From the wilderness to the myriad worlds

Chapter 44: Meeting Han Li again and accepting a disciple for the second time

Han Li pointed his finger and struck forward with a flying sword. Under the powerful magic power, spiritual energy surged and spread out in all directions. Originally, Han Li thought that even if he could not break through the formation, it would have a big impact on the formation. To his surprise, the dissipated energy only traveled tens of meters before being suppressed by the power of the formation!

"You also take a hit from me!"

Lei Ming stretched out his hand, and the five elements of spiritual power gathered together, turning in his palm, and finally turned into a five-color divine sword about one foot long. The five-color divine sword flew out of his hand, fell towards Han Li, and grew to more than twenty feet long in an instant.

Han Li was locked by the five-color divine sword and felt a huge threat. Seventy-two flying swords flew out, circled around him, then gathered together and fired towards the five-color divine arrows.

There were crackling sounds one after another, and fierce winds swirled in the formation, almost drowning Han Li.

At the same time, the Five Elements Formation also shook, the five elements spirit beasts roared together, and the five-color air waves covered Yunyin Mountain.

"Ha ha!"

"Ha ha!"

Lei Ming appeared in front of Han Li, and the two couldn't help laughing at the same time. When Han Li entered the battle, Lei Ming had already recognized him. Before Han Li came to Yunyin Mountain, he had already guessed that Lei Ming was there.

"Brother Han, I haven't seen you in 200 years. How are you?" Lei Ming said with a smile.

Han Li was also very happy: "I'm so happy to see Brother Lei again."

The two had not seen each other for 200 years, and now they were reunited, and both felt an indescribable joy. Looking back, Han Li was still wary of him when he was forced to cooperate with Lei Ming. But this wariness has now disappeared. Along the way, Han Li's former relatives and companions have all passed away. It is extremely rare to meet an old friend.

Lei Ming was not as emotional as Han Li. He welcomed Han Li up the mountain, and the two sat down to make tea and chat.

"I didn't expect that Brother Han would form a Nascent Soul and become a powerful man in a blink of an eye." Lei Ming said with a smile.

Han Li took a sip of tea and said, "I'm even more surprised by Brother Lei's cultivation. With Brother Lei's cultivation speed, he should have given birth to a baby long ago."

"My five-attribute spiritual root is naturally inferior to your four-attribute spiritual root." Lei Ming said.

The two couldn't help but laugh again. In terms of spiritual qualifications, they were all immortal cultivators with no future. However, their cultivation had improved by leaps and bounds.

Afterwards, the two talked about their experiences over the years. Lei Ming's experience was relatively simple, but still thrilling. As for Han Li, his experience was much more exciting, from Tiannan to Chaotic Star Sea, and back to Tiannan again.

"Brother Lei, I heard that you plan to start a sect. What's going on?" Han Liqi asked. In his impression, Lei Ming has always been a loner and has never been interested in sect affairs.

Lei Ming told Han Li his vision for Pangu Sect, and Han Li repeatedly lamented the generosity. Lei Ming's idea sounds absurd at first, but when you think about it carefully, it feels terrifying. In doing so, he almost popularized the method of cultivating immortals. The cohesiveness of his disciples was definitely not as good as that of the sect, but the number was terrifying. The greater the number, the more likely it is that strong men will be born.

"Brother Lei, does he want to dominate Tiannan?" Han Li asked.

"I just hope to collect cultivation resources more efficiently." Lei Ming said, "Brother Han has given birth to a baby now, so he can take charge of the Pangu Sect."

"According to what you said, there is no problem." Han Li thought for a while, "Although I joined the Luoyun Sect, I am only an honorary Supreme Elder. Besides, the Pangu Sect is not strictly a sect, so it should have no influence. ”

"Not only that, Brother Han has many skills, and you can't refuse to start the class." Lei Ming said.

"This..." Han Li hesitated.

"So-called reviewing the past and learning the new. Over the years, Brother Han has been practicing alone and giving lectures to his disciples. This may not be a bad thing for you." Lei Ming said.

"That's true, then I'll give it a try." Han Li said.

After staying in Pangu Sect for three days, Han Li returned to Luoyun Sect and told Cheng Guangkun and others about Lei Ming. With Han Li mediating, the grievances between the Pangu Sect and the Luoyun Sect were settled, and there was naturally no obstacle to the Pangu Sect's opening of the sect.

Half a month later, the news of Pangu Sect spread throughout the Xi Country. Two months later, almost everyone in the area occupied by Tiandao Sect knew about Pangu Sect.

"You can't help passing on the inheritance, regardless of good or evil. If you pass the test, you can become a formal disciple of the Pangu Sect. Even if you can't become a formal disciple, you can redeem your contribution points to attend classes, and there are also classes given by the ancestor of Yuanying." Cheng Guangkun heard about the Pangu Sect. Things can't help but sigh.

"Qi Sheng, how many monks are there in Pangu Sect?" Cheng Guangkun asked.

Qi Sheng said: "Back to my uncle, in the past two months, monks have arrived from all over Tiannan, especially casual cultivators. It is initially estimated that there are more than 100,000 immortal cultivators under Yunyin Mountain, and more than 10,000 monks in the foundation building period. In a few days It’s the second time that Pangu Sect has recruited disciples. The number of Pangu Sect’s disciples may exceed that of our Luoyun Sect!”

"It doesn't matter, Pangu Sect is different from us." Cheng Guangkun saw it clearly.

"In addition, uncle, people from Gujianmen and Baiqiaoyuan came to inquire. They thought that Pangu Sect was established by my Luoyun Sect. The disciples have already explained to them." Qi Sheng said again.

Cheng Guangkun nodded: "The Pangu Sect's affairs are for Junior Brother Han's sake. We don't care about them, but we have no control over what the Ancient Sword Sect and Baiqiao Academy want to do."

"Disciple understands!"

In the blink of an eye, it was time for Pangu Sect to recruit disciples for the second time. Lei Ming and Han Li stood on the top of the mountain, looking at the hundreds of thousands of monks below.

"I want to congratulate you, Brother Lei. From today on, your Pangu Sect will become the largest sect in Xi Country!" Han Li said with a smile.

If we only look at the number of people, what Han Li said is not impossible. Among the three major sects in Xi Country, Luoyun Sect has the most disciples, but there are only 20,000 or 30,000. As long as Lei Ming accepts these people, the number of disciples in Pangu Sect will soon exceed Luoyun Sect.

"These are just the beginning." Lei Ming didn't care about this. "Maybe in the future, Pangu Sect will have millions of disciples, and there will be many Jindan, Yuanying, and Huashen. That's what I expect."

Han Li was stunned and didn't know what to say.

A long bell sounded, and everyone felt at peace when they heard the bell. After that, the Yunyin Mountain formation opened, and a white jade staircase spread down from the mountain to the foot of the mountain.

"Go up the mountain from this staircase, and those who can reach the mountainside can enter Pangu Sect." Lei Ming's voice came out.

"You are being mysterious. What if I want to fly directly up the mountain?" A loud voice sounded, and a beam of light flew straight up the mountain.

"It's someone from the Ancient Sword Sect." Lei Ming recognized the other party's identity at a glance.

The Ancient Sword Sect is the most powerful sect in Xiguo. Although there are not many disciples, they are all sword cultivators with amazing strength. The one who came to make trouble was a sword cultivator in the Jindan stage. Although the other party was only in the middle stage of the Jindan stage, his speed and power were comparable to those in the late stage of the Jindan stage.

"In my Pangu Sect, you must abide by the rules of my Pangu Sect. If you want to enter the mountain, you can only pass through here." Lei Ming's voice came.

"I never knew what Pangu Sect's rules were!" The sword cultivator not only did not stop, but also accelerated.

"If you offend Pangu Sect, you will be punished!" Lei Ming's voice came again, and a golden net fell.

The sword cultivator laughed: "If you want to punish me, you are not qualified!"

The sword cultivator and the magic weapon flying sword merged into one, and the sharp edge of the flying sword could be felt dozens of miles away. A light of more than ten feet long pierced the net, but the net did not move at all. It fell as usual, covering the sword cultivator and the flying sword together.

Then a giant hand reached down from the cloud, picked up the net, and disappeared on the top of the mountain.

"Disrupting Pangu Sect's recruitment of disciples, suppressing for three years!" Lei Ming's voice sounded, and this time everyone couldn't help but bow their heads.

Things are not over yet. The sword cultivator was suppressed by Lei Ming, and a stronger momentum came from afar. The blue light cut through the sky, and an eight or nine-year-old boy appeared above Yunyin Mountain. The boy's face was tense, holding a flying sword in his hand, and his small body was like a mountain.

"What a big courage, not only did you establish a sect in Xiguo without authorization, but you also dared to suppress my disciples of Gu Jianmen!" The boy said coldly, and his sword energy rushed directly into the sky, dispersing the clouds and mist.

"It's the ancestor of Gu Jianmen." Han Li whispered. He had seen this person in Gu Jianmen before.

"I'm just going to experience the methods of the Yuanying old monster." Lei Ming laughed and flew out of the Five Elements Formation.

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