From University Lecturer to Chief Academician

Chapter 156 We have studied for several months, but they solved it in two days?

Peng Hui criticized and educated Cui Xunnian in a loud voice, "Your unit should also give money!"

"He is a mathematics professor who does research so well. Is it reasonable to ask him to help without paying money?"

"We also gave 200,000 last time!"

Peng Hui didn't mind talking more, since Cui Xunnian didn't know anyway, "I've done data analysis, why would it take ten days or half a month?"

"The most important thing is not time, but ability."

"Think about it, as far as your research project is concerned, it is almost as expensive as alloys. If you delay it for a few months, you may not be able to produce results."

"If you want to find someone who has the ability to help you, it's also sincere to give money, isn't it?"

"You have stayed in that kind of unit for too long, and you don't understand the outside situation at all!"

Cui Xunnian would have been in a hurry if Peng Hui said so much about other things, but now he listened patiently, thinking that what Peng Hui said made sense.

Now if you go outside to find a labor force, you have to pay hundreds of dollars a day. Finding a top mathematician to help with research will consume a lot of brainpower and time, and it is impossible to justify not paying money.

He hadn't thought about money at all before.

The main reason is that this problem is very difficult. Several aerodynamic experts in the research institute have been researching the equations, but there is no result.

Wang Hao, okay?

That's the problem.

Cui Xunnian had a question mark in his heart. He came to Wang Hao mainly to see that Wang Hao had done world-class research on the approximate solution of NS equations. At the same time, he had other top achievements in the field of partial differential equations.

However, in the face of partial differential equations and complex equations with NS equations, how easy is it to get a more approximate solution?

The practice of the experts in the research institute is to continuously substitute numbers for calculations, and then judge the ungrouping situations one by one based on analysis.

Select some ungroups that look good to design experiments to test the effect.

Later, it was proved that the requirements were not met.

Cui Xunnian is one of the researchers of the team, but he is not the main person in charge of the project, at most he can be called the 'deputy director', he is only in charge of this part of the content.

The research got stuck here, which made him feel very anxious.

Of course, he is not entirely responsible, because this is the difficulty of the research. Many people in the team are working on this point, but they have not been able to make a breakthrough.

After putting down the phone, Cui Xunnian thought about what Peng Hui said, and also felt that he should take out the funds.

However, giving money is not easy.

This is not his own project, and he is not the main person in charge, so he can only put forward his own ideas and suggestions.

But what if you spend money and get no results?

Then you need to bear the pressure.

After thinking hesitantly, he found out Wang Hao's resume. After reading it for a while, he suddenly became much firmer.

Wang Hao's resume is too dazzling.

In the past year or so, he has completed a lot of research, and only in the direction of partial differential equations, two papers have been published in top mathematics journals.

He is also an expert in data analysis, participated in Peng Hui's alloy project, and was invited to give a speech at the Institute of Aeronautical Materials. The research content has received great attention.

Not to mention, research in number theory.

His latest research on mathematical methods is considered to be a Fields-level achievement, and is also expected by the international mathematics community.

"A top mathematician!"

Cui Xunnian made a brief summary, and the experience in front of him made him feel incredible.

Suddenly a sentence came from outside, "Director Cui, the meeting is on!"

Cui Xunnian quickly stood up and walked to the meeting room, walked to the door and thought for a while, then came back and took Wang Hao's resume.

The person in charge of the meeting was Yang Yuan, the general manager of the project.

Cui Xunnian entered the conference room and sat on Yang Yuan's right hand side. Others also came in and sat in their seats.

Yang Yuan said, "Let's make a summary. The progress has been relatively slow for a while, and the main problem is the calculation of wind resistance."

He looked at the person on the right and said, "Zhang Binghe, please talk about the wind resistance test first."

Zhang Binghe picked up the document in his hand and said, "We have conducted seven wind resistance experiments since three months ago, and the highest evaluation value in the experimental test is 23.6, which is in the fourth experiment."

"Our goal is to reduce the evaluation value of the wind resistance test to below 20. For the time being, it can be said that there is no progress and there is still a long way to go."

"The seventh experiment last week proved that the data of the fourth experiment can no longer be adjusted..."

He said and shook his head.

The wind resistance test designed by the experiment, that is, the wind pressure resistance of the aircraft model, is directly aimed at reducing air resistance. The smaller the air resistance, the greater the acceleration can be brought by the same power, and the aircraft will become more flexible. .

When flying at low altitude, the aircraft has more power and faster acceleration, which can also greatly improve the safety factor and flexibility, which can be said to be related to all aspects of performance.

Unfortunately, their research has not progressed.

The most important thing is that it is impossible to accurately calculate the wind resistance, even if it is a more accurate calculation, many experiments rely on the ungrouping obtained by substituting the values, which can be said to rely on experience and luck.

Yang Yuan thought about it and nodded. He asked Cui Xunnian and said, "I heard that you found a few outside experts a while ago, did you get any results?"

Cui Xunnian shook his head, "They all said it was too difficult to solve."

This answer is disappointing.

He hesitated for a moment, then continued, "However, I found a new expert, Professor Wang Hao from Xihai University."

"Wang Hao?"

The others immediately said, "I've heard about this person, he just won the Chern Mathematics Prize, right?"

"It is said to be a super genius, a future Fields winner."

"what's the result?"

Cui Xunnian didn't answer, but said, "I'm thinking about a question, should we spend part of the funds and find outside experts to help solve this problem."

He spoke a lot more seriously, "The main direction of our people is aerodynamics, and when it comes to the analysis of fluid mechanics problems, we can only use the original method, or simply experience, and seldom specialize in research by ourselves. method."

"This kind of pioneering research still needs to be done by mathematicians who specialize in partial differential equations."

"That's a big part of why we can't fix this problem."

Everyone else listened and nodded.

Even if they are more confident in their majors, they also know that there is a gap in the level of solving theoretical problems between themselves and mathematicians who specialize in partial differential equations.

Most of what they do is application, rather than studying the underlying logic.

Cui Xunnian said, "That's why I went outside to find other experts for help. I think Wang Hao is very talented, and he has the ability to help us solve this problem."

His tone was very certain.

"But the question is, why should he help us? Is it because we are a military research institute?"

"So I think it should come up with a fund to support it, instead of just talking about it and asking others to help."

What Cui Xunnian said was so logical that everyone in the conference room fell into deep thought. He took the time to hand over Wang Hao's resume to Yang Yuan.

Yang Yuan took a closer look, and was surprised by Wang Hao's genius, then he looked at the others, "What do you think?"

Someone said, "Is it feasible or not? Let's see it? How much will it cost?"

Zhang Binghe also asked, "We can't do research, so we can only find someone else, but is it possible to find this Wang Hao? Will it be funded, but there is no result? After all, we have been researching for several months. , no matter how talented he is alone..."

He shook his head as he said it, the meaning was obvious.

Yang Yuan was silent for a while, and asked Cui Xunnian after thinking, "How much do you think is suitable?"

Cui Xunnian said, "I have a friend named Peng Hui. His alloy project asked Wang Hao to do the analysis, 200,000."



Everyone in the meeting room fell silent.

Yang Yuan was surprised when he heard this number. They were either doing a project or just solving a system of equations.

Although this equation set, the entire research institute can't do anything about it, but 200,000 yuan at a time still feels like too much.

Finally, Yang Yuan gritted his teeth and made a decision, "200,000 is 200,000, let's see the effect of this 200,000, which is just the cost of two experiments!"


Zhang Binghe still felt that it was too much, but he didn't say anything afterwards.

He has nothing to do with this problem.


Xihai University, Office of the Complex Building.

Wang Hao is doing research patiently. For the equations given by Cui Xunnian, he has already obtained six sets of approximate solutions. He is just striving for perfection and hopes to further approximate each set of solutions.

This process is like approaching a number, such as the number 5. At the beginning, the approximate value is 4.9, the next step is 4.93, and the next step is 4.94...

Closer to each other bit by bit, theoretically it will never come to 5, but it is always approaching.

Now he has transformed two of the two approximate solutions, and it will become more and more difficult in the future.

But Wang Hao wanted to transform again.

Now that he has promised to solve this problem, he will definitely strive to do his best. While he was studying seriously, a voice suddenly came from the door, "Professor Wang Hao, are you there?"


Wang Hao raised his head and shouted.

Everyone in the office immediately noticed that Liu Jian, the director of the Finance Department, walked towards Wang Hao with a big belly.

Zhang Zhiqiang pulled the stool next to him over, and it was a simple treat.


Liu Jian didn't sit down, but put his hand on the table, and directly explained his intention, "Professor Wang, I'm here to tell you that a sum of money has been transferred to the school account, 200,000, and it is designated to be for you." Labor charges."

"Who called?" Wang Hao asked suspiciously.

Liu Jian came over and whispered, "It seems that the message says 'Aerodynamic Institute'? I checked, and there is no such institute at all, and the information is very vague. I don't know what's going on, so I'll ask you."

Wang Hao thought for a while and immediately realized, "I know, then call me directly."

"There is no problem with this transfer, right?" Liu Jian asked with certainty, because the transfer information was vague, and he was worried about what might be involved.

Wang Hao nodded and said, "The other party came to me, it was a small project problem, it should be my labor fee, Dean Luan also knows about it."

"That's good!"

When Wang Hao said this, Liu Jian felt relieved.

After Liu Jian left, Zhang Zhiqiang asked curiously, "What are you doing? There is 200,000 labor fees?"

"Solve a system of equations." Wang Hao explained briefly.

"Solve a system of equations? 200,000?" Zhang Zhiqiang opened his mouth exaggeratedly, "Wang Hao, if there is such a good thing in the future, please introduce it to me. I'm good at math, so I can help!"

Wang Hao looked at Zhang Zhiqiang, nodded and said, "Okay, I will introduce it to you next time."

"Really? Remember!" Zhang Zhiqiang felt something was wrong, but the temptation of 200,000 yuan was too great.

Luo Dayong came over, he did not know where to find a mirror, and put it in front of Zhang Zhiqiang.

Zhang Zhiqiang looked in the mirror and asked strangely, "What are you doing?"

Luo Dayong gave the mirror to Zhang Zhiqiang, then sat back in his seat, and said, "Take a good look at yourself, man, it's important to see yourself clearly."


Zhang Zhiqiang took a deep breath, pressed his left hand on his right hand, and controlled his fist that was already bulging with veins.

Zhu Ping at the door suddenly yelled, "Zhang Zhiqiang, what are you doing with my mirror! Give it back to me! You are a big man, what mirror are you looking at!"

"...No, no, Zhu Ping, it's not me, it's Luo Dayong!" Holding the mirror in his hand, he couldn't argue for a moment.

Zhu Ping snatched back the mirror angrily.

Zhang Zhiqiang sat down depressed, thought about it carefully, and suddenly felt something was wrong.

He looked at Zhu Ping, then at Luo Dayong, thinking to himself, "Something's wrong, why does it seem that Luo Dayong... only targets me?"

"Zhu Ping hasn't scolded Luo Dayong for a long time..."

"It's not right, it's not normal!"


Wang Hao also felt a little embarrassed when he took 200,000 yuan in labor fees, because he was just doing research by the way.

Take the money and do the work.

He is more motivated to work.

It took him a day to further transform the two sets of approximate ungroups and obtain two more accurate approximate ungroups. After thinking about it, he sent it to Cui Xunnian.

Attached message: These are the two sets of approximate ungroups just obtained, and four sets of solutions will be sent to you in a few days.

Cui Xunnian has been doing related research, but there is almost no progress at all. Thinking about Wang Hao's situation, he even becomes a little anxious.

200,000 is still a lot of money, almost the cost of two experiments.

Even though Yang Yuan made such a decision and paid such a labor fee, he still felt a lot of pressure.

If Wang Hao can't come to a conclusion, the 200,000 yuan will be in vain, and he doesn't know when Wang Hao will be able to come to a conclusion.

He walks up and down the office thinking, glancing at his computer screen to find a new email.

Cui Xunnian was surprised to find two sets of data in the past.

When he saw Wang Hao's message, he hoped that he hadn't received the data, because according to his thinking, it was impossible to do research so quickly.

If after half a month, it would be the best situation to send a conclusion, or simply send a report.

At least it can prove that the other party has done the research very seriously, and even if the value still fails, he can explain it to the project team.

Finding someone can't be done, but at least try hard.

Now that the result was quickly obtained, but there was no relevant report, he didn't know what to do for a while.

Cui Xunnian gritted his teeth and went to Yang Yuan's office.

in the office.

Yang Yuan asked, "Do you believe these two sets of data?"

Cui Xunnian gritted his teeth and nodded, "I believe in Wang Hao."

Yang Yuan thought silently, he had the same thought as Cui Xunnian, he also felt that the data came too fast, and without relevant reports, there was no way to know how the data was obtained.

Their experimental tests generally first demonstrate the data, and the data can only be decided to conduct experiments based on the data, because each experiment consumes more than 100,000 funds, and it is not easy to decide.

If there is no relevant report, I don't know what to do.

Finally, Yang Yuan thought about it, and simply made a call. He called the academic affairs officer of Xihai University directly, and asked the academic affairs officer to tell Wang Hao to call back.

When Wang Hao got the news, he called back, and when he heard Yang Yuan talking about numerical problems and reports, he hesitated and said, "Do you still want to report this research?"

He explained, "I didn't take notes, because I was also researching, and if you want to report, you have to wait a month."

"Also, I think giving the report... you may not be able to understand it in a short time."

He hesitated, because it sounded a little shocking.

Yang Yuan was silent after hearing this.

He understood two pieces of information. One was that the report would take a month, and the other party seemed unwilling to write a report specifically for this job, and just did some analysis and research by the way.

The second is that the content of the report will be very complicated, and they may not be able to understand it.

Yang Yuan was silent.

Cui Xunnian was also silent.

After putting down the phone, the two looked at each other. It was the first time that they obviously felt that their IQ and ability were despised, but what the other party said was very straightforward and seemed to be from the heart. depressed.

"What should we do now? Do we have to wait a month?" Cui Xunnian said after a long silence.

Yang Yuan was a little dumbfounded, he didn't know whether Wang Hao was too confident, or his judgment was wrong, and finally said simply, "Since he is so confident, let's experiment!"

"One experiment only consumes some funds. I can still bear this responsibility."

Yang Yuan is the person in charge of the project, and no one can change what he decides.


There were meetings within the team.

Even though other people were very puzzled, they all started to prepare for the experiment.

The experiment cannot be carried out directly. The team needs to analyze the new numerical ungrouping to calculate other data, and then use the obtained data to modify the aircraft model.

The next step is to prepare for the wind pressure test. It takes one day to prepare for the experiment, and it will take three days in total.

three days later.

Everything is ready.

The professional team in charge of the experiment turned on the huge high-pressure fan, and there was a violent buzzing sound from the operating room. The aircraft model was fixed in place to withstand the wind pressure, and a series of data were obtained at the same time.

The experiment lasted for half an hour before stopping.

Data extraction is complete.

At this time, the team began to divide and cooperate to calculate, and finally summarized the data for analysis.

At seven o'clock in the evening, the experimental work was completed.

A group of people gathered in the conference room again, Zhang Binghe got all the data and was doing the final calculation.

Everyone looked at him, waiting.


After Zhang Binghe finished the calculation, he looked at the value on the paper with shock written all over his face.

"How much?" Yang Yuan asked.

Others also looked over.

Zhang Binghe took a deep breath and said a number simply, "18.7."

"18.7, 18.7? How is this possible?"

He was so surprised.

In the previous months of research, they continued to analyze and conducted seven experiments. The best data was only 23.6, and it was very difficult to increase it by 0.1.

Now... 18.7?

This is definitely a very shocking number!

The others were also shocked when they heard it.

Zhang Binghe quickly asked, "Mr. Yang, where did you get the data? Who analyzed it?"

"Wang Hao." Yang Yuan said his name.

"Wang Hao?"

"Is that the Wang Hao mentioned a few days ago?" Zhang Binghe was stunned.

Others were also surprised, "The 200,000 flowers are worth it, one experiment, directly 18.7."

"We have been researching for several months, and they solved it in two days?"

"This is too amazing!"


(It's a new month, be so cute and ask for a guaranteed monthly pass!!!)

Thanks for the rewards from the book friends, the list is as follows: Xue Yi Wu Xin (leader highlighted), Innate Incompetence, Man Shi Jue, Reader 1476047034397900800, Book Friends 20220519133742404, Duke Zero, zzzzzzl, lhrgxf, I Am No Doctor, Dream Awakens Huaxia , Waskk, Lovebirdnw, book friend 20191102211016508, book friend 20200811221154344, Tianyu Qiaoke, the scenery on the road is unique, the needle is healed quickly, cute little deer 66, ancient setting sun, Kunlin Yuanshan, return wind without love, lkf2016, like The sci-fi point me, the leader's big muscle bully, the mouse-loving cat yml, Liuluan \u0026amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;brilliant, Huyu, TFYOUBUT, Nian~No~Return, Drunk Red Dust 9, Autumn Rain with Heart Dreams, pirates, like to travel to green mountains and green waters, fire dance, love heart, maple forest, qingy56, book friend 20170628205034225, reader 1560476056824094720, book friend 2018061221441774, book friend 202208131648284585, book friend 2022052 6115025160, book friends 20220306133633292, book friends 20191005010500912.

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