From the Bird

Chapter 638: Feitian Zhenfu

Chen Lang retorted subconsciously: "The Feng Shui Bureau has a wonderful combination, only the layout of the talent knows it. If it conflicts with the Feng Shui Bureau, life is no longer expensive. But who is the boss behind the Pearl Tower? No one knows either. I visited and ate behind closed doors. I did n’t even know the overlord who unloaded the armor. Where can I find a noble person who can sit in Fengshui Bureau? "

Wen Le smiled lightly: "If you want to know the ternary ten thousand dharma sects, first look at the emperor and the magical powers, Kun Yuan and Deji are well connected. Divine decline, supplemented by heaven, are ruthless and perverse. "

These words are extremely obscure. Ordinary people have to be dizzy, but Chen Lang is very knowledgeable and immediately delighted. He continued to make a fuss: "I ca n’t think of the life of Chen Chen. What is the originator of "Normenology", what do you call a little brother? Come on, please. "

After speaking, Chen Lang actually stood up for such a young man in his early twenties, and pulled him to sit in the middle of the banquet.

Other feng shui masters are talking a lot.

"Master Qi, you have a long history and are well-informed. What is Celestial Destiny?"

At the wine table, a complimented Feng Qishui master, Shen Yin, said for a while: "It is a Fengshui school that opened in the Song Dynasty. There are few people, and it is only recorded in some ancient books. He just read it. It should be the general outline of "Destiny of Celestial Destiny", and I have also heard people talking about it. This "Destiny of Celestial Destiny" has a lot of tone, saying that it can change lives for the heavens, and use the ability of noble people to fly to the sky. The book is wicked. "

"Chairman Chen, you can avoid it. I haven't studied" The Essence of Celestial Destiny ". I just watched Chen Lao's generosity and enthusiastically wanted to give you an idea."

Chen Lang finally showed a little high popularity. He didn't rush to ask about it. He carefully examined the pestilence, and only a moment later he arched his hand: "Little brother, your surname?"

"Free name surname Ding, Ding Jiale."

Wen Le had no intention to entangle with Chen Lang: "The change in the quality of the arts is really inseparable from the word" Chonghe ". However, only the layout person knows the Fenghe Shui Bureau's clash. Oh, it may not be the case, forgive me Meng Lang, Chen Hui The return of Vientiane under the cloth of Chang's own hands should be in harmony with Dexiu nobles, noble national seal nobles, Tianyisha, and noble Yuede nobles, death gods, and four wastes. Am I right? "

Chen Lang's face was complicated: "Not bad at all."

Wen Le continued: "The overlord unloading armor is different from the others. Except for Tian Yi, the first noble man who has all things, he only deals with evil, not good luck. The more evil, the better, I'll stop here. Stay. "

Wen Le did not drag the water around, and got up and left. Chen Lang was shaken by him, and he forgot about it for a while.

The whole venue was silent for a little while before the violent discussion burst out.

The building shook abruptly, and the sky outside the window was instantly overcast, and the dull thunder echoed deep in the clouds.

Chen Lang's face changed drastically. He took out the golden compass he was carrying, and the pointer on it was turning quickly. The Fengshui Bureau was broken the first two times, and the compass is also moving like this. About an hour or two later, Vientiane Guichun and Tiandao Tuori announced that they were broken and can no longer be used.

Glancing over the corner of Wen Le's mouth,


The dark clouds outside the floor-to-ceiling window made Wenle's half of his face blue and dark, and it looked terrible.


The bright golden halo dissipated the sad cloud and mist. The applause, string, and frustration of the books are endless. The check knife is like gold casting, and the two black tail flames circling behind it, falling straight from the building, and rushing into the black armor that can't see the head. An angry black flame blasted a huge air mass. Under the huge flame impact, countless black armors fluttered all over the sky like weak paper.

On the top of the building, Yan and Yang Yan looked down at the egg-shaped black flame air mass under their feet, each holding a cup of milk tea.

"Is he okay?"

Black ripples appeared in Yang Yan's eyes. He can observe the true face of Fengshui Bureau's "general disarmament" through Jinghong at a glance, but he cannot intervene unless he also has a blessing in the illusionary realm.

"I see."

After breaking the sky knife support day, the open-handed Chong Chazhao Xiaodao gave a thumbs up: "Just rush to this battle, this style, can't even set off a small general to remove armor? Can't."

In the eyes of the two of them, there are scattered semi-old buildings, intricate highways, full of traditional Chinese billboards and shops, but in the middle of the building stands a huge **** dragon head. The two broken sabers, as well as the flags and armors, make people feel a magical feeling of being out of the times.

The high heat of the Black Armor was evaporating, and the tens of meters of black tail flames twirled and danced behind Zha Xiao's sword. Generally, the Black Armor rushed out of a huge rift.

The investigation knife in the flame raised his head, and there were five large cowhide tents in front of him. Countless black armors, which usually floated in the air, rushed out of the investigation tent and rushed into the investigation knives.

He raised his kisses and knives, setting off a series of huge air mass explosions in the Black Armor formation, wearing sugar gourds as if he swept through the five cowhide tents, the black flames rose a dozen feet high, and the investigation under the pit full of wreckage Chivalry eyes are like knives, like gods.

But the moment the big leather tent was burned, the cold hair on the back of Cha Dao exploded, and his subconscious leaped high. He looked down at the ground, and his foothold had been replaced by a clenched huge palm. The huge arm covering the tiger's head and the rotten skull with the iron helmet replaced the location of the original Yongji Building. As for the apartment building named Mingzhu Building, it was the five fingers of the skeleton general who was pulling out and disconnecting. Saber, aggressively chopped towards Cha.

"It's not right."

Yang Xie frowned: "The Feng Shui Bureau of the general's unarmoring still has this hand?"

Cha Xiaodao took a deep breath, and the intense golden light shrank onto the blade. It was the killing stroke of the ancient biography that consumed all the "invincible hand" of the spread. Unfortunately, Li Yan was consumed too much in the last incident. This time The power of "Invincible One Hand" is much worse.

boom! !!

After the violent impact, the golden light of the eternal biography collapsed until it disappeared, and Liu Jingting's book sounded abruptly.

Cha Dadao fell back upstairs, his face pale, and he took several big steps back.

"All right?"

Cha Xiaodao waved his hand to signal that he was fine.

Yang Min touched his chin: "Chen Lang seems to have touched us a little way, just the general's armor removal, should not have this power."

He came back to China and said, "Be assured, I promise you a certain number of calculations. As for the Feng Shui Bureau of the general's disarmament, I will ask someone for help."

Cha Xiaodao shook his head: "No, I still have a solution."


Yang Yan raised an eyebrow with interest.

Cha Xiaodao's eyes turned: "In addition to the double sword martial arts, there isn't a Feitian Zhenfu in Biography."

I like to start collecting birds from your collection: ( From the time of getting birds, the literature is updated the fastest.

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