From University Lecturer to Chief Academician

Chapter 149 In the first class, we just need to watch the excitement!

The spectrometer detection experiment team released the results that shocked the international physics community.

This achievement was also recognized by CERN and American Fermilab, which naturally attracted international attention.

The domestic media carried out a lot of reports on the results.

Although most people can't understand the content of the results, and the news only briefly introduced them, including the introductions of Zhang Yifang and Tian Guilin, but the key points of the content can still be read.

One is that the results have been recognized by the international physics community, which is a great discovery in microscopic physics research. At the same time, related papers have been included and published by the journal "Nature".

In addition, the researcher is Wang Hao, and he used the data of the spectrometer detection experiment group, which can also be regarded as the result of the spectrometer detection experiment group.

The results at this level are quite impressive.

The results of the spectrometer detection experiment group were also reported by the "Nature" magazine before. It is a new type of detection method that can simultaneously measure the decay signals of positive-anti-Caucy hyperons.

This achievement is also at an international level, but it is not highly recognized, because it is only a detection method, and it is difficult to prove whether it is effective. Only some experts commented anonymously.

The results are now internationally recognized.

It must be admitted and must be accepted that in the research of microphysics, the international is the mainstream, and the domestic gap is still relatively large. Among them, CERN is the most authoritative, and Fermilab is also one of the heavyweight institutions.

The two heavyweight institutions have all acknowledged the results, which can be said to be quite remarkable, enough to support a large number of domestic media reports.

The research result is the sudden disappearance of the positive-negative Cauchy hyperon decay signal through data analysis.

The research results are somewhat embarrassing for the international CP destruction project, which means that they continue to carry out the Caushy hyperon decay, and it is impossible to find the CP destruction signal at all.

So they can only look for new directions, and it is a good choice to research and find new experimental directions based on the latest results.

What the sudden disappearance of the positive-negative Cauchy hyperon decay signal specifically represents, needs more professional interpretation and analysis.

This newly discovered microscopic phenomenon often has a lot of related understandings. For example, string theory scholars may consider it in a multi-dimensional direction.

Other theoretical schools will also have their own views.

CERN mainly operates large-scale particle colliders, hoping to discover some new content from experiments, and they will definitely design special experiments to conduct targeted research.

However, the design of experiments still requires theoretical support.

So in the future, for the research on the sudden disappearance of the positive-negative Cauchy hyperon decay signal, there must be various researches and analysis.

Wang Hao's judgment on the latest discovery is that there is a space annihilation force, which can directly annihilate the 'mass unit'.

In domestic reports, Zhang Yifang talked about Wang Hao’s ideas, “Professor Wang Hao believes that the microcosmic manifestation of gravity is space squeeze. To some extent, space can be understood as matter, which will squeeze particles. Effect."

"The squeezing effect on the particles is called the spatial annihilation force."

"This is a new theory that has not been proven, and it does not conflict with any other theory. It is a new way to introduce gravity into microphysics."

"We will continue to explore in this direction until it is proved to be right or wrong."

What Zhang Yifang said aroused heated public opinion.

Many people think that the annihilation power is a fantasy, "What kind of space annihilation power is very mysterious, isn't this going astray?"

"I don't want to believe in the annihilation force of space. In other words, am I about to be crushed to death standing here?"

"The annihilation force, I know, is just an imaginary article posted by Wang Hao. I really didn't expect that the spectrometer detection team took it seriously!"


This is the opinion of the general public.

Most physicists even scoffed at the rhetoric of annihilation force, "This is very similar to the ether theory, but if there is space annihilation force, there must be a realistic form of expression."

"The manifestation of reality is of course not gravity. Microphysics and macrophysics are completely two concepts."

"We haven't found it at all, so it's naturally impossible."

When there was a lot of public opinion on the Internet, some scholars stood up to express their opinions, but most of them did not agree with the rhetoric of annihilation force, thinking that this kind of analysis was too far removed from reality.

Some mathematicians even stood up and believed that Wang Hao's research had gone astray.

The representative one is Fu Chunjie, the director of the Mathematics Center of Sudong University. He criticized Wang Hao and said, "Wang Hao is a mathematical theory scholar. I don't know why he turned to microphysics, but obviously, he has no talent in physics."

"Physical research is not just imagined, all research is based on experiments."

"I don't agree with theoretical physics. Theories maintained by imagination are meaningless and seriously divorced from reality."


When Wang Hao saw the reported news and the voice of public opinion, he just smiled with the corner of his mouth curled up.

He doesn't care.

If you are writing a novel, you will definitely care about the readers' comments, and you will also care about the audience's comments when making a movie.

However, he is not creating literature, but studying science.

Science is independent of human will, the laws of nature are there, no matter how much you don’t believe in them, nothing will change.

Everyone will have their own opinion about new experimental findings.

He just said his own opinion, and at the same time, he was very sure that his opinion was correct.

Since it is correct, it is only a matter of time before it is proven.

People in the office were also discussing. Zhu Ping found that Wang Hao didn't seem to care, so she asked, "Aren't you angry after reading these comments?"

"I think it's okay." Wang Hao said, "I just said my understanding of the experimental analysis results. If they don't believe it, they don't believe it. It doesn't matter at all."

"Don't talk about it now, if you go back a hundred years ago, when Einstein published his theory, the whole world thought he was crazy."


Zhu Ping nodded approvingly, suddenly something was wrong, she stared at Wang Hao's face carefully, and asked, "Are you... blush compared to Einstein?"


Everyone in the office laughed.

Wang Hao also laughed a few times. He compared himself to Einstein is indeed a bit exaggerated, but he must only cite famous people in history as examples. If everyone doesn't know it, it is meaningless.

Several other people also expressed their views on the 'annihilating force'.

Zhang Zhiqiang said, "I would rather believe in the destructive power of purple." He just made a joke, expressing that he finds it hard to believe in the power of annihilation.

Luo Dayong said, "It's a new discovery. Everyone's judgment is different. I think Wang Hao's idea is also acceptable. At least no one can completely deny it."

Zhu Ping had no objection, she was just gossiping.

What Yan Jing said was very professional, "From a physical point of view, if the annihilation force really exists, there must be other manifestations at the micro level, not just in hyperon decay."

"I think research should be done from this direction."

After hearing this, Wang Hao gave Yan Jing a thumbs up. As expected of a doctor of physics, his understanding is much more professional. "This should really be thought about carefully."

He also began to think.

It would be a lie if he said he didn't care about other people's comments at all, and he also hoped to prove the existence of space annihilation force.

How to prove it?

Just like what Yan Jing said, on the microcosm, what else would cause the annihilation force of space to work?

If we can find signs of the existence of annihilation force in the second experimental research, it will be more able to explain the problem to a certain extent.

Then under what circumstances can the unit of mass be separated and annihilated by the space?

Wang Hao could think of only two points.

One is to create, that is, to synthesize particles with energy. Of course, current technology cannot do this. In the universe, we can only go to the center of stars and black holes to find the answer.

That is of course impossible.

The other is decay, and only in baryon short-term decay, it is easy to detect the disappearance of the signal.

The problem came back.

In the decay process of other baryons, will there be space annihilation force?

This is certainly a research direction.

If he thought about it further, Wang Hao found that he couldn't think of it. He thought about setting up a mission--

【Task 3】

[Research Project Name: Exploring the manifestation of space annihilation force (difficulty: S). 】

[Inspiration value: 0]


Wang Hao was originally prepared for the difficulty of s+. After all, it was a research on new physical discoveries, but the result was only the normal difficulty of s-level. On the contrary, he was looking forward to it.

At the same time, he also had an idea about the courses of the new semester.


Academic Affairs Building, Academic Affairs Office of the Faculty of Science.

When Wang Hao came to the Academic Affairs Office to apply for courses, he went directly to Luan Haiping, because he was not just applying for courses, but wanted to adjust courses.

He mainly has two research directions, one is the NS equation, and the other is theoretical physics.

The research of NS equations is very difficult, so he hopes to increase the difficulty of teaching partial differential equations, making the content more advanced and closer to the difficult NS equations.

So Wang Hao replaced the undergraduate-level "Partial Differential Equations" with the "Modern Partial Differential Equations" for graduate students and doctors.

In addition, he also wanted to open a course called "Lie Groups and Lie Algebras".

"Lie Group Lie Algebra", the name of the course seems to be very biased, but in fact, it is a compulsory course for graduate students majoring in theoretical physics. It is the basis for understanding modern quantum field theory and plays a very important role in understanding and building physical models.

This course is also aimed at various majors in mathematics, and the audience is still very wide.

Finally, there are electives.

Wang Hao decided to set up a course called "Basics of Theoretical Physics" because he had no special research on theoretical physics and lacked basic knowledge.

Opening a course of "Basics of Theoretical Physics" for undergraduates and postgraduates is very effective in enriching one's basic knowledge. Only by understanding the basics more deeply can a more stable system of mathematical physics be built.

Luan Haiping didn't understand Wang Hao's sudden adjustment of the two courses, "Why don't you teach the more basic "Partial Differential Equations"?"

Holding his breath, he added, "Last semester, the students all spoke well of you."


Wang Hao was sure that the postgraduates were satisfied with his courses, but the undergraduates were not sure. Hearing that the undergraduates were also satisfied with their courses, he immediately felt a sense of psychological satisfaction.

Luan Haiping swallowed hard. Of course he would not say that many students were very dissatisfied.

The 'fuzzy' statistics of data are like this, and students who do not usually study can be completely excluded from the statistics.

Most of the statistics obtained in this way are 'very satisfied'.

It is understandable for Wang Hao to offer the course "Modern Partial Differential Equations", even "Lie Groups and Lie Algebras", but "Fundamentals of Theoretical Physics"?

What is this for?

Luan Haiping still asked, "You opened this "Fundamentals of Theoretical Physics" to...?"

"Learning with students."

Wang Hao said bluntly, "I found that I was lacking in the basics of theoretical physics, and I hope to supplement theoretical knowledge in the new semester, so I want to teach a basic course and learn and make progress with the students."


Luan Haiping knew Wang Hao's "annihilation theory", and he asked, "Are you really planning to develop in the direction of theoretical physics research?"

Wang Hao shook his head and said, "It's just one direction. I'm still studying NS equations."


Luan Haiping didn't know what to say.

With a general direction of the NS equation, how can we still have the energy to study theoretical physics?

Anyway, he couldn't understand it.

However, Wang Hao insisted on offering three courses, two graduate courses, and one elective course. He had no way to object, so he simply agreed to enter the system for him.

In the end, he still asked with concern, "You are going to bring graduate students in the new semester, six graduate students, are you busy?"

Wang Haodao, "Basically, you don't need to teach much in the first year, and just follow me to do research in the second year."

"Since you've decided, fine."

Luan Haiping knew that he could not persuade Wang Hao at all, so he simply gave up.


Soon, a month passed.

There are several good news in this month, one is that Wang Hao was officially promoted to a fourth-level professor.

He became the youngest full professor at Sekai University.

This was something worthy of congratulations, but everyone had already prepared in their hearts, but they all behaved very flatly.

The second is the settlement of Wang Hao's excellent youth project, which has reached the final review stage.

The settlement of an excellent youth project is not so simple to complete. Even if the results are already in front of us, the process must be completed.

In the outstanding youth project, Wang Hao also submitted a paper on mathematical methods proving Kakutani's conjecture.

This mathematics paper has been confirmed to be published at the meeting of the Chinese Mathematical Society, so it was directly included in the project results report.

The Department of Mathematical Physics of the Natural Science Foundation of China does not need to conduct a special review, because they all know that the mathematical method must be correct. Even if it is not correct, proving the Kakutani conjecture with this mathematical method is enough to prove the value of the method.

Wang Hao received good news this day.

The Department of Mathematical Physics of the Science Foundation seems to have considered his situation and changed the status of the outstanding youth project to "settled" in advance, but asked him to have time to make a report to the Science Foundation Committee.

Wang Hao agreed, "When I go to the capital next time, I will go to the Department of Mathematical Physics."

He was a little annoyed. The last time he went to the capital, he didn't think about the outstanding youth fund project. Otherwise, he would report all three research projects in one go, and he wouldn't have to worry about settlement issues.

After the outstanding youth fund project was settled, Wang Hao immediately submitted the application materials for the outstanding youth fund project to the school's science and technology department, the content of which was the 'Research on the NS Equation'.

This research is almost certain to pass, because his main direction of mathematics is partial differential equations, and he has already achieved a lot of results, including papers in top journals. Considering his other mathematical achievements, he is applying for the field of partial differential equations. He can even say 'there is no competitor'.

With good news, it is natural to celebrate.

Zhang Zhiqiang and Yan Jing were busy all the time, so Wang Hao simply went to have dinner with Luo Dayong and Zhu Ping.

"School cafeteria, I'm treating you!" Wang Hao waved his hand generously.

Zhu Ping spouted water from her mouth, "Just go to the school cafeteria for the treat?"

Wang Hao said with a smile, "Everyone is not here, so we can only go to the cafeteria for lunch. I will treat you to another good meal when I have a chance."

They talked and laughed and went to the school's staff canteen.

When walking halfway, Zhu Ping pointed to a blond-haired girl in front of her, and said in amazement, "Is it an overseas student? This student looks so delicate, just like a porcelain doll."

Wang Hao and Luo Dayong looked over together.

When the student turned his head, the expression on Wang Hao's face disappeared immediately, and he called out the other party's name with a little reluctance, "Helen!"

"Teacher Wong!"

Helen walked over immediately, followed by a well-dressed woman in her thirties, she shrugged and introduced, "This is Janice, the life assistant my parents hired, she must follow, but I clearly Take good care of yourself."

"Really?" Wang Hao put on a questioning tone.

On the other side, Zhu Ping and Luo Dayong stood a little far away, and she whispered, "Is this little foreign student Wang Hao's student? Are you already in graduate school? She looks really delicate, but she's a little thin."

Helen seemed to hear talking about herself, and immediately looked over.

Zhu Ping was a little embarrassed. She didn't know if Helen could speak Chinese, but it must be embarrassing to be overheard when talking about other people.

Luo Dayong didn't notice Helen, he looked Zhu Ping up and down, and said, "Because you are old and fat, so you say others are thin?"

"Kachi Kachi~~"

Zhu Ping clenched her fists tightly, and the prehistoric power in her body seemed to be unstoppable.

At this time, Helen came over, she looked at Luo Dayong with doubts, looked up and down carefully, then glanced at Zhu Ping, immediately turned her head and continued to look at the first Luo Dayong, stretched out her hand to support her chin and said, "I recently saw I've read some books about the biological nature of humans to chase mates, and the above points are interesting."

"Humans, like animals, are disturbed by hormones in their thinking. The difference is that humans can control their behavior based on reason, which in turn affects their thinking."

"But no amount of rationality can correct the emotional tendency of the affected thinking, and it is because of this that love appears."

"Based on your behavior just now, it can be considered to a certain extent as a means of attracting the opposite sex?"

Zhu Ping stood by and was stunned.

Wang Hao covered his forehead with his hands, feeling a bit unbearable to look directly at.

Luo Dayong listened in a daze.

Helen seemed to be giving a speech, she continued thinking, "In the animal kingdom, males will use population characteristics such as smell, sound, dance or color to gain the favor of females."

"Human emotions are much more complicated than animals, and there are many more ways to attract the opposite sex. Some people don't know how to express it, so they may use some strange ways to attract the attention of the opposite sex."

"So, to a certain extent, can I judge that you like her?" After she finished speaking, she pointed at Zhu Ping.

Luo Dayong was stunned.

Wang Hao was shocked with his mouth half open.

He subconsciously covered his mouth, and he almost couldn't hold back his laughter. He didn't expect to see such an interesting thing when he saw Helen again.

Zhu Ping didn't understand what Helen said earlier, and she didn't know if she understood the last sentence.

She froze in place for a long time, then looked at Luo Dayong, immediately raised her fist, and said angrily, "Luo Dayong, what did you say about me just now! I'm old? I'm fat?"


Looking at the scene in front of her, Helen turned her head and asked Wang Hao with uncertainty, "Why is she suddenly excited? Is she trying to cover up her emotions in this way?"

After she finished speaking, she was a little puzzled, "But, is there any point in covering up emotions that have been seen by others?"


Wang Hao pressed his forehead hard, and decided to give her her first class as a teacher, "Helen, sometimes, even if you know something, you don't say it. Don't you think this scene is very interesting?"

"We just need to stand by and watch the excitement."

Helen watched the men and women chasing after each other, and nodded in agreement, "'re right!"

(seeking a monthly ticket)

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