From the wilderness to the myriad worlds

Chapter 24 The cave is built and the enemy arrives

After Lei Ming found Zhong Lingdao, Wang Song soon got the news.

"He actually built his foundation!" Wang Song couldn't believe it. Lei Ming was the first person in the entire Huangfeng Valley to build his foundation with five spiritual roots. Wang Song dared to say that there were not many such people in the entire cultivation world.

"No, I have to think of a way. I really underestimated him before!" Wang Song suddenly felt a sense of crisis in his heart, and he immediately contacted several fellow apprentices.

It was very simple to open up a cave. Lei Ming found a mountain with relatively rich spiritual energy. With a few spells, a simple cave was built.

After that, Lei Ming arranged a formation outside the cave. These formations can only play a simple defense and concealment role. In the way of formations, Lei Ming is just getting started.

After Han Li dealt with the matter of the Hundred Medicine Garden, he went to Lei Ming's cave. In the cave, Lei Ming specially opened up an area for Han Li to cultivate spiritual medicine. Lei Ming set up many five-element prohibitions in this area, and at the same time laid a demon-binding net. Even a cultivator in the Nascent Soul stage could not use his spiritual consciousness to check.

"It's absolutely safe here, Brother Han can rest assured." Lei Ming said confidently.

Han Li was also very happy: "If this is the case, it will only take a few months for these spiritual medicines to mature, and I can also start to try to refine the foundation-building pill."

"I also prepared a gift for Brother Han."

Lei Ming took out the Concentrated Spirit Fruit and the branches of the Concentrated Spirit Fruit Tree from the storage bag: "This is what I brought from the forbidden area."

Han Li looked at it and suddenly said in surprise: "Is this a mature Concentrated Spirit Fruit?"

Lei Ming nodded.

"How did Brother Lei hide it from the Sniffing Spirit Rat?" Han Li was happy at first, because the Concentrated Spirit Fruit was a spiritual medicine that had long been extinct, and it was hard to find it.

Lei Ming smiled: "It's just a small matter. If I want, all the harvests in the forbidden area can be concealed."

That day, Lei Ming sealed the Concentrated Spirit Fruit with the Five Elements Forbidden Method, and wrapped the jade box with the Monster Binding Net. Although the Sniffing Spirit Rat had a strong sense of smell, it could not smell any breath.

"According to my experience in building a foundation, the stronger the soul is, the smoother the foundation building will be. Brother Han can take half of these eight Concentrating Spirit Fruits first, and use the other half to make pills." Lei Ming said.

Han Li nodded hurriedly: "In this way, my confidence in building a foundation has increased a little bit."

After the cave was built, Lei Ming practiced on it, and Han Li cultivated spiritual medicine below. Lei Ming is still practicing basic exercises. Originally, he had practiced these basic exercises to the end and should have changed to more advanced exercises, but Lei Ming did not.

After Lei Ming built his foundation, Huangfeng Valley also opened up the inheritance of the foundation building period for him to choose, but these exercises were not what Lei Ming wanted. Lei Ming comprehended the way of the five elements and refined the five elements of qi, and what he needed was a single five-element exercise.

Of course, this does not mean that Lei Ming does not need advanced exercises.

"The lack of advanced five-element exercises in Huangfeng Valley does not mean that there are no advanced five-element exercises in other places." Lei Ming already had the idea of ​​leaving Huangfeng Valley in his mind.

Although he was practicing basic skills, Lei Ming absorbed spiritual power very quickly with the help of the five-element pine nut. When he was practicing, a large amount of five-element spiritual power surged from the surroundings, and the concentration of spiritual power in the entire cave increased a lot. Han Li, who was meditating below, felt this change and was quite surprised.

A few months passed like this, and the spiritual power in Lei Ming's dantian was close to saturation. Five rays of light appeared on the five-element pine nut, which were gold, blue, black, red and yellow. The five rays of light flashed, causing the sea of ​​spiritual power to vibrate.

Lei Ming opened his eyes happily and ended his retreat.

"The five-element divine light has nurtured the foundation. Next, as long as we continue to devour the five-element spiritual objects, the five-element divine light will continue to become stronger!"

The five-element divine light nurtured in Lei Ming's dantian is one of the innate magical powers of the five-element avenue. The five-element avenue is very special. The single five-element avenue ranks behind the three thousand avenues, but the overall five-element avenue is not inferior to any avenue.

The Five Elements Divine Light is derived from the origin of the Five Elements. Kong Xuan refined the Five Elements Divine Light with his own natal feathers to form the Five-Color Divine Light Great Magical Power, which can sweep away all living things and treasures. But because of this, his Five Elements Divine Light is not pure enough, but deviates from the Great Dao.

Lei Ming made up his mind from the beginning to practice the purest Five Elements Divine Light.

However, Lei Ming's current Five Elements Divine Light has just entered the door, and is still far behind Kong Xuan.

Lei Ming came out of retreat and was about to find Han Li, but there was other movement outside the cave, and someone was attacking the formation. Lei Ming flashed and appeared in the formation. He saw Wang Song and four foundation-building monks surrounding the mountain. The one attacking the formation was a horse-faced monk. He had a transparent crystal ball that kept hitting the formation, and the light of the formation was gradually weakened.

Lei Ming waved his hand to open the formation and flew out.

"It's Brother Wang, and a few other brothers." Lei Ming still had a smile on his face, "This is my cave, I don't know why the brothers are making such a fuss."

When the horse-faced monk saw Lei Ming coming out, he immediately stopped attacking and put away the crystal ball magic weapon.

"It turns out that Brother Lei has already established his foundation, which is really a cause for celebration." Wang Song looked surprised, "I remember that Brother Lei has five-attribute spiritual roots, right?"

Lei Ming nodded, and the other four foundation-building monks were all a little happy when they saw it.

Wang Song smiled again and said, "Brother Lei can establish his foundation with five-attribute spiritual roots, and his cultivation speed is so fast. I wonder what secrets are there? Can you share one or two with us?"

"Yes, we are all from the same sect. If there are treasures, of course we should share them!" The horse-faced monk said greedily, "There must be treasures in your cave. The spiritual energy from all around was rushing here just now. The spiritual energy here is better than other places nearby. The mountains are rich. Junior Brother Lei, let us see your treasure."

Lei Ming was stunned, he didn't expect the other party to pay such attention.

Lei Ming pretended to be displeased and said: "We cultivators are most taboo about prying into other people's secrets. What these senior brothers did is a bit too much!"

The old man next to him smiled sinisterly: "Junior brother Lei, I'm afraid it's no longer up to you. Originally, junior brother Wang said it, but we didn't believe it, but since we came here specially, how could we return empty-handed? If you If you cooperate, that's fine. If you don't cooperate, we can only take it by force."

"Aren't you afraid of the rules?" Lei Ming asked.

"You are in a remote location, and I have set up formations around you. As long as the matter doesn't spread, who will know?" said a monk wearing a green robe with narrow eyes.

"Okay, it seems that these senior brothers have thought it through very comprehensively." Lei Ming clapped his hands, "In that case, I don't have to be polite."

Wang Song sneered: "You just built the foundation, so what? I advise you to hand over the treasure honestly, otherwise..."

"Stop talking nonsense. I have wanted to take revenge on you for a long time. You came here to die today, which saved me a lot of trouble. Just die!"

Lei Ming didn't wait for Wang Song to finish speaking, and slashed at the opponent with a straight knife. The four-foot-long straight knife grew in the wind, turning into a five- to six-meter-long giant knife and slashed down with a bang. Wang Song threw a shield and blocked the giant knife.

"Do it!" Wang Song didn't hesitate and called on the other people to attack Lei Ming. The other people took action without hesitation.

The horse-faced monk seemed to be an array master. He took out the crystal ball, and fog suddenly appeared in a radius of 100 meters. The fog could not only obscure the sight, but also confuse spiritual consciousness.

Dong dong dong...

A series of millstones about ten feet in size were thrown from the old man's hand, and Lei Ming had to avoid them. The old man smiled calmly, and an earth wall appeared behind Lei Ming. Before Lei Ming could move, the other three earth walls trapped him.

"What an exquisite earth attribute magic!" Lei Ming praised with a smile, and a golden light shot out from his hand, breaking through the earth wall.

The green-robed monk opened his mouth, and a small flag flew out, growing in the wind, and stood above his head. The flag spurted out streams of black wind, like a torrential river, rushing towards the thunder. Lei Ming immediately raised the Dingyuan Bell. The cyan light of the Dingyuan Bell was in a stalemate with the black wind, but it was obviously at a disadvantage.

"Junior Brother Lei, you'd better hand over the treasure obediently, so as not to dissipate the soul." Wang Song sacrificed a tower-shaped magic weapon and threw it at Lei Ming, while using words to break Lei Ming's fighting spirit.

Lei Ming snorted coldly and said nothing. The straight knife flew back into his hand, and the Dingyuan Bell spun around, lowering a light shield to protect his body.

The green-robed monk drove the black wind and gradually submerged the Dingyuan Bell. Just when he was feeling proud, Lei Ming suddenly put away the Dingyuan Bell. The black wind immediately enveloped Lei Ming, cutting Lei Ming's body like a vicious knife.

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