From the prototype, immortal

Chapter 1193: World Vacuum Cleaner Kurosaki Ichigo

Chapter 11 Kurosaki Ichigo

Although Hell is very confident in himself, it is still a risk after all.

And now, Hell is fearless.

In the confrontation with the Soul King, Hell released an unprecedented miasma, which is a dark energy that can corrode all positive forces.

This miasma, unlike any known toxins or energy in the world, contains the purest malice and despair in the depths of Hell, as if it is a precursor to the end of all things.

It can not only corrode matter, but also corrode the soul, turning all positive and active forces into nothingness, leaving only a dead silence and desolation.

With the roar of Hell, this miasma was finally ruthlessly released into the world.

It is like a black tide, surging, and everything withers and loses vitality wherever it passes. The air is filled with a suffocating stench, which is the smell of souls being torn apart and hope being swallowed.

The miasma contains endless resentment and curses, which turn into invisible tentacles, trying to drag every life into the endless abyss.

Faced with such a horrifying scene, even the high and mighty Spirit King could not help but frown.

When the power of annihilation and the miasma of hell met in the air, the two were like the two poles of a magnet, attracting and repelling each other, and erupting with earth-shaking energy fluctuations.

Light and darkness intertwined, roar and silence coexisted, as if the whole world was torn apart at this moment, revealing its most primitive and chaotic side.

However, what was shocking was that despite the unmatched power of annihilation, the miasma of hell seemed to have life, constantly regenerating and expanding, as if it could never be completely eliminated.

The miasma of hell seemed to have an endless source, and it kept pouring out from the depths of hell to replenish the consumption on the battlefield.

Even though the power of annihilation of the Spirit King was extremely powerful and could annihilate these miasma at a ratio of one to one hundred, such an advantage seemed insignificant in the endless war of attrition.

In this dark sea of ​​mud, the jailers - those horrible creatures made of black mud, dragged torture instruments burning with hellfire, shuttled through the chaos, looking for any target with life left.

There was no mercy in their eyes, only endless madness and killing.

These jailers are not only the guardians of hell, but also the extension of its will. They enforce the laws of hell and drag all beings who dare to challenge their authority into endless pain and torture.

The former god of death is now also eroded by this power.

Their minds are infected by corruption, becoming violent and losing their minds; their bodies are transformed by flames, their skin cracked, their muscles twisted, and they are transformed into hideous knife-shaped evil spirits.

These former guardians have now become the minions of hell, wandering in the chaos, looking for the next victim.

And the living people, those creatures living in the sun, have not been spared. As the miasma of hell continues to spread, areas are covered by dark clouds, and the strange and evil air spreads everywhere.

People panicked and fled everywhere, but found that they could not escape from this dark cage anyway. Fear, despair, pain...all kinds of negative emotions spread across this land, as if even the air became heavy and oppressive.

This kind of hell miasma released by "hell" must be countered by spirit particles to be annihilated, and if it is a low-quality spirit particle, it will even be swallowed up, which in turn strengthens these hell miasma.

Kurosaki Ichigo is fine, after all, his main power is not spirit particle power, it has been updated.

Now Kurosaki Ichigo, who is the power of the instrument, is much better at resisting the hell miasma than Aizen and the Soul King.

The hell miasma is just the natural enemy of the spirit particle. For the instrument, which is completely different from the spirit particle and can even swallow, absorb and generate spirit particles, the hell miasma can only slowly entangle and erode.

After seeing the surviving living people being swallowed by the hell miasma, Kurosaki Ichigo glared.

But the Berserkers were fine, they could annihilate the Hell Miasma by beating it.

Just like the Soul King's Quincy, they were truly destroying the Hell Miasma.

Ichigo Kurosaki wanted to solve the problem of the Hell Miasma, and then he thought about whether he could also devour the Hell Miasma.

"That's right, Ichigo Kurosaki. After all, from the moment you abandoned the power of the spirit particle and mastered the instrument, you became the World Devourer."

Chang Wei spoke at this time and confirmed Ichigo Kurosaki's idea.

"What does World Devourer mean?"

Ichigo Kurosaki was startled, it didn't sound like a good thing.

"Power doesn't distinguish between good and bad, what do you call it? If you don't like it, you can also call it the World Purifier. Anyway, the instrument can contain and absorb anything, it is the best container in this world, maybe you can also call it the World Vacuum Cleaner?"

Chang Wei laughed.

Ichigo Kurosaki was speechless, forget about the World Vacuum Cleaner.

"But, the World Purifier?"

Ichigo Kurosaki looked at the overwhelming miasma of hell in front of him.

Chang Wei did not hide his words, so everyone else heard them.


Hell looked up at the sky, but felt nothing.

But how could this be possible? He is the power entity of hell, how could anyone hide it from him?

Even the Spirit King couldn't do it!

Spirit King knew about Chang Wei's existence. When he heard Chang Wei say this, he immediately understood that Qizi was likely to be the answer to the version, but he didn't know it at the beginning.

And Qizi didn't show any special features, except that it could generate and contain spirit particles.

Aizen was thoughtful, and then they saw that the surrounding scene quietly changed with the change of Kurosaki Ichigo's thoughts.

The originally raging hell miasma seemed to be pulled by an invisible force, frantically converging towards him, forming a huge vortex, with Kurosaki Ichigo's resolute figure at the center.

Every breath was accompanied by the surge of energy, which was the unique extreme tolerance and absorption of the spirits of all things by Qizi.

Hell soon felt that the hell miasma that flowed into Kurosaki Ichigo's body disappeared.


Hell was dumbfounded, how could it be possible!

"Everything in this world is based on spirit particles, whether it is hell or the original chaos, but no one cares about Qizi, which can be called the source of spirit particles..."

Chang Wei continued to speak at this time.

"Qi Zi..."

Hell didn't know what Qi Zi was either, after all, what he devoured and what fell into hell were spirits and spirit bodies.

Hell, which has no exit, only knows how to devour spirits.

However, after Kurosaki Ichigo absorbed too much hell miasma, he also changed.

The strands of hell miasma turned into black, red and purple lines, spreading over his body.

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