In the prehistoric world, even the immortals find it difficult to comprehend the superficial aspects of the law, but in the Panlong world, the strong men in the holy domain have begun to comprehend the mysteries of the law. Any creature that can comprehend the complete mysteries can become a god.

However, although it is easier to comprehend the law in the Panlong world, the world has great restrictions on practitioners. When becoming a god, the power of heaven and earth will condense the soul of the practitioner into a godhead, and the godhead contains the practitioner's understanding of the law. The godhead is a very strange existence. It is indestructible and at the same time the source of divine power. However, the soul integrated into the godhead is very fragile, and the powerful godhead cannot protect the soul.

Lei Ming feels that the godhead has less potential than the pure primordial spirit, and he does not want to transform the five emperors' primordial spirits into three godheads. However, Lei Ming seems to have no choice.

"Hong Meng made a move once when I just crossed over, and then there was no movement. If I don't practice according to the laws of this world, I am afraid I will never have the opportunity to transcend, let alone return to the prehistoric world."

After thinking about this clearly, Lei Ming put aside all his worries, and he decided to practice according to the laws of the Panlong world. In the worst case, when he returns to the prehistoric world, he can still use the six reincarnations.

After eliminating the knot in his heart, Lei Ming's soul recovered faster, and the rich elemental power surrounded him, forming a small domain outside Lei Ming's body. The domain is the symbol of a god-level strongman. Lei Ming certainly does not have it now, but he has integrated into the power of heaven and earth and can already control the space around him.

Lei Ming's momentum continued to rise, and finally broke his own shackles. His body left the ground and stood in the void. The yellow, red and green elements were swallowed up by him.

The cave was filled with huge pressure, and the water ball that bound the thornback armored dragon also disappeared. However, the thornback armored dragon did not move at all, but lay on the ground, looking at Lei Ming in panic.

The pressure in the air was too great, and the thornback armored dragon could not resist it.

After an unknown period of time, Lei Ming finally opened his eyes. He looked around and the thornback armored dragon was right under his feet.

"Finally reached the holy land, it feels so good to fly." Lei Ming said to himself.

Lei Ming discovered that the flying of the Holy Domain was not using magic power, but using the control of the surrounding space. The practice of the Holy Domain is to integrate into the power of heaven and earth, and the power of heaven and earth is actually the prototype of the law. The initial stage of the Holy Domain is to initially comprehend the power of heaven and earth, while the intermediate stage of the Holy Domain is to integrate the body into nature and achieve the power of heaven and earth. When you reach the peak of the Holy Domain, you will enter the door of the mystery of the law.

After the breakthrough, Lei Ming came to the magic circle that sealed the space node. He scanned the magic circle with primitive power and immediately felt dizzy.

"This magic circle is too profound. I am afraid it will take me several years just to deduce it." Lei Ming thought to himself, but this is normal. After all, this is the magic circle used by Beirut to seal the space node.

Lei Ming also saw the purple blood soft sword in the center of the magic circle. The owner of this sword is the famous purple blood demon in hell.

"What a strong evil spirit." Lei Ming's soul retreated as soon as he touched the purple blood soft sword. Although the purple blood soft sword is helpless now, it has killed too many strong men and has a strong evil spirit.

Lei Ming wanted to pull out the Purple Blood Soft Sword to study it, but now was not the time. He had to ensure the normal operation of the magic circle.

"It seems that the time to return to the palace will be delayed." Lei Ming sat down to study the magic circle. He was determined to get the Purple Blood Soft Sword. Not to mention the power of this sword, in the future, in hell, just the title of Purple Blood Demon, it is worth at least 10 billion.

Winter passed and spring came. Under the guidance of Delin Cowart, Lin Lei has grown into a fifth-level magician. After learning flat knife carving, Lin Lei's economic situation has also been greatly improved. Now Lin Lei is already a well-known sculptor.

Lin Lei's strength has also greatly improved. He is already a fifth-level magician and a fourth-level warrior. At this time, Dixie is only a fifth-level magician. It can be said that except for Lei Ming, Lin Lei has left his peers behind.

Lin Lei is not satisfied with these. He is always chasing Lei Ming in his heart. After the holiday began, Lin Lei set out on the road to the Warcraft Mountains alone.

Lin Lei's trial was much harder than Lei Ming's. He was not strong enough and encountered many dangers. However, Lin Lei was the protagonist after all, and his luck was strong. He could turn danger into safety every time.

What was even more unimaginable was that Lin Lei stumbled upon the Misty Valley that Lei Ming had spent more than half a year to find.

"That's the Blue Heart Grass!"

Lin Lei was very excited when he found the Blue Heart Grass in the Misty Valley. This grass can resist the damage of live dragon blood to the body, and drinking live dragon blood is a way for dragon blood warriors to awaken.

Lin Lei looked at the Blue Heart Grass and was very anxious. He used the wind floating technique to pick it, but was startled by the green-striped python below. Lin Lei hurriedly fled. He was just a level 5 magician, and there were many high-level magic beasts below.

Just as Lin Lei fled, a pterosaur caught up with him. Although the pterosaur dragon was not high in level, it was a flying magic beast with a fast speed and was also very difficult to deal with.

Lin Lei's face turned pale in an instant, as more and more pterosaurs flew up. The earth element flowed on Lin Lei's body, forming the Earth Guardian Holy Armor, but under the claws of the pterosaurs, the Earth Guardian Holy Armor could not last long.

Just when Lin Lei was at a loss, a figure flew up from below and landed on a pterosaur. The other pterosaurs seemed to have lost the ability to fly all of a sudden, and fell into the valley one after another.

"Someone!" Doering Cowart woke up, "Lin Lei, be careful, it's a Saint!"

After Doering Cowart finished speaking, he hid in the Panlong Ring and didn't dare to come out again.

Lin Lei took a deep breath. He didn't expect that he would meet a Saint here. This is the most powerful force in the entire continent. However, Lin Lei felt that the figure was familiar. When the other party turned around, Lin Lei was shocked.

"Lei Ming, it's you!" Lin Lei, who had always been steady, shouted out.

Not only him, but even Doering Cowart was stunned. If he hadn't confirmed it several times, he really couldn't believe that the Saint in front of him was Lei Ming.

Lei Ming was also a little surprised to see Lin Lei. He had been in seclusion in the Misty Valley for several years and finally figured out this magic circle. After that, Lei Ming repaired the magic circle. After the magic circle stabilized, he pulled out the purple blood soft sword. The magic circle fell into an unstable state again, but at least it didn't break. But it seems that it won't last long.

Lei Ming doesn't care about what happens next.

After getting the Purple Blood Soft Sword, Lei Ming left the cave. The density of heaven and earth elements in the cave is very high, but it is useless to him now. The laws here are relatively active, but Lei Ming has the help of the Five Elements Pine, so he can practice anywhere.

As soon as Lei Ming came out, he saw the pterosaur dragon besieging Lin Lei. He solved the pterosaur dragon casually, which was considered a favor to Lin Lei.

"I didn't expect you to be a level 5 magician." Lei Ming said. Lin Lei's talent is not the strongest, but his practice speed is the fastest.

Lin Lei looked at Lei Ming in a daze: "Have you reached the Holy Land?"

Lei Ming nodded, and did not want to hide it.

"Did you want to collect blue heart grass just now? I can help you!" Lei Ming said.

Lin Lei immediately showed joy. Collecting blue heart grass is very difficult for him, but it is just a piece of cake for Lei Ming.

"Blue heart grass is very important to me. How can I thank you?" After all, Lin Lei is not an ordinary person, and he quickly calmed down.

Lei Ming smiled and said, "I know you are from the Dragonblood Warrior family. The Blue Heart Grass can help you awaken the Dragonblood Warrior bloodline in your body. However, Blue Heart Grass alone is not enough, you also need live dragon blood."

Lin Lei was stunned: "How do you know about us Dragonblood Warriors?"

"It's simple. The four ultimate warriors are famous. How about I help you catch a dragon?" Lei Ming asked.

Lin Lei hesitated. He was not thinking about whether Lei Ming could catch the dragon, but thinking about Lei Ming's intention.

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