From the Bird

Chapter 582: Vote

Everyone subconsciously looked at Wenwen Ji. She now has three eyes around the world. These are her internal affairs. For so many years, she hasn't heard any leaks from her, which made many people who knew her temperament surprised.

Wu Wenji glanced at the crowd and snorted coldly.

Zhao Jianzhong ignored the response of the crowd and continued to say

"Clearing the Sifan seed left behind in Daqian Yan Fu after the war, this is really not something I can do with Zhao Zhao. My first motion was Yan Zhaohui to work together to bury Buddhism in Daqian Yanfu. The destructive miracle seeds in the fruit are found one by one and disposed of properly. "

After this, the scene was silent.

"Everyone can speak freely."

Only a long time ago, someone said softly: "You can ask Houtu to release related Yan Fu events, and tell the lower walk to deal with them, and we will get the rewards for the events."

Zhao Jianzhong smiled: "This kind of thing can't be handled by ordinary low-level walking."

"I don't think so. In fact, Si Fan's power is too great. Once the agent and ordinary walking are contaminated, the end result is not too much. It is rash to let the agent handle these things, which will easily cause irreparable human loss."

Zhao Jianzhong didn't speak, just stared indifferently at the person who spoke.

"It's the old man who speaks freely."

The man mumbled.

"So, what do you think?"

Zhao Jianzhong looked at the others.

Someone covered his empty right shoulder and gritted his teeth and said, "Anyway, I will never touch that kind of ghost again."

Disability of the right arm, which is almost impossible for the survivors in the sky. They have too many ways to recover the injuries and heal themselves. Needless to say, some surrogates can even achieve unconsciousness. Atoms reshape the physical body.

But the fact is that the exfoliation of Si Fan is the conceptually obliterating the function of an organ as a living thing. If the arm is peeled off, no matter if you use machinery or other means, in short, all actions that can perform the functions of the original right arm cannot be Get in touch with the limbs.

In short, even if it is as strong as the Ten Masters, if one is accidentally overwhelmed by the power of imagination, he will die on the spot.

"Just allowing low-level walking to do such work is too inefficient, and it is easy to trigger its peeling response. My suggestion is to first compare the fruits of Yan Fu's walking before and after the war, and it is extremely possible to have a copy The list of the power of Sifan. All the events of Yan Fu's walking in the coming year will be carried out in this batch of fruits. Once the existence of Sifan's seed is confirmed, it will be ruled out by experienced veterans and low walking. "

"It's quite loud, so I ask, who is the experienced agent?"

"You can't just let it go? Who will be unlucky then?"

"Isn't Three Eyes Global experienced in dealing with this accident?"

In a slightly arguing quarrel, this sentence cooled the scene again.

Su Ling didn't hold back, grinned, and then lowered his head to play with his cap.

"Xing, what do you mean?"

Wu Wenji stood up and stared at the man who spoke.

"I have no selfishness to allow your people to participate more easily. This is an objective fact. I take a stand and I am willing to personally participate in the event of arranging Sifan Seeds."

"Well, according to your meaning, you have to go naked on the street and our three eyes around the world have to accompany you? What do you count?"

Xing Xing smiled very kindly on behalf of the agent: "This is not the occasion to slap the street, I have already finished all the expressions, and I will not say a word next."

"You ..." Yan Wenji noticed that Zhan Yueji stopped her eyes, and glanced down and sat down.

"Xing Sen is justified. Aid Korea is not here. I'll take the shot. Three Eyes Global is willing to participate in the related event of the placement of Sifan Seeds."

Zhan Yuejin said slowly.

"No one needs to fight, no one can run. So, old rules, everyone defaults to participate in the resettlement work, but if you are unwilling to participate, you will pay a certain value of Yan Fu points or other items to fill the reward for completing the resettlement event in.

Zhao Jianzhong ended this brief farce.

"Then, most of them are trivial matters. For example, the sequential decay of the jiazi two hundred and fifty-nine fruit and the like, it can be discussed at the Yan Zhao meeting together."

After Zhao Jianzhong said, he looked at the landlord who looked like a little girl.

"Well, it's my turn." Hou Tu opened his mouth. "After the unexpected death of the Lord Qin An, the Lord Zhu was vacant. At present, the Ten Lords have not been willing to take over the request of the Lord Zhu.

"Two representatives are vacant. The ten leaders have carefully considered and decided to select suitable candidates from three or less representatives to improve their ranks. I read the list of pre-selected agents."

"Jin Gangzhi, Jiufeng, Tai Sui, He, Zhao Xuantan, killing a child in nine days. Wei Yueyan."

Yan Zhaohui's current six division-level Yan Fu is indeed not enough to hold two seats for fifty-two people, so the Ten Masters promoted a group of people from the peak of the Seven Palaces to enter the second seat, which also became a helpless choice.

Of the seven candidates, King Kong Zhi and Jiu Feng were all six division walkers not long ago, and they were all three-seat representatives before.

Tai Sui status is special, not to mention.

Alas, Zhao Xuantan, Yingzhao, Weiyueyan are the peaks of the Seven Palaces, and they are the leading figures among them. The only representative of the seventh house in the second seat should be born from these four people.

"The third round of secret ballots will be held below. Based on the results of the voting, the ten masters will cancel the reserve qualification of one proxy as appropriate. The remaining six substitutes will be voted at the official Yan Zhao conference. The results of the voting will be used to select the agents to be eliminated. "

Houtu took out a small book: "Before the meeting began, everyone had given me a vote, and there were 30 voters, and I will sing the votes below."

"King Kong Zhi, twenty-eight votes in favor, two votes against."

A monk wearing a gray monk robe smiled at the table.

"Nine Feng, twenty-eight votes agree, two votes against."

Zhao Jianzhong was expressionless.

"Wai Yueyan, 20 votes agree, 10 votes against."

Su Ling yawned.

"Well, twenty-two votes agree, eight votes against."

"Zhao Xuantan ..."

Houtu reads down in turn: "Nine days to kill the child, nineteen votes agree, and eleven votes against."

After a pause, Houtu continued to read: "Too old, one vote agrees, 29 votes against."

Houtu raised his head: "After consideration of all ten principals, the pre-selection qualification for killing children in nine days was cancelled. The people who finally entered the official election of Yan Zhaohui were Jin Gangzhi, Jiufeng, Wei Yueyan, Ji, Zhao Xuantan, too old.

I like to start collecting birds from your collection: ( From the time of getting birds, the literature is updated the fastest.

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