If the dragon blood warrior wants to awaken, he needs the dragon blood of the Holy Domain Dragon Clan. Are the Holy Domain Dragon Clan easy to mess with? The average Holy Domain strongman is no match for the Holy Domain Dragon Clan!

Even if Lei Ming is powerful, it is not easy to capture the Holy Domain Dragon Clan. And he and Lei Ming do not have a deep friendship. Why does Lei Ming help him like this?

"Do you have any relationship with my Dragon Blood Family?" Lin Lei suddenly asked.

Lei Ming laughed dumbly, and Lin Lei couldn't help blushing when he saw it. Lei Ming is a royal family of the Fenlai Kingdom. If the royal family is really related to the Dragon Blood Warrior Family, their Baruk Family would not have fallen to the current point.

"Then why do you want to help me?" Lin Lei still did not let down his guard. Before entering the Warcraft Mountains, he would not think so, but he has seen too many intrigues in the Warcraft Mountains, and Lin Lei's heart gradually cooled down.

"For your favor." Lei Ming said.

"My favor?" Lin Lei was silent. He asked Doering Cowart in his heart, "Grandpa Doering, should I agree to his request?"

Doering Cowart said, "Lin Lei, Lei Ming's talent and strength are both top-notch in Yulan Continent. Although I don't know why he wants your favor, if he really wants to deal with you with his strength, you are no match for him now. The most important thing for you now is to improve your strength, no matter what he wants. As for favors, you can only repay the other party's favor if you have the strength. If you don't have the strength, what is the value of this favor?"

Lin Lei suddenly realized it.

"I understand, Grandpa Doering!" Lin Lei no longer hesitated. He had a deep desire to become a dragon blood warrior. "Okay, I, Lin Lei Baruch, owe you a favor. If I have the opportunity in the future, I will repay you."

"Okay, you wait for me here for a long time." Lei Ming said, and flew towards the depths of the Warcraft Mountains.

"What a fast speed." Lin Lei saw Lei Ming disappear in the blink of an eye, and he was very envious. At this time, Doering Cowart appeared beside Lin Lei.

"It's really fast. His speed is also the best among the Saint Domain masters." Delin Cowart exclaimed. He didn't know that Lei Ming had comprehended the explosion of the fire law. Below the god level, even the Saint Domain extreme masters could not compare with Lei Ming in terms of explosive power.

"Grandpa Delin, do you think Lei Ming can really catch the dragon?" Lin Lei asked.

Delin Cowart was not sure: "I have lived for so long, but this is the first time I have seen such a person. He became a Saint Domain master in his teens. According to common sense, he must have become a Saint Domain master in a short time. And the Saint Domain dragons, each of which is comparable to the peak of the Saint Domain, Lei Ming should not be his opponent. But Lei Ming is really..."

Lin Lei couldn't help but smile bitterly. In the past few years, he has been targeting Lei Ming. He thought that he could catch up with Lei Ming by carving with a flat knife. Who knew that the gap between the two sides is now as big as heaven and earth.

Lin Lei is Lin Lei after all. Although he was hit, he recovered quickly.

"Although I can't catch up with you, I will definitely become a strong man and revive the glory of my dragon blood warrior family!" Lin Lei swore secretly in his heart.

Lei Ming did not go to find the thornback armored dragon, but found a holy dragon, the golden dragon. The golden dragon is a superior race among the dragons, and it is a holy dragon once it reaches adulthood. Moreover, the golden dragon has almost no weaknesses, whether it is speed, attack or defense. When Lei Ming found the golden dragon, the golden dragon was sleeping on the top of the mountain. As the king of the Warcraft Mountain Range, it was not worried about being attacked by other Warcraft.

Lei Ming hit the golden dragon with a water ball, waking it up.

"Human, you dare to disturb the sleep of the great Cecil!" The golden dragon seemed to be in a bad mood. As soon as it woke up, it spit out a golden dragon breath at Lei Ming. A green shield appeared in front of Lei Ming, blocking the dragon breath.

The golden dragon suddenly jumped from the top of the mountain, and the rocks under it immediately shattered. A ray of light flashed, and the golden dragon had come to Lei Ming. Its golden claws grabbed Lei Ming, and Lei Ming felt the air around him become sticky.

Lei Ming chuckled and flicked his finger on the golden dragon's claws. The golden dragon immediately felt a tingling pain, as if it was pricked by a sharp needle. It looked down and saw that the scales on the dragon's claws were almost broken, and dragon blood was scattered across the sky.

The golden dragon roared, and its wings frantically flapped its back, and Lei Ming had already landed on it. Facing the golden dragon's beating, Lei Ming just stomped his feet, and the golden dragon felt numb all over, as if he had no strength, and slowly fell to the ground.

"I just borrowed your dragon blood for use, don't force me to kill you." Lei Ming's indifferent voice reached the golden dragon's ears, and the golden dragon immediately calmed down.

"Yes, sir!"

Although the golden dragon was proud, it also knew the situation. It had fought with Lei Ming until now, and had no power to resist, and seeing Lei Ming's relaxed look, it was obvious that he did not use his full strength.

Faced with a strong man who could kill him, the golden dragon decisively surrendered.

"My Lord, I am willing to be your magic beast." The golden dragon was still worried and offered his loyalty.

Lei Ming glanced at him coldly: "You are not qualified."

Lin Lei was waiting for Lei Ming above the Misty Valley. A fire was lit next to him. He was roasting the back of a magic beast. Bei Bei next to him jumped left and right at the smell, a little impatient.

Just when the meat was about to be roasted, a shadow covered Lin Lei. The shadow was getting bigger and bigger. Lin Lei looked up and saw a golden dragon that was a hundred meters long falling from the sky.

Before the golden dragon fell, Lin Lei felt a huge pressure, which directly acted on his soul.

"Light magic deterrence..." Lin Lei was not unfamiliar with this feeling. He had used this magic when testing his mental strength.

The golden dragon spread its wings and slowly landed on the ground. When it folded its wings, the rocks and grass on the ground were blown away by the strong wind, raising dust all over the sky. The dust directly covered the fire and buried the barbecue.

Bei Bei was very anxious and rushed over to pick up the barbecue. He gnawed it clean with a few squeaks, and even the bones were not spared.

Lin Lei did not notice Bei Bei. He was stunned by the golden dragon.

Lei Ming jumped off the back of the golden dragon, then went to the valley to get the blue heart grass and said to Lin Lei: "The dragon has been caught, and the blue heart grass is also available. You can now awaken the blood of the dragon blood warrior!"

Lin Lei took the blue heart grass and was trembling with excitement. Since he knew the history of his family, becoming a dragon blood warrior has been his greatest wish.

Lei Ming picked off a piece of scale casually, and the golden dragon trembled in pain, but did not dare to move. Dragon blood gushed out, and Lin Lei saw it and immediately drank it from the wound.

After drinking enough dragon blood, Lin Lei's whole body was red. He ate more than a dozen blue heart grasses in a row and began to use the secret method in the "Dragon Blood Secret Book" to stimulate the dragon blood in his body. However, this process was very painful. Lin Lei fell to the ground and kept struggling and roaring. Bei Bei didn't know the situation and jumped anxiously beside Lin Lei. He thought Lei Ming had done something to Lin Lei and showed his sharp teeth to Lei Ming.

"Little guy, be patient. Lin Lei is awakening the dragon blood in his body now." If it was an ordinary monster, Lei Ming would not be so polite.

Bei Bei listened and soon calmed down. It should be that Lin Lei said something to him.

"It is worthy of being the divine beast God Devouring Rat. Now it has such spirituality." Lei Ming stared at Bei Bei, thinking that the body of the God Devouring Rat was ranked at the top in countless planes. If he could get the essence of the God Devouring Rat, his body should be able to be strengthened a lot.

Beibei was frightened by his gaze and immediately hid far away.

Lei Ming laughed dumbly. The blood of the God-Eating Rat was indeed very strong, but with Beirut around, touching Beibei was no different from seeking death.

Lin Lei's transformation was very fast. With the awakening of the Azure Dragon blood, his body was covered with dragon scales. When Lin Lei completely turned into a dragon man, Lei Ming left. He also released the golden dragon.

Three days later, Lin Lei woke up. At this time, he had restored his human form, but his strength had changed drastically.

"What a powerful force." Lin Lei felt it. His current strength was at least dozens of times greater than before.

He clenched his right fist, and the dragon blood fighting spirit in his body automatically circulated. Lin Lei slammed into the stone wall next to him. With a bang, a stone pit was smashed out of the stone wall, and Lin Lei smiled with satisfaction.

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