From the Bird

Chapter 578: Huyalou

A month later.

Only four days before the funeral of the Lord, all Yan Fu walking suddenly received an official obituary from the Ten Lords:

Yan Zhaohui accidentally died on the behalf of Qin An Jiazi No. 6 Middle School. A memorial service is scheduled to be held in Luoyang on October 20. This is an obituary.

Yan Zhaohui

October 16, 2015.

Except for the above few words, there is nothing, not even a little emotional rendering. As for the cause of the death of the Lord, Yan Zhaohui's vacancies and arrangements after major injuries and deaths, these general terms are unknown. Most of them walked at a low position and didn't feel the power of this obituary at all. Some people even knew that Yan Zhaohui existed for the first time.

Most of them just looked up for a moment, and then continued to their lives.

However, a group of people who have a deep understanding of Yan Fu's superstructures rushed to Luoyang early and arrogantly regarded this memorial service for the big men as a great opportunity for their emergence.


Longmen high-speed rail station, the sun is shining and people flow.

"Why haven't you come yet ..."

An Jing's eyes looked around, and finally her eyes brightened.

"Here, here."

She beckoned to a tall woman in a loose sweater.

The other party came with a gift box.

"Too old, right?"

Shan Lingye Charm is really beautiful, she thinks so

Dan Niang nodded hesitantly.

An Jing coughed and showed an approachable smile: "I'm Bi Fang, Yan Zhaohui is the four-seat representative, and I'm here to pick you up."

The seats of Yan Zhaohui were 501. It is divided into five seats in order.

One of the representatives is twenty-eight, represented by ten masters. Two are currently vacant.

The two seats are fifty-two.

There are 120 people in three seats.

There are 140 seats in the four seats.

There are 161 people in five seats.

Matters at the Yan Zhao meeting often represent the entire Yan Fu walk, at least for the benefit of most of the agents. It is often used to draft solutions to high-intensity Yan Fu incidents. The decentralization of certain key Yan Fu powers is occasionally used to arbitrate major contradictions among agents.

Under normal circumstances, only one representative of the ten leaders is eligible to hold Yan Zhaohui, but if more than half of the two representatives jointly request to hold a Yan Zhaohui on a certain issue, the ten leaders must also convene a meeting.

Under normal circumstances, the Ten Masters will lead the entire Yan Zhaohui process. But all members of Yan Zhaohui have the right to speak. The resolutions at the Yan Zhao Conference were voted by all members of the Yan Zhao Conference, with more than two-thirds of the votes in favor.

The owner Zhao Jianzhong, the ghost master Su Ling, the landlord Hou Tu, the feather master Cao Yuanchao, the host Zhan Yuejin, and the scale master Zhu Jiuyin six people have one vote of veto. As long as anyone opposes it, Yan Zhaohui cannot pass any resolution.

In addition, the two seats also have great representative powers.

They often shoulder part of Yan Fu's powers, can interfere with Yan Fu's order, and other conveniences that are not humane. The core point is that only two representatives are eligible to apply to start the ultimate Yan Fu incident of fruit picking. Opening the ultimate Yan Fu incident in private will be considered as an act that touches the interests of all Yan Zhaohui.

It should be explained here that in the course of Yan Fu's walking, it is not only the mediation, scale, and ghosts who have independently completed the ultimate Yan Fu event to pick up the fruits. In fact, more than two digits of people have completed the final Yan Fu event. But those fruits are either vast and barren, or they are small fruits like "Yingcheng Night Boiling". It is not enough to compare with the existence of "Four Realities".

These are almost the biggest conveniences that Yan Fu can get in the present Yan Fu.

Further, it is to establish a giant organization in Tian Jiazijiu that can interfere with international affairs. In fact, only the master and his three eyes around the world can really dare to do so. Others don't have this demand, and they don't have this strength.

By convention, Yan Fu of the Sixth Division will enter the second seat.

"Why are you alone? Shouldn't there be two others coming with you?"

An Jing looked around.

Li Yan, check the knife.

The former participated in the ultimate Yan Fu incident as a non-representative, but unexpectedly received no punishment, and also celebrities who were ill-equipped with the guilty extremists.

The latter has just completed Yan Yan's trial, and entering Yan Zhaohui can almost be said to be an iron slate.

"They have arrived in Luoyang this morning and said they had something else to deal with. They said they went ..."

Dan Niang looked reminiscent.



"In the early hours of yesterday, a large section of the 310 National Highway in this city collapsed. Three people have been killed."

"In the early morning of October 15, a serial car accident occurred at the Baima Temple overpass."

"At noon on October 14, a gas explosion occurred in the Hetong Industrial Zone. At 6:00 pm, a major fire broke out in the Lugutai Scenic Area, which was suspected to be related to the littering of tourists."

"On October 13, a fuel tank truck spontaneously exploded during the eastern section of the Lianhuo Expressway. Fortunately, there were no casualties."

The screen goes out in electronic sound.

"Bull ghost zombie."

Yang Ming muttered. He turned off the TV, took off his blue scarf and put it on a hanger. The child curled up in the corner of the bed and said, "Wake up?"

The child's round eyes stared at Yang Yan resentfully, without saying a word.


Yang Yan hummed in his nose and picked up a carton of milk from the table.

The child pursed his mouth, and suddenly his eyes widened in horror. A large mass of blood-red mud appeared from behind Yang Kun, and the cold red facial features were approaching Yang Ying quietly from behind.

Grunt, grunt.

Yang Yan seemed to be unaware and still swallowing milk.

The child swallowed, but was surprisingly quiet, trying to suppress his abnormal look.

The blood-red facial features were about to fall on Yang Wei, but a cold May Fourth pistol was in front of him.

"Look for death."

Yang Yan turned her head, and a little milk was still on her mouth.

The horrible blood-red facial features suddenly softened, followed by a silver bell-like laughter, the silt twisted and changed, and finally turned into a girl with a bulge and a bulge.

"You really have no sense of humor."

Hot girl raised her hands up.

Bai Xiao, acting agent, Yan Fu's heritage: Hey.

Yang Yan, Actor, Yan Fu Heritage: Hey.

"Luoyang is not very peaceful these days. Why do you bring a child over here? Family?"

Yang Yan shook his head: "In the last case, more than a dozen policemen were killed and the one who fled to the border was called Mu Gang. This is his child. There are no other relatives in the family.

Bai Xiao frowned, muttering, "This kind of thing is left to the organization. Modify the memory, go to the orphanage, leave a pension, and work together."

Yang Yan said with a lip: "This little wolf is not ordinary."


Bai Xiao seemed to notice something. She put her face in front of the child and said hippiely with a smile: "Be nice, let your sister see where you are."

The child shrank back in disgust, but couldn't survive Bai Xiao, who was the agent.

Bai Xiao opened his child's clothes and frowned.

The child's body is very white, but the place near the heart is full of knotted purple-red blood vessels. A large hole is opened on it, which is inlaid with a delicate and complicated mechanical part, which is running smoothly instead of the heart.


"His name is Mou Zhong, who has congenital heart disease. Mou Gang used to be a worker loading and unloading containers on a railway. He then took a risk and became a mule for a local warlord in Myanmar. Then he entered Yan Fu and relied on his ability to make waves on the China-Myanmar border. A heart is the harvest of Mu Gang in a certain fruit. Don't look at the child's smallness, and several adult men are not his opponents. "

"Non-disposable consumables cannot be used on people other than Yan Fu walking. This is the rule of the old man. This thing must be turned over to the organization."

"Tear it down and this child will die."

"He should have died long ago. Yan Fu's walking does not interfere with the death and illness of non-relatives, which is also the rule of the old man."

Bai Xiao answered, suddenly, she tilted her head and looked at Yang Yan: "Aren't you going to adopt him?"

Yang Yan unscrewed another bottle of milk and said nothing.

Bai Xiao's eyes widened. "He's so big, how do you care?"

"Just him if you don't listen."

"What about fighting with other children?"

"beat him."

"What about failing the exam?"

"beat him."

"What about early love?"

"beat him."

"You just care about the children?"

"My dad just cares about me like this. Is it different for the people now?"

"I don't want to be a mother before I get married!"

Yang Yan rolled his eyes, stood up, and put the empty carton full of milk into the trash can. "I need you, too."

"What did you say? You say it again."

"Well, don't bother, what's wrong with me?"

Yang Yan quickly waved his hands.

"Oh, by the way. I found a restaurant that tastes good and tells you to try it together."

Bai Xiao was reminded by Yang Yi. Just remembered.


"Not far from here, the name is pretty good, what's the name, Huyalou."

I like to start collecting birds from your collection: ( From the time of getting birds, the literature is updated the fastest.

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