From Subordinate Sect To God-Level Sect

Chapter 87 Heavenly Rank Martial Skill[45]

It's okay to get a mission order. It doesn't mean you have to go after you get the token.

There are several pieces in the mission basket. Dongning Mansion is casting a wide net. They are not stingy with Spirit Stones. One more person will make this kind of thing more certain. After all, they are facing a group of Magical Beasts.

Lin Fan believes that Dongning Mansion will accept him if he applies for the job. As long as he has the strength, they will definitely not reject him.

The Divine Soul Realm is only available in the sixth rank Sect. It is quite difficult to gather hundreds of Divine Soul Realms. It says that Dongning Mansion has been preparing for two months and is very confident. It means that Dongning Mansion has released this task for two months, until recently. Just got the manpower together.

The mission has not been withdrawn, probably because we hope that the more people there, the better.

Jiang Linglong didn't know his strength, so he wouldn't tell her anything like this to avoid worrying her. He didn't want Jiang Linglong to be worried about him. His woman only had to be responsible for her happiness.

Of course, I have to be responsible for relieving him from the pressure hahaha...

Lin Fan took Jiang Linglong to go shopping in Dongning City. This kind of shopping where a woman paid money didn't have any sense of was boring.

In the afternoon, Lin Fan contacted Huang Xianyi and asked her to come directly to Dongning City so that she no longer had to keep an eye on the Canglan Sect.

If the Great Zen Temple wants to establish the Canglan Sect, it will be useless for her to keep an eye on 01. On the contrary, it will put her in danger. If the Great Zen Temple sends a strong man like Zen Master Sleeping Dream, she might get into trouble.

Given Huang Xianyi's temperament, if something happened to someone from the Canglan Sect, she would not be able to turn a blind eye. This would put her in danger.

For the people she trusts, Lin Fan doesn't want her to be in danger, so coming here can help her guard Jiang Linglong.

The Canglan Sect was promoted to the eighth level Sect, and the recruitment of disciples went smoothly. The number of disciples was growing steadily. Not many people knew about the offense against the Great Zen Temple. People in Linsha County and the neighboring county probably didn't even know about the Great Zen Temple... …………

Sometimes it is good for people to be ignorant. Otherwise, if this happened, it would be troublesome if all the Canglan Sect disciples quit the sect with an order from the Great Zen Temple.

Jiang Linglong was always on tenterhooks and had no intention of playing. They would go back in the afternoon.

The two of them were in the room and didn't know what they were doing. Lin Fan could only find a topic to talk about: "Linglong, do you have the Martial Skill with you?"

He didn't just ask casually, but really wanted to get this Martial Skill from Jiang Linglong.

The main reason is that he has too few means. After entering the Heavenly Cave Realm, he found that the low level of Martial Skills, such as the Burning Sun Palm, were too restrictive, which was a bit useless for his current strength.

Martial Skill is like a computer game, and Lin Fan's Martial Dao Realm is like a computer configuration. Sun Palm is like a small game. It is interesting to play this small game only if the computer configuration is low.

But the computer configuration is high, and playing this kind of small game is equivalent to cooking chicken in a hurry.

Lin Fan's current strength cannot be used to his full strength even if he cultivates the Burning Sun Palm to the Realm.

The main reason is that he cannot be allowed to show his strength, which is very painful.

That's why this question arises.

Hearing this, Jiang Linglong said: "Bring it with you! I'm here with all three Martial Skills that I haven't mastered yet. Why do you want to learn them?"

Lin Fan said: "Yes, I want to learn, preferably a higher-level Martial Skill. In the battle with Zhu Liujie, I found that the power of the Martial Skill I used was not very good. Especially since I had no defense against the Martial Skill, this was a huge problem. Shortcomings.

So I wanted to ask if you have any more advanced Martial Skills. "

Jiang Linglong nodded and said: "Oh, of the three types I brought out, two are low-grade heaven-level Martial Skills, and there is one middle-grade heaven-level Martial Skill.

Among them, the defensive Martial Skill is the mid-grade heaven level.

Here you go. "

As she spoke, Jiang Linglong handed a Martial Skill volume to Lin Fan. There were more than twenty Martial Skill volumes.

Worthy of being from sixth rank Sect.

Lin Fan took the Martial Skill from Jiang Linglong and looked at it.

"Mid-grade heaven-level Martial Skill: Xuanming Armor."

It is a method of condensing Spirit Power into a battle armor. There are three volumes in total. The more the battle armor is condensed, the stronger it becomes.

This kind of Spirit Power armor can be condensed in advance, hidden under the skin of one's body, and can be summoned at any time during battle.

If it is shattered, you only need to mobilize Spirit Power to inject it, and it can be condensed quickly.

There are also some special ways to condense the powerful Spirit Power shield.

For example, to block Zhu Liujie's last move of breaking through the air yesterday, this kind of Spirit Power shield was needed.

Lin Fan looked at the Martial Skill in his hand. He felt so sleepy that he needed a pillow!

He was so excited that he picked up Jiang Linglong and spun her around.

Hmm, so soft...

Lin Fan turned around a few times before letting Jiang Linglong down, and said calmly and pretending to be excited: "Great, now I won't be afraid of Zhu Liujie when I meet him.

Hearing this, Jiang Linglong said angrily: "Wake up! Who do you think you are! This heaven-level Martial Skill is extremely complicated. It took me half a year to learn the basics, but now I can't even form a complete armor. "

As he spoke, a set of deformed yellow Spirit Power armor appeared on Jiang Linglong's body, which looked extremely funny.

Her upper body was covered by a yellow battle armor, but it was a bit torn, but it barely covered her clothes. It was on one arm, and one arm had no pants. She had red sleeves, and only half of her body covered her thighs, which looked like shorts. The red skirt underneath her is exposed…………

Is this the Xuanming Armor?

The twist is that Lin Fan was so funny that he couldn't help laughing out loud: "Hahahaha, are you a battle armor?"

"You, don't laugh. I'm already considered a talented person. Many people can't be like me in a year." Jiang Linglong said with a hint of arrogance that I am a genius.

"I don't laugh, my wife is the best," Lin Fan stopped... and said.

"Well, take it and study it carefully! If you don't understand anything, you can ask me and I can give you some pointers." Jiang Linglong said with a mentor's tone.

"Okay, I humbly ask you for advice," Lin Fan put the Martial Skill volume into the Sect warehouse.

As he spoke, Lin Fan clicked on the Sutra Pavilion to include it, and then clicked on Martial Skill inheritance.

Select Martial Skill: Xuanming Armor.

Choose the level of inheritance: return to nature.

Click 487 to confirm.

Martial Skill inheritance cooling time: 11 days.

Damn it, it takes eleven days to inherit the middle-level heavenly Martial Skill. The inheritance of Martial Skill actually takes eleven days...

Lin Fan secretly regretted his mistake!

Jiang Linglong also has two heaven-level Martial Skills!

However, he has completely mastered the Xuanming Armor just now, and has reached the realm of returning to nature...

He will soon be able to put together a suit of armor that is more beautiful than Jiang Linglong, but how can he attack his wife's lovely heart!

Jiang Linglong said with satisfaction at this time: "Good attitude, I will teach you well."

Hearing this, Lin Fan immediately made up his mind to go to her room in the evening to ask for advice. He was an opportunist and naturally couldn't let go of this opportunity.

Lin Fan said: "By the way, Linglong, can you also show me the other two Martial Skills in your hand? I'll see what I can learn first."

Jiang Linglong handed him the two Martial Skills without hesitation, showing no reservations to him. Lin Fan was quite moved...

He put both Martial Skills into the Sect warehouse. After collecting them in the Sutra Pavilion, he took out another one, read it, and returned it to Jiang Linglong after reading it.

Jiang Linglong knew how to practice in the room, and she asked Lin Fan to go back to the room to watch Martial Skill.

Lin Fan had no choice but to go back to the room.

After returning to her room, Lin Fan studied chess to pass the time until she received a message from Huang Xianyi in the afternoon.

"Sect Leader, I'm outside Dongning City."

ps: Chapter 5 may be late. .

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