From the Bird

Chapter 429: God talk

Cao Dujian took a peek at Sun Delong's face, but found that his frowns were locked, and it seemed that something was wrong.

"Brother, who is this man?"

Cao Dujian asked carefully, he knew that his brother had the magical power to discern people, and no monster or monster could escape his law.

"Spiritual fetuses, mud in broken temples."

Sun Delong responded, and suddenly said to Cao Dujian: "It seems that Li Zhenfu has some means to interact with such people."

On the boat closure, Li Yan called the man on board and invited the guests to the inner room.

Qin Chengyi came in and met Li Yan face to face. The two were not in a hurry, embarrassed each other according to the etiquette, but kept looking at each other.

"With both blood and blood, two thousand magical powers are born. No wonder Huang Jiuya is not an opponent."

Qin Chengxi read it. He stayed in the eyes of Zhu Hong's sword box behind Li Yan for a long time.

As for Li Yan, it is much simpler.

A glimpse of Hong

【Qin Chenghuan】

A long-distanced intellect born from the incense of a commendable minister, because of his weird character and no one to worship and serve the incense, has reached the edge of extinction, but the spiritual knowledge still contains a terrible power beyond imagination.

Category: Wild God

Comprehensive evaluation: the peak of eight poles

Li Yan fisted his fist and did not rush to speak.

"The person who asked you for gold that day is my godson. I have few days and want to save money to live with him, only to find you." Qin Chengxi said, "Of course, I didn't take it for nothing. For your money, I got rid of a tangled lawsuit for you, except that the principal culprit, Hu Sanxing, escaped, and I couldn't prove to you that you have the right to listen to my nonsense, and I can do nothing about it. "

Unexpectedly, Li Yan said, "That day I came out of Huixianju, and I didn't see the guards and long followers on the stairs. I asked Mr. Chen, who was nearby, but he said he saw him, and he was on the stairs when he went out. Standing on top. I believe that I remember correctly, and I believe that Mr. Chen will not remember correctly. At that time, I felt bad. The news came the next day that Chai Xuan had hysteria and was slurred. I knew there was something wrong with it. Someone made a clearance for me. "

Having said that, Li Yan deeply saluted: "Thank you for your help.

"You believe me." Qin Chengxi stared at Li Yan, his complexion suddenly became complicated: "Li Zhenfu ... what do you think of today? I want to hear the true words of Master Zhenfu."

Li Yan heard this, but frowned.

Qin Cheng lost his head for a while, then nodded: "It's my words, you are, after all, a human official. Then I talk, Li Zhenfu feels bad to answer, just listen."

Before Li Yan answered, Qin Chengxi said, "Since I was born, I have been called a city god. Word of mouth, the county magistrate, is the local official enshrined by the emperor on earth, and the city emperor is the jade emperor of heaven. Local officials are for the benefit of the people and protect the peace of one side. I used to believe that it was true. But I was born for nearly a thousand years, and I only saw the emperor of the earth who was violently conquering and seeking; .The most hateful is the Li people who burn incense and worship the Buddha. They did not teach me punishment and punishment. They only hate that they are not power, not expensive. "

His bronzed skin exudes a metallic luster: "I wonder, too, where is the jade emperor who sealed me? Where is the Ling Xiao Bao Dian in the thirty-three heavens? There is really the emperor emperor? If there is such a heavenly god, why would he not go down? The will, the will to call me this city in the lower bounds, to slay all the wicked, treacherous, and stupid people in the world? Later I realized ... People admonish people to respect the sky, but in the eyes of the sky, there is no one. "

Qin Chengxuan looked at Li Yan with intricate glances: "What do the adults think?"

Li Yan stared at Qin Chengxuan's face, groaning for a while, his eyes moved for a long time.

As for Qin Chengxi's question, he just shook his head and disapproved: "If you are up to death, He Lao sighs. But if you know what is good, you don't have to ask for a future. If you go to Bingsu in winter, you will be born in spring. Please watch it The heavens are clear. "

Qin Chengxuan blinked: "I saw Feng Dao, the author of this poem with my own eyes, and I was sick of him."

Li Yan smiled: "I didn't like it when I was young, and later I was born to death. Now I am regarded as Guiquan."

"Hahahahaha ~"

Qin Chengxuan showed his first smile when he saw Li Yanlai: "The adults are willing to take heart and lungs, even if the truth is not what I want, I am happy."

Li Yan also said, "I had a lot of things that I couldn't figure out and couldn't understand before. After hearing what you said today, I probably realized that and felt ashamed."

He no longer refers to the other person as the Lord of the City.

"Adults have wiseness and have their own priorities to do. I do n’t have much entanglement. On that day, I wo n’t be fragrant by you. I ’m distinguished and indifferent. If you have questions, you might as well ask me now, I Know everything and speak endlessly. "

Li Yan listened and pondered for a while before whispering, "What do you think of today's ethics?"

"As high as the mountains and the sea, the numbers are like stars and rivers, unfathomable."


Li Yan obviously didn't like the answer very much, and he said again, "Such a master of heaven, hasn't it been burned by a demon?"

"Then the demon is as tall as a mountain and a sea, and counts like a galaxy, unfathomable."

Qin Chengjiu did not hesitate.

Li Yan sneered: "So, I got involved in the battle of the Dragon Tiger Banner, that is, the ants are shaking the tree, can't do anything about it?"

"After all, opinions are what you want."

Qin Chengxi closed his eyes.


On the pier, a group of deadly tigers waited a little irritably.

"Why not come out?"

Cao Dujian asked a little irritably.

"Urgent is useless."

Sun Delong looked at the sea and suddenly moved: "What's that?"

He pointed to the sea. Twenty or so warships were tied to huge twine with the thickness of a fist, and several iron chains were mixed in. He drove to the dock by the force of an oar.

Hundreds of officers and soldiers on the ship were hitting the red ridge, swinging huge paddles in sweat, and pulling behind the ship was a large group of black bodies floating on the sea.

Cao Du oversaw for a few moments, hesitantly said, "This should be the poisonous corpses left by the officers and men in the Bohai Sea that day when they were salvaged. They said there were nine in all. The salvation to this day is the last sentence."

Sun Delong stepped into the water silently, the dragonflies jumped in the water, and rippled, and soon stepped on the demon corpse.

Seeing the demon body like a small hill, Sun Delong's fist was extremely tight. He slammed a yellow rune paper onto the demon body, but the rune paper was immediately corroded into black fly ash.

"Death is dead, and Qi Qi is so heavy, it is indeed Huang Jiuya, one of the three demons in the hidden world."

With a sigh in his heart, Sun Delong leaped at sea and turned back to the pier.

"Brother, where is this going?"

"Without it, look forward to the glory of the great demon."

Sun Delong took Cao Dujian's sleeve with a serious look: "Which one was sent to kill Huang Jiuya by Dragon Tiger Mountain? Did the little master and uncle take the shot?"

"Um, Longhu Mountain, people didn't come."

Cao Dujian didn't dare to say too much.

"Who killed Huang Jiuya! You said it!"

Sun Delong stared.

"My brother has been a monster outside for many years, and the news of the official residence is a little backward. He killed Huang Jiuya on the Bohai Sea ..." Cao Dujian bit his teeth: "It is Li Zhenfu we will see today."

Suddenly, Sun Delong bowed his head.

Cao Dujian opened his mouth like fried beans: "Although Huang Jiuya has a little name, I haven't been pushed by my heavenly Taoism to dare to enter the barrier. Brothers and sisters, you have praised many practitioners and praised you even more. Talented and supernatural, may not be Huang Jiujia's opponent, even a small military attache ... "

"To shut up!"

Sun Delong was furious.

At this moment, Li Yan sent Qin Cheng to disembark, and the two talked happily.

"What I said today with Mr. Qin made me understand a lot of secret things, and I really don't know how to repay Mr. Qin."

Qin Chengxuan also responded: "I also untie the knot and can die with peace of mind."

After all, Qin Chengxi stepped out of the boat and greeted Jia Liu, who was waiting in place, and they left.

Li Yan watched the two leave and turned to look at Sun Delong.

"Presumably, this is the Sun Delong mentioned by Cao Dujian that day, is Sun Daochang right? I don't know what Sun Daochang came to today. What's your opinion?"

Sun Delong looked at Li Yan and seemed to confirm what he was doing. The purple color on his face rose up like a cloud, and finally fixed.

Li Yan stared at him, wondering what the man was thinking.

About ten or more breathing hours, Sun Delong sighed longly: "The Governor of Shandong Province is not good at protecting the flag. I chased back the dragon and tiger banner they lost. I will hand it over to Li Zhenfu today. Send the Dragon Tiger Banner to Tianshidao as soon as possible to solve the crisis of the society. "

Having said that, he took out a golden flag and held both hands in front of Li Yan.

Li Yan took the banner and looked up and down, it is true that the dragon and tiger banner is true, or he killed the monster too much, and all turned golden.

"Are you not going to blame the ghost fox?"

"His politics is boring, his people are honest; his political inspection, his people are lacking. In the past, I watched the sky from a well."

After Sun Delong turned and left, Cao Dujian stomped and led a crowd of soap soldiers to follow.

Li Yan ignored it. He opened the sword box and put in this flagless banner.

It happened that Cha Xiaodao also ended the exchange with Chen Yuewu and came out.

"what happened?"

"Who knows, maybe Dragon Tiger Mountain also has a lighthearted and flexible Taoist priest."

After Li Yan said something, he thought of something like: "Call Xiao Cao back, and we will start immediately."

I like to start collecting birds from your collection: ( From the time of getting birds, the literature is updated the fastest.

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