From the Bird

Chapter 430: Go to sea

Longhu Mountain, Tianmen Peak.

The smell of oil and wax lingering around the mountain for a long time just faded away, and the golden light of the mountains and mountains in the past finally faded, revealing the true colors of the mountain rocks.

Sporadic and faint chanting sounds occasionally came from the foot of the mountain.

On the path up the mountain, black paper cranes are often seen, and they are attached to the seams and branches on the branches, sometimes fluttering paper wings, or jumping around, lazy. Rare black paper cranes resemble the past, dancing day and night like a black storm, posing the terrible energy of attending to everything.

"Ha ~~."

An orthodox mage in red yawned halfway, hurriedly covering his mouth, seeing that the priests around him were not aware, he was relieved, rubbed his tired and swollen eyes in private, and picked up the side Golden mallet. Knock the law again.

The mountain spirit at the top of Tianmen Peak has been at peace. Except eating the fast food delivered by Longhu Mountain daily, reading a book to relieve boredom, there is no movement.

However, on the Tianmen Peak, hundreds of merit masters divided into two classes of dragon and tiger runes, but did not dare to relax in the slightest.

Now three months have passed. Thirty-six word guardians and 108 orthographers under Tianmen Peak have a total of 144 dragon and tiger priests in two classes, but they can't bear the trouble.

The tallow treasure candles over the mountains were burned out, and ten miles of purple gold merit clouds drifted away, and even the Dan Zhihe driven by dragon and tiger gas was almost flying. These are the key treasures to suppress the sky demon. What's more, these physical bodies in Longhu Mountain?

But there is one person who is very energetic.

"Oh hey--oh hey, tick--ah hey."

The immature children's voices spread far and wide, and many Taoist priests heard and shook their spirits.

A snow-white-red-crowned crane with a height of more than half a foot, opened two claws, spread its wings, and shouted at the Taoists.

It had a food container on its neck and a young boy of thirteen or fourteen years old carrying a book bag.

The boy clenched his crane's slender neck with both arms, and sang and sang Shan Liuzi in his mouth, looking excited. The small body swings up and down with the running crane, like a weed being blown by the wind.

The Taoists were horrified, and many Taoist priests on the outskirts raised their hands again and again: "Shou Yi Shidi (Shi Shu), Shou Yi Shi (Shi Shu). Come down! Come down!"

Hearing, letting go, he got together, hit a dozen meters high on the grassy slope, rolled down, hit a tree stump, and happened to stop in front of many dragon and tiger priests. A lot of grass root dust was stained on the precious purple robe.

The crane followed him down the grassy slope. The bird seemed to have spirituality. It used its head to slap on the ground, and flapped its wings to make a howl.

Slightly --- slightly

"Oh ~"

I sat up, rubbed my head, and it looked fine.

"Shou Yishi, you are going to scare us."

A Dragon Tiger Taoist sighed with relief.

I flattened my robe first. Many of the dragon and tiger priests Shi Cairan in Cai Chong's Rune salute, saying plainly: "All your brothers and siblings have worked hard. I am instructed by his elders to go up the mountain to deliver fast food."

"Okay, you go."

A two-faced priest nodded kindly. ,

Hearing, he picked a food container from the neck of Xianhe, straightened his book bag on his chest, and hummed the mountain tone to go forward, and the other dragon and tiger priests watched him leave.

On the Tianmen Peak, there were originally more than a thousand precious fragrant Nanmu trees, and the giant roots would be held by three or four people, but in April, the green fire demon was burned. These Nanmu trees were burned to ashes, and the clear fragrance lingered the entire Tianmen The peaks last for several days, but to this day, the entire Tianmen Peak is still bare, and it is no longer beautiful.

On the top of the cliff was a beautiful woman in barefoot Tsing Yi, with several stacks of books on hand. These books were more annotated in the beginning, and later, most of them were boudoir novels such as "Pearl of the Pearl", Or is it a strange story like "Dongyang Night Strange Record".

There is a "Zhongshan Poetry" on her knee, two slender fingers teasing the black paper crane's neck around her, her white feet are under the rays of light and clouds, like ink painting, beautiful.

I got up the mountain, humming in my mouth, "La la la, la la la black cat catches the head ~"

When the woman heard the singing voice, she turned her head and blinked Shui Lingling's eyes, and the whole person was alive immediately.

朏 胐 Opened the two-tier food box, and served the dishes one by one, still braving the heat.

"Today I ate fried noodles, mixed sesame oil with sesame oil, chopped scallops with monkey head, and tofu with gossip. This is a famous product on the mountain, always tasted by Wang Guigui. There is also a pot of purple jade pulp (wine).

Dan Niang thanked her, and she took Mo's hand-picked Moyu chopsticks, her eyes flickered and she pulled a few times on several delicate porcelain dishes. She didn't have an appetite.

In the end, she only chopped a few chopsticks with cabbage and reeds, and she did not move.

"Why not eat?"

Dan Niang was a little embarrassed, but still said with shame: "I can't eat some of today's dishes."

"What? How?" Monk Zhangzhuang was puzzled. "Isn't I accustomed to eating, then I'll ask the rear chef to change it."

"I added eggs to the fried noodles. This tofu contains fish, shrimp, field snails, and donkey and mutton. I can't eat these."

I didn't feel anything: "Just write it down, next time you call the kitchen to change it."

"And ..." Dan Niang looked up and added: "The chef of Guidao especially likes to have a chanterelle before serving, can you tell him not to add it. Besides, I like rice candy the last time eat……"

Dan Niang said more and more quietly.

Maybe she also feels that her picky food is too abrupt, and her face is red when she says these things.

"Write it down, write it down." Suddenly asked, "Do n’t you eat tadpoles?"

Dan Niang shook her head. These days, she has become familiar with the uncle, and she speaks very well: "I used to eat uncle, but I ate less. But ..."

He has a palm, there is a black moon wheel, and a black little tripod.

"Since I have suffered from the actions of others, I feel sick and nauseous with a little oil. In fact, I have a headache of another kind. In fact, I have a headache myself. He always thinks I don't put oil and salt."

朏 胐 looked up: "What?"

Dan Niang blinked and smiled at him: "Nothing."

He didn't care. Masters and brothers used to talk to themselves like this, and he had long been accustomed to it.

Unpacking the book bag, mumbled and said, "The second half of the" Yu Yi Biography "you asked for was sold out in the bookstore, and I only searched for new stories. You have a look."

"Sold out? The two bookstores of Kuaijiege and Dahuang Grottoes are sold out? When was it new?"

Dan Niang's disappointment is beyond words.

I lifted a book over my head, handed it to Dan Niang, and said in my mouth, "Look at this and look at this. This is also the story of the dragon girl and the scholar in love."

Dan Niang took it. She didn't care much about it, but saw a booklet sandwiched between the two books. The bibliography was "Zha Li Bo Hai Dou Wu Xian", which immediately caught her eyes.

She opened the contents of the booklet and read it with a rapture.

She sat aside, tilted her head, and happened to see Dan Niang's skirt underneath, pressing a fuchsia scripture, and a fist-sized square seal.

These two things look unattractive, but they are actually two of the treasures inherited from the gate of Longhu Mountain, three and five merit merits, and the Taiping Cave Extreme Sutra, and the thousand-year heritage of Longhu Mountain are related to these treasures .

"Woo ~"

He spit out his tongue, slap his palms up on the rocks, and **** went a little bit to cover the cover of the purple scripture under Danni ’s thigh.

It may be that she reads and reads, and Dan Niang didn't seem to notice He's move. Until He's hand, when she saw the scriptures, she didn't look up. "You are naughty, and you want to call you down the mountain. The brothers worked hard. "

He lowered his head and raised it for a long time: "You are not a bad person, why do you come to **** my treasure from my family?"

Dan Niang ’s gaze moved from the book to her face, and she said helplessly: "I ’ll be white in a few months. If the Master of Heaven would let me go, I would have both hands in Taipingdongjijing and three or five merit marks. Bring it up, but he doesn't agree, but he must kill me. Am I still like him? "

I yelled at my teacher's door: "It's you and my newly-introduced teacher and sister who cooperated with each other and stole and contaminated my baby. Why isn't my master?"

Dan Niang said straightly: "You can say anything, just don't say that I and the unminded should be out of touch, I really can't afford to lose this person. Now think about it, I'm afraid it's not the one who hits your dragon and tiger mountain, please come into the village. ... "

When she said this, she suddenly shut up and stared at him: "Are you listening to the story? The name is mindless and unhappy."

With a smile on his face, he nodded again and again.

He brings water and food to Dan Niang these days. His favorite stories are the stories in Dan Niang's mouth. There are black cats who catch the head, villains who fight wit with mice, and seven treasure gourd fighting fairies. He Both like tight.

Dan Niang raised the booklet in her hand: "Next time, show me this book, okay?"


The flat-bottomed ship with dark grass and moss made a squealing sound, the ten-meter-high sail was full, and several black dragon flags fluttered, and the boat was closed slowly out of the port.

"In addition to escorting the adults this time, I also bet a hundred boxes of mercury, a hundred boxes of pepper, and two hundred boxes of white wax. They were all packed in ballasted sacks, and the government's accounts were not taken. When I arrived in Jiangnan, I could make 50% of the backhand . In the past, it was clear that in addition to the adults of the Shandong Maritime Safety Administration, there are also pumps that can calm you.

Chen Yuewu screened back and forth. There were only him and Li Yan in the room, as well as Cha Xiaodao. He lowered his voice: "It's about fifteen thousand two hundred."

Li Yan frowned: "I dare not take this money casually, you say that the rules are clear, I look at the emperor is not clear, the royal history is not clear, and the Shandong Fan Yemen is not necessarily clear. The maritime bureau belongs to the Dragon Tiger Mountain Administration The brains they eat are full of fat, and when they counterattack, will they drag me into the water? "

Chen Yuewu smiled: "For many years, this rule is the same. If Longhu Mountain does not fall, this rule will not break."

"It's only been a century since the rise of Dragon Tiger Mountain, how do you know he can't?"

Li Yan smiled wryly.

Chen Yuewu sighed. He groaned for a while before he said, "I shouldn't have said these words, but there are no outsiders now ..."

He faced Li Yan solemnly: "Adult is a member of Li Chengliang and Lord Li, and Lord Li has a close relationship with the Cabinet. Several cabinet ministers have a bad relationship with Taihu Pavilion of Dragon Tiger Mountain. OK, that's normal. But adults. "

He frowned: "Now the root system of Dragon Tiger Mountain has been completely wrong with my Ming Dynasty. This stall under the court is inseparable from Dragon Tiger Mountain. You do n’t want to receive this money, it ’s also jealous because of you. Can't commit it. "

Li Yan didn't speak immediately after hearing it, and he sank for a while before he said, "Well, I will take this money."

"Yes, I can rest assured that you can calm down with your words."

Chen Yuewu laughed

"Don't be busy, for this money, you bought all the food for me and went to the famine. I don't care if there is a famine. If you are frustrated, come back. I want your documents."

"Okay." Chen Yuewu's admiration for Li Yan was a little bit more: "Nothing else, the villain will retreat first."

"Father Chen is walking slowly."

When Chen Yuewu was sent away, Cha Xiaodao couldn't help but say, "You can be generous. This is about 4,000 points, so you can send it as soon as you say it?"

Li Yan held out a finger: "If I take the money, I will pass the knife to Longhu Mountain. Whenever he wants to hit me, he will hit me."

Cha Xiaodao frowned: "No, in the final analysis, no one in Longhu Mountain has any resentment against you. How can there be so many twists and turns? Never, our purpose is leaked."

In the last sentence, he lowered his throat.

"Maybe it's not vengeance. Someone wants to win me over and force me on his boat. This is a sugar-coated shell. In short, this money should not be secure."

Li Yan's tone was not very sure.

After thinking about it, Li Yan raised an eyebrow: "Maybe I think too much. In short, take a step and look at it. Let's go to Jiangxi to get things done. It is easier than going to heaven. I am a strong man who has broken his wrist. Prepare, it's a big deal, I won't come back to this fruit later. "

It is now mid-July, and there is only one month left until the last September deadline of Tianshidao. Dragon and tiger flags from all over the place have been lost and robbed.

The 13 provinces of Beijing, Beijing and Beijing can protect the Dragon Tiger Banner in their hands, and they are more than capable. So far there have not been a lot of casualties. Only the Liaodong 14 Road Banners. Li Yan's stunning performance naturally attracted many people's attention.

Here are the heads of the various ministries of the Chaotang, the dragon and tiger priests of Tiqi, and the high power of the Taishi Pavilion of Tianshidao ...

At present, flags from all over the place are falling into the hands of foreigners, and the newspapers in various places are generally sent to Beijing.

Natural disasters, civil unrest, demons, and various evils all have a tendency to erupt.

Some people flex their muscles and feel that this is a great opportunity to bring down Heavenly Masters. Others have vowed that they must take the Mastery of Heavenly Masters and never let Xiao Xiao mess up the foundation of Grandpa.

At the time of the wave of clouds and waves, no one knows the Heavenly Master and the Emperor of God. The two power men who stand on the top of Taoism and the community, what medicine are they selling in the gourd ...

I like to start collecting birds from your collection: ( From the time of getting birds, the literature is updated the fastest.

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