him is in charge of the Canglan Sect in the Star Temple, and is currently at the mercy of the Star Temple.

Because he has a clone in the Star Temple, otherwise the Canglan Sect would not be able to expand so blatantly in the territory of the Star Temple...

If you don't have the identity of avatar, you can use the name of Star Temple.

It is impossible for Canglan Sect to be as strong as it is now.

Now there is a problem.

That means his clone might be sent to seal the Devil World.

He didn't care about the clone, the reason was very simple.

That was his clone, and even if he died in battle, it would have no impact on him.

But this clone cannot die,

There is also a clone who is currently the leader of the Yaksha tribe.

He probably won't go to seal the Devil World because he is the clan leader and has to protect the territory of the Yaksha clan.

Even if it were to go to war, it wouldn't be his turn. It would be other Indistinguishables from the Yaksha tribe who would go to the border to join the war.

When he came back about this matter, the master of the Yaksha tribe had already agreed with him that he would take photos of the Indistinguishable Dao realms of the Yaksha tribe.

Of course he will follow him himself

More than half of the Heavenly Alliance's Dao Lords have to go, because they are preparing to completely annihilate the demons this time.

This is related to the safety of the ancient world of evil gods.

If you want to take action, you must use overwhelming strength.

Only in this way can the demon race be completely eliminated.

Of course, dealing with the Devil Emperor has nothing to do with the master of the Yaksha tribe.

Discussing how to deal with the Devil Emperor is a matter for the first-class master of the avenue.

The other demons make friends with each other.

Lin Fan recalled a clone and arranged for him to seal the star realm layout near Devil World.

Waiting for the battle between all races and demons.

His clone can grasp the situation of the war, and he will know immediately if a strong person in the Indistinguishable realm falls.

He is always ready to seize the road.

As for the human genius, when the war breaks out, his clone, the leader of the Yaksha tribe, can handle it.

They have a grudge against the human race, so it is normal for them to take advantage of the situation and rob them.

Now his understanding of the Avenue of Time is progressing quite well.

It has reached the Third Stage of Fusion Dao Realm. If we can recruit more geniuses.

He will soon reach the peak of Fusion Dao Realm.

In that case,

He can occupy the Avenue of Time and even become the master of the Avenue of Time.

He can now feel the majestic power of the Avenue of Time.

Although there are some imperfections, he believes that if he can control it, he will definitely not lose to the first-class avenue.

In the past few days, he has been hiding in the Cave Heaven Paradise.

Mainly because he has entered the Devil's World, and any creature that enters the Devil's World will be contaminated by the curse of the Lord of the Cursed Avenue.

The curse of the Lord of Curses is difficult for the Lord of the Avenue to erase.

Because he does no harm to living beings, he just leaves a mark.

Anyone with this cursed mark is considered a demon.

This curse really didn't feel any harm.

But the memories of Cursed Avenue were so intense that he was afraid of being targeted by the Lord of Curses.

Nowadays, all races want to exterminate the demon race. It is at this critical moment,

He was tainted with a curse and was afraid it would be noticed.

In addition, what he was even more afraid of was that the Devil Emperor would come looking for him.

The Devil Emperor's strength is terrifying. If he is right, he is now the only Taoist in the evil ancient world who has incorporated Tao into his body. He is much stronger than the Lord of the Cursed Tao.

There is also a prophecy of the Lord beside him.

The Tianmeng and the five major forces are about to fall out with Devil World.

It is not impossible for Devil Emperor to seal Devil World regardless of the agreement.

Lin Fan is hiding in Cave Heaven Paradise and is absolutely safe.

Just let the clone go out and wander around...

If it falls into the hands of either party, there will be no good fruit to eat.

In the paradise of cave heaven and their stable life with Huang Xianyi, time passed very quickly.

Half a month passed quickly.

The Tianmeng unites the five major forces.

Raise your troops to destroy the demon clan.

Tianmeng has sent out tens of thousands of Indistinguishable Dao realms, and the Lord of the Dao doesn't know how many will be sold.

Each of the five major forces sent out an army. Because they were afraid that the Tianmeng would have a conspiracy, their five armies combined to form a strength that was not weaker than the Tianmeng. (Good King's) Lin Fan's clone was dispatched as he expected.

Because he is a newly promoted Indistinguishable Dao realm, he does not have much background, and there is no Dao Master behind him.

So he was sent to seal the Devil World...

There are tens of thousands of Indistinguishable Dao realms, and there are countless masters of the avenues.

With the power of thunder.

Directly surrounded by the Devil World folder.

Lin Fan's clone was in the Star Temple army. More than two thousand Indistinguishable Dao came to the Star Temple. The Lord of the Avenue didn't know how many came.

He also has a clone, hidden on a dead planet.

Not long after the five major forces of the Tianmeng surrounded Devil World.

The Devil World is changing and Devilish Qi is surging.

"`. Wu Ming, I knew you wouldn't abide by the rules`~.".

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