From the Bird

Chapter 583: Funeral without tears (1)

After the meeting, Wu Wenji sat in the back of the car, holding his shoulders and closing his eyes.

The peacock in the driver's position glanced at her through the rearview mirror and smiled, "Sister, who is making you angry?"

"Drive your car."

Wu Wenji gave her a white look.

After speaking, Zhan Yuejin opened the car door and sat on the co-pilot. The peacock also shut up in time and started the Ford car silently.

"Why are you at your discretion? Twenty-nine votes against, one vote in favor, and you can call too old a pre-election?"

Wu Wenji asked.

"The number of votes sometimes does not explain the problem. The pre-selection was originally dominated by a small number of people, not to mention being too old. Just say that King Kong Zhi and Wei Yueyan, even if their votes are behind, wouldn't fearless Sanzang and Su Ling let them lose. It's not a formal public election at the Yan Zhao Conference, it doesn't have to be true. "

Wu Wenji heard his frown frown: "Who insists on letting Taisui pass the pre-election? Su Ling? It must be him!"

Zhan Yuejin shook his head: "It's Zhao Jianzhong."


Wu Wenji opened her eyes wide and found it difficult to understand: "You have to return too old to Yan Zhaohui, I understand, I have a sense of interest. But three seats and four seats are much more empty. She is an outsider after all. She is not even a person, Do you understand what I'm talking about? "

"I don't know this either."

Zhan Yuejin sipped his paper cup.

"The people attending the meeting are all the backbone of Yan Zhaohui. They don't like being too old. You, Su Ling, and Houtu do not support her. Even if she passes the pre-election, she may not be elected. By that time, it will still be empty.

Wu Wenji did not like the woman named Dan Niang, probably because of the unpleasant meeting in Hongshan Paddock, or because she inherited it

"If I were you, I wouldn't be so optimistic."

Ji Wenji frowned, "What do you say?"

"The pre-selection of this stuff is plainly to show everyone's heart. The new Tai Sui's background, Yu Shu's lesson learned, plus the inexplicable Li Yan who has disturbed everyone's benefits, it is normal for twenty-nine votes to object. The election involves too many interest games. Did you notice that everyone's eyes did not look like when the meeting was over? "

"What do you mean?"

"Let me put it this way, if the old man really wants to let the new maiden enter the second seat, the old man will also support the old man. Su Ling is a nerve knife, and no one is necessarily. The rest, no one is willing to touch the mold. Wind direction It will change. In any case, the new Tai Sui is also walking at the level of six divisions. He has a complete Yan Fu heritage and has a lot of future. The sighted people can see that the Taiping day has passed, not only for the sake of the ordinary, but also for the indigenous people. Light. That Zhang Yichu turned on a bad boss ... "

Speaking of this, even talking about Zhan Yuejin, who is always gentle, always has a few different expressions in his eyes: "Yan Zhaohui has the benefits of eating in his mouth over the years, and it is heavenly night to be willing to spit it out."

"Do you really let that woman go into the second seat? But you have to let some of the boss out. Do you know the origin of the mountain spirit, and you are not afraid to bring out a big basket at that time?"

"New Tai Sui's second seat is not necessarily a bad thing for you, she can't get two seats, and it is not necessarily a good thing for you." Zhan Yuejin put the steaming paper cup into the slot: "The referendum has not yet started, candle Jiuyin hasn't arrived in Luoyang yet, it's too early to stand in line ... "


"Do you want to be in the second seat?"

Li Yan sat on the soft mattress and asked Dan Niang, who was sitting on the chair.

"Do you want me to take a second seat?"

Dan Niang asked.

Li Yan thought for a while, then shook his head: "I don't know. I just came here not to let you be wronged."

Dan Niang's eyelashes moved: "The woman named An Jing who took me off the train told me that if I could get two seats, I would know Yan Fu's true colors."

Li Yan laughed abruptly when he heard: "Originally, what do you mean?"

"That is, the birth of Yan Fu, the significance of Yan Fu's growth and growth, and many other things that have been troubling most people. If you enter the second seat, you can find the answer."

When Dan Niang said these things, she had obvious longing and curiosity in her eyes. This look Li Yan had seen many times. When she saw the half-height gramophone for the first time, she saw the short hair on the poster. When Liu Hai was the female drummer, when she first saw 24 sticks of ysl-limited lipstick gift boxes on the shopping website, she showed similar expressions.

"When I first entered Yan Fu, I did look like a curious baby for a while." Li Yan said, "I have done a lot of conspiracy theories, and I think from time to time, why do you want to save me? What is the significance of the Yan Fu incident? My life and all the power I have are real or a dream. But now, I have no interest in these. "

Dan Niang looked very surprised: "Why?"

"Because I slowly realized a truth. If one day I have the ability to touch these, even if I don't want to, I must face them. Maybe these things are not understood in my life, but that's not so bad."

Dan Niang thought for a while, trying to explain something: "But, don't you feel panicked? You have experienced so many strange worlds, are those real? Blind, Zhang Yichu, are they real? What are you doing? Look at those people? What do you think of me? "

Li Yan yelled, he licked his lips, rare stuttering: "You don't need to drill this horn. I, I never felt, I mean, I never thought ..."

"But I thought about it." Danniang interrupted Li Yan: "I really want to know what Yan Fu is and what is the meaning of my existence."

Li Yan blinked, unable to think of what to say for a moment, and the two fell into a long silence.

Suddenly, Cha Xiaodao walked in eagerly. He was about to open his mouth, and soon found that the atmosphere was wrong, and closed his mouth again.

"what happened?"

"I'm thinking. It's getting cold. Everyone is eating hotpot. Ask you two to eat hemp sauce or oil saucer?"

"Mash. Ah, forget it, I'll buy it with you."

Li Yan stood up.

"I eat whatever you eat."

Dan Niang looked at Li Yan who stood up.

"it is good."

Cha Li went out of the door and went out a long way, and Cha Xiaodao asked softly, "You two won't quarrel, right?"

Li Yan didn't speak, it took him a long time to take a breath, and even the temperature on the road was a few degrees lower.

"She asked me some questions that I don't know how to answer. In fact, I should have thought about these questions long ago."

With an indescribable look on Li Yan's face, he frowned and looked at Cha Xiaodao: "I don't seem to give her a sense of security."

"Actually I'm curious. How far have you two progressed now?"

Zapiao asked inexplicably.

Li Yan raised her eyebrows first, then ran into the knife and smiled, but didn't speak.

I like to start collecting birds from your collection: ( From the time of getting birds, the literature is updated the fastest.

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