From the Bird

Chapter 579: Battle of plaques

Just listening to this weird name of Huyalou, no one would think that this is the name of a newly opened Cantonese restaurant. Signature dishes are crispy pork roast, goose roasted in soup, shrimp dumplings and pineapple buns, open six hours a day, two meals in the morning and evening.

Despite its short business hours, with its authentic taste and affordable prices, Huyalou has become the hottest restaurant in Luxi District and Luoyang in less than a month.

It ’s just that I do n’t know how today. The entire Huya Tower is very deserted, and the leftovers on the table are not packed. There was a man sitting in the corner. He wore a white corsage on his chest, a cigarette in his mouth, and swallowing clouds and mist. There were only a few empty beer bottles on the table. The signboard of Huyalou outside the door was also dimmed. Looks like it's going to close soon.

The back kitchen is in full swing. There are more than 20 people in the water table, chopping board, lotus, Shangshi, wok, vegetables, dishes, clay pot, roast meat, and a special bread room and chocolate room. It is more than one grade higher than a fly house with a height of less than two hundred square meters in the two upper and lower floors of Jinhai.

"Xiao Zheng, I'll bring this dish to the guests. Come to work."

The head stove of Huyalou, meanwhile, the waiter who is also the owner of this restaurant, Ding Ruchong, said.

Ding Ru spoke with a southern accent. His tone was always warm. He also wore a corsage on his chest, and framed glasses on the bridge of his nose.

"Okay, Mr. Ding."

Watching Zheng leave, he took off his chef hat and greeted others who were busy outside the kitchen: "Everyone is off work today, and work as usual tomorrow. Let's go."

"Mr. Ding, is there something wrong? Should you call the police?"

The chef's expression was a little worried.

"It's okay, it's a private matter."

"So, okay, see you, Mr. Ding."

"Goodbye, Mr. Ding."

"Goodbye, Mr. Ding."


The chefs left one after another.

Ding Ru wiped his hands with a towel. He went out of the kitchen and pushed the dining car towards the man who smoked in the corner.

The white corsages on their chests complement each other.

Upon hearing the sound of footsteps, Zha raised his head.

Ding Ru put the inverted sea bowl on the round table, and then sat across from Cha Xiaodao. The back kitchen and the lights upstairs have been turned off. Only Ding Ru and Cha Xiaodao remain in Huyalou.

"The business of Cantonese Restaurant has come to Luoyang?"

Cha Xiaodao smiled and greeted.

"I also have a few old friends in the north. Everyone is usually in the south and the north. This time Mr. Qin's death, he had a rare chance to meet. There must always be a place to eat and talk, so I simply discarded it here. You. Congratulations, I haven't seen you for a year, and I'm making great progress. "

Ding Ru unfolded the sleeves that were usually folded when cooking, and stared at the white corsages on the chest of Cha Xiaodao, sighing softly: "No wonder Zhou Ang they no longer contact me, it seems that they are lost . "

Cha Xiaodao grinned: "You are quite calm, and dare to recognize a trip."

"This is not what it used to be. You have stepped into Yan Zhaohui with one foot. Everyone will look down and see each other in the future. There is no need to make the relationship so rigid. We have been good friends for a while."

Zha Xiaodao's eyebrows twisted into a Sichuan word: "Sometimes I also think that I ca n’t fight you but there is no reason. How did you manage to hit me so critically at a critical moment?"

Ding Ru spread his hand: "Black and white are spoken by the mouth. You are also a person who licks blood at the knife edge, but you are only occasionally childish. You don't really call yourself brotherhood, right?"

"I only know that I will never climb on my friends."

"Who cares?"

Ding Ru was unmoved: "Knife, Yan Zhaohui and you have gone through two worlds in the past. The death rate of the surrogate each year is less than 0.2%. You will never have those frightened days, money, women, status .I know that these things can't satisfy everyone, but life, wisdom, and ability to surpass the world, these things are just as readily available to us. Do you still need to engage in the set of grudges and hatreds in martial arts novels? Do you want to do this There are giants at the Yan Zhao meeting, they can make you breathless. At least we are old acquaintances, we know each other well. You think about it. "

"I tell you. When I entered Yan Zhaohui, the first thing I had to do was kick you out without seeing it." Zhan Xiaodao extinguished the cigarette **** and looked directly at Ding Ru: "I have a flower on your chest. A friend wants. "

Ding Ru frowned, looking at the cigarette butts and soot in one place. half

It took him a long time to say, "He wants, you let him take it by himself."

"He wanted to come in, and I told him that it wasn't necessary, I was enough by myself."

Cha Xiaodao opened the sea bowl, and below was a bowl of steaming char-grilled rice.

But pork is raw.

"The char siu is not cooked yet, smashing the signboard."

Cha Xiaodao sneered.

"There is a gate called Evil Dog Village on Huangquan Road. If you throw a piece of raw meat to the evil dog, it will not embarrass you again." Ding Ru said without raising her head. "In fact, I have some friends who want it. They will be here soon. "

Zha Xiaopi smiled with a thumbs up, "Thoughtful."

There was also a sneer on Ding Ru's face: "You're welcome."


"It's so cold in Luoyang at night." Bai Xiao put his hand out of the window: "It's foggy."

She was wearing a light blue shirt and cropped trousers. The whole person looked very capable. If you look closely, Bai Xiao's chest also has a white corsage.

But Yang Yan didn't.

The suv galloping on the highway smashed into the thick mist.

"How far is Huya Tower?"

Yang Yan, who drove, asked casually.

"Hurry up. Just turn around at the intersection."

Suddenly, Yang Ming stepped on the brake.

After a sharp turn, the white SUV stopped at the turn.

"what happened?"

Bai Xiao turned his head and asked.

"Not quite right."


A huge footprint suddenly appeared on the right side of the SUV's body, stepping out of the solid road paved with a foot deep depression. Followed by the second footprint, the third ...

Stepping on the footprints was a bald head in a wide trench coat, and his cold eyes were full of fierce and terrifying light. Hiding behind him is a green giant with a left hand pinching an old tortoise and a red python with a right arm. The long-haired flying dancer echoes the surrounding tall buildings. A breath of wildness that straddled ancient times was upon us.

Inheritance: Long Bo's work · Sky punishment

There is an adult in Long Bo, who stands tall. A few steps of Zhou Huanyu, sucking giant clouds. Cangming is the roof of the room, and Beihai is the pelvis. One fishing Liuao magpie, two mountains due to land sinking

—— "Into the Sea" Zhang said


Yang Yan in the car was expressionless.

The bald head crossed the men and women in the car and frowned.

More than Long Bo, in the thick fog,

Various men and women came from all directions of Huyalou. They looked dead and looked at the faint sign of Huyalou.

On the steps of Huyalou, a tall and thin man in a black sweater was sitting. If An Jing was here, he could see at a glance that the clothes of this man and Dan Niang were couples.

Different projections are rising up into the sky,

Nature, Jiang Fei, Qing Ji, Teng Snake, Riding Yellow ...

As the sword stretched, Yang Yan shook his head and closed the SUV's window to death.

The mist suddenly changed!

A few traces of abnormal dark halo began to appear in the original thick fog, and the thick fog, which could not be thickened, shrank inward, wrapping these unknown Yan Fu walking layers.

The SUV's windshield is completely covered by fog.

Yang Yan adjusted the seat back slightly, and then lay down. Deaf to everything outside the window.

Outside the car, the inheritance projection was that the dragon's bald head sensed danger and held his breath subconsciously, but he was completely surprised that the fog pressure root did not need his breathing guidance, and he went crazy like a conscious poisonous beast Into his nostrils, eyes, and even ears!

Yun Mengze's fog seems to have no lethality, but after atomizing the evil water, it will become an intangible weapon for killing people, especially someone who opened the Holy Garden can already peel and add complex toxins from the evil water to create The colorless and odorless venomous fog is easy!

Flutter ~ flutter ~

There was a continuous sound of falling to the ground from his bald ear, and he lost his mind, and the dragon dragon giant had to spread his hair. A halo of green light rose from him, separating these weird mists, but he had not waited for him Tones, a sudden horror of Mount Tai was swept up, and before he could see clearly, he was hit by the front!

In the fog, the man in the black sweater looks like a framed black-and-white movie, with almost no space to teleport between the crowd. The crowd, who had been forced by the strange fog, had little room to fight back, and was knocked to the ground by him.

The elite siege of the original will become a horror game for one person.

Five minutes later, no one was still standing at the scene, and the strange fog was suddenly cleared, and the entire street was innocent.


Li Yan knocked on the window of the SUV. Staring blankly at Yang Ye and Bai Xiao in the car.

Yang Yan lowered the window and Li Yan probed outside the car and said, "Passing by."

Li Yan nodded and stepped back two steps to signal the two to leave.

Yang Yan turned back and shrugged at An Xiao: "Don't eat, go."

After all, the domestic SUV turned its head and left along the way.

Bai Yan looked into the rearview mirror and narrowed Li Yan until he disappeared. Only then did he punch Yang Yang's waist and eyes: "Who is this person, Yan Zhaohui still has this number?"

The Yan Fu walking seemed to have a large number of people, but they were all at the highest level of the eight poles. They had experienced at least a few secret enhancements, and Bai Xiao could cope.

But if you can understate it like this person, you still have to draw a question mark.

"Not Yan Zhaohui."

"So, the new agent?"

Yang Yan shook his head: "He is not a substitute."

I like to start collecting birds from your collection: ( From the time of getting birds, the literature is updated the fastest.

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