From University Lecturer to Chief Academician

Chapter 157 Yang Yuan: We have expert help!

103, conference room.


The evaluation figures given by Zhang Binghe shocked everyone, especially several aerodynamic experts. A lot of numerical demonstration work.

But in the end, the wind pressure test is carried out according to the obtained value, and the best evaluation data is only 23.6.

This evaluation value is a comprehensive evaluation of the pressure of each part. There is a detailed calculation system. The standard is to make the parts with high pressure bearing capacity high pressure, and let the parts with low pressure bear low pressure, and finally calculate the comprehensive value.

The lower the value, the better the effect.

If the value can reach zero, each part of the aircraft is equivalent to no wind resistance.

That is of course impossible.

18.7, this value is really amazing.

For comparison, the power design of the domestic carrier-based aircraft that is preparing for mass production and low-altitude flight also uses their research results.

For that set of data, the model wind pressure test value is only 24.

Although their research goal is to reduce the wind pressure test evaluation value to below 20, it is best to be able to come up with several sets of data solutions, but everyone knows that it is already very good if it can reach below 22.

The aerodynamic experts in the Institute have always believed that the ideal state is already below 20, and it is very difficult to achieve it.

It is very difficult to reduce it by 0.1 further.

Now that the data of 18.7 has appeared directly, they are really shocked.

After being shocked, Yang Yuan took a deep breath and said, "This experiment was very successful. We have recorded all the data and recorded them in more detail, so we can't miss anything."

"Also, prepare a new set of data verification tomorrow."

"Everyone get serious! This will be a major breakthrough in our research..."

Many people were busy that night, and by the next morning, they became more energetic and began to prepare for the second experiment.

The team has been busy.

The second experiment was soon carried out. After half an hour of testing, everyone was busy summarizing the data.

In the meeting room, Zhang Binghe calculated again, and then announced a number with surprise, "19.5."

This number is not as shocking as '18.7', but it is also a number below 20, which is surprising enough.

Although the evaluation value does not reach the level of 18.7, each set of values ​​​​has its use.

They are a team doing research on aircraft low-altitude flight dynamics. Each research will produce several sets of data, and each set of data represents a feasible solution.

This research can provide data scheme support for aircraft design.

If there is only one set of data, it means that there is only one choice, which will definitely have a great impact on aircraft design.

Each aircraft design will choose different solutions according to its different functions.

The power study of the low-altitude flight of the aircraft is only one part of the aircraft design, and more plans are definitely needed. The evaluation value of 19.5 is higher than that of 18.7, but it is enough to meet the standard.

After completing the second experiment, Yang Yuan immediately said, "We have already made two sets of data plans, and the next step is to make records."

"We will strive to finish both plans before the Shencheng Aircraft Station arrives next week!"

"Everyone has worked hard during this time!"

He then nodded to Cui Xunnian and said, "This time, I also want to praise one person, Comrade Cui Xunnian, who decided to ask Professor Wang Hao for help in research."

"Everyone has seen the results, so we do research. Sometimes, don't always take it for granted. If we can't do it, it doesn't mean that others can't do it!"

He glanced at Zhang Binghe as he spoke, and then continued, "Xunnian, you can continue to contact Professor Wang Hao to see what he needs, and you can get some more funds."

"This time, he helped a lot. Professor Wang Hao must establish a good relationship..."


Wang Hao didn't care about Cui Xunnian's situation at all.

One, he didn't know what kind of research was done there, but he knew it was related to the low-altitude flight of the plane, so he didn't know the details.

His research is based on mathematics, not applied mathematics, let alone, further to do projects.

In addition, he is very confident in the "approximate ungrouping" he calculated.

If Cui Xunnian gets the data, the experimental verification still fails, which can only show that there is a problem with the equation system given initially, not his calculation problem.

On this day, Wang Hao received a thank-you letter from Cui Xunnian. Because the experiment involved confidentiality, he didn’t mention the relevant content. He just mentioned two sets of data, which was very helpful for their research.

Wang Hao simply typed a few words, "As long as it helps." He thought for a while, and added a few more words, "There are still four sets of data, let's wait a few days, I'm a bit busy recently."

He is really busy.

The equations given by Cui Xunnian are very complex, and it took a lot of time to study several sets of approximate solutions.

The further transformation and approximation of each group of approximate ungrouping are very difficult to analyze and calculate, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is equivalent to doing a small research alone.

Wang Hao didn't do research specifically on it, he just took this equation system as an example to study a new "one step closer approximation" method.

This research is almost done, and the only difference is the summary, so the calculation of the equations is a repetitive task for him, not research.

The other party gave a fee of 200,000, and Wang Hao will definitely solve the problem, but he doesn’t need to solve it all at once. Take it slowly, do a little when you have time, and just send the value when you are done.

Wang Hao is indeed a bit busy, mainly because of the new laboratory.

The main building of the Mason Number Science Laboratory has not yet been completed, and it is estimated that it will take at least one year to complete the decoration and transportation of equipment, so the laboratory decided to temporarily open it on the fourth floor of the computer laboratory building.

Even if it is temporarily set up in the laboratory building, it must go through some simple decoration and purchase certain equipment.

Zhang Zhiqiang is in charge of this work. He has been busy all the time, and finally announced on this day that the Mason Mathematical Science Laboratory can be opened.

"I'll take you to see the director's office, it's super luxurious inside!"

Zhang Zhiqiang said with some pride.

Wang Hao is also very interested, and the director's office is his office.

When they got to the fourth floor of the laboratory building, they saw the big sign of the Mason Mathematical Science Laboratory, and then walked to the innermost part, and there was a room labeled 'Director's Office'.

Wang Hao opened the door and went in, and found that it was indeed 'super luxurious' as described by Zhang Zhiqiang.

Walls with solid wood embedded and wallpaper, high-grade tables and chairs at first glance, plus a large sofa, a whole row of bookshelves, an exquisite small coffee table, a refrigerator, a coffee machine, a separate bathroom, and a partition Come out of a bedroom with a double bed inside, you can live in it without coming out.

"It used to be a classroom with a large area, so it was separated out like this." Zhang Zhiqiang said with some pride, "During the renovation, I ran several times, so I let them do it."

Wang Hao nodded in satisfaction, and sighed from the bottom of his heart, "Brother Zhang, thank you."

"You're welcome……"

Zhang Zhiqiang thought about it carefully, and suddenly felt something was wrong.

What is there to be proud of?

After working hard several times, the pretended office was for Wang Hao, and his office was next door, and it was a double room.

Zhang Zhiqiang went to his office to take a look around, the decoration is also very good, but it hurts a lot in comparison.

Now the Mason Number Science Laboratory has just been established, and there are only three official members of the laboratory.

Wang Hao is the chief researcher, Zhang Zhiqiang is an associate researcher, and another associate researcher is Zheng Yaojun.

Zheng Yaojun is an excellent professor of mathematics at Xihai University, but he did not have a designated teaching and research section, so he simply joined the Mason Number Laboratory. Wang Hao also felt that Zheng Yaojun's level is good. In addition, the laboratory has just been established, and there is no harm in having multiple associate researchers. The lab is a little more lively.

One more researcher is not just one more person, but also more students under the researcher.

Wang Hao and Zhang Zhiqiang stayed in the laboratory. They were the only two at first, but more people came later.

Wang Hao told the students that they can also come to the laboratory in the future, and there is a graduate student's workshop at the far end, which is equivalent to an office.

Several people came over to have a look, and even chose a seat for themselves.

In the afternoon, Zheng Yaojun also came.

Zheng Yaojun came with his students, two doctoral students and one graduate student, Hu Lidan.

It was the first time for Zheng Yaojun to come here, and he was very satisfied with the environment of the laboratory, so he chose the mathematics research office opposite.

In the process of visiting the laboratory with Wang Hao, I passed by the students' workshops.

Zheng Yaojun glanced inside, and then whispered to Wang Hao, "Hu Lidan is really an excellent student. I found that she is the kind of student who is serious about knowledge. She chases after me to ask questions every time after class, and some Questions can make me think for a long time."

Wang Hao listened.

Zheng Yaojun continued proudly, "She followed me to study in graduate school, and then followed me to study in Ph.D. With her talent, she will definitely be very good in the future."

"After another two years, she may be able to complete the research by herself, and she may be able to complete excellent results in the direction of partial differential equations."

"Didn't you just participate in the mathematics meeting? I think she will be able to complete a doctoral thesis at the level of the Zhong Jiaqing Mathematics Award in the future. If a student can win such an award, it will be really..."

Zheng Yaojun laughed happily as he said that.

Wang Hao curled his lips when he heard that, the graduate student just started thinking about the Zhong Jiaqing Math Award?

Why don't you think about it when you are studying for a blog?

At this time, Helen also came over, and she asked Wang Hao, "Mr. Wang, where is the workshop?"


Wang Hao pointed in one direction, "Chen Mengmeng is here, and there are other students." He added, "Helen, you can improve your Chinese by talking to other people more."

"I see."

Helen said and was about to leave.

Zheng Yaojun suddenly said, "I remembered!"

Helen stopped immediately and looked over.

Zheng Yaojun pointed to Helen and said, "Let me just say, you look familiar, and you also attend my class, right? So you are Wang Hao's student."

He said, "However, I found that you never asked questions and left after every class. I thought your Chinese was not good, but now it seems that it is not bad!"

"But it doesn't matter. Even if you ask questions in English, I can answer them. My English is not bad."

"In this regard, you should learn more from Hu Lidan!"

Wang Hao was shocked when he heard that.

He wondered why Zheng Yaojun suddenly mentioned this. It turned out to be a routine, and he was still talking about his students!

This is to compare Helen and Hu Lidan, and then explain that his students are better than mine?

However, if you compare Helen, you are looking for the wrong person, right?

After hearing Zheng Yaojun's words, Helen was obviously confused, and asked immediately, "Why do you ask?"

Zheng Yaojun said, "Students have to ask the teacher if they have any questions. Only by asking more questions can they have a deeper understanding of the basics. The difficulty of the course of differential equations..."

Helen interrupted him somewhat puzzled, "But, I didn't find it difficult. What you taught in class was very simple."

She stared at Zheng Yaojun, thought about it carefully, and then suddenly said, "Is it because of social etiquette, right? It must be social etiquette. Even if you have no doubts, you should ask the teacher. This will give the teacher a sense of superiority in knowledge." sense of accomplishment."

"That's right, isn't it?"

Helen found that Zheng Yaojun did not refute, nodded and said, "In this way, I understand, and I will definitely prepare the questions first in the next class."

After she finished speaking, she seemed to feel the joy of "acquiring new knowledge", and walked out in a bouncing manner.


Zheng Yaojun was dumbfounded. I asked her to ask questions in order to give me a sense of accomplishment with superior knowledge?

is that so?

Zheng Yaojun didn't say anything for a long time, and finally looked at Wang Hao in a daze, "...what does she mean?"

"You heard me."

Wang Hao suppressed a smile, and spread his hands helplessly.

On the other side, the student workshop.

Hu Lidan was talking to Chen Mengmeng, "Will Teacher Wang recruit a doctorate in the future? I have already made up my mind. I will apply for Teacher Wang's doctorate after I graduate."

"I don't know." Chen Mengmeng shook her head.

Hu Lidan whispered depressedly, "Meng Meng, let me tell you, in fact, at first, I thought it would be good to study with Mr. Zheng, graduate school, and then Ph. No, I feel ashamed wherever I go.”

Helen was walking in, when she heard it, she said immediately, "I think your teacher is very good."

"Huh?" Hu Lidan froze for a moment.

Helen said seriously, "He is very social." After she finished speaking, she walked to the back row to find a seat.

Hu Lidan asked Chen Mengmeng suspiciously, "Is she being sarcastic?"

Chen Mengmeng looked at Helen, rubbed her forehead vigorously, and said with certainty, "When you can't see her emotions, he speaks from his heart."

"So, she must think so."

"But, Teacher Zheng, is she good at socializing? How does she judge?"

Hu Lidan couldn't figure it out at all.


The Mason Number Science Laboratory was officially opened.

Wang Hao has a new office, and it has been fresh for several days. What is frustrating is that it is 'too close to the students', and students always come to ask questions.

If it is for teaching considerations, it is not bad to be able to answer questions for students all the time. It will definitely improve students a lot, but it will delay their own research.

Later, he simply hung a 'Do Not Disturb' sign on the door.

All of a sudden, it was quiet.

Wang Hao also patiently completed the numerical work of the remaining four sets of approximate ungrouping of the equations given by Cui Xunnian.

This job took about ten hours, and it still makes people feel a little irritated.

"It would be great if all the students could improve, explain similar work to them, and let them do it slowly..."

Wang Hao thought about it.

This is what he expects most from his students.

the other side.

The 103 Institute is busy receiving the team from the Shencheng Aircraft Design Institute, led by the famous fighter jet designer - Li Jianhua.

Li Jianhua led the team to complete the design of several advanced fighters, one of which was mass-produced.

This time I led a team to the 103 Institute, which is also an investigation of the research projects of the 103 Institute, which can provide a certain data reference for the design of future high-end fighters.

Fighter aircraft design is not as simple as clothing design, but a systematic and huge project.

What 103 is doing is low-altitude flight dynamics research, which is a basic research in the design process of fighter jets, and can provide data reference for fighter jet design on low-altitude flight performance.

Fighter design is cutting-edge.

Li Jianhua's team is considering to demonstrate the design plan of the third-generation carrier-based aircraft, so it needs references from various parts of the data, and he went to several related research institutes in succession.

103 is just one of them.

However, the research of the 103 Institute is also very important, because of the dynamic demonstration of the shape of the fighter, low-altitude flight is much more important than high-altitude flight.

High-altitude flight is just conventional flight, and what is required is the combat radius, not the maximum speed.

Conventional fighter jets now have top speeds that exceed the speed of sound.

that's enough.

The power and wind resistance demonstration of low-altitude flight is directly related to the safety and flexibility of fighters, which is the most important.

So Li Jianhua came to the 103 Institute and brought the power group of the institute.

The power group of the Aircraft Design Institute is still very powerful. The research involves all aspects of aircraft power, and naturally there is research on low-altitude flight.

They knew that the research of Institute 103 had encountered problems, so they also came to discuss with each other.

When a group of people came to the conference room, Li Jianhua said to Yang Yuan, "We are here this time, one is to see your research progress, and the other is to hear that your research has hit a bottleneck, and our power group is flying at low altitude. There is also research on the issue of wind pressure, let me share with you.”

"I hope that through this exchange, the technology can go further. I hope that there will be a plan with a wind pressure test evaluation of less than 20, so as to support the design requirements of higher-end fighters."

After hearing this, Yang Yuan smiled and said, "Communication is fine, but you don't have to worry about the data plan for low-altitude flights."

"Oh?" Li Jianhua was a little puzzled.

Yang Yuan smiled smugly, "We already have two sets of data plans with evaluation values ​​lower than 20."

"We will continue to study in the future, and hope to have more plans."

Li Jianhua was shocked immediately.

The two highly motivated experts next to me were also shocked, and one of them said in disbelief, "Mr. Yang, are you kidding me? Two sets of plans with evaluation data below 20?"

"How did you calculate it? If you rely on experiments, you're lucky, right?"

Yang Yuan proudly said, "Of course it's not luck, we have someone to help us!"

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