From the Bird

Chapter 637: Xumi fantasy?

Talking is actually a young man wearing a sick uniform, messy hair, and a bit of erratic eyes.

Blast five.

"Tian Dao Dayi, Vientiane return to spring, are all overbearing Fengshui Bureau to gather wealth, regardless of the lives of others. The two are in a tit-for-tat. Since West Kowloon has these two buildings, the business of other places has become increasingly depressed. It's just one street away, and everyone would rather take a few more steps, but also go to visit the business of Yongji and Quanhe two buildings. There was a strange phenomenon, and there were many ghosts everywhere. Only the two buildings under the Fengshui Bureau were crowded. In desperation, many plot shops in the surrounding area were transferred at low prices. "

"But later, some people bought land in West Kowloon at a low price for night markets and wholesale markets. They also built five low-rent apartments next to the two Fengshui Bureaus, which were specially leased to young and strong migrant workers from other places. Mingzhu Building. Because the Mingzhu Building is adjacent to two iconic buildings in West Kowloon, but it is built ugly and short, it was teased by the local people as a dwarf building. Since the Pearl Tower was built, the entire West Kowloon area has become more and more Prosperous, especially the open-air night market, is almost overcrowded almost every day, restaurants, theater stalls, hanging stalls, qigong juggling, pharmacies, night clubs. Some people have roughly calculated that the business of night streets in several streets together adds up to more than a thousand running accounts in one night. Ten thousand. Earn a little more than Shadantong and Yangzai Wang at the time. "

The receptionist blinked, but she never heard anyone talk about these things.

"This is the general's disarmament, which describes how the general returned to his account and removed the helmet with his right hand. It is an extremely complicated feng shui pattern. The Matsui Ayatake inherited from the Jiu Ju school and has inextricable links with Chinese feng shui science. He The shape of the Quanhe building designed by one hand is exactly like two Japanese sabers holding up the sun, but I said that it is a three-pointed gun pointed directly at the sky, and it is completely understandable. Yongji Building was designed by Chen Lang as a shell-shaped egg. But it also resembles a general's helmet. The newly built five Pearl Towers are staggered in height, just as the generals have five fingers together, and financial power is in control. "

"It is said that the generals are disarmed. Naturally, there must be no soldiers. The five low-rent apartments are full of young people with blood. The night market is opened, the lights are bright, the flow of people is like weaving, and it is like victory. Many soldiers will return to camp. "Looking at West Kowloon at this time, there are flags, drums, horses, and swords in the sand. There is a lot of soldiers, and there are many buildings in the area.

Wenle was young, but she was so eloquent that tourists were dubious.

"Is it true or false? Why have I never heard of any general removing his armor."

"No, the night market in Kowloon is really hot."

"The return of Vientiane, the day of the sword, the general's disarmament, and one of them taken out alone is already an exquisite feng shui layout. The details in this, not to mention the last few days, are endless. The three famous bureaus all come together. Unconsciously, it has become a whole, you have me, you have me. It has become a strange situation and a dangerous situation that has not been seen for a century. After 20 years, many feng shui masters came to visit in the 1980s and wanted to see The style of the three major Feng Shui famous bureaus has become a legend in Hong Kong's Feng Shui industry. "

The crowd listened with interest,

After Wen Le said, he went to the receptionist and took out a card: "Excuse me, I'm here to participate in Mr. Chen Lang's Feng Shui banquet. What floor is Mr. Chen on?"

The receptionist glanced down at the card and hurriedly pointed at the elevator: "Turn right on the eighth floor, and the banquet will start in ten minutes. Someone will show you to the scene."

"Thank you."

"You're welcome, sir."

The hostess bowed slightly, blushing a little, but it was even stranger why this young man of extraordinary insight wore a sick suit, like he escaped from a mental hospital.

"But the old gentleman said just now that the Feng Shui Bureau was broken."

Someone muttered among the tourists.

Only after pressing the elevator, Wen Le heard a word and asked the speaker: "How do you know?"

The man froze and pointed towards the skylight: "The old man, just now, why did the man disappear?"

"Yeah, it was just now."

Crowds of horror continued, and the elevator door opened.

Venerian's eyes flashed for a while before turning into the elevator.


"What Feng Shui Famous Bureau ..."

Cha Xiaodao stood on the edge of the rooftop of Yongji Building, and his pupils had intense black ripples.

Under his feet is a prosperous commercial street, but in the eyes of Cha Xiaodao, it is a dark cloud over the city. One after another, the flags are erected in the sky. Countless black armors line the mountains and kill the enemy. His feet are not reinforced concrete. Bleeding black faucet. The two crossed Japanese army knives on the opposite side were broken at the same time, and a dozen-foot-tall half-knife had a spider-like crack on it. It was dark, scorched, and a cloud of sorrow.

Cha Xiaodao took a puff of cigarette and mumbled vaguely: "This is clearly the Xu Mi fantasy!"

"Yes, it's Xu Mi."

Yang Yan stood side by side with him.

"You and I do n’t understand things about Feng Shui. I ’m in a fantasy world. Other people have pulled me in a few times, but I do n’t really have this thing in my hand. I ’ve heard people say that you have a biography called Eternity Xu Mi fantasy, so I found the two of you, and I was sure to bet with Chen Lang. "

While talking, he pointed at the surge of the flag: "If we don't build civil engineering, don't stain our blood, and break the Feng Shui Bureau of others, I have blown this cowhide, but I can't always demolish the building to break the situation, and then According to his admission, my feng shui accomplishment is far better than him? If military force can solve it, of course I will do it myself. "

"I didn't break it this time."

I stood on the left side of Cha Xiaodao, and scratched my head sadly: "The two Japanese swords are fierce enough. I had a coincidence before and got a sumi fantasy called Diaolou. The two Japanese swords were the day before yesterday. Cut back the prototype, it's almost useless. Brother, you have to take the lead this time. "

His greasy hands couldn't help tapping Xiaodao's shoulder.

Yang Yan glanced at him and never forced him. Yun's qualifications are very high. He even entered Yan Fu five or six years earlier than him, and was almost equal to the worm. Zhao Jianzhong was also jealous of him. This time he was exceptionally asked to be included in the three seats. He really didn't seek for advancement, and his previous strength was only in the middle and lower reaches of Yan Zhaohui.

"I will try my best."


"Feng Shui masters have learned all their lives, but they are worthy of numerology and numerology. However, the vast majority of feng shui masters have only achieved achievements in kansui science. Very few people are willing to spend their time studying numerology. Because no matter how the feng shui masters bloom the lotus, human life It can be seen that one's destiny is already doomed at birth. Even if a master of numerology has the means to pass through the sky, he cannot change his life for another day. However, Feng Shui can use the tomb to make the descendants of a family. Birth is the destiny of the rich and the noble. It will take decades and hundreds of years. After Feng Shui's translocation, the blessing of the rich and noble will be invalid. However, the businessman named Yang is really a wicked one. As a matter of practice, Red Mouth and White Teeth said that they would break my feng shui. Within a few days, the Feng Shui Bureau of Yongji Building seemed to have passed for decades, and the stagnant air had accumulated in the dry position, the fire had entered the acupoint, and the faucet had been chopped. This is a strange thing never encountered in a lifetime.

Chen Lang is an old man with a small nose and small eyes. In the past, he was funny and humorous. He was still very feminine. He also had a scandal with a popular actress not long ago.

Now he has deep eyes and bloodshot eyes. Anyone can see that he has encountered a lot of trouble.

"Dear me, this is the time of my life and death. I implore you to help."

Wen Le sat in the corner of the table at the corner of the banquet, and said nothing except occasionally eating grapes on two plates. Xue Wenhai had confessed to him before he came. Don't face the conflict with Sanqi Noble, but be sure to test his ability.

"Mr. Chen, what is so serious? Even if you bet with the other party, is it a society ruled by law, can he still kill you? What bets did you place?"

A Yang-style Feng Shui master from Jiangxi asked.

Chen Lang repeatedly wrote: "Master Qi, it is not me who hides Chen, but the content of the bet I and the other party will never disclose to the outside, and please don't ask any more."

He winked at his female assistant. The assistant noticed that he took out dozens of thick red envelopes from under the tray and issued them to the Feng Shui masters one by one. Especially when he bent down, he showed a little cleavage in his professional costume, which was even more appealing. Distraught.

The cannibalism is soft and the manpower is short, and everyone's questioning also stops. The study of Zheng Ba Jing children came from Feng Shui Bureau.

It can be studied for a few hours, and there is no improvement. These people are full of words, what is the twenty-eighth place on the sand, the third pass is the best choice, the eight house feng shui, and the golden lock is very lively. Most of the ideas that come out must be renovated drastically. It doesn't matter if you spend it, it may not work in the eyes of Chen Lang.

Or weird and strange, what to do a temple fair, please a statue of Guan Erye, a deity, to drive away evil and avoid evil, and some people swear that the Yang surnamed businessman used Southeast Asian evil techniques to use black dog blood to break.

Not to mention Chen Lang, even Pele Music couldn't listen to it, and couldn't help but say, "In the final analysis, Kan Yu and Numerology are the two legs of Feng Shui Master, neither of which will work. If the director of this building was the original It ’s not Mr. Zhou Yutong, a nobleman of Dexiu, and President Chen ca n’t point out the Fengshui Bureau where Jilong absorbs water, and the wind is full of things. The general ’s disarmament is an odd situation. Take it one step further. Now that you are in trouble, of course, you have to ask a noble person with enough life to help. "

I like to start collecting birds from your collection: ( From the time of getting birds, the literature is updated the fastest.

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