From the wilderness to the myriad worlds

Chapter 23 Five Elements Pine Nuts, Enemy of Enlightenment!

Lei Ming took four foundation-building pills, and the five kinds of skills he practiced broke through smoothly, all reaching the foundation-building stage. After the breakthrough, Lei Ming did not come out immediately, he continued to practice intermediate spells. The upper-grade practice room was full of spiritual power, far better than where Lei Ming lived.

After breaking through to the foundation-building stage, Lei Ming felt that he had transformed from the inside out. His Yuanshen power increased several times, and his magic power increased dozens of times.

After reaching the foundation-building stage, Lei Ming could use his spiritual consciousness to see inside. He looked at his Dantian. His Dantian seemed to be a whirlpool, constantly swallowing spiritual energy. Indistinctly, there was something as big as a pine nut in the center of the Dantian. Lei Ming thought he had seen it wrong at first, but later he found that there was indeed something in his Dantian.

Lei Ming was shocked at first. The importance of Dantian to cultivators was second only to the sea of ​​consciousness. If the Dantian was destroyed, he could only take over another body and be reborn.

"What is it?"

Lei Ming's spiritual consciousness went deep into the Dantian and finally saw it clearly. However, as soon as his spiritual consciousness came into contact with that thing, it was swallowed up all of a sudden, and Lei Ming's soul was also torn apart by an unknown force.

Lei Ming fainted from the pain of his soul being damaged. After an unknown period of time, when he woke up again, he found that his soul was trapped.

Lei Ming was very panicked and finally calmed down. He wanted to break through the unknown bondage, but he failed after several attempts. His soul was always sealed in a certain place.

In vain, Lei Ming simply let go of other ideas and concentrated on practicing. The five elements of spiritual energy were absorbed by him like a whale. A spiritual energy vortex appeared out of thin air in the practice room, and the range of the spiritual energy vortex became wider and wider, affecting the practice room next to it.

The spiritual energy vortex alarmed the deacon outside, but each practice room was closed, and the deacon could not break the door, so naturally he could not find the source.

After a few months, Lei Ming finally felt his body again. He tried to break through again, and suddenly a change occurred.

In Lei Ming's Dantian, a five-colored pine nut leaped out from the sea of ​​spiritual energy. The small pine nut slowly turned on the sea of ​​spiritual energy. In an instant, a majestic force descended. The pine nut actually devoured all the spiritual power in Lei Ming's body, and then it calmed down. At this time, Lei Ming's Yuanshen also returned to the spiritual platform sea of ​​consciousness.

Lei Ming's face turned pale, his whole body trembled, and he sat on the ground without a trace of strength, but his eyes radiated light, unbelievable and joyful!

"I didn't expect that I would have such a good fortune. First I got the Kunlun mirror, and then I got the origin of the five elements pine!" Lei Ming's lips trembled a little, and he shouted in his heart. He finally understood why he had such a talent in the way of the five elements.

The pine nut in Lei Ming's Dantian was the origin of the innate spiritual root five elements pine. With the awakening of the pine nut, Lei Ming also knew the cause and effect.

One fragment after another surged into Lei Ming's heart...

In the prehistoric world, Nanming Volcano, after the battle of the three tribes of Kaitian, the ancestor of the phoenix slept here. After several periods of time, the Phoenix Ancestor awakened. He found the Five Elements Pine in the Nanming Volcano, and forcibly plundered the Five Elements Origin of the Five Elements. The Five Elements Origin and the Phoenix Qi intertwined to give birth to a giant egg.

The Five Elements Pine is an innate spiritual root, on the same level as the innate gods and demons, but it was late in transformation and was not the opponent of the Phoenix Ancestor. However, the Five Elements Pine has great potential and is the innate controller of the Five Elements of the Primordial World. Even if it cannot prove the Hunyuan, it is not difficult to become a quasi-sage. Faced with the suppression of the Phoenix Ancestor, the Five Elements Pine was very unwilling. He exposed his true body and forcibly sent away half of the Five Elements Origin. This half of the Five Elements Origin turned into Five Elements Pine Nuts and was obtained by Lei Ming.

The picture dissipated at this point.

"So there is such a cause and effect." Lei Ming sighed, "That giant egg should be Kong Xuan. So, Kong Xuan got half of the five elements origin, and I got the other half. If we want to achieve the five elements, we must get each other's five elements origin. And I got the gift of the five elements pine, and I will definitely settle the cause and effect for him in the future."

Lei Ming did not expect that he, a small acquired human race, would be destined to be Kong Xuan.

Lei Ming naturally knew how powerful Kong Xuan was. Kong Xuan has not yet become famous, but when it came to the Conferred God War, the five-color divine light shocked the world, and even a Western saint was brushed away by Kong Xuan.

Thinking of Kong Xuan's power, Lei Ming was naturally a little flustered. He and Kong Xuan were enemies of enlightenment, and they would never stop until death.

"Kong Que is powerful, but I will not be weaker than him!" Lei Ming quickly raised his fighting spirit, "I have the Kunlun Mirror in my hand, and I have half of the Five Elements Origin. In the future Conferred God Battle, I must compete with Kong Xuan to determine the Five Elements Avenue!"

The Five Elements Pine Nut is transformed from the Five Elements Origin. As soon as it awakens, it immediately devours a large amount of Five Elements spiritual power. This movement is much greater than when Lei Ming was practicing.

The fluctuation of spiritual power alarmed Lei Wanhe nearby, and he came to investigate. Fortunately, Lei Ming quickly isolated the Five Elements Pine Nut, and the fluctuation of spiritual power gradually subsided.

Outside, Lei Wanhe frowned, the fluctuation of spiritual power subsided, and there was no change in the sky.

"Did the breakthrough fail?"

Lei Wanhe checked several times again, but still found nothing. He turned into a long rainbow and went to the mountain where the head of the sect lived.

Lei Ming stabilized his cultivation and left the practice room. Although he was in the early stage of foundation building, because he practiced the Five Elements technique, his magic power was no worse than that of the middle stage of foundation building.

"Brother...Uncle Master!" The steward in charge of the training room saw Lei Ming and was about to greet him, but when he sensed Lei Ming's aura, he immediately changed his address.

"Congratulations to Uncle Master for successfully building his foundation!" The steward said earnestly, with jealousy in his eyes.

"What happened here?" Lei Ming looked around, there were many disciples around.

The deacon said quickly: "Some time ago, for some unknown reason, there was a fluctuation in spiritual power on the mountain. The fluctuation just became very powerful, and it alarmed Master Lei on the mountain."

Lei Ming listened and nodded calmly. This spiritual power fluctuation was probably caused by the Five Elements pine nuts. Unexpectedly, it attracted the attention of the Danjie monk.

After the foundation was successfully established, Lei Ming followed the usual procedure and went to the head office to report. Zhong Lingdao, the leader of Huang Maple Valley, was quite surprised to see him building a foundation. Zhong Lingdao had an impression of Lei Ming. After all, he joined the Yellow Maple Valley through the arena battle of the Immortal Ascension Conference. Moreover, Zhong Lingdao also knew that Lei Ming had a five-attribute spiritual root and how many foundation-building pills he had obtained.

"Junior Brother Lei has successfully built the foundation. It is really gratifying! With the five-attribute spiritual root building the foundation, if word spreads, Junior Brother Lei will probably become famous in the world of immortality." Zhong Lingdao exclaimed.

Lei Ming smiled. For him, the attributes of spiritual roots have long been meaningless.

Zhong Lingdao wrote Lei Ming's name on the jade butterfly in Huang Maple Valley's roster, and finished other chores. Lei Ming didn't chat much with him and left quickly.

"The five-attribute spiritual root building foundation, this luck path is too good." After Lei Ming left, Zhong Lingdao sighed to himself.

Han Li carefully cultivated and refined the elixir of the Foundation Establishment Pill in the Hundred Medicine Garden while waiting for news from Lei Ming. He thought that Lei Ming would break through soon, but he didn't expect that he would have to wait for more than half a year.

A colorful rainbow light flew from a distance. Han Li was still in the medicine garden. When he saw the rainbow light, his heart moved.

"Brother Han, long time no see!" Thunder's hearty voice came. Han Li looked happy and hurriedly went out to greet him.

In a few breaths, the five-color rainbow light disappeared, and thunder appeared in front of Han Li.

"Brother Lei, you succeeded!" Han Li was excited.

Lei Ming nodded and said with a smile: "Brother Han, I kept waiting for a long time. In fact, my breakthrough was very smooth, but it took a lot of effort later."

Lei Ming told Han Li his foundation-building experience, and Han Li took note of it carefully.

"I plan to open a cave right away. Brother Han, please leave with me. With the cave, it will be much easier to do things in the future." Lei Ming said.

Han Li nodded and looked back at the medicine garden, feeling a little reluctant in his heart.

"Brother Lei will open up the cave first. I'll say goodbye to Master Ma. Although he has a withdrawn personality, he is still very nice to me." Han Lida said.

"Okay, I plan to choose the location of the cave abode here."

Lei Ming took out a map and pointed on it. Han Li looked at it without saying anything.

Ever since Lei Ming took away the Foundation Establishment Pill, Wang Song has been paying attention to him. Since the end of the Ascension Conference, the hatred between him and Lei Ming has become deeper and deeper. Although Lei Ming never came to see him, Wang Song believed that Lei Ming would not forget this matter.

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