From the Bird

Chapter 445: Brain Soul Worm

The hillsides full of twigs of pine trees were washed away by muddy water, the gray eaves of the mountains were tightly scattered, and dozens of squishy alleys were staggered like a maze.

As soon as the rain stopped, the dripping water in front of the eaves hit the steps, and the dyeing shop brand at the entrance of "Baoxiangtai" was washed by the rain, and it was bright. Even because of the dye, the unpleasant smell that permeates the dyeing house all year round has faded.

However, Bao Xiangtai, who is extremely busy on weekdays, is quiet today, and can not be seen by a workshop worker, but there are many fierce, well-balanced people patrolling in the alley.

In the backyard stood rows of bamboo poles and dyeing tanks. There were persimmon trees running across the wall. The persimmons with red hair had not been picked, and the plump skin was covered with water drops. Suddenly, one hand grabbed the persimmon violently, and the branch clicked and trembled.

The air was burning for a few minutes.

Chen Tianfang, sitting on a rattan chair, opened his eyes suddenly.

He was wearing only loose robes, and when he was young, he didn't know how to look terrible.

The door squeaked open, Chen Tianfang looked back excitedly, and his body stood upright.

Ke Nuoran walked in and saw Chen Tianfang's look, and he could not help lagging: "What's wrong, Yue?"


Chen Tianfang tensed a face tightly and stared at Ke Nuoran sensibly. For a long time, the flesh hanging on both sides hang down a little.

He closed his eyes and said lazily, "What about Chuner and Akan?"

"Waiting in the front hall."

"Hehe." Chen Tianfang sneered briefly: "The two wastes are usually used for prestige and blessing, but I don't see that they are afraid? How can living people not be afraid, but afraid of the dead?

Ke Nuoran walked behind Chen Tian, ​​and gently pressed his dry shoulders. He exclaimed: "You're old, I'll be fine."

"Well. Thanks to you."

Chen Tianfang patted Ke Nuoran's back with relief.

"Godfather, there is one more. Do you have to wait a few more months?"

"It's too late, I can't wait for these months, let it go."

In front of them, there is a large area of ​​dyeing troughs, which are divided into one grid and one grid by clay. The dye in the grid is colorful and exudes a strong flavor.

Ke Nuoran dried the dye according to the words, the water level dropped, and deep in the grid, something gradually came out.

They were naked naked children, covered with black rune paper. There are men and women here, all hugging their knees, as if sleeping.

The whole scene suddenly became frightening.

In the deep alley, Cha Xiaodao swallowed the persimmon, and came across a brawny man with a scar on his face.

"Where did Xiongtai come from? This is private property."

The hand on the scar face only touched the shoulder of Cha Xiaodao. His entire arm turned into a golden flame. The scar face was horrified, and there was not enough time to shout. A blade of light and blood splashed out at the same time. On the ground, Cha Xiaodao held the persimmon in his left hand, and kissed him with a single knife in his right hand, bleeding across the alley.

"A total of ninety-eight were born between noon and noon, either snakes or dragons."

Ke Nuoran pointed at the children in the pottery lattice.

The time between the two talked, one of the beautiful girls' skin was exposed to the air for too long, and began to wrinkle and dry, and her face broke through a blood hole, and something dark protruded out, not long after, A whole black snake emerged from the body! Then came the second and the third.

Keke ~, Keke ~

Chen Tianfang's cough became fierce. Ke Nuoran patted Chen Tianfang's back, and both looked as usual.

These children are seven or eight years old and two or three years old. If you bought it from the mother-in-law, it ’s called open mouth, and it was stolen by a flower child.

Over the years, Ke Nuoran has done everything in his power, grabbing thousands of children in various prefectures and counties. If it is a horoscope, and it is available, it is filled with the mercury of the snake cub and soaked in dye. If it is not available, it is either used by Ko Nuoran to cultivate other inhumane evil techniques, or it is simply thrown into the sea with the gold and silver worshipped each month, and fed the pig-poron and Zhiqilian.

The body was placed in Baoxiangtai because the smell of the dye was heavy and it was not easy to expose the horse's feet.

With the black snake breaking through the body, the whole dyeing cellar was filled with pieces of meat, and there were twisting snakes.


A big snake stood up, opened its horrible mouth, and swallowed a smaller black snake into its stomach. The snakes had no teeth and murmured incessantly.

Zha's knife went faster and faster, the wind rolled up his hair, and a sharp bell rang. Zha's knife stopped for a while.

He dropped the persimmon core and sniffed something with his nose. Then spotted a direction and jumped on the eaves. At the same time, there were dozens of others who jumped with him, with a brutal look, holding a torn piece of rune paper in their hands.

Keke ~ Keke ~

In Chen Tianfang's cough, many large snakes have devoured each other and died. The strange snakes never seem to be full. They obviously eat dozens of times their own weight and their body shape has not changed much.

Finally, there was only the last black snake in the dyeing cellar. It was only one foot long, almost transparent, and was swimming among countless corpses.

Ke Nuoran went down in excitement, raised his hand to pick up the little snake, and smiled at Chen Tianfang: "Master Yue, you are exactly like you."

Chen Tianfang stood up: "Let's go to the front."


Ke Nuoran focused on,


Bloody Cha Dao smashed the eaves and, despite the pungent smell, rushed into this remote dye room while holding the few persimmons left.

There was no one in the room, and the rattan chairs on the other side were still warm. Zha's knife slowly moved his gaze, staring at the dyed trough lattice filled with flesh not far away.

The broken flesh and blood can no longer see the original appearance, but the leftovers of the hands, feet, and hair can still be faintly identified.

Cha Xiaodao stepped forward and went out.

Ke Nuoran lifted the iron pan, threw the erratic snake in the pan, held it down, covered it with two black bricks, and added four or five chains.

Qian Gui hurried in.

"Master, Uncle Ke, a good hand came in and killed a lot of brothers, but no one was holding them."

Chen Tianfang stared at the iron pot: "Then send someone to arrest, and, from now on, no one is allowed to enter this room again, hear?"


Qian Gui wiped his sweat and hurried out.

Chen Tianfang looked at his two children and an uncle in the room, refused Chen Han's help, and moved to the chair a little.

"Dad, can you really live forever if you eat this brain soul worm?"

Chen Chuner could not help but drown in a spit.

Chen Tianfang glanced at him, and suddenly sneered: "Are there any longevity people in this past and present?"

Chen Chuner looked weird: "Then, then you ..."

"Even a hundred years, ten years, one year is enough."

"Father is right."

Chen Han looked at the meatballs, remembering the processing of the meatballs, and sweated from his back, only whispered.

When he was young, Chen Tianfang nodded and said, "Almost."

Ke Nuoran walked to the iron pot, untied the chain, and threw away the black bricks. There was not much water left in the pot, only a soft pink snake lying on his back, an indescribable fishy smell, called Ko Nuoran's eyelids jumped.

He took the pan to the front of the table and cut it with a kitchen knife, but he couldn't cut it at all. Ko Nuo Ran gave a bit of strength, but the knife edge collapsed.

"Cut with a bamboo knife enshrined in the incense, right behind the tablet."

Ke Nuoran nodded, took a bamboo knife behind the tablet engraved with "the ancestor of the ancestor Dayi Handi Chen's friendship". Then cut the snake meat, the blade only touched it slightly, and the snake separated into two meat **** by itself. Ko Nuoran cut two more swords, and there were four pink meatballs in the pot.


Chen Tianfang stopped him and raised his hand: "Eat."


Chen Han and Chen Chuner, look at me, I look at you, no one moved.


Chen Tianfang gulped his eyelids, "Ahan, why don't you eat?"

Chen Han swallowed: "Such an elixir, dare you dare to enjoy it in one step."

"It's not a panacea. It's piled up with thousands of lives. I ask to eat it."

Chen Han didn't dare to speak and didn't move his chopsticks.

"Chuner, he dare not eat, you eat."


Chen Chun smeared a thick layer of rouge on his face, which was sweaty and shallow, and he didn't dare to move.

Chen Tianfang looked at Ke Nuoran again.

Ke Nuoran felt Chen Tianfang's gaze and was silent for a while, then suddenly reached out to get chopsticks, but Chen Chun took a moment.

"Oh ~"

Chen Tianfang sighed, "I just told you to eat a piece of meat, but I didn't tell you to die. What is this?"

After all, he picked up the chopsticks and reached into the pot, and slowly clamped a piece of meat ball into Ko Nuoran's bowl.

"Noran, you eat."

Ke Nuoran didn't say a word, and just when he was about to pick it up, Chen Chun couldn't help talking: "He's the elixir, and he needs a dose. If we don't take enough doses, isn't it bad for you?"

"No, I will live with you forever."

Chen Tian let go.

Chen Chuner's face flickered, and his heart fluttered: "Dad, you also said that there are no emperors who can live forever in this world. Those emperors have not taken long-lived medicine, and have not seen longevity.

Chen Tianfang stared at her with a deep tone: "Which history in the world is written, there is an emperor who died of taking the medicine? It's just a folk bursary."

When Chen Han saw this, he also coughed twice before saying: "It's not the same as saying," Dust Record "recorded that Song Huizong Zhao Zhe gave Zijin Dan medicine to Wang Dingguan. After the trial, Wang Dingguan died of spitting black smoke. ! "

"Do you mean, I'll take your medicine?"

Chen Tianfang waved his hands again and again: "Dad, the son definitely has no such meaning, you you you ..."

"Ah!" Chen Chun looked at Chen Han and couldn't help but kicked him under the table, cleared his throat, and said, "Dad, let's talk straight as a daughter. You want us to eat this meat, no Question, there is something, you have to tell us first. "

"You ask."

Chen Tianfang lowered his head.

"My older brother, older brother, and fourth brother, how did they die."

Chen Tianfang heard that he looked up and his eyes were full of anger, and the gloomy and terrible eyes scared Chen Chun into a shudder.

Ke Nuoran said nothing, slapped Chen Chun on the face, and fanned her directly to the ground. He cursed fiercely in his mouth: "You evil."

"That's how you think about me."

Chen Tianfang let out a sigh and began to cough violently again, with blood dripping from the corners of his mouth.

"Dad, you ..."

Chen Han rushed to help, but Chen Tianfang shoved away.

"Don't touch me, don't touch me."

Chen Tianfang shook his head again and again, almost fainting.

"Mr. Yue, this evil barrier is not sensible, you are at ease."

After all, Ko Nuoran picked up the meatballs in the bowl and poured them into his mouth.

Chen Tianfang was still lying weakly on the table. It seemed to be difficult to move, but murmured in his mouth: "This is the recipe of the ancestor Jiujiang King. It can only be eaten by the Chen family, and the Ke family who married the Chen family for generations. It works. , The ancestors served a piece of brain soul worm meat, and became the dragon king of Poyang Lake to fight against the Zhu family, but they still failed. When I was a teenager, it was only weird. Only a few decades ago, I found that I had something different from ordinary people. Only the supernatural powers knew that what the ancestors said was true. "

He looked at his children and grandchildren in front of him: "The sword of the imperial court has now been placed on the necks of our two Chen Ke. Do you think I am eager to live well in those years? I am afraid that I will die, those officials in Zhejiang, Eat you all without bones. "

He pointed to the meatballs in the pot: "If I had expected the story of the ancestors, there are truths and falsehoods. Even if the flesh of the brain soul worm cannot let the person eat it, but the incarnation of Longjun should be Liyang There was originally a dragon jun in the lake. The ancestor ate the brain soul worm and occupied his body with bloodline magical powers. Only then did the legend happen. "

After listening to the cold, Chen Han couldn't help asking: "But let's ..." His expression moved: "Dad, what are you talking about?"

Chen Tianfang's expression continued to shrink: "The demon is a demon after all, and it is not credible. The surname of Li cannot stay in Zhejiang. Tianshidao's intention to urge him on the road is already on the road. He is not a serious ill. If he wants to keep the family rich, it is still in this branch On the body of the body. I thought of serving the brain soul worm, and then I tried to fight a Qilian branch, taking over his body and dispatching the pig-poisoned dragon king. Chen Ke and the two were able to sit back and relax. It ’s so spicy. My sons died on the road to fight against Qilian. I do n’t hate it. Why would you want to fight him like this?

As I was talking, Qian Gui outside the door knocked wildly, and a few feet of flame was raised outside, and Qian Gui's voice was distorted: "Master! Lord! Here is a fire demon, we can't stand it, you will take two Grandpa and lady, escape from the back door. "

Ke Nuoran responded across the door: "How can this fire demon go, my people can't stop it."

"I don't know, it's just that he killed Uncle Ke, your **** soldier, with three or two swords."

Ke Nuoran is known as the Heavenly Dragon. For more than ten years, Chen Tianfang has collected various amulets, and even bought soap battles in Longhu Mountain. Among them, the mixed sky warrior in the hands of Ke Nuoran was the most arrogant, just listening to Qian Gui's meaning, not his opponent.

"I go."

Ke Nuoran's eyes were reddish and he was about to go out.

"And slow."

Chen Tianfang called Ke Nuoran, "How are you feeling?"

Ke Nuoran fisted his fist: "Some are hot, others are good."

"Still don't go, let's avoid the edge." Chen Tianfang looked at Ke Nuoran with anxiety. "Please ask the government and Longhu Zhan to deal with it. They are reluctant to die now."

If it was normal, Ke Nuoran would only agree. But at this moment, the mixed sky dragon only felt that there was endless strength on his body, and he laughed: "Master Yue Zhang, wait a moment, I took the monster's head and came to see you."

I like to start collecting birds from your collection: ( From the time of getting birds, the literature is updated the fastest.

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