From the Bird

Chapter 652: Antecedent

Jodie, awakened by the ringtone of her mobile phone, slowly opened her eyes, and the sharp pain of the hangover attacked her unconscious brain.

Lying in bed, Judy muttered a curse, opened the phone cover, and closed her eyes half-closed.

"Hey ~"

The skeletal man in a suit and leather shoes helped his tie and said softly, "Sister Judy, are you in the company?"

Judy responded while gently pressing her temples with the base of her palm: "No, are you okay?"

I cut my bones: "You asked me to come to the company this afternoon. I said that I would give Shengji the import business of a milk powder company in the Netherlands. I arrived at the company at four o'clock and waited for you for more than three hours. "

"Is this the case?" Judy turned the lighter out of the drawer, lit a cigarette, and rubbed loose hair: "It seems to be the case. Sorry to keep you waiting so long. So, you Go to the eighth floor and find Andy. Let her take you to the Dutch ghost. I have already done it. You can bring the contract and money. Is there anything else? "

"Um, it's gone."

"Ok, bye."

"Wait, wait, sister Judy, I hear your nose is very heavy. Is it a cold?"

Judy stepped out of bed, kicked the bottle of red wine, exhaled smoke, and asked angrily: "Is it related to you?"

After that, Judy hung up the phone, and a series of unconnected call records popped up on the screen, all with the same phone number and notes.

Bad Boxer.

Judy saw an unknown fire and just caught a glimpse of the tiresome money she wore on her chest. She was so hot that she took off the copper coins and walked quickly to the window, throwing the tireless money tied with a red rope down the stairs.

Seeing that the small red copper coin turned into an arc and fell into the depths of the flowers, Judy was a little bit relieved, but she turned her thoughts and was still unhappy.

Yang Zichu hiding in the corner of the courtyard touched his chin. He glanced at the tiresome money lying in the dirt, and glanced up at the window again, his eyes rolling around.

In the villa, Judy went downstairs with her hair scattered: "Li Li, why isn't my room packed?"

"It's you who don't open the door for Li Yan and don't tell us to go in."

Ali answered.

"Is it?"

Judy blinked.

"Well, that's all right. By the way, I have a talisman that fell into the flower bed. You can ask someone to find it for me."

Judy picked up the water glass, but at the bottom of the glass, she found the tiresome money that she had thrown into the flower bed.

"Isn't it in your hands? Did you remember it wrong?"

Ali came over with coffee.

Judy looked at it carefully and found a little dirt on the copper coins.

"No, I threw it away."

Judy suddenly laughed. She put the coin back in her pocket, stepped on her slippers and returned to the bedroom. Thirty minutes later, Judy dressed up hummed softly and went downstairs.

"Ali, follow me."

"where to?"

"China Town."

"What did you say? You say it again?"

Ali's expression of doubt was unknown to others, but Ali knew the weight of that man in her heart, which was not easy to forget.

"Do you know me on the first day? Are men strange? Don't be polite with me, I know your taste, and then find a young hippie tender tender meat for you, I'll pay for it. Go! Go now!"

Before waiting for Ali to say anything, Judy pulled Ali out of the gate.

Five minutes later, Yang Zichu stared blankly at the sports car and patted his thigh suddenly: "Is that okay?"


The copper stove hot pot was steaming around, the tribute pills were tumbling up and down, and the bone-cutting babies in front of the wine table were sweating profusely. He unbuttoned the two buttons of his shirt, held up a beer glass, and celebrated to everyone.

"Shengji can have today, it is inseparable from everyone's struggle, I respect you all!"

The wine glasses collided with each other and the droplets rose.

A dwarf with two large teeth, he hurriedly asked, "How much can you earn by cutting this bone?"

Bonebreaker grinned and drew a finger: "At least seven figures."

"Wow, let's just buy a plot of land. How about real estate?"

"If you want me to make a movie, you do n’t know. I can make a lot of money with a small investment and a fast turnover. You can make a few salty and wet films and sell them to Southeast Asia. You can make a lot of money in Hollywood."

Everyone talked fiercely, only the bone-cutting man leaned against the wall and didn't speak.

People in the community in Hong Kong can see that the day of fighting and killing was a yellow flower yesterday. The underworld must survive and make money. Transformation and whitewashing is inevitable. Shengji followed Huamao closely and he took the right move.

"Wasn't it a movie star?"

"Come less, one-eyed handle, there are really no movie stars who can't make it to you. Of course, is it the first brother to cut the bone, the second brother to cut the bone?"

"Elder Brother Zhuanggu will ignore you. Everyone knows that Elder Brother Zhuanggu has a fascination with Chairman Yang of Huamao, that is, the jade girl Zhou Yongqi has taken off and stood in front of Elder Brother Zhuanggu.

"Wow, Hua Mao has tens of billions of assets. If Brother Bonecut really went to Chairman Yang, wouldn't it be developed?"

Bonebreaker gave the speaker a sideways look: "Is the bull tongue dissatisfied with your mouth? Are you talking too much?"

The man Chan laughed, "I'm talking."

The chopsticks that cut the bones were stirred in the oil saucer. "Besides, why did Chairman Yang look at me like this?"

"No, Brother Bone. I heard that Chairman Yang spent a lot of money on men before, but then he turned sexually without knowing it. In fact, since his victory, he has followed Huamao, and people outside have passed on ..."

At this moment, the big brother on his waist rang.

Bonebreaker put Big Brother in his ear: "Hey?"

"Brother Bone, someone came to pick up the goods. The cold car you delivered last month."

"Is it Aconitum?"

Cut the bone and take a bite of beef into his mouth.

"No, it's a man with a mask. He said he's called Peng Le."

"Oh, I remember, you gave him the phone."

Bonebreaker narrowed his eyes, and after a while, the phone heard the sound of pestilence.

"Brother Bone, the rest of the money, I brought it to you, now I want to drive away the cold car."

"Why didn't Aconitum come?"

"He went out of the way. You also know that the police bit us very dead."

"Always call me, right?"

"No, he's at sea now, where can I call you."

"Choose that star. Then you drive away the cold car, and Aconitum will come to me when the time comes."

"Of course not. Also, I double the final payment."

Hearing the corners of his mouth, Zhuangguzai said: "If you were so sensible last time, I wouldn't scold you an idiot, okay! I will hurry up."

He wiped his mouth with a napkin, and rushed to the table at the bar and said, "Are you fully fed? Come with me and collect the money."

Having said that, he took out his wallet and took out a few large denomination banknotes and patted them on the table: "Boss, checkout!"

In the telephone booth, Wen Le, wearing mask and sunglasses, smiled and returned the microphone to Jichai: "This is the second time."

Jichai is a thin, bald man with a colorful tattoo on his head and a sloppy beard spreading to his neck. Hearing Wen Le's speech to himself, he asked in doubt: "What did you say a second time?"

"It's nothing."

"My boss promised to be okay, everyone is a friend. Your cold car is locked under the golden mall. The key is in the hands of my boss, you can wait for him to come. The mall is across the road, and I will take you now. "

Jichai greeted him, and Wen Le followed him without a word. A man in a hurry came across the road, looking up to recognize something, and accidentally hit Jichai.

"You don't have eyes when you walk?"

Ji Chai opened his mouth to scold, and the other party actually pulled out a 500-dollar brown Hong Kong dollar: "Excuse me, how do you get to Chinatown?"

I like to start collecting birds from your collection: ( From the time of getting birds, the literature is updated the fastest.

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