From Subordinate Sect To God-Level Sect

Chapter 86 Accepting The Mission[35]

Sleeping with the door closed is not a good habit.

If Lin Fan had to choose between a beast and a beast, he would definitely choose the latter, as was the case in his previous life...

So he pushed the door open and entered Jiang Linglong's room.

When I walked in, I found that Jiang Linglong was actually meditating. She was wearing a tight-fitting red dress, with a slender figure, tall and proud, and her stunning appearance seemed to have a magical power that attracted Lin Fan's attention.

Under Lin Fan's gaze, Jiang Linglong opened her eyes and said helplessly: "Why did you come in?"

Lin Fan asked: "You didn't practice all night, right?"

"Well, training is also a rest, not like you sleeping like a pig." Jiang Linglong nodded and said.

"The door to my room is not closed. Did you sneak into my room? How did you know that I was asleep?" Lin Fan said with a smile.

Jiang Linglong closed her eyes again and said, "Are you still going? I heard someone snoring."

The higher the person's Martial Dao Realm, the six senses can be promoted to "five, six, seven", which Jiang Linglong heard was quite normal.

"I snore while sleeping? How is that possible?" Lin Fan exclaimed.

"That's what pigs beat. I heard wrong." Jiang Linglong said calmly.

Seeing Jiang Linglong closing her eyes and continuing to practice, Lin Fan walked over and stood next to her and said, "Come, I will practice with you."

"No, go back to your room. There are only so many Spiritual Qi in the world. It is not efficient for two people to practice in the same room." Jiang Linglong said don't disturb me.

Lin Fan smiled and said: "Then I will watch you practice."

"Why are you looking at me?" Jiang Linglong opened her eyes and asked with confusion.


"No formality."

Lin Fan said: "You can practice! I won't disturb you.

"Oh, okay!" Jiang Linglong said and closed her eyes again.

When Lin Fan saw this, he quickly lowered his head and made a splash...

Jiang Linglong was shocked and opened her eyes, which were widened. She was stunned for three seconds before blurting out: "You are shameless..."

Lin Fan laughed and said nothing.

" out," Jiang Linglong hesitated in a panic and didn't know what to say. In the end, she could only ask him to go out.

Hearing this, Lin Fan was unmoved, took out a hairpin in his hand and said, "Here it is, given to you."

This is the hairpin that Zhu Liujie gave him. It was said to be made of spirit-gathering jade. After he got it, Sect's financial resources did not increase much, and the actual value should not be high. Lin Fan thought it might not be 471...

Seeing Lin Fan take out the hairpin, Jiang Linglong smiled and said: "I have many hairpins made of Juling Jade, this kind of gesture...

As she spoke, Jiang Linglong raised the jade bracelet on her wrist, turned over her hand and took out a small box, opened it and saw that it was all this kind of jewelry.

Rich woman!

With that said, Jiang Linglong took the hairpin from Lin Fan and prepared to put it into the box.

Lin Fan casually took back the hairpin and threw it away. This thing was given to her by Zhu Liujie. Damn it, but it was right. Actually, he was not pedantic. He thought Jiang Linglong didn’t have any and could use it for her.

It can be seen that Jiang Linglong actually has so many, so forget it!

"What are you doing?" Jiang Linglong wondered why Lin Fan threw away the hairpin.

Lin Fan said: "I suddenly remembered that a dead person had taken this thing, which is a bit unlucky. I feel that it is not worthy of you. Can I give you a better one in the future?"

"Okay." Jiang Linglong did not ask further questions.

Lin Fan has put away the bad thoughts in her heart, and the future is bright...

He couldn't stay in this room anymore, he was afraid that he would be unable to resist the overlord's attack.

had breakfast

Jiang Linglong ran over and took Lin Fan's hand and said, "Let's go!"

Lin Fan sighed and said: "It would be a pity not to take you to visit a big city like Dongning City."

Jiang Linglong said: "I'm afraid that we will be discovered, so we should leave quickly!"

Lin Fan made excuses and said: "The fifth rank Sect forces should be spread all over the Zhou Dynasty. It would be more dangerous to escape blindly. Let's stay in Dongning City for a while!"

He couldn't tell Jiang Linglong that he was already in the Heavenly Cave Realm Ninth Stage, just one step away from the Soul Realm, and the Yin-Yang Realm wouldn't take more than a few days.

He still has to go back to Canglan Sect and wait for the eighth-grade Sect order!

Only by getting the eighth-grade Sect token can he get a better Cultivation Technique, Wu... With absolute strength, what is the Grand Zen Temple?

"You're right! The Magical Beasts Station in each city has the most spies in each Sect, but what should we do!" Jiang Linglong said worriedly.

"Don't scare yourself. If you survive a disaster, you will be blessed later. We are all blessed."

"Okay! I'll listen to you, I'll listen to you... Anyway, if I'm taken back, it will be your wife who loses it." Jiang Linglong said flatly.

"I will fight with anyone who dares to catch you..."

Then Lin Fan took Jiang Linglong out and was about to go out for a walk. When he was walking through an inn lobby, he suddenly saw a lot of strange plaques around him.

"Hunting the fourth-level Magical Beasts in the wild forest outside Dongning City requires a strong person of Yuanfu Realm Seventh Stage or above. The reward is: twelve Spirit Stones.

The person who took the task took the task order and reported to Guyunting outside the city. "

"Hunting the third-level Magical Beasts in the wild forest outside Dongning City requires a strong person of the Fifth Stage or above in the Condensation Realm. The reward: two quick Spirit Stones.

The person who took the task reported to the Heiyun Chamber of Commerce with the task order. "

"I purchased the two-star elixir, Luoyang Blood Ginseng, at a high price. How much will I charge?

Location: Jiuling Medical Center”

"There is a reward for the flower-picking thief, Sima Tian. If you take his head, you can go to Dongning Mansion to receive the reward: two thousand Spirit Stones0.

Lin Fan looked at the signs and asked, "Daughter-in-law, how many Spirit Stones do you still have on you?"

Hearing this, Jiang Linglong said: "There are still more than thirty thousand! What's wrong?"

Lin Fan underestimated

"Little rich woman."

Then he said seriously: "It's too little. Elopement is a big deal. I have to earn some."

Jiang Linglong understood immediately. She pointed to the sign in front and said: Do you want to do the task above? Earn Spirit Stones, right?"

Lin Fan nodded and said, "Well, I want to try,"

Big cities and small towns are just different...

He took a fancy to a mission that required a strong person in the divine realm. It was announced by Dongning Mansion. Their Dongning Mansion had an idea for a seven-star elixir. To collect the elixir, someone would have to stop the Magical Beasts guarding the elixir. This was sixth rank. Magical Beasts.

According to the above introduction, these sixth rank Magical Beasts are a group that occupies a deserted forest. There are more than forty sixth rank Magical Beasts, and there are four seventh rank Magical Beasts. If you want to collect seven-star elixirs, let alone use them. Massacre, or at least hold them back.

This is a big move for Dongning Mansion, which requires a large number of powerful people in the Soul Realm. Dongning Mansion is looking for help. It can be said that it is looking for help from other sixth rank sects, but it is probably due to the mission issued by Mianzi Tuan.

The reward for this mission, the reward for each soul realm is: 50,000 Spirit Stones.

I have to say that Lin Fan is very interested in this task.

What kind of seven-star elixir is definitely worth something like 4.0 cents? He is very short of money now, and his Canglan Sect is also short of money.

Although he is only at the Heavenly Cave Realm Ninth Stage now, the Dongning Mansion team will have three days to set off even today. In three days, his strength will definitely reach the Divine Soul Realm.

There is also a mission order here, which means that people are still being recruited...

Hearing Lin Fan's words, Jiang Linglong sternly refused: "No, I won't allow you to go. You are also a Sect Master. It's impossible not to know that these tasks may seem like nothing, but they are actually full of murderous intent. Especially since we don't know anyone. , after entering the wild forest, whether to hunt Magical Beasts or to kill us to obtain treasures, no one can tell."

Hearing this, Lin Fan thought to himself: "This is so interesting!"

He patted Jiang Linglong on the shoulder and said: "Okay, okay, I won't go! With you, Mrs. Jiang, supporting me, I don't want to work hard anymore..."

With that said, he hugged Jiang Linglong and left, using Spirit Power with his other hand to put the mission token of the mission he was interested in into the Sect warehouse. .

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