From the Bird

Chapter 645: Killer's Debt

The second floor of the Pearl Tower.

The empty warehouse was cold and wet, and a powered alloy freezer was erected under the exhaust fan. It was covered with red rune paper on a yellow background and tied with seven or eight turns of large iron chains. The gap between the yellow paper and the chain was faintly visible. The paint drew a traditional wild character.

"No wonder the boss told you to run away and just take it."

Vivian touched the freezer lightly, and the nails covered with flower juice collided with the cold alloy, and made a dingling sound: "Ten evil defeats, the four pillars are fierce. It is extraordinary."

"The body was brought back from Southeast Asia by the boss himself. His baby is tight."

Plague hugged his shoulders, and his strange eyes returned between the freezer and Vivian.

Chong Weiwei An said with a smile: "Chen Lang persuaded the people of Quanhe Building and heard that he had hired Dogleg Ze and Zhang Jinxuan as the security captains of the two buildings. One of them was Xing Yi'an's straw shoes because they were sold. Boss was chased down by the community. He was fired by the police early in the morning for corruption. It was a natural match. "

"It's easy to use. Without Tengusha and Wugui's official wealth and shackles, you can't do the overlord's armor removal."

Vivian was uncomfortable staring at Dele's eyes. She and Dele were both raised by Xue Wenhai. In the case, Dele was her righteous brother, but Devil had been sick of Dele since she was a child. Son, I always feel that he is mentally abnormal.

She wrapped her collar tightly: "The situation here has been reported to the boss. The businessman named Yang did not know Feng Shui at all, and he did not know what strange treasures he had, which could defeat the vision of Feng Shui Bureau, so It ’s just that it did n’t do anything. The Fengshui Bureau is like the natural decline of decades. Now it ’s okay for him to remove the armor. I think he ’s okay. Tomorrow I have something important, you see Freezer, notify the godfather if there is any situation. "

A smile appeared on Wen Le's face: "Jin Boqing is finally dead?"

Vivienne gave him a sideways look: "Don't ask what you shouldn't ask. Instead, be careful yourself, and you'll have everything ready when you get your hands on it. Once the goods you handed to Bonebreaker go wrong, be careful. Your hide. "


When Yang Yan looked back, the speaker was an old man in a black cloth gown. He had a cup of white wine on his hand, and a small saucer of peanuts on the table. Looks like I've been sitting here for a long time.

Li Yan recognized Qian Wu at a glance, but did not say a word. On the contrary, Yang Yan, he looked at each other for a while, his eyes almost let out light.

"What is your old name?"

"Free name surname Qian, Qian Wu, others call me Wu Shu."

Yang Ye rushed to Qianwu and made a hand gesture: "I am surnamed Yang. Uncle Wu, if you don't want to abandon, sit at a table and drink two?"

Qian Wuzi took a sip of the wine glass, raised the peanuts, and An Zhiruosu sat between Yang Yan and Li Yan.

"Uncle Wu, what you said just now, I don't quite understand, can you say it again?"

Qian Wu nodded: "Of course there is no problem. The so-called three evil spirits and seven evil spirits refer to three rare murderous life styles and seven murderous weapons that have been contaminated with life. This was originally a method used by Kanyu to suppress the turning over of the dragon. Feng Shui masters of Guangdong and Guangxi will use it as long as they have some insight. Chen Lang was instructed by others and used the method of three evils and seven sacrifice to create a Feng Shui extinction of the overlord's armor removal. The cracking method, but the living people do not have the ability to enter the feng shui realm, and the dead do not understand the sensible reason to break the feng shui life gate, so there is no solution. "

After that, Qian Wu's eyes passed Li Yan and Cha Xiaodao intentionally or unintentionally.

Although Yang Qian didn't know Qian Wu, he was in a critical moment and couldn't care much. Frankly, "If the uncle Wu is willing to help, I might as well open up the conditions. Although I am just a businessman, I can count on a lot of friends. As long as I can , I will never quit. "

Qian Wu slowly rubbed away a peanut meter and shook his head: "I think Mr. Yang's speech and behavior are not like doing business."

Yang Yan laughed dumbly, and asked, "What are you doing, Mr. Wu?"

"Your waist is round and round, your eyes are shameful, and Tian Ling Gai has an imperial air. You are on duty. And the errand is not small."

After that, Qian Wu swept across the other three people on the table and rushed into the knife. "You have wide ears, full cheeks, and strong blood behind you. Obviously, you have a lot of lives, but you have very little resentment. With a smell of oil and salt, do you often go to the kitchen? "

Without waiting for the response from Cha Dao, he looked at Li Yan, who said nothing from beginning to end.

"As for you ..."

Qian Wu stared at Li Yan for a while, and said blankly, "Eagle eyes, murderous sky. It is either a soldier with great achievements or a bandit who kills a lot of people."

Li Yan only smiled slightly and ignored Qian Wu's words.

He listened with interest, while he smiled and asked, "Uncle Wu, why don't you take a look for me?"

Qian Wu looked around for a while, and hesitated, saying, "Well, your eyes are cloudy, your complexion is yellow, and your blood is lost. Pay more attention to your body."

Before waiting for the cold, Yang Yan quickly hurriedly said, "Five uncles are really good. You might as well say something."

"it is good."

Qian Wuyi agreed: "I want to ask Mr. Yang a few questions first. If it is not convenient to answer, you can not speak, but don't lie to me."

"You ask."

Yang Yan's attitude was calm.

"Where are you from? Who sent you?"

Yang Yan blinked and shook his head.

Uncle Wu was not disappointed and asked, "What are your bets with Chen Lang at the Lucky Games?"

But Yang Yan was still silent.

Qian Wu took a breath: "I have one last question. If Mr. Yang is still unwilling to answer this question, I don't think we need to talk anymore."

Yang Yan nodded.

"What is your purpose?"

Li Cha glanced at each other, this old man from beginning to end, I really want to know this is the only problem

Yang Zheng tangled for a while, and this problem still embarrassed him. It took him a long time to say two words like words.


Yang Yan looked to Qian Wu: "Our goal is stability."

Qian Wu groaned for a while, and nodded his head: "I can help you, but you have to help find someone who killed my son, and I will make a clear account with him."

Yang Yan nodded: "Who is it?"

"I don't know him, but I figured out two slang words, and the identity of the killer was in the slang words."

Qian Wu slowly said, "There is a time for Jiu Ge, and no good luck returns."

Li Yan could not help but glanced at Qian Wuyi, Yang Yang frowned,

"What's your son's name?"

Li Yan, who had been silent, asked.

"His last name is Pei Dongsheng."

Everyone else glanced at Li Yan, and Li Yan shook his head unchanged: "I don't know."

I like to start collecting birds from your collection: ( From the time of getting birds, the literature is updated the fastest.

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