From the Bird

Chapter 433: Overwhelming sea

"Miss, you're wronged, that's the court, we can't mess it up."

"He told me to do it. He is not good at art, but can he blame me?"

"That's why you first said that people are embroidering fists."

"It was originally that learning a three-point sample showed it everywhere, and didn't teach it!"

Chen Jiao muttered for a while, and the guy at the door said, "Brother Guizi, you can give me two nests in the kitchen."

Lowering the voice outside the door: "How dare I let the chef tell the master, I must not kill the master. You are wronged and hungry. I will tell you to cook after I come out."

Chen Jiao was angry and hungry. When he turned over and covered his head into the quilt, he said muffled, "Hunger is hungry. I will starve to death."

"Oh, what's the matter. Otherwise, the cod soup made by the investigation officer for the brother seems to have more than half a bowl left, or I'll bring it to you."

Chen Jiao put her head out of the quilt: "I don't eat their stuff."

"It's time for you to stop picking. You wait, I'll take it for you."

Takako locked the door tightly, and the sound of pedaling sounded, apparently leaving.

Chen Jiao was sullen in her own life. About half an hour later, she was too hungry and couldn't sleep. She was annoyed that the noble man could not speak, and he heard footsteps outside.

When Chen Jiao sat up, she just felt like something was wrong. Looking inside the door, the pair of shoes outside didn't look like Takako. At this time, they were catching up with the wind and waves outside, and the whining wind came in, listening to fear of people.

"Swipe to pull--"

The door lock rang for a long time and I didn't see it open. The person outside the door didn't speak. Chen Jiao narrowed her eyes. The cat walked around like a cat twisted her feet. Yes, I changed another two-foot oil lamp in my hand.


The chain fell off, and the man outside the door secretly said "a guy." Pushed the door and walked in, only to see a bright and dark thing smashed in the head.



The red rope man tumbling in the air, plunged into the water, and saw that the rope man swelled, and between the swings, he became a red snake. As soon as he smoked, he got into the ocean floor.

Li Yan lowered the tea cup method and moved his fingers anxiously. He couldn't tell why, but he felt uneasy subconsciously, just like an ordinary person facing the tip of a fruit knife on the table without a sheath. Even if he knew it would not hurt himself, he would feel uncomfortable.

The sea breeze stagnates suddenly, the surging waves freeze for a few breaths, and finally calm down.

"Raise the flag! Fire!"

Chen Yuewu shouted sharply.

I saw a sailor carrying the two-foot-tall black dragon flag that he had prepared earlier and carried it onto the deck, and asked some guys wearing black cloth shoulders and large round waists to expose the muscles of the tendons.

Several artillery shells also blew into the sky, blowing out a dazzling flame, and the red pear-shaped Mars blew up into the sky, which was really beautiful.

These shells are made of pig iron mixed with nitrate ash, which is not very powerful, but looks extremely fancy and brilliant.

Countless bubbles, a weird hornless dragon head, four short claws, more than three meters in length, and black scale armor on the back of the floating sea. Followed by the second and third.

This is Pig Poron.

At a glance, there were about twenty heads facing the boat, the amber eyes were the size of a fist, reflecting the fire tree-like fire on the boat, and the black dragon flag waving constantly.


Someone opened the red curtain on the table with food such as pig heads, braised chicken, and goose. Ten tables of eight immortals were full, and if you looked carefully, the pig's mouth was still carrying silver ingots. The marinades are also filled with large and small silver ingots.

The crew picked up the wooden plate and threw the food on the table with the silver in it. The chickens, ducks, and pork were flying in the sea and dropped into the sea.

The pigtail dragon smelled the meat, and rushed to the ground, scrambling to bite the tribute meat, and white spray on the sea, and about a moment of incense, these pigtail dragons sink to the sea with satisfaction and disappeared. .

After waiting for twenty breaths, Chen Yuewu, consciously not leaking, nodded: "Withdraw."

The guys responded with a bang, so they picked up the pieces.

Chen Yuewu closed the box and put it in his arms. Then he slowly walked to Li Yan: "Master Fuzheng can rest assured that on this way, there will be no trouble for Pig Polong to find us."

Li Yan looked at the sea under the night, and looked at Chen Yuewu again: "I'm a man who doesn't understand and can't speak well. Don't be surprised."

"Zhenfu adults have something to say straight."

Chen Yuewu laughed.

"I look at this pig-poron dragon. It ’s good to speak tightly. The sea trade is very profitable. They lay eggs in July to occupy the sea in Jiangsu, Zhejiang, and the court. , How can those people in Jiaozhou talk about Pigeon Dragon and discoloration? "

Chen Yuewu laughed: "At the beginning I threw the red rope head of the sea and called it" Dragon Dry ". The most restraint of these aquatic monsters was just one piece. The mana power of these pig-tailed dragons to turn the river into the sea will be out. Without this" "Longgan", the artillery and tributes behind it are useless. "

Li Yan nodded: "How can the old man be sure that these pig-poron dragons won't come again?"

Chen Yuewu replied: "There is a allusion here. Pig Polong flooded in Zhoushan area, and it had scales and teeth. The fishermen at the beginning only took these monsters as ordinary beasts. There are even fishermen along the coast who can kill and eat. They. Then one night, a stoneman's shop in Zhejiang came to buy and sell. There was a fierce-looking man who wanted to hit a stone pig-poron. It was said that the stoneworker should be carved on the back of the stone statue and engraved. The pig king, the eight characters covering the sea. The stoneworker only thought of buying and selling, and didn't think about it. As a result, within a few days, Zhejiang was flooded and drowned hundreds of people. Someone saw it with his own eyes. Shi Zongzi was washed ashore from the sea! It was placed in the middle of the lobby of the destroyed county gate. On the back of the stone were these eight characters. These monsters became famous after the battle, and they all knew that Zhejiang had a pig-poron dragon and took the lead The monster, called the Great Holy Oversea, has the power to stir the flood. "

After a pause, Chen Yuewu said again, "I have walked twice through Hokkaido ’s raging sea lanes. Although I haven't seen the Poga Dragon King with my own eyes, but I know the rules of this big sea-covered saint. He was able to cross the road and was willing to spend money to appease the dragons and grandchildren of the pig-poron, and he would not embarrass us. "

Li Yan repeatedly nodded: "Fresh, it's really fresh. What is Heavenly Master? They can't control this sea-covering saint?"

Chen Yuewu shook his head: "Although Tian Shidao is powerful, this sea-covering saint is a monster on the sea. Masters go to the sea, and only the devastated sea-covering saint is swallowed."

Li Yan frowned after hearing: "As you said, the pig Polong five people can be cured, it really hurts the people along the coast of Zhejiang."

Chen Yuewu looked dark: "It's true that the lives of the people along the coast are difficult. In the first few decades, the pirates were in trouble, and in the next few decades, the pig-porons were in trouble.

Speaking of this, Chen Yuewu's face became serious: "Take care of my lord, there is one thing, I have to talk to you about it. You must go to your heart."

"The old man has something to say straight."

"One is on the way, Mo Zai provoked Pig Poron, and the other was to Zhejiang, so don't offend ..."

The two were communicating, and one of the guys came over scrupulously: "Old man."

Chen Yuewu was interrupted, and his expression was a little displeased. The guy wanted to get to Chen Yuewu's ears, and was opened by Chen Yuewu: "If you have something to say, Zhenfu is not an outsider."

The man secretly grieved, but when his master spoke, he still said stubbornly: "Our lady beat Cao again ..."

Chen Yuewu's eyes widened: "Did I not keep her in confinement for two days? Who was so bold and let her out ?!"

"No, I didn't let it go. Yes, it was Cao Xiaohe who went to find the lady himself, and then let the lady call him again ..."

While checking the knife, he straightened his eyebrows.

Chen Yuewu's cheeks were also drawn.

Li Yan interjected: "That is to say, in the middle of the night, Xiao Cao entered a girl's house and tried to do something wrong with her?"

"Ah no no no, that's not what it means."

The fellow waved his hands again and again: "It seems that Brother Cao is giving some supper to the young lady, isn't the master, don't you ask the young lady to eat ..."

With that, he also glanced at Chen Yuewu and was glared at by Chen Yuewu before continuing to say, "I don't know where he learned the trick of sliding door locks. He opened the door and went in with a vegetable bowl. Then ... "

Cha Xiaodao, who had been silent, couldn't help it: "Father, it's my uncle's discipline, I'm sorry for you."

"A misunderstanding, Cao's officials need not be on their minds, but the little female character is too hot, hurting the little boy twice."

Li Yan opened his mouth and said, "That's what he deserves. Master, don't bother you. Call me this boy to discipline me. I must give him a satisfactory explanation."

Later in the middle of the night, Xiao Cao was released. He originally slept in the same room as Cha Xiaodao. As soon as he came in, the lights were on. Li Yan Cha Xiaodao was both in the hands, as if punching.

"Photo from Samsung!"

"Five heads!"

Cha Dao snapped his fingers and touched a cup of hot tea.

As soon as Li Yan patted his thigh, he secretly cursed before speaking to Cao Yongchang: "Come, sit."

Cao Yongchang didn't dare to move, Li Yan urged to sit down with his **** next to the stool, and said weakly, "This is a misunderstanding."

"Know, you have that thief and you don't have the thief."

Li Yan's tone was very peaceful.

Cao Yongchang's eyes moved: "You two are not angry."

"Don't get angry, don't I talk to you? No matter how you say, you broke into someone's boudoir in the middle of the night. It's a big deal, a small one, but a small one. I have to explain to others. "

Li Yan put his face in front of Cao Yongchang.

"So, how can you explain it?"

Cao Yongchang had a bad hunch.

Li Yan stared at him: "I beat the child in the dark, isn't it idle? Isn't it idle? You cooperate and make a bad call. We'll make a difference."

Cao Yongchang faced bitterly: "Then you lightly."

"I fight." Li Yan rolled his sleeves. "Yes, last time in Jiaozhou, you said that the woman who found me a sign, what acrobatics, did anyone tell you something?"

Cha Dao grunted tea leaves.

Xiao Cao was still reliable at this time: "I guess, no one said anything to me."

"That line, I have it in my heart ..."

On this night, the people on the boat didn't sleep well, only to hear the tables and chairs in the cabin rustling, and there were a lot of ghosts crying.

Chen Yuewu was carrying a Book of Songs, wearing Western glass glasses, and occasionally dirt and sawdust fell on the table. Takako rubbed her ears, wiped the sawdust from the table, and pointed her finger up: "Master, please don't kill anyone else."

"Persuasion? That's what he called me."

Takako smiled with a clenched hand: "I don't feel bad about that little ghost. I feel bad about our boat. Don't ask Zhen Fuye to tear it down."

Chen Yue laughed and put the book on the table: She scolded and said, "You're smooth. How is Jiaoer?"

"Drinking a bowl of porridge and sleeping."

Chen Yuewu nodded: "Zhen Fuye asked us to buy dividends for food relief. Did you talk about it?"

Takako was right: "Speaking, they said they knew."

Chen Yuewu groaned for a while: "You said that there were so many generals escorting the Dragon Tiger Banner in the Ming Dynasty, why did Taiyige keep an eye on Li Zhenfu?"

Takako laughed: "The town's grandfather has a strong ability, and Tai Yige's high power also values ​​呗."

"I don't think it's that simple."

Chen Yuewu's eyes flickered: "Li Zhen went to Jiangxi and walked the station ten days faster than the waterway. Why did he have to go through Zhejiang by water?"

Takako scratched his head: "How can I know this?"

Chen Yuewu looked at Takako: "Are you saying that Dragon Tiger Mountain is going to start with Zhejiang ...?"

Takako followed Chen Yuewu for so many years, and he didn't even understand the words. He slaped locally: "That's a good thing. The two people in Zhejiang have sores under their heads and pus, which is the next ten thousand pans. . "

"I'm afraid to get us involved."

Chen Yuewu thought of the six fresh willow leaves on the map of Guanyin in the sea, and settled down: "In short, Taiyige wants us to report. If we report, what is it? When I get to Zhejiang, I have to explore Li Zhenfu Tone. "


The next day, Longhu Mountain Taiyi Pavilion.

Middle-aged people in Qing Dynasty, as usual, told Taiyige, all the high masters to answer the world's misfortunes.

He took out a note: "Da Ningwei Zuo Sizhen fought Li Yan, and he will arrive at Zhoushan Port in a few days. He didn't need our money and took all the disaster relief. The documents, Chen Yuewu gave him."

"This kid is slippery."

A gray-haired high-powered mage hummed.

"Regardless of what he did with the money, as long as he touched the money, there would be flaws and he could do it."

One mage said vaguely.

Yi Yu listened and asked the mage who had just spoken: "So, Brother Shouxian, why do we want to do him? Who gave him the flag?"

The mage was speechless for a moment. He only hated Li Yan for causing troubles in Liaodong and Jiaozhou, killing Guo Dujian, and even losing face to Cao Dujian, but Ke Yiyu asked, and he had nothing to say.

Yi Yu shook his sleeves: "Zhoushan Port, Zhejiang, is our Tianshidao headache for more than a decade. The port of Zhoushan in Pig Polong? The port of Zhoushan known as" Chen Fuyao, Ke Budou? "

The middle-aged man in the Qing Dynasty bowed: "Yes, it is the Zhoushan Port."

Yi Yu pondered for a while, and couldn't help laughing: "His surname is Li, and I don't know if the family is in trouble or not, it should be a bad luck for others!"

I like to start collecting birds from your collection: ( From the time of getting birds, the literature is updated the fastest.

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