From the Bird

Chapter 418: Worrying about the country, Li Zhenfu (two in one)

"Wang Sheng, we don't want to do this either, but Master Huang has spoken, and our company can't protect you."

Zuo Qianhu has a face.

Wang Sheng barely squeezed a smile: "Some brothers are working."

Zuo Qianhu froze coldly: "Offending Wang Fa, rebellious boss, who is brother to you."

Wang Sheng's eyelashes dropped and he didn't answer.

"The lock is tight! Take away!"

Left Chiho no mouth.

Some soldiers pulled the chains and waited for the left thousand households to go away. Then a young man whispered in Wang Sheng's ear: "Not everyone loves falling rocks. You and I are in the same team. For one thing, it doesn't hurt you to take a little offense, and it's worthy of the wine party you invited. "

Wang Sheng didn't look back, just whispered, "Thank you."

Numerous soldiers pressed Wang Sheng out of the front hall of the palace, and went straight to the backyard of a dry dragon and tiger soap.

Zuo Qianhu came forward immediately and rushed to Cao Du to hold his fist.

"Mr. Cao, my family according to Mr. Cha said that the matter of fox ghosts was fully responsible by Tianshidao. He was handed over to Mr. Cao along with the prisoner Wang Sheng, and the company was no longer interrogated. Mr. Zha also said that he would wait Follow him and help everyone who knocks on the door to kill the ghost and fox.


Cao Dujian was somewhat surprised. Just now, in the front room, according to the investigation, Master Huang's expression of protection for Wang Sheng of the hundred households was actually quite obvious.

As long as Wang Sheng was instructed and killed himself without knowing ghosts and foxes, there was no so-called crime of not being informed.

In addition, there is a supporter at the back of the door, and at best he was treated as a poor family member and suspended for months.

Cao Dujian didn't want to offend Shandong's Jiansimen with Bai, not to mention that Huang Long's background was edited by Hanlin Academy, but he didn't know if he entered the cabinet in the future. In this respect, he was not incompatible, so he opened an eye and closed Eyed it.

But now, listening to the meaning of Zuo Qianhu in front of him, is the boss trying to pick and choose, and doesn't want to care about Wang Sheng anymore?

After all, Cao Dujian has done many years of demon demon defense, and his experience is old.

He glanced at Wang Sheng with his eyebrows fastened, and glanced around at the siege or regret, or gloating, and combined with the orders under Huang Long, he knew most of it.

"Ha ha."

He came over and patted Wang Sheng's shoulder, and he seemed to be profoundly saying, "Love and righteousness."

Wang Sheng didn't speak.

Cao Dujian's face was cold: "But destiny and official law, can't tolerate your little affection!"

He ordered the left and right soldiers: "Press him down and go to the king's house."


"Master! Lord!"

Lei's kneeling in front of Huang Longzhi begged pitifully: "My son went into battle to kill the enemy at the age of fifteen. He has done great things! Even if the ghosts are fascinated, there is no such great crime. Adults are gracious! Adults are gracious! "

Huang Longzhi was shocked and angry. He pointed to the door: "Why don't I want to show grace? It's that evil barrier to die for! The dragon and tiger knocking on the door, there is no right to intervene in the door. The authority of Tianshidao is my province's punishment. Also be careful! Don't you want me to give up the black hat? Even your ghosts and foxes will keep you together, and I will ask the dragon and tiger to enter the gate to participate in a disturbance of the discipline.

Huang Longzhi's words were extremely important.

Lei's was just a crop woman, she had little knowledge, she only knew that the dragon and tiger were knocking on the door, but she could catch ghosts and kill monsters, but she did not expect her own son, who would be involved.

In this troubled field, Lei's sorrow and regret were a bit sane.

"Sir, I won't tell you, I won't tell you. Sir."

Lei understands that protecting his son from mating is the most important thing right now.

"If you don't say no, you won't do it? Go and ask that Cao Dujian promised not to promise!"

Seeing Lei's kneeling down, his tears were flowing, his grief almost passed out. After all, she is an old woman, and her forehead is broken at this moment, and her appearance is pitiful.

When Huang Long saw it, he had to sneer coldly: "Lou Laoen is deep, but it ’s a pity that the dripping water in front of the eaves is difficult to flow backwards. The parents’ hearts are fisting, and Wang Sheng actually said such things as "I am first me". . "

Talking, Huang Longzhi's face shook his head heavily: "Some things ca n’t be weighed on the scale without weighing two or two. No one can bear the burden for him because of this situation. My name is Zuo A thousand households pressed him to go to Wang's house, and when he went to His Majesty and Taiyi Pavilion in the future, he could deal with him for one or two. As for you, you have the work to persuade me, it is better to persuade your confused son!

Lei's was at a loss, Huang Long got up and left, leaving a sentence: "I can't help you, your mother and son take it for granted."


Longhu Zayi and his party, along with Wang Sheng, Zuo Qianhu and hundreds of other officers and soldiers, quickly arrived at the Jiaozi Alley in Chengnan. The owner of the cooked meat shop opposite Wang Zhai stretched his neck and looked around. To dispatch so many officers and soldiers, and seeing the red vest of the dragon and tiger knocking on the door again, he hurriedly narrowed his neck and closed the door to enter the door.

After turning around, a few white-bearded soap soldiers didn't know where they were going. Others blocked the alley exit and stood in front of Wang's house.

The door of Wang Zhai's house was closed, and Cao Dujian was about to go forward. After thinking about it, he took his steps again.

He pointed at Wang Sheng, whose hands were tied by chains, "You speak."

There were two soap soldiers pressing Wang Sheng near. Cao Dujian knocked on the door. No one answered, and he patted hard. Then Hu's voice came.

"Who's calling?"

Wang Sheng swallowed and did not speak.

Cao Dujian pulled his collar: "Your family presses you to excuse you, but I ca n’t ask you to draw this water in vain, and I honestly respond. In the future, I will open the side of the court, if not, I want you to eat go!"

Wang Sheng closed his eyes and meditated, and inside the door Hu said, "Who is it?"

"it's me."

Wang Sheng suddenly spoke.

"Hi! Who else am I to be? The door is not locked. What's your name! Who?"

Sudden Wang Sheng's eyes widened, his heels were crushed on the soap-serving boots behind him, and the whole person leaned against the nose of the other soap-serving and broke the locks of the two before facing the wooden door. Fluttering in the past, just listening to the thump, many soap wars only saw a dark shadow rolling over on the spot and disappeared.


Zuo Qianhu shouted with red eyes. He yelled at his throat, but he did it by himself, even more aggressive than the dragon and tiger battle behind him. The first one rushed in,

He rushed in, just seeing Wang Sheng's legs with his hands locked in the yard, and he rolled tightly on the ground. He didn't know how, but his hands were tied to his back and changed to his chest. The two eyes were opposite each other. Wang Shengming had his hands tied, but the momentum of the tiger came out. A fierce son slammed into the left Qianhu, and the left Qianhu was also trained. The opponent was tied with his hands again. , Buried body only had time to block with a blade. I only heard the chain and the blade crash. Zuo Qianhu couldn't bear the blackness in front of his eyes. Wang Sheng was already on his body, and his knee rammed between his legs, pulling one by one, causing a wrestling, and dropping the entire left Qianhu to the ground.

The back of the left Qianhu had a sore head and wanted to turn around, but the edge of his waist knife had already reached his neck.

Wang Sheng held the back of the knife in a very awkward posture, his hands pressed down, and his eyes were blood red: "You **** thousand households, just be able to bear this, I'm on the battlefield in Pyongyang, and I will kill ten of your swords!"

"Wang Baihu is so capable! Look here!"

An old voice came from the room, Wang Sheng looked up, but an unfamiliar old man came out of his inner room, wearing a red vest and holding a black little tripod stained with various rune papers, and the fox screamed from the black Fu Dingzhong came out.

Wang Sheng's knife went down for a few more minutes, and left Qian Qianhu screaming again and again.

"You have a bright future. Don't make mistakes."

The old man had several old spots on his face, and his eyebrows and hair were not much left. His voice had just fallen, and a white shadow popped out of the window and went straight to Wang Sheng. Unexpectedly, the old man pulled down on the black tripod. The yellow amulet was thrown at Bai Ying, and only a scream of a screaming woman was heard. The yellow amulet flew back with Bai Ying and fell straight into the black tripod.

Other dragon and tiger soap battles and other people waited for this to break in. Cao Du saw the old man and then clenched his fist: "Mr. Luo is not old."

As a national religion, Tianshi Taoism is in harmony with the state. Ordinary civil and military officials rank the tiger and tiger with arrogance. However, the humanization of Tianshidao uses rune paper, but there is no upper limit. The ability is high or low. It is practical experience.

Regardless of the number of big characters in Longhu Mountain, Tianshidao devolved many supervising officials in the two provinces and 13 provinces of Beijing, and there were not many first-hand witnesses.

When it comes to fighting, Tianshidao can fight the best, but it is the old soap soldiers who have for many years removed the magic guardian and exchanged their merits with merits.

For example, Zhang Shouhan, or the person in front of him.

The old man with a surname Luo shook his head: "I came in with amulets. Both the fox and the ghost have broken their magic practices, and they must have had internal fighting."

Cao Dujian snorted coldly: "Own the way to death."

Wang Sheng suddenly raised his head and said, "Mr. Luo, I let this person go, and you let my wife and daughter leave. Now that I have killed myself, if you refuse, I will just pull back."

After all, his knife has been embedded in the left Qianhu's neck.

"Don't, brother, brother Wang, we've had drinks anyway. You have a debt and a owner, you can't think of it."

Zuo Qianhu is incoherent, and he can't care less about life and death.

Cao Dujian cursed: "Are you stubborn?"

Luo Lao waved his hand to stop Cao Dujian's words and looked at Wang Sheng calmly: "Wang Baihu, I know you haven't said a half-spoof, but I haven't lied all my life."

In his hand, Hei Ding swore, and the woman's painful roar suddenly became fierce, and Hu's miserable scream heard Wang Sheng's eyes broken.

"You only kill people, and you have your own door to blame. Longhushan only knows how to remove the magic guard, and has never known human life."

Zuo Qianhu heard that his heart was cold, and he yelled, "Cao Dujian, Cao Dujian, you can't ignore me!"

Cao Dujian's face was as usual: "Zuo Qianhu, you seek state affairs and are hurt by sinners. I will report to the court to ask for your care. Please rest assured."

Zuo Qianhu heard his eyelids roll over and passed out.

Wang Sheng's face was like pig iron, and he could see nothing.

"Wang Baihu, I heard that this ghost you gave birth to for you, I have a fair opinion. In this case, do not hold people accountable, think for your child, throw the knife. "

Cao Dujian came here softly.

Wang Sheng only felt that there was a large ubiquitous net in front of him, and he netted himself in the middle, he couldn't split it, he couldn't bite, and it was irresistible. Suffocated, unable to move.

At that moment, a cry came from outside, and Lei's hurried home. At first glance, Wang Sheng was holding a sharp knife to fight against the dragon and tiger's door, only to feel that the sky had collapsed, and he could not speak, and his throat was hoarse, but He threw in front of Wang Sheng, crying hummingly.

This became the last straw to crush the camel.

When 啷 ~

The knife in Wang Sheng's hand fell to the ground, and the solitary courage and blood in his heart disintegrated and shattered in Lei's cry. He knelt on the ground, grabbing his head with his head, and two tears soaked from the corner of his eyes to the soil, his wide shoulders couldn't shake.

Zuo Qianhu opened his eyes sharply, crawling up to the ground and running towards the door. As for the matter here, he didn't want to mix any more.

"Stay in prison."

Cao Dujian shook his sleeves.

"Where did you receive it?"

"Nonsense, of course, we are the jailbreaker."

When Cao Dujian turned his head, he couldn't remember for a moment what his ignorant soap servant asked.

"That's not okay. You took all the ghosts and foxes away, which delayed the official's business. Was it the Jiaozhou Dragon Tiger Door?"

Cao Dujian suddenly recalled the master of this voice, and looked up in a horror.

A man with a box of crimson swords stood at the door, carrying several gift boxes in his hands.

Cao Dujian's tone was difficult: "Li Zhenfu, why are you here?"

Li Yan lost the gift box and walked to the yard while saying, "Da Ning Wei Zuozhen touched Li Yan and ordered the emperor to send the flag. The clinker was daring and the thief murdered the society. He stole my dragon and tiger flag "All prisoners involved in this case will not be taken until I find the flag."

Wang Sheng was already groggy. He heard these conversations and was awake.

He felt his legs kicked.

Li Yan looked down at him: "Stand up."

Wang Sheng trembled and supported his shoulders, his lips were cracked and he couldn't keep them open and closed.

Li Yan glared at him for a while, then exhaled, and his tone eased a little: "Let's go."

Cao Dujian frowned, and with this sentence, Li Yan's position was clearly revealed.

He took a step forward: "Li Zhenfu, my Longhu Mountain's yamen is the third company and the nine Qings, and you must not ask, are you overstepping your authority ?!"

Li Yan did not budge: "What do you eat your ears? I couldn't hear you just now. You said that you must not ask questions, but what I did was not your errand on the mountain. Is it a folk ghost? The case is important, or is the case where the Dragon Tiger Banner you ordered to be recovered by the Master Tianhu Mountain personally lost ?! "

Cao Dujian was not fooled: "You are still carrying a gift box! You are clearly visiting Wang Sheng! Where is the big case where the flag was lost?"

"Who told you that it was a gift box? Wang Sheng is my old ministry. I suspect he stole the flag. This is the gift he got when he came to the door. It is a criminal evidence!"

Li Yan's eyes widened, and the momentum was stunned.


Cao Dujian was speechless for a moment.

Luo Lao suddenly said: "Zheng Fu, you have an imperial life, you are even more responsible for Ke Zhongdu! Guo Dujian's case has been passed through the dragon and tiger gates of the 13 provinces. When you come to the door, do n’t forget, if you really lost the Dragon Tiger Banner, you also have to take responsibility. Besides, when you send the Dragon Tiger Banner to Tianshi Tao, and you unload this errand, you also It ’s just a five-grade Zuo Sizhen Fu, do you really want to embarrass Longshi Mountain Heavenly Master? ”

"When will I be in trouble with Heavenly Master? I am wearing a dragon and tiger flag and am worried about the state. What is not official?"

Li Yan said loudly: "Two hundred and thirteen provinces, one hundred eighty-eight flags, escorted more than three hundred soldiers. Now they are unknown, and half of them have been killed. In spite of their difficulties, I am agitated. There is the possibility of killing, but I never go forward, I dare not shirk away. I eat and sleep on the way, how many injuries I suffered, how much pain I suffered, I knocked my teeth and swallowed my stomach, I was wronged, I never talked to anyone. "

He walked to Luo Lao, took off the flag behind him, and stood in front of him: "You say, cold my heart."

I like to start collecting birds from your collection: ( From the time of getting birds, the literature is updated the fastest.

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