From the Bird

Chapter 653: as a result of

Jichai swallowed the unpleasant words into his throat, took the banknote and pointed back: "Walk one hundred meters forward, there is a doorman to welcome you."

Li Yan nodded, and passed by Wen Le wearing mask sunglasses.


At the right time in Hong Kong, the flowers are blooming, and the fire is cooking. People are keen on horse races and stock trading, and the nightlife is even more drunk. Japanese-style nightclubs headed by Chinatown and Xindu Duzhi are all the rage in Hong Kong, squeezing western-style song and dance halls and traditional Cantonese opera clubs so much that they cannot survive.

At its peak, Chinatown had a turnover of more than HK $ 10 million per night. It had more than 1,000 public relations ladies, including Belle from Ukraine and Russia, and employed more than a few listed companies. Even Hollywood star Stallone and the Real Madrid team came here. Chinatown has even placed advertisements on TV many times to promote photos in the shape of bellybands, bikinis, stewardesses, etc. In addition to soliciting business, it also promotes nightclubs to bring a new vitality to the nightlife of Hong Kong citizens.

"Sister Judy, didn't you tell you to switch to fasting? When the manager said you were coming, I thought the fat guy shook me a little."

Maggie looks like she is in her twenties. She has short hair, a sweet smile, and a hot body. When she first entered the industry, she entered the industry for five years. She was the gold mummy here. The annual salary of 10,000 is a legend in the industry. Maggie himself is also exquisite, and has a lot of personal relationships with many tycoons.

Judy got out of the car, took off her sunglasses, hugged her face to face with maggie intimately, and then asked in a joking tone: "You don't welcome me?"

"Of course not, but since the fire broke out in Kowloon City two years ago, you have never been here again. I made a few phone calls and you wouldn't appreciate it. Today you are willing to come, I'm sure you're satisfied, I'll tell you ... "

Maggie whispered to Judy for a moment, and Judy expressed a doubtful expression: "Is it true?" Maggie laughed more than once: "Is it true, you won't know later?"

Ali's cold eyes glanced at the passing pedestrians, and the atmosphere of Shenggeyanwu was incompatible. Suddenly the fragrance was blowing, and Maggie almost stuck to Ali, her voice fainted: "Ali, I haven't seen you for a long time. I didn't even say hello to me so ruthlessly. I will introduce you to you with great power. If you are not satisfied, I treat you . "

Li's face stiffened and she didn't say a word.

Judy put her arms around Li's waist, and whispered with a smile: "Come out and don't open your face, let's go. Otherwise, the stuffing will be exposed."

Li Shengruo said: "How do you know that he must come back, don't you stop singing if he doesn't come?"

Judy gritted her teeth and said, "I'll take care of him if he doesn't come. Is it rare that he comes ?!"

Li rolled her eyes, and a few people said that she stepped into the meeting room with a smile and turned into the private room.

The first floor is a relatively secluded wooden cubicle. The glassware at the bar is filled with iced wine. Li Yan is sitting at the corner of the bar, holding a newspaper in his hand. When Yang Zichu reported, Judy had already left. However, instead of going to Chinatown, he walked around for more than an hour, so Li Yan arrived even earlier than Judy. He just listened to the ear of the conversation just now.

After a while, maggie happily stepped on the small steps, hummed the song down the stairs, walked to the bar, and greeted a handsome young man who was mixing drinks and said, "Alu."

The other person looked up and laughed, "What's the matter? Sister Maggie."

Maggie whispered: "Guest in Box One, please greet me and be more eye-catching. Don't talk nonsense, I don't think she's in a good mood."

"I know Sister Maggie."

Lu Lu was extremely tall and baby-faced. He stood upright and strong, not the type that could not help but be windy. He smiled with two dimples on his face, which seemed to please girls.

He stepped out of the bar and happened to pass by Li Yan and was stopped by Li Yan.

Lu first froze, and then smiled professionally: "Sir, is it all right?"

"It's okay. I want to buy you a drink."

Then, Li Yan passed a glass of brandy.

Lu looked at Li Yan with a strange look, and then declined, "I'm sorry, sir, I still have work."

When Maggie noticed something wrong, she came over: "My name is maggie. I'm the person in charge here, sir. What can I do for you?"

Li Yan's face was very natural: "I want to invite him for a drink, but he doesn't seem to appreciate his face very much."

"That's it, sir. The guest in Box 1 has made an appointment with Alu. I'd better arrange for someone else ..."

"I've been staring at him here for a long time. I haven't seen anyone ask him. Everyone is a guest. Don't you think I can't afford it?"

Talking about Li Yan, he also glanced at Lu: "I think he is pretty good."

Maggie looked at Li Yan up and down, the smile on her face was faint, she said gently: "Sir, you are not **** at all, if you want to make trouble, I will call the security guard."

Li Yan fumbled a check out of his pocket and handed it to maggie: "This won't be trouble, will it?"

This is a cashier's check of 500,000 yuan, which was sent by Jin Boqing's trustee to ZTE Baode's office. There are two copies in total. Even Renny, who showed only one face during the Jinmen Facebook incident, had a copy.

Maggie glanced at the numbers above, her lips were a little dry, and she smiled charmingly: "Then I won't bother you."

After speaking, he gave Alu a face and turned to leave.

Even in Chinatown, it is rare for a guest to throw half a million dollars a night, and Judy did n’t name anyway, and it is not difficult for maggie to find a popular male publicist.

"Don't hurry."

Li Yan groaned and put his hand on Lu's shoulder: "I have a big appetite, he can't stand it alone."

With half a million promissory notes in hand, Maggie saw Li Yan's eyes softer than his first love: "Sir, you really can tell jokes, Lu is professional."

Li Yan looked serious: "Don't look down on me, I have a big appetite."

Lu stared at the wide palm on his shoulder and swallowed for no apparent reason.

Maggie was hesitant: "What do you mean, sir?"

"Ten, I ask them to drink. This check is not enough."

"Of course enough ..."

Maggie swallowed and made trouble.

Chinatown claims to have a thousand public relations ladies, and that male public relations is a different matter. Besides, maggie really dare not use "ordinary merchandise" to fool Judy. This one in front of him is obviously not a good stubble. For a time, maggie is difficult to weigh. .

suddenly. Noisy outside the door, many guests stared angrily, but can clearly see who, some quickly bowed his head.

I saw Zeng Guzai leading more than a dozen young and confused guys in and swayed in, and looked around. Only when I saw maggie did Zeng Guzai shine in the eyes: "Maggie, have you come to Judy?"

I like to start collecting birds from your collection: ( From the time of getting birds, the literature is updated the fastest.

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