From the Bird

Chapter 646: Golden House Hazard

"what is the date today?"

Chen Lang rubbed his red eyes and asked casually.

Her female assistant Suona took a cup of coffee with a step, and smiled at Chen Lang with a charming smile: "No. 6 is the day after tomorrow. It will be a full ten days the next day. According to the bet, if the surname Yang can't break the Feng Shui of the overlord's unarmoring. Bureau, you must transfer the land development rights of the two sites, Dayao Village and Guanyin Bay, to you. "

A hot flame raged in Chen Lang's heart, but his mouth said, "Those who walk hundreds of miles are half-90s, still be careful."

"You said yes." The assistant flattered: "But then again, President. We don't do real estate, not to mention that Da'ao Village and Guanyin Bay are not in a good location, why do you agree to a gambling contract with the surname Yang? What about? "

Chen Lang asked in return: "You have been with me for so long, and you have a lot of knowledge about Kanyu. Have I told you that the legend of the two fathers and sons chasing dragon veins?"

"It is rumored that the dragon veins traveled back and forth in the land of Kyushu in accordance with the rules of the stars, and wherever they passed, dead trees were in spring, heavens were dew, strange people came out, and rich and powerful. Where the real dragon lived during the Northern Song Dynasty, the legend of a money tree appeared ... It can be as short as ten years or as long as more than 100 years, and the dragon veins will sink into the ground and disappear. It is said that if someone can build a tomb on the dragon veins, the descendants of the tomb owner can rule the world. Once the children and grandchildren are born, it is the royal life of the Tianyi nobleman. Since the beginning of the emperor, many Fengshui masters have pursued their lifelong pursuits, especially in the Song and Ming dynasties. The royal family chased the dragons' stories frequently and there have been many **** disputes. "

The interface of Chen Lang continued to add: "Even if the Emperor Qin Emperor Han Wu and Tang Zong Song Zu, no one can truly survive, and coupled with the unprecedented changes in modern China, the theory of true dragons has long been weak, and many people in Feng Shui are no longer I believe that in 1945, when Japan announced its unconditional surrender, the chairman ’s momentum was momentous. He also moved his mind to chase the dragon veins. He invited the Fengshui stranger Xuedou Temple Taixu monk to search for the true dragon veins in the north and south of the river. This stretch of Jiang's rivers and mountains. I did not expect that the Taixu monk actually found the dragon veins, just in the Sun Yat-sen's Mausoleum! Under the chairman's great joy, he followed the Taixu monks' suggestions and built a Zhengqi Pavilion in the Sun Yat-sen's Mausoleum to suppress the dragon veins. To prevent it from escaping. Too much false monk's words, as long as the chairperson is buried next to the Zhongshan Mausoleum's Zhengqi Pavilion, the Jiang family will be solid forever. Of course, the chairperson is far away from the Han and Tang dynasties. Leaders. The monks are too guilty, but unfortunately, the sea is vicissitudes. The National Government retreated to Taiwan in just three years. *** I do n’t believe in Feng Shui and Marxism. The Zhengqi Pavilion has been empty for decades, and was damaged in the turmoil. Destroyed, the true dragon escapes and sinks into the earth, and there is no trace. As for whether there are everlasting rivers and mountains in the world, only God knows. "

The female assistant went on to say: "Later, the chairman of the committee ended in depression, but he refused to be buried in Taiwan. He left a floating coffin in Cihu. He left a wish to succeed in the counterattack one day, and he would be buried in the Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum. Burial. I heard that the chairman's son also visited Fengshui Xiangshi later, but found nothing. He died of illness in 1988, but left the floating coffin of Cihu with his father and refused to be buried. Dragon veins also became a joke. "

Unexpectedly, Chen Lang shook his head: "Jiang Jinguo died in Qihai's official residence in 1988. He didn't find nothing. In fact, he was only one step away from rediscovering the dragon vein. I ask you, according to the story, the dragon vein is When was it liberated? "

Chen Lang also asked, "Which places in East Asia can be counted on in the 1970s? The heavens are sweet, and the riches are formidable?"

Female assistant blinked: "You mean?"

Chen Lang smiled intriguingly: "Four little dragons ~"

"But what does this story have to do with gambling?"

Chen Lang enjoyed the gaze of the female assistant.

He stood up, walked to the safe, turned the **** a few times, took out a bag of red cloth from the inside, opened it in front of the assistant, there was an old black compass, most of the text had faded, There was still a piece of cement on the pointer, and it was miserable.

"This was used by the Taixu monk. Only this compass was used to find the exact location of the dragon veins. I spent ten years walking south and north, and probably determined where they might be. Guanyin Bay and Dayao Village are one of them. However, this range is not too small. Besides, it is useless to know. I am not qualified to move the land there, and the surname Yang does not know where to get the news. Actually, the compass knows that I am here. "

"I understand now, but President, do you really believe in the legend of the dragon vein?"

The female assistant was dubious.

Chen Lang shook his head: "Dragon vein is the lifelong pursuit of Feng Shui Master. Even if I can't find it in my whole life, I have to bring this compass into the coffin. To be honest, I don't believe that you can be emperor buried on the dragon vein, let alone what it is now Society? It ’s more fun to be rich than to be an emperor. Americans believe in Feng Shui? Is it not No. 1? A dragon vein can be an emperor? A lunatic will believe such nonsense. "


"Sometimes you and pestle, do you think I'm crazy?"

Xue Wenhai looked up at the night, and suddenly asked Vivian about her.

"If the godfather is a lunatic, everyone in the world is a fool."

Wei Wei said quietly.

Xue Wenhai smiled lightly, the wrinkles at the corners of his eyes could not be covered. Except for what this man did, he did have a unique charm of the man, like a stern reef washed up by the waves.

"Do something."

Vivienne nodded. She put on gloves and a thick protective suit, and took a few steps forward. Jin Boqing's black lacquered tombstone came into view, and the left and right monuments read "Heaven is sent anywhere, and the atmosphere is careless" . "And pictures of Jin Boqing when he was young.

She didn't see any action from Vivian. The hemispherical grave sealed with cement suddenly cracked from the middle, exposing a coffin of Nanmu.

Vivian picked up tools such as the iron golem and awl, dug open the earth around the coffin, and tried to open the coffin.

No one around

The wind blew the unburned money at the foot of Xue Wenhai. Xue Wenhai stared at the black and white photo and sighed: "Boss Jin, I have always admired your virtue. I didn't expect that we would be separated from each other so quickly. Today I disturb you It is a last resort. When I do something big, I must return to Zhao and bury Mr. Jin again. At that time Wen Hai must scratch his head and pay for the crime ... "

Then, he took out a sharp silver knife and cut it to his little finger. The blood splattered suddenly. Xue Wenhai's temples agitated outward because of severe pain. His neck forehead showed a thin layer of fine man. He pinched Holding his little **** finger, he rushed to Jin Boqing's photo: "Take this little finger as a voucher."

Click ~

There was a sullen flash in the sky, Vivian pushed away the coffin, opened the money quilt, and Jin Boqing in a black satin robe looked peaceful and seemed to be just asleep.

Vivian's eyes flickered, and she rummaged in the coffin for a while, without any fear, then rushed to Xue Wenhai and said, "Godfather, Jin Boqing's body is there, but no burial mound was found."

Xue Wenhai was not surprised, and asked lightly, "Have you looked carefully?"

"Yes, I didn't."

Xue Wenhai nodded lightly: "Put the body into a nylon bag and help me put this in."

With that said, he threw his severed finger at Vivian without changing his face.

"Got it."

Xue Wenhai opened the medicine box he was carrying and bandaged himself, while smiling at the photo of Jin Boqing with a smile on his face: "Mr. Jin, the offspring is not good."

Jin Boqing, with dark and thick brows in the photo, had a solid smile on her face without saying a word.

"I'll teach them for you."

I like to start collecting birds from your collection: ( From the time of getting birds, the literature is updated the fastest.

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