From the Bird

Chapter 434: Chen does not mess with Ke?

Cao Yongchang called Li Yan a meal and beat him up. He couldn't get out of bed now. It wasn't Li Yan's communiqué. It was about women's festivals. You could understand it with just a beat. It was Li Yan's face. Besides, Cao Yongchang was indeed Meng Lang, and no wonder anyone else.

"I said, aren't you interesting to the little girl? How did you fight?"

Zhao Xiaodao applied Cao Yongchang with gold sore medicine.

When Cao Yongchang didn't dare to move, he said wrongly: "I don't have that hobby. I am sorry because I am incarcerated. I have to send a soup to apologize. I must have this morality! I was faint at the time and forgot Calling the door is worthy of me too! These days I'm confused, like a lost soul. "

"It's not interesting to others, why are you losing your soul?"

Although Cha Xiaodao was joking on his mouth, these days he is familiar with Xiao Cao Yu, and he does not doubt his words.

In Li Yan's words, Cao Yongchang didn't know the benefits of a woman at this age, but only felt that gambling on cards was the fastest thing in the world.

"Yeah!" Cao Yongchang looked complicated.

"Nearby?" Cha Xiaodao stabbed two on his back: "Oh, yes. You are from Taizhou, Jiangsu, not far from your hometown. Why, homesick?"

Cao Yongchang shook his head again and again: "The family is not very close to each other, Zhizhou Li Sancai of Taizhou is another turtle king bastard, biting me to the last thing that happened, I must ask him to go to jail when I go back."

He gritted his teeth and cursed, "I found that I was guilty of a crime with the surname Li! Silk-uncle, you lightly."

Cha Xiaodao smiled: "Your bones are much stronger than in the past. If you used the whole force to break into the world with a violent effort before, you would be called like this, and you wouldn't talk to me like that."

Cao Yongchang shook his feet up and down: "By the way, Uncle Cha, didn't you say that there was a pig-popping dragon at sea? It's almost here, why is there no movement at all? It's too boring."

"We asked Chen Yuewu to come, and it wasn't for nothing. The pig-poron level has passed. We can go to Zhoushan Port tonight."

"What? It's boring." Cao Yongchang complained.

Cha Xiaodao scratched his head: "In fact, don't talk about you, I'm bored."

Cha Xiaodao's thinking is clear, there is an event to gain, he is not like Li Yan, the officer in charge is rich in money, no matter what the money is.

"Well? Where did General Li go?"

Cao Yongchang asked again.

"He? He said there was something to do."


The bottom of the Yellow Sea is about 60 to 60 meters deep from the water surface. Li Yan stood at the bottom of the dim water, with red and yellow coral stones and seaweed in front of him. All kinds of aquatic creatures were surprised to stay away from him, and turned up a lot of mud and bubbles.

Even if Chen Yuewu was able to solve the pig wolf dragon's troubles smoothly, Li Yan who had just strengthened the Shuijun Palace could not easily let them go.

However, since there is a great holy priest among the pig-poron dragons, and the pig-poron dragons still have a group of revenge, then Li Yan cannot act lightly.

He and Cha Xiaodao are naturally not afraid, but rash action will easily involve Chen Yuewu on the boat, which is nothing wrong for him.

So Li Yan is sneaking into the sea by himself now. No one would think of Chen Yuewu's closure. He wants to catch a few pig-poron dragons and enter the water palace. There will be no future troubles.

A blood-stained fish bone sank in front of Li Yan's eyes, Li Yan looked up, and a two-meter-long black pig-tailed dragon was swimming in the water, and his teeth were still mixed with residual flesh. He didn't notice Li Yan, and was satisfied. left.

These crocodile-like demon dragons slammed fish in the Yellow Sea. They had few natural enemies, had a big appetite, and were difficult to contain. Li Yan only spent half an hour at the bottom of the water, and saw at least seven or eight waves of pig-porons passing through the line of sight, and there were few living creatures where they passed. However, most pig-poron dragons belong to uncultivated monsters. Although they can set off big waves, they may not even have a hundred-year history. Li Yan is not very fancy.

Huang Tian was upset, and after more than ten minutes, Li Yan finally waited for the pig pig dragon he wanted.

【Pig Pooh】

Category: Fairy

Comprehensive Evaluation: The Peak of Shidu (500 Years Road Trip)

Not one, but six full. Unlike other pigs, their scales are a faint cyan, with a small drum bag on their head. The six pig pig dragons are fighting with a huge black squid, and the battle is fierce.

Li Yan exhaled, allowing his body to rise quickly,

A pig-tailed dragon was biting a black squid of the same size. As a result, the belly suffered a dull blow. The pig-tailed dragon turned over and passed out.

The water swirled, Li Yan said nothing and took this pig-poron into the Tao of Tao. The breath of unsupported Qi was immediately released, and the rest of the pig-poron were shocked and unable to move. A brain was received by Li Yan's Shuijun Palace.

On the contrary, the huge squid that was embarrassed by several pig-tailed dragons, was distracted for a moment, and then ran away.

The seawater suddenly dropped a few temperatures, Li Yan raised a fierce blister, and caught the squid's tentacles. The strength of Jiufeng directly froze his little half body, and then put it into Shuijun Palace. The entire process takes less than five seconds.

"The walking adult conquered the demon species: Pig Poron!"

"Master Walking has subdued the demon species: six-eyed squid!"

"Shuijun Palace has reached its current limit!"

"Because the pig dragon in Shuijun Palace has no natural enemies, and its appetite and reproduction capacity are too strong, please walk adults to regularly put food into Shuijun Palace, otherwise the whole Shuijun palace will collapse."

[Species of Water Monarch: Pig Polong] Meets the conditions of ability blessing!

"The maximum amount of water that a walking adult can control is increased to 55 tons, and the calamity water is 11 tons. (The upper limit of blessing will expand with the expansion of the Pigeon Dragon population."

[Shuijun Genus: Six-eyed squid] meets the conditions of ability blessing.

"Adult walking can turn Wo Tao into demon ink, and it can serve to contaminate and cover eyes."

Seeing that the last pig-poron could not be accommodated outside, Li Yan also left it. The waterspout relied on Li Yan's body and lifted him out of the sea. Li Yan spilt a thick demon ink into the air. , Could not help but shook his head. "

It's not in the same grade as Hou Shui, it's totally chicken ribs.

On the contrary, the blessing of Pig Polong gave Li Yan a little surprise.

He lowered his head and gathered three vortexes with a diameter of several meters at sea, followed by his thoughts. Three gigantic black water **** burst in the vortex, swirling around him, and soon grew into sharp teeth. The ice wheel spins and splits rapidly around Li Yan's area of ​​four or five feet, like an iceberg.

Li Yan waved his hands, these ice wheels quickly melted into water masses, and flew around with Li Yan's intentions, distorted into various patterns, such as squirrel, crab, starfish, octopus and so on.

In the past, Li Yan could never do such fine control.

The former is both offensive and defensive, while the latter allows Li Yan to use a water stream to cover the nasal damage of the other's mouth and nose, plus the corrosive effect of the water itself, which is even more disadvantageous!


Li Yan, who got on the ship silently, changed his clothes. The original one was stained with the ink of the squid. He could adjust the moisture, but the others wouldn't work. Seeing that it was going to be night, Li Yan changed into a robe on the deck. Suddenly the crew yelled.

"See the port!"

Li Yan walked out of the cabin. Chen Yuewu had already stepped in front of him. He didn't know how many times Li Yan had sailed to the sea. Only when this Li Zhenfu had been resting in the cabin, he came to the port at this moment, and he came to the road.

"Take care of my lord, fortunately!"

Chen Yuewu arched his hand and sent people and goods to Zhoushan. Then he explained to Li Yan and the people of Shandong Maritime Safety Administration, and the gains from going to sea this time will not be small.

"The Chinese medicine doctor is not sick, the Chinese medicine doctor is ill, and the Chinese medicine doctor is ill. This road is safe and sound, thanks to the patience of Mr. Chen and his brothers. Mr. Li thanked him first, and I got an errand in the future. No credit can be given to Mr. Chen. "

"How dare, how dare."

The two were talking. The crew had docked the ship, and there was an armed service with a torch waiting to be unloaded. A sharp voice cut through the night sky.

"But Chen Yuewu, is Mr. Chen's ship?"

Chen Yuewu pleaded guilty to Li Yan before answering, "Brother Qian Gui! It's me."

"Who is this expensive?"

Li Yan asked.

"The local gentleman in Zhoushan, the steward of Master Chen Tianfang." After a pause, Chen Yuewu said, "Our goods are collected by Chen Tianfang."

He faced Li Yan, asking him to disembark.

When the two got out of the boat, a small middle-aged man with a cape and a sharp-billed monkey cheek waited at the dock. It was a warm greeting to see Chen Yuewu.

"I just think, no one can break through the Jiangsu-Zhejiang-Hokkaido in Zhubaolong in July or August except for your brother Yuewu, have you brought the goods?"

Chen Yuewu handed him a green book: "Complete, brother Qian Gui has worked hard."

Qian Gui pinched his account book and pulled out a few corners of Daming's treasure note, and then smiled: "Then I won't disturb your brother."

Then he looked at Li Yan again.

"This one, is Li Zhenfu who was in addition to the Five Monsters in the Bohai Sea? Really!"

Li Yan looked at him, only nodding slightly.

Qian Gui smiled, and coughed again before she smiled again: "My old man has admired your reputation for a long time. This is an invitation. At tomorrow afternoon, Tianfei Pavilion, please go to dinner with Brother Chen Yuewu."

"There is work."

Li Yan received a hot stamp invitation, Qian Gui shook his sleeve and turned to leave.

As soon as Qian Qian left, Li Yan squinted: "What official is Chen Tianfang?"

Chen Yuewu shook his head and said with a smile: "Mr. Tian Fang is over eighty years old, His Majesty the Emperor His Majesty Yuci Sanpingong wears the name, and counts, he has no real job."

Li Yan then nodded: "Because he is an old man, you call him an old man, it's okay, but he just called a brother and a brother with a gentleman's housekeeper, can't he?"

Chen Yuewu silently smiled for a while and said, "I, Chen, can't be compared to other people's Chen. Does the adult still remember that when I spoke to the adult half and was interrupted?"

"One is to stop provoking Pig Poron, and the other is not finished."

"The other thing is, don't offend the Chen and Ke families in Zhoushan."

Li Yan smiled and lowered his fingers and said, "The old man still doesn't know me well. In Jiaozhou I provoke even Longhushan. I'm afraid he is a local tyrant and gentry in Zhoushan Port?"

"The two Chen Kes are not ordinary tyrants. In Zhejiang, even Tianshidao was afraid of his three-pointer. I will only say one thing, and adults will know ..."

Chen Yuewu looked around and lowered his voice, saying: "Zi Polong has been a disaster in Zhejiang for a long time, while Chen Ke and two have a dish and three meals, and that is Zo Po Dragon."

Li Yan blinked: "Perhaps the world is ignorant, and the pig-poached dragon meat may not be good."

Chen Yuewu hurriedly shook his head: "Chen Ke has a huge local force and is inextricably intertwined. I don't know how many officials are in the officialdom. After being sent by Chen Ke's two clan, I don't know how many heroes are in the green forest. They are Chen Ke's running dogs. With different skills, Tianshidao and the imperial court both count on Chen Ke to contribute to alleviate the scourge of the pig pig dragon. There is a folk saying in Zhejiang: Chen doesn't mess with him, Ke doesn't fight. This shows that the two are powerful. "

Li Yan didn't say anything, but just smiled: "May I say, maybe the scourge of this pig-poron dragon is that the two Chen Ke instructed behind the scenes, stealing state tools, and inviting powerful people."

"Zhenfu adults speak carefully."

"Haha, I save, as long as he doesn't come to mess with me, I will never cause him trouble."

Li Yanchong and Chen Yuewu promised: "It's not too early, old man, I'll go to bed first."

"Take care of my lord."

Li Yan turned around: "What's up?"

Chen Yuewu looked serious: "I know Mr. Tian Fang, the battle for tomorrow's wine party will not be small, and the adults have a mental preparation."

"I save."

Having said that, Li Yan turned into the cabin. Only Chen Yuewu was left alone and thoughtfully.


Zhoushan looks forward to the East China Sea, and then back to Jiangsu and Hangzhou. It is located in the two provinces of Jiangsu and Zhejiang.

It is also the Christmas of the Tibetan King Bodhisattva on July 30th of Jihai year, and there are many businessmen gathered in the market. There are a lot of miscellaneous scenes in the stove, and people cannot crowd.

In such a prosperous day, people talked to each other, but it was Chen Tianfang, Zhoushan's top gentry. Today, he has packed the entire Tianfei Pavilion and invited people to eat. I also specially invited a drama team from Yangzhou, and Mo Huguang, a commentator, told some guests. Accompanied by the local Zhixian Zheng Yuanning, Longhu Supervisor Jia Jindeng, Pu Dao Shi Shi Chenggui and other local officials and gentlemen and rich celebrities and clear guests, the movement is not small.

At half past noon, the entrance of the Tianfei Pavilion was already full of sedan chairs. Those rare officials and nobles who are rarely seen in ordinary days, dazzling flowers and robes, casually smiling and elegant, revealing a wealth of compelling riches.

In the Tianfei Pavilion, the banquet was opened with a peacock on the screen. In the middle of the table, Chen Tianfang's eldest son Chen Han was seated first. There were several people sitting in the upper row. .

The first of these distinguished guests was the Governor of the newly-produced Zhejiang Province, the Yunmen Gate, the assistant minister of the Ministry of Defense and the deputy capital of the Metropolitan Government Zhu Changyun. The second seat was the old friend of the old man Chen Tianfang, who guarded Suzhou's Nanying Rongzheng, and Lin Anhou Li Fukai. In addition, there was one in three seats.

It is just this person's identity that makes the gentry present here more or less murmur.

Bei Zhili Daning Wei Zuo Sizhen Fu, was ordered by the commander of the Liaodong East to **** Li Yan, a flying rider who entered the Gansu flag, and only arrived in Zhejiang last night.

The two distinguished guests in the front, one is a serious official, and also errands such as Yun Yun, the cabinet's first assistant today, Shen's consistent door, the real future cabinet.

Second, the hereditary Hou Ye, the uncle Xiaoli in Suzhou City, and Mr. Tian Fang have forgotten their new year's relationship, but I heard that there has been a small conflict with the Second Master Chen ...

As for the Zuo Sizhenfu ...

The military attache of Wupin is unknown. The Dragon Tiger Banner is like a thunderbolt, but after all, a man is a vulgar martial artist. How can he bear this kind of favor?

Some people are groaning, frizzy, and even contemptuous, but in the face of many celebrities, in the face of the Governor Yunyun, and in the face of Lin Anhou, no one will disturb this.

"Master Zhu, Li Zhenfu, the two came from afar. If you are not entertained, don't be surprised. My uncle is a regular customer in my family, and my nephew is near and disrespectful. I just talk about wine."

Talking about this life is so beautiful and elegant, it also makes people feel close.

This is Chen Han, the eldest son of the Chen family, a local strong dragon in Zhejiang.

I like to start collecting birds from your collection: ( From the time of getting birds, the literature is updated the fastest.

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