From University Lecturer to Chief Academician

Chapter 150 NS Equation Research and Chern Mathematics Prize

Faculty cafeteria, small round tables.

Zhu Ping said in surprise, "That blond-haired foreign girl just now is your graduate student? She looks really delicate, how old is she?"

"16 years old."

Wang Hao added, "That's what the information says."

Zhu Ping suddenly covered her mouth in surprise, and exaggerated, "You're only 16 years old, and you're going to graduate school?"

Wang Hao simply gave a brief introduction, "Graduated from Stanford University, double major in mathematics and biological sciences. But it's normal. If you know, her whole family are professors, and one of them won the Turing Award and served as the vice president of Google." Grandpa, I feel nothing special."

His tone was very flat, but what he said was too shocking.

Zhu Ping covered her mouth for a long time and didn't know what to say, and didn't know how to jump her mind. She suddenly asked, "By the way, what did she just say? I didn't understand."

Luo Dayong showed an expression of "as expected", and it could be seen that he still let out a sigh of relief.

Zhu Ping really didn't understand.

She just heard the phrase 'you-like-her' at the beginning, and she immediately felt a little weird and a little awkward in the scene on the road just now.

I didn't understand the next sentence.

Wang Hao was a little surprised. He really didn't expect that his English level is not bad, and he can generally understand it; Luo Dayong is slightly worse, but he can understand his English intonation.

Zhu Ping...

Considering that he doesn't have any experience studying abroad, and he has only passed CET-6 and can barely write a thesis, it's normal that he can't understand spoken English well.

At this time, Luo Dayong also commented, "That girl...has a very good personality, but she doesn't seem to be very good at speaking. There is something wrong with her emotional intelligence, and her judgment is wrong."

Zhu Ping looked at Luo Dayong in surprise, and said in disbelief, "You think other people can't speak?"


"What judgment? What did she say?"


Wang Hao sat on the side of the small cone, listening to the expressions and conversations of the two people, he felt that sitting here seemed a bit redundant.

He was wrong.

His mistake was that he shouldn't come to eat with the two of them, he should find an excuse to leave quickly.

So he immediately speeded up his eating, and it took only three minutes to fill his stomach with food.

Drink your saliva, get it done, call it a day!

He immediately stood up, took two steps away and waved his hands back, "You guys eat first, I'm still busy, let's go first, bye!"


The new semester is about to start.

After Helen came to Xihai University, she took the initiative to contact Wang Hao, and even went to the office to find Wang Hao.

Wang Hao still attaches great importance to Helen. Helen's EQ seems to be relatively low, and her thinking is different from that of normal people, but she has to be said to be a genius.

Wang Hao issued a test paper and asked Helen to answer the questions to check her progress in mathematics learning, and then found that Helen's foundation was very solid.

The questions of many subjects are not difficult at all.

However, there are still some subjects that are not covered. For example, "Discrete Mathematics" involves difficult content, and Helen can't answer it at all.

In terms of the content of "Differential Equations", I only understand the basics, and have not been exposed to advanced knowledge.

She also has no experience with interdisciplinary computing, such as using functional analysis methods to solve partial differential equations.

When he found that Helen had a lot of questions to solve, Wang Hao let out a sigh of relief.

This shows that Helen belongs to the category of "normal genius". She just finished her undergraduate degree at Stanford University, rather than mastering more difficult mathematics knowledge in advance.


"This way there won't be a situation where you can't learn anything!"

If a lot of knowledge is mastered in advance, the postgraduate subjects will lose their meaning to her.

Now she still has a lot to learn.

Wang Hao can also guide her in the same way as leading other students, instead of taking time alone to guide her.

Of course, another thing is more important, "You must learn Chinese well. You are not required to be as fluent as others, but you must be able to understand the course."

"In college, apart from English classes, there are no other teachers who teach in English."

Helen blinked her big eyes and said seriously, "I'm studying."

Wang Hao stared at Helen's face, and found that Zhu Ping's description was indeed correct, she was indeed very delicate.

And think about that face of Jeffrey Hinton...

"My previous judgment was indeed correct. Helen's appearance is inherited from her grandma's brain. It seems to be the Hinton family..."

"It's really lucky to inherit all the good genes!"

Wang Hao took a look in the mirror, smoothed the front hair with his hands, and looked at it carefully, "The old Wang family's genes are also good, he is also handsome, and his mind is also very good, there is no need to improve it..."

"Mainly, want to steal my genes?"

"Don't even think about it!"


School season.

The students all returned to school to prepare for the new semester. Many people began to check the schedule and pay attention to Wang Hao's courses. It turned out that Wang Hao broke away from the undergraduate courses, and the two main courses he offered were postgraduate courses.

Lie Groups and Lie Algebras.

"Modern Partial Differential Equations".

These two courses seem to be difficult courses, and they are not accessible to undergraduates at all.

Fortunately, Wang Hao also offered an elective course called "Fundamentals of Theoretical Physics", which belongs to a mathematical physics course, and the Department of Mathematics and the Department of Physics take priority.

Many students are keeping an eye on this course.

Ding Zhiqiang was not interested in research courses at all. He spent the whole summer reading the two mathematics textbooks given by Wang Hao, read all the knowledge points, and even did the after-school exercises accordingly.

One summer, two difficult mathematics major subjects...

Ding Zhiqiang felt that his mind was filled with all kinds of mathematical symbols. What he wanted most was to relax and play two games, but when he turned on his phone, he found that the game had been uninstalled at some point.

When he was about to download it, he suddenly felt very boring again, and found that his preferences seemed to have completely changed.

That simple happiness has already left me?

Ding Zhiqiang was terrified by this discovery, and at this moment a shout came from outside, "Ding Zhiqiang, Mr. Wang is calling you to the teaching and research section of the Faculty of Science."

"Ah? Which Teacher Wang?"

"Teacher Wang Hao!"

Ding Zhiqiang turned on the phone and found that Wang Hao had sent a message, and it had been half an hour.

Because he didn't reply, he asked someone to come over and shout.

"I'll go right away..." Ding Zhiqiang responded.

As soon as he thought about it, he knew what Wang Hao was looking for him to do. It must be to inspect his study progress during the summer vacation.

On the way, Ding Zhiqiang recalled the 'cruel' vacation, and the more he thought about it, the more unwilling he became. He didn't want to go on like this forever, and hoped to find the happiness he once had.

He thought of a way, "Many people have high expectations of me now, if my results disappoint..."

"When Teacher Wang Hao inspected, I deliberately did not do it right. In this way, he might be disappointed? Then he gave up on me?"

Ding Zhiqiang thought carefully, and suddenly his eyes lit up.

teaching and research section.

Wang Hao waited with several teachers.

They had just attended the internal meeting of the Faculty of Science for the opening of the semester. The content of the meeting was about course allocation and teaching matters.

After the meeting was over, Wang Hao thought of Ding Zhiqiang, and decided to wait in the teaching and research room to conduct a small inspection of Ding Zhiqiang.

Several other people were also very interested after listening to it, so they helped out a few topics corresponding to the content, including professors Zhou Qingyuan and Huang Pei from the School of Science.

They wanted to see what Wang Hao called an 'excellent student'.

Ding Zhiqiang is here.

He didn't expect to see so many people, including several professors, and he felt very nervous.

"Teacher Wang..." Ding Zhiqiang called out.

Wang Hao asked Ding Zhiqiang to sit down and took out the questions given by the teachers just now, "Just do these few questions and see how many points you can get."

Ding Zhiqiang was mentally prepared, he picked up a pen and started to do it.

Wang Hao and the other teachers consciously didn't disturb him, so they simply stood at the door and said, "I gave him two textbooks at the end of last semester, one is "Functional Analysis" and the other is "Modern Partial Differential Equations."

""Functional Analysis" is better. It is not that difficult to understand. "Modern Partial Differential Equations" is more difficult. If you can learn by yourself, you can get half of the exam."

This is Wang Hao's judgment.

The other teachers nodded when they heard it. For courses like "Modern Partial Differential Equations", some topics are a bit circumvented, and even they feel a headache. It is indeed very powerful to understand the content of the textbook by self-study.

Ding Zhiqiang didn't know what the teachers outside were talking about. In his understanding, a math problem must be done correctly to be excellent.

He studied hard for two months, and passed most of the knowledge points. The questions on the test paper were familiar. If he thought about it carefully, he could solve many of the questions, and it is estimated that he could get a score of more than 70%.

However, Ding Zhiqiang didn't want to answer the questions carefully.

Therefore, I only did a little bit of the difficult questions, and deliberately did not continue to answer them later, and completely solved the two previous questions.

He estimated that he would definitely fail the exam.

Then he handed in the paper.

"Mr. Wang, I'm done." Ding Zhiqiang handed the test paper to Wang Hao, and lowered his head in a look of 'disappointment'.

Wang Hao picked up the test paper and read it carefully, and scored each question. After calculation, the total was 51 points.

"51 points!" Wang Hao is very satisfied, because it has reached expectations.

Other teachers also thought it was very good.

But of course Wang Hao would not say that. Sometimes, students need encouragement, but sometimes, they also need to use negation to achieve their goals, so that students can have more opportunities for growth.

Wang Hao looked at Ding Zhiqiang, and said seriously, "51 points, no pass!"

Ding Zhiqiang continued to lower his head and muttered, "Mr. Wang, I tried my best, but I feel that I am not suitable for learning mathematics. For me, mathematics is too difficult."


Ding Zhiqiang was overjoyed when he heard that.

Wang Haodao, "You're just self-study, and it's not easy to score half of the exam. Well, this semester, you will follow the course "Functional Analysis" for mathematics majors, and "Modern Partial Differential Equations" for graduate students. That's my class."

After he finished speaking, he added, "I read your physics senior year schedule, and there is no conflict."


Ding Zhiqiang finally raised his head. He stared at Wang Hao with wide eyes, not expecting this result at all.


Because the answer is not good, you have to follow the class?

A young teacher next to him shouted, "The "Functional Analysis" of the Department of Physics is my class, Professor Wang, don't worry, I will take care of him."

"Okay, thank you."

Wang Hao listened to the voice and looked over, feeling that the other party seemed familiar, but couldn't call out his name for a while.

The two agreed.

Ding Zhiqiang had no right to speak at all, he walked out of the teaching and research room with dull eyes, thought about it carefully, and immediately slapped himself heavily.


"Why didn't you answer the questions well? If you can get seventy points, you don't have to follow the class!"

He scratched his head remorsefully.


The next morning, Wang Hao went to the office of the complex building.

When I got to the corridor, I happened to meet Zhang Zhiqiang who was about to go in.

Zhang Zhiqiang grabbed Wang Hao, pointed to the door, and said, "A newcomer is here. It is said that he is a student from the Faculty of Science, a student led by Professor Huang Pei."

Wang Hao looked over and found that it was the teacher who taught "Functional Analysis" yesterday.

Zhang Zhiqiang complained, "Looking at him in a daze, he didn't say a word, he's already here, why shouldn't he be more enthusiastic?"

"What's his name?" Wang Hao asked again, thinking, "It seems that his surname is Sun..."

"You know him? Sun Jian!"


As soon as Zhang Zhiqiang said his name, Wang Hao immediately remembered it.

They entered the door together.

Sun Jian was tidying up his desk, when he looked up and saw Wang Hao coming in, he immediately greeted him and said, "Mr. Wang, you are here. I will have the same office with you in the future. Please give me your advice."


Wang Hao also greeted a few words, and then looked at Zhang Zhiqiang, the meaning in his eyes was, 'Isn't this very enthusiastic? '

Zhang Zhiqiang grinned.

Sun Jian was indeed very enthusiastic. After tidying up his desk, he came over to talk to Wang Hao. Seeing that the coffee cup on Wang Hao's desk was empty, he immediately found a bag of instant coffee in his bag.

He helped Wang Hao make the coffee, and when he brought it over, he said, "Professor Wang, my classmate bought this coffee for me. It's from South America. There are more than 20 bags per pack. You can't buy it in China. You can try it."

Wang Hao felt that he was not used to it, but he put it in his mouth and tasted it, and nodded with satisfaction, "The taste is very strong."

"As long as you like it!"

Sun Jian also took the opportunity to say, "I just stayed in school this semester. If you have any questions, please give me your advice."

"I recently studied your research on the Ampere equation of Monge. The analytical method in it is really superb. After reading it, I feel that there are many things that can be understood..."

Sun Jian kept talking with a tone of admiration.


Zhang Zhiqiang looked at the coffee on Wang Hao's table, thinking of words such as 'more than 20 yuan, not available in China', and seeing the enthusiastic Sun Jian, compared with his attitude towards himself just now, he muttered depressingly, "I It's also a coffee cup is empty too, and I want to drink coffee without making it..."

Luo Dayong turned his head around, operated on the phone, and then handed the screen to Zhang Zhiqiang.

Zhang Zhiqiang was a little surprised, "You found it? What kind of coffee is that?"

Luo Dayong said, "Didn't you just say that you want to drink coffee without brewing it? Look, a whole box of coffee, 24 bottles in a box, 120 yuan, an average of 5 yuan a bottle, not expensive, The courier can also deliver it upstairs."

After he finished speaking, he added, "After you buy it, just put it by my side. Let's drink together."

Zhang Zhiqiang's expression was fixed on his face, and he felt Zhu Ping's feelings again.

This guy deserves a beating!


The life in the office has not changed because of the arrival of newcomers. Everyone is still studying and researching most of the time.

The same goes for Wang Hao.

He formally devoted himself to the research of the NS equation, not to directly solve the problem of the NS equation, but to research in this direction.

The NS equation is a general direction, which is directly related to fluid mechanics.

Fluid mechanics can be simply understood as the study of fluids based on Newtonian mechanics, and the NS equation is the formula of Newton's second law for fluids.

The application of fluid mechanics can be said to be in all aspects, including mechanical, civil, chemical and biomedical engineering, geophysics, oceanography, meteorology, astrophysics, etc. Fluid mechanics is used in many disciplines, and it is very important The NS equation is also widely used.

Wang Hao has not yet found his first research direction.

Of course he hopes to directly solve the biggest problem, but in fact, it is impossible to directly solve the biggest problem without a good foundation.

The research method Wang Hao chooses is to read some mathematical content related to fluid mechanics, and also read some papers in the direction of NS equations.

There are also several papers on 'proving the regularity of NS equations'.

Of course those are not recognized, and some of them are published in foreign magazines, which are also small mathematics magazines, and it can even be said that they can be published with money.

Some papers can also be retrieved in SCI.

Wang Hao took a closer look, and could only say that the idea was very informative, but the proof was not perfect.

One of the most meaningful papers is about the approximate solution of the ns equation.

The impact of this paper is high because of the wide range of applications.

Finding the approximate solution of the ns equation by numerical method is a very important research direction, because it is very practical and can be used in many aspects.

It is easy to understand that when an exact solution cannot be found for a very important equation, it is naturally very important to be able to find an approximate solution.

For example, calculate the mechanical problems of the submarine in the water, and use this as a reference to design the shape of the submarine.

If it is not possible to obtain the most accurate and minimum force situation, it is also valuable to find an approximate situation.

Wang Hao roughly browsed the content, and glanced at the author of the paper - Sudong University, Fu Chunjie.

He looked carefully.


Sudong University Mathematics Center.

Fu Chunjie is the director of the Mathematics Center. He is fifty-two years old, barely enough to be an "old professor", but he still thinks he belongs to the group of young and middle-aged people.

Because he wanted to win a prize, the 'Shiing-shen Chern Mathematics Prize'.

The "Chen Shiingshen Mathematics Award" is very popular, and the domestic mathematics community recognizes this award as "academician reserve".

As long as he can be awarded the Chern Shiingshen Mathematics Award, he will be able to enter the list of academicians in the next year.

Otherwise, there are no international mathematics awards, no domestic heavyweight awards, and few mathematics academicians are willing to recommend if they want to be nominated for academicians.

At this time, Fu Chunjie was complaining to an old academician, "Academician Liu, tell me, this year, I was guaranteed to win the award, but Wang Hao came out, how old is he?"

"I'm in my twenties, when can't I win the prize? Does it have to be this year?"

"The group of people in the Mathematics Association really don't know what they are thinking."

Liu Yuqun shook his head and said, "Aren't you sure yet? I don't know who it is, but it might be you."

"Besides, Wang Hao's results are high. How can one compare with the proof of Kakutani's conjecture?"

Of course Fu Chunjie knows that he is not comparable in major achievements, but he has studied mathematics for decades and published hundreds of papers, and he also has some top achievements.

For example, the study of approximate solutions to NS equations.

After this research came out, he was invited to give a report at the International Congress of Mathematicians.

Fu Chunjie was still dissatisfied, "Jiaogu's conjecture is indeed famous, but it's not practical."

Liu Yuqun said, "Even if we don't talk about Kakutani's conjecture, he still has research on Mersenne prime numbers and Artin's conjecture. Some time ago, his mathematical analysis was published in "Nature". In terms of major achievements, you must be incomparable." .”

"Of course, we will definitely recommend you, but if you really can't win the award, there's nothing you can do about it."

"One of your advantages now is your high qualifications, and the other is that your research on ns equations is relatively strong."

"Now, qualifications are useless to put it bluntly. I dare not say this thing out."

Liu Yuqun is getting older, but he still understands the current situation.

If it was placed a few decades ago, the qualifications are still very useful. If you have been engaged in mathematics research for decades, it is definitely not comparable to a young person.

Now is not the era of competing for qualifications. If a person is awarded an award because of his high qualifications, he will probably be scolded as 'no talent' or 'idiot', and what he said is very reasonable, "You have such high qualifications, why are your results not as good as others? ?”

At that time, the reputation of the person who said it will be bad on the street.

Therefore, at least on the bright side, the award still depends on personal achievements. Fu Chunjie's only advantage is that the application value of the achievements is relatively high.

Many studies of fluid mechanics now use the approximate solution method developed by him.

However, from the perspective of mathematical development and contribution, the application value is actually a pull item.

According to the ideas of those top mathematicians, applied value?

Application, isn't it engineering?

Mathematical theoretical research is the most important, and application is simply the field of "engineering talents" and has nothing to do with mathematical research.

Therefore, it is very difficult for Fu Chunjie to win the award.

The Chern Prize in Mathematics is selected every two years, and two people are selected once.

Now there are three people who have the best chance of winning the award, one is Wang Hao, one is Fu Chunjie, and the other is Zhong Mingchu, the director of the Mathematics Department of Donggang University.

Fu Chunjie was able to compete with the "sudden appearance" Wang Hao, but facing Zhong Mingchu, he was really crushed in all directions.

Achievements, contributions, fame, status, seniority, even contacts, background... His only advantage is his age, which is four years older than Zhong Mingchu, but age is obviously only a plus.

He even said that even Zhong Mingchu didn't want Fu Chunjie to win the award.

The human heart is very complicated.

If Fu Chunjie wins the award, and it is reported that Wang Hao did not win the award, then Zhong Mingchu, like Fu Chunjie, may become the target of public opinion attacks.

Wang Hao didn't comment?

To solve the Kakutani conjecture, the people who will immediately win the international mathematics award have not been selected for the domestic mathematics award?

So what is the level of the two winners?

What's the result?

At that time, Zhong Mingchu and Fu Chunjie will definitely be questioned together. Even if there are some good results, they will be compared with Wang Hao's results.

Naturally, the gap is noticeable.

Under such circumstances, might Zhong Mingchu hope that Fu Chunjie could win the award?

Therefore, Fu Chunjie's chances of awarding the award are very slim...

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