From the wilderness to the myriad worlds

Chapter 45 Fire Dragon Boy, each showing off their skills

Lei Ming never thought of compromising with the three major sects of the Xi Kingdom. He established the Pangu Sect as an attempt, hoping to use the system of future generations to promote the civilization of immortality. If the Pangu Sect succeeds in this world, and when the opportunity comes, Lei Ming will establish a university for cultivating immortals in the ancient world to educate the human race.

Lei Ming also knew in his heart that the success or failure of a university in future generations would depend not only on internal factors, but reputation as the most important external factor. Only with great reputation can we receive more high-quality students and cultivate more talents, which in turn will bring greater reputation to the university.

Although the Pangu Sect was first established, it caused a sensation, but it did not mean that other people truly agreed with the Pangu Sect. Those casual cultivators who came to Yunyin Mountain most likely wanted to take advantage and then leave. If he wants to truly keep them and let them contribute to the construction of Pangu Sect, Lei Ming must make his own name.

In today's world of human beings, gods cannot emerge, and Yuanying monks are rampant. As long as Lei Ming can show the strength of Yuanying, Pangu Sect will have the capital to gain a foothold.

Therefore, in the battle with the old monster Yuanying of Xi Kingdom, Lei Ming cannot avoid it!

The ancestor who looked like a boy from the Ancient Sword Sect put his hands behind his back and looked down at the thunder.

"Junior, you are so courageous. You dare to challenge my Ancient Sword Sect when you are only at the stage of forming pills!" The Fire Dragon Boy's voice was cold and devoid of any emotion.

Lei Ming looked at the Fire Dragon Boy. The sword intent on him was soaring into the sky, and the flying sword in his hand was also extraordinary. He was a difficult opponent.

"We are cultivating between heaven and earth, and what we seek is the road to immortality. If someone blocks the way, why not fight!" Lei Ming was full of fighting spirit.

"Okay, if you don't die, our Ancient Sword Sect will recognize you as the Pangu Sect!" The Fire Dragon Boy said with some appreciation.

Lei Ming laughed: "We, the Pangu Sect, can stand in the world of cultivation, why do we need you to admit it? Stop talking nonsense and let me see the skills of sword cultivation."

With a finger of Lei Ming's hand, the five spiritual energy turned into five elemental spiritual beasts and rushed towards the Fire Dragon Boy. These five spiritual beasts were lifelike and powerful, and each one was comparable to the late stage of pill formation.

"What a powerful spell." The Fire Dragon Boy was also a little surprised. He had seen advanced spells before, but there were very few that were so powerful.

Ordinary high-level spells are not as powerful as magic weapons, so most monks will give up practicing spells after forming elixirs. However, this does not mean that advanced spells are not powerful. The Fire Dragon Boy knows that once many advanced spells are mastered, even Yuanying monks will avoid them.

The Fire Dragon Boy waved the flying sword in his hand, and countless rays of red sword energy shot towards the five-element spirit beasts. The sword energy was as silky, but its power was extraordinary. In just a few breaths, the five-headed spirit beasts transformed by Lei Ming's magic were killed by the sword energy. kill.

Lei Ming's eyes lit up: "As expected of a sword cultivator, turning swords into silk, great!"

Lei Ming quickly pinched the magic formula with both hands, and suddenly the wind surged, and the five-colored clouds gathered and turned into five phantoms that appeared around Lei Ming. After that, five phantoms converged into one, and a huge creature appeared between Lei Ming and the Fire Dragon Boy.

The fire dragon boy's eyes glowed with brilliance, and he couldn't help but marvel at the exquisiteness of Lei Ming's magic.

Ang...the long, ancient voice spread in all directions, and the fire dragon boy saw that the five elements of spiritual energy turned into a five-color true dragon that was more than a hundred meters long. The five-color true dragon raised its head and roared, its head raised high, looking down at the fire dragon boy.

When the monks below saw it, they couldn't help but kneel on the ground and kowtow to the real dragon. The true dragon is a legendary existence. It is born sacred, and its innate divine power has a strong suppression on everyone.

However, the clever monks could see that the five-color dragon was just the magic of Thunder. It's just that his spells are too subtle and low-level monks can't tell them apart.

"I didn't expect Brother Lei's five-element magic to reach such a state. This five-color true dragon is enough to rival the monks in the early stage of Nascent Soul!" Han Li couldn't help but sigh. He had given up on the practice of magic long ago.

The five-color true dragon was tumbling in the air and suddenly rushed towards the Fire Dragon Boy. The huge dragon claws grabbed it from above, which was truly shocking. The Fire Dragon boy raised his eyebrows, and suddenly thrust out the flying sword in his hand. The five-color true dragon turned around, and the dragon's claws grabbed the flying sword. The light flickered, and the flying sword passed through the dragon's claws and returned to the Fire Dragon boy's hand.

The five-color true dragon wrapped its body around the fire dragon boy in the center. The fire dragon boy sacrificed the flying sword, and the flying sword turned into a lifelike crimson strange python. The strange python opened its teeth and claws, and fought endlessly with the five-color true dragon in the air. The five-color true dragon's dragon The head, dragon claws and dragon tail continued to attack, while the strange python continued to spray out sword energy. The sword energy was sharp, which in turn suppressed the five-color true dragon.

hold head high! The five-color true dragon was penetrated to the heart by the sword energy, and disappeared after a loud roar. The red monster python also dissipated, returned to the Fire Dragon Boy's hands, and turned into a flying sword again.

Lei Ming felt a little disappointed when he saw the five-color true dragon disappear. The fusion method of the five-element spells was the culmination of his deduction of the five-element spells. The power of the spells far exceeded that of ordinary magic weapons.

"If I hadn't conceived a baby, your magic weapon might not be as good as my magic." Lei Ming said.

The Fire Dragon Boy snorted coldly. Although he admitted it in his heart, he would not admit defeat.

"If you only had these abilities, the Pangu Sect would not exist today." The Fire Dragon Boy said coldly.

Lei Ming chuckled lightly: "This is just the have seen my Five Elements Spell, please see my Five Elements Formation again."

Five streams of light flew from the mountain and landed next to Lei Ming. The one-horned silver moon dragon, golden crown eagle, etc. appeared. They were in the same realm as Lei Ming and were only one step away from the Nascent Soul stage.

The spirit beasts of the five elements are connected in momentum, and together they are no less powerful than those in the Nascent Soul stage.

"Five Elements Array, rise!" Lei Ming waved his hand and five array flags flew out. Each spirit beast swallowed one flag. They took their own positions and the array was formed in an instant.

The Fire Dragon Boy had no expression on his face. The sword energy as thin as a hair shot over. The Five Elements Array was running and swallowed the sword energy.

The Fire Dragon Boy didn't believe it and tried a few more times. No matter how powerful his sword energy was, it would be immediately wiped out if it fell into the Five Elements Array.

"Good!" The Fire Dragon Boy was not discouraged, but was a little excited. His flying sword was suspended in front of him. The Fire Dragon Boy exhaled a breath of essence towards the flying sword, and the flying sword burst into a dazzling light. The Fire Dragon Boy grabbed the flying sword, and the whole person merged with the flying sword, turning into a simple giant sword more than a hundred meters long.

The unity of man and sword is a higher realm than the sword energy turning into silk.

The giant sword chopped on the Five Elements Array, and the five elements of spiritual power rotated, unloading the terrifying power. The giant sword paused for a moment, and then turned into a stream of light and fell on the Five Elements Formation. The five spirit beasts and the formation flag trembled, and the operation of the formation slowed down.

"Five Elements Formation, turn!"

Lei Ming injected mana into the formation flag, and the five elements of spiritual power turned again, dissipating the power of the giant sword.

"Your five elements formation opened my eyes. Just relying on five seventh-level spirit beasts, you blocked my flying sword. I admire you!" The voice of the Fire Dragon Boy came from the giant sword.

"However, my Ancient Sword Sect is famous for swords, and it is not a false reputation. You should also see the swordsmanship of my Ancient Sword Sect!"

After the Fire Dragon Boy finished speaking, the giant sword turned into two, two into four, four into eight, and eight giant swords flew into the air.

"Go!" The Fire Dragon Boy shouted, and seven giant swords fell towards the Five Elements Formation. Lei Ming personally presided over the formation, and the five-color light shield blocked the giant sword. But it was not over yet. The last giant sword broke through the air, and the five-color light shield disappeared and shattered.

The Fire Dragon Boy broke the Five Elements Formation and continued to fall towards Lei Ming. Lei Ming waved his hand to put away the Five Elements Formation Flags and the Five Elements Spiritual Beasts, but he was a little disappointed.

"My understanding of the Five Elements Formation is not perfect enough, otherwise even if the opponent's attack is comparable to the middle stage of the Nascent Soul, it would not be so easy to break the formation."

Thinking of this, the giant sword was already in front of Lei Ming. The Fire Dragon Boy was determined to kill Lei Ming. Lei Ming was only in the late stage of the Core Formation, but he had the strength comparable to the Nascent Soul. Once he formed the Nascent Soul, the Ancient Sword Sect would face a catastrophe.


Han Li saw that Lei Ming was no match for the Fire Dragon Boy, and couldn't help but attack. Seventy-two flying swords turned into strands of golden light and flew towards the Fire Dragon Boy. His flying swords were all made of golden thunder bamboo, with their own evil-repelling divine thunder, and their attack power was extremely strong.

The Fire Dragon Boy's consciousness was not as good as Han Li's who had practiced the Great Evolution Technique, so he did not notice him. When Han Li suddenly appeared, the Fire Dragon Boy was shocked and his attack speed slowed down.

"Brother Han, please sit down for a while, I will deal with him." Surprisingly, Lei Ming actually dissuaded Han Li.

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