From the prototype, immortal

Chapter 1194: Clear and turbid are separated, and yin and yang are determined!

Kurosaki Ichigo didn't know what was going on. He followed the method given by Chang Wei, absorbing the spirit son to strengthen his own weapons, and absorbing the miasma of hell to strengthen his own weapons. However, the spirit child did not bring about any superficial changes. It just makes his weapon stronger.

As a result, the miasma of hell caused tattoos to appear on his body.

However, who is Kurosaki Ichigo? Compared to the original work where he was always confused and did not know his true power, the current Kurosaki Ichigo is sober in the world and has completely mastered all the power in his body. And went above and beyond.

Faced with this sudden change, Kurosaki Ichigo did not panic at all. Instead, he showed a sneer. It was a disdain for the challenge and an absolute confidence in his own strength.

"Come on, you scum of hell, let me see what you can do to me!"

He roared, and the power in his body boiled instantly, as if there were thousands of voices responding to his call.

The clones of "Kurosaki Ichigo" transformed from the instruments all had sharp eyes and fast movements. They launched an unprecedented cruel "trial" around the miasma of hell that was sucked into the body.

"If the miasma of hell enters my body, just obey my will!"

Kurosaki Ichigo used his unparalleled will and absolute strength to beat his own instrument so hard that it had to change after being beaten, and even the miasma of hell could be completely absorbed and digested.

He slowly raised his hands, palms facing each other, closing his eyes and concentrating. At that moment, it seemed as if the whole world had stopped. With his low drink, the instruments in his body seemed to be activated. They were not only carriers of power, but also extensions of his will.

These instruments have different shapes, some are like sharp blades, shining with cold light; others turn into invisible hands, tightly holding the throat of the miasma of hell.

Their "beating" of the miasma of hell is not only physical destruction, but also mental crushing. The miasma, which is already full of negative emotions, has nowhere to hide and can only emit bursts of shrill wails.

Every collision was accompanied by a deafening roar. The miasma of hell was torn and twisted by this force. They tried to resist, but in the face of Kurosaki Ichigo's unparalleled will, all struggles seemed so feeble.

These devices, under the control of Ichigo Kurosaki, not only absorb the power of the miasma of hell, but also continuously strengthen themselves. They become stronger and stronger.

The battle was silent but extremely fierce.

Although the hell miasma is powerful and cunning, it seems so vulnerable to Kurosaki Ichigo's unparalleled will and absolute power.

They were beaten, torn, and devoured again and again, and finally turned into wisps of black smoke and dissipated into the invisible.

And those three-color lines, like the darkness of night dispersed by the morning light, gradually faded until they completely disappeared, leaving only a more perfect and powerful body.

At this moment, Kurosaki Ichigo's body seemed to have undergone a radical change. His power has made a qualitative leap, and every cell is filled with explosive energy.

He could clearly feel that his connection with the world had become closer, as if he could easily change everything around him if he wanted to.

In this battle with the miasma of hell, Kurosaki Ichigo not only gained an increase in strength, but more importantly, he became more convinced of his beliefs and path.

The world does not always move according to people's wishes. It is full of unknowns and variables. But because of this, it is even more necessary for someone to stand up and use firm will and strong power to guide it and change it.

"I, Kurosaki Ichigo, am the one who wants to change my destiny and protect everything I hold dear!"

He stared at the distant and unknown future ahead, his heart full of determination and determination.

He saw the devouring of black holes, the spread of decay, the lament of decay, the shadow of destruction...but none of these could shake his determination to protect the world.

"If there's a problem, just beat him hard!"

This is his belief and his code of conduct.

No matter how bad the future is, no matter what difficulties and challenges he faces, he will use his iron fist as a weapon and his unyielding will as a shield to beat the world until it becomes what he wants to see.

He already has such a belief, such a measure, and the absolute power to match it! ! !

In order to carry out his own will and for greater and better protection, the strongest man in the world, who believed in beating the world, went to "hell".

"Damn, how did you do that?"

Hell said in disbelief as he watched Kurosaki Ichigo really digest his hell miasma.

"It's very simple, just hit hard."

Kurosaki Ichigo responded calmly, there was no pride or arrogance in his tone, only a firm belief in victory.

Really strong people never need to use words to prove themselves, their actions are the best proof.

"Hmph, how dare a mere human challenge my authority?"

The power entity of hell made a low and majestic sound, as if the whole world was trembling.

However, Kurosaki Ichigo just smiled slightly, with no fear or flinch in his eyes.

"Nothing is impossible in this world. As long as I have enough faith and strength, even the ruler of hell will kneel down and beg for mercy under my beating!"

Before he finished speaking, Kurosaki Ichigo had already rushed towards the power entity of hell like an enraged beast.

His fist was wrapped with the power of destruction, and each blow was enough to shake the foundation of the entire abyss.

The power entity of Hell was obviously shocked by Ichigo Kurosaki's attack, and it began to resist Ichigo Kurosaki's attack with all its strength.

But no matter how it struggled and resisted, it could not stop Ichigo Kurosaki's storm-like attack.

Under the bombardment of Ichigo Kurosaki's heavy punches, the power entity of Hell began to gradually collapse and disintegrate.

Its body was torn into countless pieces, and the breath of darkness and death also dissipated into the invisible.

The whole world trembled because of this battle, as if even time had stopped.

With his low roar, the fist containing endless power suddenly swung out, instantly tearing the shackles of space, and hitting the core of Hell - the existence that symbolizes supreme power and eternal darkness.

At this moment, time seemed to solidify, everything was silent, only the roar caused by the collision between Ichigo Kurosaki's fist and the power of Hell echoed in the endless darkness, deafening.

Hell, this huge monster that has been regarded as the place where all things end since ancient times, showed unprecedented astonishment and panic under Kurosaki Ichigo's punch.

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