From the Bird

Chapter 446: Uprooted

"That's it, all right."

Chen Tianfang nodded reluctantly. He slapped Ke Nuoran on the shoulder: "I am the most accomplished of these nieces and nephews, and I really did not read it wrong."

Chen Han opened his mouth aside, but ended up not speaking.

"Master Yue, if you didn't deal with that Haining, my family would plant it in his hands. After all, I still don't want to fight."

"Don't mention the past."

Chen Tian waved his hand.

Ke Nuoran turned to open the door, and Qian Gui stood in front of the door.

"Take the rest of my rune servants and go back to the house to be on standby. It doesn't need you."

Ko Nuoran said.

Qian Gui was hesitant: "But this ..."

Ke Nuoran glared at Qian Gui. Qian Gui didn't dare to speak. He let Ko Nuoran look and nodded slightly when he saw Chen Tianfang. Then he slumped back and rushed to the courtyard to wait for the news. ! "


"Where is Ke's family?"

Cha Xiaodao held a handle on his right hand, greasy blood stained his fingers, and half-foot-long daggers all drew into the servant's neck in front of him.


He pulled the other side against the horse's head against the blood, allowing the blood that he coughed to contaminate his arm.

"In the……"

The man was horrified and looked towards the southwest. Zha Xiaodao followed his eyes and looked at the two-story bamboo building standing high not far away, before nodding his head. He pulled out his dagger and the blood spewed immediately. The man moaned and collapsed on the ground.

There were dozens of torn corpses lying on the back of Cha Xiaodao, and he himself hit a few knives. Because of his thick skin and thick blessings, he was not injured. Only the cut garment was blown by the wind.

Recognizing the location, Zapiao jumped into the air again and rushed to the bamboo floor on the tiles on the gallery. The eaves, bamboo poles, copper bells, and spinal beasts could not shake in his vision. Only the moon-door on the perimeter wall surrounding the bamboo floor opened like a **** mouth.


Cha Xiaodao was standing high, glancing at a group of people fleeing outside. Their clothes were basically the same as those of the clean servants who had just slaughtered themselves. The leader, he had seen at the dock, was Qian Gui, the housekeeper of Chen Fu.

Cha Xiaodao bit the dried fruit in his mouth fiercely, and stretched out his right hand to Qian Gui and his party running wild in the alley.

Black flames burst from his fingers, and a stubborn man stood up in front of Cha Xiaodao's eyes, backed his arms, and then waved his fist fiercely. Substantial white air waves.

The wall under the feet of the two was smashed, and the rockery fruit trees were ravaged, all fragmented and broken.

Cha Xiaodao turned over several heads, and when he was about to land, a wave of air broke out on his back, which stabilized his figure.

The beast tattoo on Ko Nuoran's neck twisted when he was alive. He looked at his huge fist, with white dough and other things sticking to his fist bone, which greatly slowed down the power of his fist.

Checking the knife, he tore off the dough on his face and ate into the stomach with two mouthfuls.

"Next time you are not so lucky."

Ko Nuoran took a sip.

Cha Xiaodao raised his hand and pointed behind Ko Nuoran.

Ke Nuoran froze, and turned back in haste, but saw that the alley behind him had become a ruin of flames. Qian Gui and others burned into black ashes without even sending out a scream.

"Mixed ..."

He turned his head back again, and the icy features of the check knife were in sight!

With a fist with a black flame, the hammer usually hit Ko Nuoran's nose, and with the horrible sound of the collapse of his face and bones, Ko Nuoran swallowed all the rest.

Seeing this through the window, Chen Tianfang turned and fished out the remaining three meatballs from the iron pan, saying nothing to his children: "Go!"

"That promises him ..."

Chen Chun was surprised.

"He will be fine, follow me authentically."

Cha Xiaodao pulled out his blood-stained fist, and the black flame had wrapped Ko Nuoran's entire head.


Ke Nuoran fell on his knees and was motionless on the ground. Only the black flames around his neck were burning.

Cha Xiaodao no longer looked at Ke Nuoran, and continued to march toward Zhulou, but suddenly felt a cold slap clutching his wrist, followed by an unstoppable force to flew him out.

not dead? !!

Relying on food techniques, Cha Dao stabilized his figure in the air. Before he stood still, Ke Nuo, who had only a blaze of flames on his head, stuck it up and smashed Cha Xiaodao to the ground.

The violent color on Cha Xiaodao's face grew stronger. The round white skin surrounded him all by himself. Unexpectedly, as soon as he lifted his breath, the skin around him was hit by a violent storm, overwhelmed, and directly broken.

Ke Nuoran broke his skin, and came straight to the inside of the knife!

Food technology

The black flame and knife light burst, and the two shadows separated.

A small piece of flesh was missing from the neck of Cha Xiaodao, and the blood spray was fatal to ordinary people. Cha Xiaodao reluctantly stopped the blood by virtue of his physical body. His oil skin cannot be cut even with a steel knife. But somehow, a black snake-like tentacle stretched out in the neck cavity of "Kuo Nuoran", and just licking it gently scraped off the flesh on the neck.

However, Cha Xiaodao didn't care about it, just took out a piece of water radish and chewed it.

Ko Nuoran's entire head had been burned out, and only a black flame pulsated around his neck. The whole body shrank twice, and the flesh skin was sticking to the bones, and it looked very shady.

[Brain Soul Worm]

Category: Fairy

Quality: Legend

In the fire, they are crazy, and in the wood, they are divided.

It can be symbiotic with the host after swallowing, increase the host's twenty-four years of life, and strengthen the host's bones and flesh. The sacrifice method requires a large amount of child and men's flesh and blood, which is extremely cruel and bloody. Once the sacrifice is improper, it may be swallowed if it is swallowed, and it will take a lot of time to successfully sacrifice.

Because of the lack of a living soul ritual, there is a possibility of one of ninety-eight after taking it, and it will dry up with the brain soul worm and die.

The power of the brain soul worm is dedicated to breaking dragon species, and in combination with Chen Ke's two blood veins, it can even capture the flesh of all dragon species in the world, and reincarnate the host.

If the host dies due to external forces, the brain soul worm will occupy the corpse, mainly anti-customers, and can use all the abilities of the host corpse.

Comprehensive Evaluation: The Peak of Jiuyi

Threat: Fuchsia (comparable to the limit)

caveat! Inheritance: The heart of 饕餮 is also restrained by the power of the brain soul worm!

caveat! Inheritance: The heart of 饕餮 is also restrained by the power of the brain soul worm!

Cha Xiaodao licked his tongue, and the black flame under his feet became richer.

"Kuo Nuoran", or the brain spirit worm was very greedy when looking at Cha Xiaodao, it rushed up again, Cha Xiaodao did not avoid, pulled out a kiss knife and greeted it directly, the knife in his hand was even more Bursts of magnificent red petals.

Youmao Boro · Powerless!

Chen Tianfang was originally going to escape from the tunnel under the bamboo floor, but he heard a fierce fighting, could not help but glanced at the window again, seeing the headless Ko Nuoran, and a monster with horns jumping in his pupil The moving check knife fights together.

"So he is a dragon?"

Chen Tianfang muttered to himself.


Chen Chun also came over and saw his husband's head missing at a glance, exclaiming suddenly.

"I, oh ..."

Chen Tian put his eyes on the disease and quickly moved his hand, stuffed a meatball into Chen Chuner's mouth, and then pulled her wrist: "Fast into the tunnel! Otherwise we are all dead."

"Come in, come in."

After entering the cellar, Chen Tian let go, and Chen Han held a torch and opened his way in front.

Chen Chun couldn't hold back the fear in his heart, and asked with a tremor, "Dad, where did the fire demon come from, would he still be saved?"

"Do you think it's rare for someone to find you for revenge? The brain soul worm should be made, as for Nuoran ..."

After a pause, Chen Tianfang said, "Relax, he has been saved. The urgent task is to escape and find the overwhelming sea god, and then do some calculations."

Outside the bamboo building.

The tile alley of Baoxiangtai was swept by black fire. The blaze of the sky has already attracted the attention of the government officials, and a large number of officers and soldiers from the Institute are coming.

It is difficult to close when the two sides are fighting. The wooden house is easy to light, and the bamboo building has turned into a sea of ​​fire at this moment.

At the foot of Zha's knife was a cloud of black charcoal. No one could see the original shape, let alone save it.

Suddenly, a pink meatball jumped out of the coke and fled into the fire.

At this moment, Cha ’s knife had blood stains on all parts of his body, a large piece of meat on his shoulders, and the fetal light soul was damaged. He had fallen into a frenzied and frantic look. He looked even more brutal, but did n’t want to, I swallowed this pink meatball into my stomach.

This is not too enjoyable, he took out another pig's hoof and ate it, even chewing pig bones, while eating, checking the knife while breaking into the bamboo floor, he found the authentic traces within a while, without hesitation The ground chased in.

"Well, dad, let's just rest."

Chen Han kept swinging on both legs. After this tunnel was dug out, no one walked through. The thin air and rough roads combined with strong psychological pressure made Chen Han, who was respected and good, a bit unbearable.

"Break? Break if you want to die!"

Chen Tianfang screamed and shouted that his 80-year-old man had nothing to do with it, and even looked more energetic than the usual appearance.

Chen Han only felt that the eyes were full of ghosts, almost untenable, and goodbye to his sister Chen Chun, but it was not a big deal. Instead, his face was red and embarrassed.

"Otherwise eat it."

Chen Tianfang took out a pink meatball.

"Your sister has meatballs so she can stand here."

Chen Han's face changed: "Daddy, you ..."

"Of course I have eaten it, otherwise where can I go now!"

Chen Han hesitated for a while, wondering if it was his illusion. The air in the tunnel was a little hot. He bit his teeth and ate it after taking the meatball.

"OK, OK."

Chen Tianfang nodded again and again: "My good son. When my father didn't lie to you, this brain soul worm, I did make it."

When Chen Han swallowed the meatballs, he really felt that Shutai was up and down all over his body, and then he opened his mouth to say something. He just felt a pain in his heart, a burning sensation poured into his throat, and blood poured out of his mouth.

The torch was thrown on the ground, still burning spontaneously,

Chen Tianfang hugged him tightly: "Right now, we can't support us to see the Great Holy Oversea."

Anyway, he pushed Chen Han away, turned and rushed towards Chen Chun. Chen Chun screamed like a pig, turned and ran away, but far from the strength and fierceness of Chen Tianfang, she was like an antelope slammed by a lion, with a knife from the back. Killed with a single blow through the chest.

The blood was flowing freely, Chen Tianfang squinted his lips, closed Chen Chun's eyes, and shook his head: "The son is no longer able to regenerate. But there is only one opportunity. When you think about the joints, you will kill me in turn."

He glanced at the burning heat behind him, grabbed the torch and ran away, leaving only two bodies in the darkness.

Cha Xiaodao swallowed a brain soul worm, his mind became thinner, and the black shofar monsters in his eyes collided fiercely. He only wanted to kill the Chen Ke family. He ignored the others and chased the tunnel. His eyesight was amazing and easy They found two dead bodies in the tunnel, and took a subconscious sting.

Immediately afterwards, the two corpses stood up one after another, and the brain soul worm occupied the host's corpse, and the first one identified the dragon-like investigation knife.

The two brain soulworms looked at Cha Xiaodao, and looked a little dreadful, but the purple-red light on their bodies didn't mean to diminish.


There was not much food left on Cha Xiaodao. He took out two jars of spices, opened the lid and poured it into his mouth, then he walked towards the two brain spirits in front of his eyes.

The tunnel was narrow, and the black flames burned the earth tunnel to crack. The brain soul worms could not hide, but there was no room for concession by the investigation knife. The killing was short and violent. In the flames, blurred figures were distorted. With the fiery flames dancing, only a murmur of muffled noises could be heard in the dark.

In the end, the two pink meat **** rushed out of the flames and escaped. They were caught by Cha Xiaodao in one hand, and they almost got into the blackbird without any hesitation.


Suddenly, a huge roar rang, hot air flowed into the soil, and the stones broke. This section of the tunnel collapsed. Chen Tianfang buried explosives in the tunnel long ago.

Zha Xiaodao had no time to jump beyond a dozen meters, and was buried in the rocks by a dozen meters.

I don't know how long it took before a torch lit up, and there was an old and gloomy face under the fire.

"Can anyone imagine that the military attaché of the imperial court was followed by a dragon."

Among the stones, Cha Xiaodao stretched out a hand, then half of his body broke free, and Chen Tianfang was seen at a glance.

There are countless large and small wounds on Cha Xiaodao, relying on the blessing of Youyi Brah only to support the last point of physical strength. The golden-red flame on his finger represented his state of inability to support the blackbird.

Cha Xiaodao's eyes returned to clear, but his look was still cold. He fought with three brain soul worms before and after, and was born with restraint. Now he is at the end of the crossbow.

"I can't take the Great Holy Overlord, it's better to take you away, and still keep my body."

Cha Xiaodao ignored him, but grabbed the dirt and sent it to his mouth.

Chen Tianfang was a little daunted at first, but soon laughed: "I can't exchange spells by eating mud."

Cha Xiaodao ignored him, still stuffing mud into his mouth, stunned, his throat spit, vomited, his gastric juice mixed with various residual dregs, and three pink meat balls, all fell to the ground.

Cha grabbed the three meat balls, squeezed them with a pinch, then turned over and pulled out his lower body, setting up a double-knife to split Chen Tianfang's head.

Chen Tianfang's illness is not a disguise. He barely avoids checking the knife enough to crack the stone. No longer hesitating, swallowing the last meat ball into the stomach, rushing to investigate the knife and sneered: "You look like this, it is difficult to stand still. Can you resist the mystery of my Chen family?"

Zha's knife spit out mud and sand, and slammed Chen Tianfang's swords: "You eat shit, you!"

Chen Tianfang's face was red, and what he said at the moment was imaginary. He sacrificed the brain soul worms in one hand, and knew far more than the others in the Chen Jiake family. Although he had no choice but to kill his children, he would gain something. I am confident that the dragon species is now at the end of the crossbow, and there is a brain soul worm in it.

As he was thinking about this, Chen Tianfang's internal organs came with a pang of heartbreaking pain, and a black blood spurted out directly.

Cha Xiaodao was afraid of fraud, but took two steps back.

However, Chen Tianfang's appearance did not want to be false, black blood burst on his face, and his ears were bleeding. He swallowed the brain soul worm, but instead of being as energetic as a few children, he vomited blood in large mouths, and even the black pieces of organs came out of his mouth.

"Impossible, I made it clearly. My son-in-law, my children ate, and they were all right."

Cha Xiaodao stared at him coldly, Chen Tianfang still said to himself, like a stunned look, he looked fiercely at Cha Xiaodao, just took a step, but stepped back like something dirty, backed up. Within a few steps, his expression was frightened.

Chen Tianfang rubbed his eyes in disbelief. There was a pale half-girl on his bed trousers, holding his calf and not letting go.


Chen Tianfang was desperate to break free. Such a move seemed strange to Cha Xiaodao, because he saw an old man with a candlestick and a screaming roar.

Cha Xiaodao remembered the information of Brain Soul Worm, and he knew a few things in his heart. He might have caught up to that one-nine-eighth.

On the other side, Chen Tianfang realized in horror. His other leg was also hugged by a weird child, and on his arms, neck, waist ...

These children are male and female, all have a weird and indifferent look. Chen Tianfang can't get rid of it. A small girl with long hair and a waist, a beautiful but stiff look embraces Chen Tianfang, slowly raises his head, showing him a gloomy Laughed.

"Are you afraid of me?"

Chen Tianfang grabbed the child around his neck and smashed it to the ground. His Qiqiao could not stop bleeding.

Cha Xiaodao stepped forward, stabbed the knife into Chen Tianfang's heart, twisted his wrist again, and pierced the blood hole with the thickness of three fingers.

The feeling of suffocation and death made Chen Tianfang awake a bit, and Cha Xiaodao raised the knife in his hand again. When Chen Tianfang saw the cold light reflected by the blade, he shouted: "Slow!"


Blood splattered, and Cha Xiaodao didn't stop, and directly cut off Chen Tianfang's head.

Maybe it was too much effort, Chen Tianfang's head grunted and rolled out a few meters before finally stopping. Throughout the tunnel, only the breathing sound of Cha Xiaodao was heard.

He stood up and picked up Chen Tianfang's head, but unexpectedly this head laughed out loud: "Okay, okay, multi-line injustice must be self-confidence, I am convinced to take it orally. But the surname is checked, there is no government cover, why dare the Chen family? How many officials have been with us over the years, and their work is not less innocent than us, the governor of the gate, the governor of the gate, the soap service of Longhu Mountain, the **** in the palace, who dares to say that his **** is clean? "


Zha Xiao heaved for a moment and raised an eyebrow, "What about the name?"

Chen Tian opened his eyes with anger: "Li Fukai, Lin'an, Su Jianyuan, the Suzhou River's gate, Long Jinju, Jia Jindeng, Wu Keyang, Ningbo Prefectural Government, Zheng Yuanning, Zhoushan Zhixian ..."

He said dozens of names in one breath: "You have the ability. You punish and eradicate evil. But you killed me a Chen Jiake family alone? My Chen family only has tens of thousands of acres of land and a hundred shops. You know that Zhejiang has How many large households with more than 100,000 acres of land can help raise the price of food? How many royal family members are you embezzling the country? How can you win? If you have the ability, you will kill all! Kill all! "

Cha Xiaodao listened and shook his head: "I can't finish it."

After all, he stomped Chen Tianfang's head and walked to the tunnel exit.

"But for now, they're bad luck."

I like to start collecting birds from your collection: ( From the time of getting birds, the literature is updated the fastest.

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