From the Bird

Chapter 419: Sun Delong

"Zhenfu spokesman lost the flag, what is in this sword box?"

After thinking for a long time, the old man named Luo asked.

"I only lost one of the fourteen flags of Liaodong. There are thirteen in the sword box."

"I want to check it out, can I?"

"No, those who move flags die."

The old man named Luo was silent, but he stared at Li Yan's eyes coldly.

It took a long time for him to say arbitrarily, "If, on the basis of official business, you can comfort the adults if they lose their flags and live up to the emperor's grace, they should be taken into custody and guarded by me."

Li Yan smiled without surprise: "What did you just say, intentionally stop me from getting back the Dragon Tiger Banner?"

Tianshidao's dragon and tiger soap battles have few dexterous teeth and Mingzhe's smart wrists. They only need to make a sharp enough trowel.

Don't see Li Yan now unreasonably disturbing the three-pointer. He has always used the sword with no sheath to hide.

In a few words, the smell of gunpowder in the words of the sword and the sword was as strong as the substance.


Seeing that the atmosphere was not right, Cao Dujian came up with a dry cough: "Mr. Luo is just a joke, and the grown-ups need not care."

The old man with a surname Luo glanced at Cao Dujian dissatisfied. When he saw the latter shaking his head gently, he had to sneer and stopped talking.

Cao Dujian smiled bitterly, why didn't he hate Li Yan's unreasonable arrogance and treacherousness,

But at least today, Long Hu was not able to restrain Li Yan.

The situation is not forgiving. Today, one hundred and eight flags are delivered to Tianshidao safely. How can the government itself block the flag guards?

As long as Li Yan killed her, all she did was **** the flag. As long as he is not "outrageously murderous and complicity", whatever he does is a mess. The prefectures of Yinzhou County, the prefectures, must be indifferent to each other. The dragon and tigers must be held accountable to Li Yan, and they must wait until his escorting of the flags is completed before liquidation.

Thinking of this, Cao Dujian smiled softly: "According to Li Zhenfu, was Wang Sheng stealing your banner?"

"I'm not sure who it is. I only know that it must be related to the Wang Sheng family."

Li Yan didn't say a word.

Cao Dujian's face was stink, but he was patient, and said, "It's easy to do. Right now, Wang Sheng's family is here. It's all about asking for confessions. As a local supervisor, I can take the initiative and talk with you about the flags. Those involved in the case can be taken away by the adult to calm him down, but those who have nothing to do with the flag case must be taken into custody by the Longhu Gate. "

"There's a bit of truth, let's ask the case."

Li Yangang was about to speak, and Cao Dujian was the first to say: "In the Wang Sheng family, there are fox ghosts. According to the law of the Ming Dynasty, dragons and tigers knock at the gate to control all demons to engage in. It should be my case."

Li Yan shook his head and said, "It involves dragon and tiger flags, and the flag guards have the right to engage cheaply, not to mention that I am the fifth grade, and you are the nine grades. I should ask the case."

Cao Dujian didn't let up. "I've forgotten to calm down the adults. Since becoming an ancestor, the military commander has been restrained by the civil servants. You have not been able to control the five ranks."

"It's a joke, dare to ask Cao Dujian what year is the jinshi? Chengzu regulates civil servants and moderators. Jiudu Capital, a Taoist priest, is one grade lower than that of Dianshi County. Which civil official is it?"

Li Yan didn't want to let it go.

Supervising Cao Du's anger, he yelled, "Zheng Fu, you want someone from my hand, you can't say nothing at all!"

Li Yan stretched a face: "Okay, it's your question!"

As a result, Li Yan took a deep look at Wang Sheng: "Wang Sheng, stealing flags is a felony, and my official is only skeptical of you. What's the truth, you have to think about it word by word. What's wrong, my official also Can't save you. "

Afterwards, he stared at Cao Luo's eyes and walked aside.

Cao Dujian turned his head and asked sharply, "Wang Sheng, have you stolen the dragon and tiger banner escorted by Li Zhenfu?"

After listening for so long, Wang Sheng had a plan in mind.

"Back to the prison, I never stole the flag."

Cao Dujian narrowed his eyes: "So, the loss of the flag is nothing to do with your home?"

"No. I have seen my wife and my wife play a strange thing, like a flag."

Wang Sheng answered.

The old man named Luo suddenly took the lead: "What is the look of that flag?"

Wang Sheng didn't panic: "It's too dark, I didn't see it clearly, I only knew that it wasn't like my family's affairs, and asked my wife and concubine, only that it was hit in a jade shop."

The old man surnamed Luo gritted his teeth, but was helpless.


Cao Du breathed a sigh of relief: "Since Wang Sheng said in a voice that he had seen the banner in the hands of the fox ghost. Mr. Luo Lao, first handed the captured fox ghost to Li Zhenfu for disposal."

Li Yan listened and stepped forward to the old man named Luo and stretched out his hand.

The old man named Luo was unwilling, but there was nothing he could do. He posted a Zhu Zifu sign on Hei Ding, and passed the little Ding to Li Yan.

"Mr. Luo knows the righteousness, and Li admires it."

Li Yan took it honestly.

"Okay, now that Zhenfu's business is over, please ask Zhenfu one step ahead, and Mo will not interfere with Longhu's case."

Cao Dujian said coldly.

Li Yan turned back and asked him: "Fox ghosts are gone, what case are you handling?"

Cao Dujian pointed at Wang Sheng: "As a prince, a hundred households of Wang Sheng, as the life official, knowing the demon without making a report, live up to the emperor's grace, according to law, they must be responsible for 80, and exile for three thousand miles."

"How do you know that Wang Sheng knew the monsters without reporting?"

"He admits it."

Li Yanhong's mouth was white, but she had no reason to spare: "Wang Sheng is standing here, why not ask Cao Dujian to face me again?"

Cao Dujian twitched his face a bit: "Zhen Fu adults mean today, Hu's Chua Wang Sheng, I can't even move today?"

Li Yan held the black tripod and his tone sank: "What if I say yes?"

"Li Zhenfu! You and I are both my officials, and I will give you the full face." Cao Dujian finally couldn't bear it: "But how can you really treat me like a dragon and tiger?"

A crowd of dragon and tiger soldiers stepped forward, aggressive.

Cao Dujian felt that Li Yan was simply a lunatic.

The court always has a set of customary rules when it comes to doing things. It is necessary to talk about human relations, face, and legal principles. Huang Longzhi wants to protect Wang Sheng, and he must first cover his shame under the guise of "uninformed".

However, Li Zhenfu only relied on a few dragon and tiger flags, and actually he was going to poke the face of the dragon and tiger and pierce a few big holes.

A Wupin Zuo Si Zhenfu, how dare he take the name of the "Dragon Tiger Banner", one after the other in order to master the tiger's beard.

How dare he be so reckless? What will he do in the future?

Wang Sheng seemed to be opening his mouth to say something, only to make Li Yan glance, and finally he had to swallow the words.

Li Yan looked around and calmed down: "When it comes to this, I don't have to go around the circle with Cao Du anymore. There are some words that come out of my mouth, get in your ears, out of this door, I don't recognize me Said. "

After all, he was actually grand and handed Heidi to Wang Sheng's hands!

Li Yan addressed the crowd at the entrance of Longhu: "Lee dared to ask, Cao Dujian came to the door today, relying on jurisprudence, is it a human being, or a face?"

Cao Dujian sneered: "Dharma, worldly, face. Which one does not take possession of the dragon and tiger?"

Li Yan replied: "If it is jurisprudence, the government will always have a bitter master to handle the case. I just want to ask, who is the bitter master in this case?"

"It's Wang Sheng's mother Lei's. He beat the drums and grieved."

Li Yan looked at the old woman aside.

Lei's clinker fell to the prisoner of Cao and fell on his knees again and again: "Master Cao, the woman is confused, and the woman will not sue, and the woman will not dare to sue."

Cao Dujian was furious: "Miscellaneous accounts, is this what you tell or tell, or not tell."

Li Yan interrupted him: "Then there is no suffering master! It is not relying on jurisprudence to handle the case. It depends on human circumstances, the fox ghosts kill people, the Wangs' family is still safe and prosperous, and the dragon and tiger enter the door, but the family is broken and his wife is scattered. Human nature? And if you rely on your face ... "

Li Yan Shen Shen made a sigh: "Not many brothers have a life-long friendship with me, and there are even fewer left in the world. Li understands that I can keep the Wang family for a day, but I can't protect them for a lifetime. I'm in trouble. I can't protect his family. I'm a calf, I'm unreasonable, I think. Today I am hurting the face of your Cao Dujian, even if it hurts the face of the dragon tiger and the door. In the face of Heavenly Masters, please also calculate this account of Cao Dujian on my head, Li Yan. Cao Dujian can now write my impeachment, what's the matter, I will bear it. Just Stop embarrassing my little brother, just be ... "

Li Yan looked at many dragon and tiger soap battles: "Just as if I rubbed the **** of that Shouhan's butt. Of course, Cao Dujian can deny it, then I can only insist, I lost the dragon and tiger flag , To take the Wang family back to investigate. I wonder how Cao Du's supervision? "


Cao Dujian silent for a long time before he snorted: "Li Zhen is fine-grained. I waited for the case to be dealt with impartially, and in your mouth it became a cruel bully who oppressed the good."

Li Yanbaoquan responded: "The people's heart is like iron but not iron, and their official methods are like a furnace. They are blindfolded, and they only know their grudges and hatred. Where can they experience the difficulty of maintaining the national weapon, today, Mr. Li was jailed for embarrassment. . "

Cao Dujian pointed at Li Yan: "You wait for me to participate in your discount!"

After all, he turned around and left, and when you look at me, I look at you, and follow Cao Du's prison.

Just after Li Yan was relieved, he was going to take the Zhu Hong sword box standing in the courtyard. The old man named Luo who had already left the door suddenly stood and used his hand to find the solution. Suddenly a red flame burst out, Wang was too late to react, but that red flame had been picked up by Li Yan.


Li Yan held the flame and slammed into the red sword box, slamming the sound of water vapor burst, and the red flame was annihilated.

Li Yan looked at his blistered right hand again, took a sip and turned away from the door!

"Luo old!"

Cao Dujian felt unusual fluctuations in spirit, and it was too late to drink.

Turning out of the door, Li Yan rushed to the old man named Luo, and his right hand soaked in water held the old man's neck like a straw, and lifted him into the air against the wall.

"Li Zhenfu!"

Cao Dujian raised his hand to stop Li Yan.

Li Yan's five senses were astonished, and Senran's murderousness washed the earth like a wave.

He turned to look at a dry dragon tiger, with bright, torch-like golden pupils in his eyes. The majestic pressure made dozens of dragons and tigers present without the courage to pinch the runes.

The tremendous pressure made Cao Dujian unable to say a half sentence, and he was surprised. Why did the talented Zuo Si Zhenfu protect the dragon and tiger banner all the way, and what was the result of the resentment on the Bohai Sea? Five immortals outside the customs ...


Li Yan's complexion suddenly changed from anger to laughter. For a moment, like a spring breeze, the iron-clad pressure just now vanished.

Holding the old man's neck by his hand, he threw him back into the soap, and laughed: "The people in Cao Dujian like to make jokes, and I'm not a kid who can't make fun of them. I just use my strength and can't get excited. But Don't have another time. "

There was a young soap soldier who helped the old man named Luo, but Luo old looked like dripping blood, could not breathe out, could not breathe in, and wanted to shock the past.

Cao Dujian was annoyed. He faced Li Yan and resentfully said: "Li Zhenfu is worthy of the reincarnated name of Wu Qu Xingjun, but there is a mountain outside the mountain, and the matter of the fox and ghost is uncontested. I will go to the city in the future. Sun Delong came to Jiaozhou, I will come to visit you. "

He supported Luo Lao and covered his sleeves, "Go."

Li Yan didn't care about Cao Dujian's Sun Delong. He stared at Cao Dujian's person and left, and turned into the door of Wang Zhai's house, only to see Wang Sheng kneeling and begging, Lei's just Cry, unwilling to answer.

The little black tripod fell to the ground, and the rune papers on it were torn clean. Cai and Hu were on their knees, and couldn't say a word.

Li Yan came in and everyone looked at him.

"People from Fangcai's family were present, and there were many inconveniences. Later Li Yan, met Mrs. Wang."

Li Yanchong's Wang bowed deeply.

"The adult did not break the woman, the adult saved my family, and the woman gave the adult a haircut."

After all, Lei's still knew who had avoided the disaster of his own family. How dare I let Li Yan see her, she fell to her knees, and Wang Sheng knelt after him. Li Yan held Lei's arm up and asked. : "So far, what does the old lady think?"

Lei's head hurriedly shook his head: "The ignorance of the people, please show your lord."

Li Yan smiled before thinking about saying: "Well, everything is happy."

Ray stunned, then only bowed his head and said nothing.

Seeing this, Li Yan said, "Old lady, can I pull them out and say a few words?"

Lei looked at Hu's Cai with a low eyebrow, and nodded in horror.

Li Yan glanced at Wang Sheng and walked out of the door. Wang Sheng drew three heads from Lei's before coming out with Li Yan.

"Sir. I'm implicated in you."

Wang Sheng was discouraged.

"I said, you listen."

Li Yan looked at their three wives.

"Despite the orders of the adults, they will never shirk their duties when they go to the fire."

"Don't talk about that lightly." Li Yan cursed before asking: "I forced you to ask you that day, but you don't tell the truth, you really like your wife and concubine, even if she is a fox ghost.

Hu's Cai's tears lingered, and Wang Sheng nodded silently.

"Well, listen, now you immediately write the crime of sin, you will have to resign your court to the court, and then you will rush back to your hometown in Tongzhou and wait for the bureau to write back."


"How to set up your wife and sister-in-law, think about it yourself, and how to soothe your sixty-year-old mother, think for yourself!"


Li Yan looked at Cai again: "Do you remember me?"

Tsai nodded quickly: "Minor women dare not forget to calm down adults."

"The elder sister you recognized in Sheshan is the Sheshan girl. Has she ever come to you?"

Tsai stunned, then shook his head: "Never."

"Well, I don't say much next to me. You two now know that your husband has an old boss like me. What hurts you to think carefully and put it away early, otherwise, don't say it unpredictably. . "

Li Yan was talking about two people, but stared at Hu.

Hu's mouth flattened: "Family women are sincere and want to live with Shenglang."

"That's fine."

Li Yan spread a word.

"Sir." Hu said, looking up: "Sir, Li Zhenfu, who was in the Bohai Sea a few days ago?"

"Yes, where are you staying?"

Hu said, "The civilian woman is a wild fox in Heilugang, Jiaozhou. A few days ago, I heard the grandfather's puppet. A young ancestor came from Jiaozhou. It was the Hu family outside the customs. The woman thought , May have something to do with you. "

"What is his name?"

"Hu Sansheng."

Li Yan hooked his mouth: "I see, you have the heart, get up."

"Sir." Hu's still unable to afford.

"And how?"

"I beg the Lord to help people to the end, send the Buddha to the West, and save my family's life."

I like to start collecting birds from your collection: ( From the time of getting birds, the literature is updated the fastest.

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