The weather was very hot, but the weather was very hot.

In 1962, New York, USA.

The golden sunlight in the early morning shines through the lush shade of trees and sprinkles on the cobblestone streets.

On one side of the quiet seaside promenade is the strait connecting New York Bay and Long Island Sound: the East River, and on the other side are rows of red houses full of Victorian style, with men and women in suits, walking hurriedly through them.

This is Brooklyn, Brooklyn Heights, New York.

In one of the three-story riverside villas.

A golden warm sunlight through the window wakes our protagonist: Carl Lance from his sleep.

He looked up at the unfamiliar pink ceiling above his head, his face full of confusion, until he felt the heavy object pressing on his chest and saw the blonde girl with milk-white skin wrapped around him like an octopus, then he came to his senses.

He calmly pushed away the girl with tears on her face and slowly got out of bed.

This is obviously not a man's room.

Because the whole room is filled with a kind of Barbie pink that has just become popular in recent years.

Carl groped his way to the bathroom, and after a simple hot shower, he woke up.

Walking out of the bathroom, looking at the mirror above the washbasin, the face that looks like Hollywood star Jake Gyllenhaal, with a handsome face and a gloomy temperament, Carl still feels uncomfortable even though he has lived with this face for 22 years.

Yes, Carl Lance is not from this world.

Twenty-two years ago, he, who was not called this name, traveled to this world and came to the United States in 1940 during World War II. He became a baby named Carl who was abandoned at the door of an orphanage.

So, like most time travelers, Carl who came to this world also started as an orphan!

And it was a real orphanage!

Until he was six years old.

Carl's adoptive parents: Mr. and Mrs. Lance appeared and adopted him.

The couple was really good to Carl. It's not an exaggeration to say that they treated Carl as their own, but sometimes in this society, good people don't live long.

Five years later, the post-war economic crisis in the United States affected the book publishing company of Mr. and Mrs. Lance. Mr. Lance, who mortgaged the company to a bank loan and invested in the stock market, chose to jump off the building and commit suicide after bankruptcy.

Although Carl, who was only 11 years old at the time, was a white-skinned and yellow-hearted time traveler with a mature mind, he felt pain for the first time when he and Mrs. Lance claimed Mr. Lance's broken body.

It was at that moment that Carl's long-awaited golden finger appeared.

But at that moment, Carl did not feel any joy. He only heard the painful cry of Mrs. Lance. It was not until he dealt with Mr. Lance's funeral and gradually recovered from the pain that Carl began to study his awakened golden finger.

It was a kind of light blue energy that appeared in his body, like magic or aura, and could be freely controlled by him.

At first, Carl's research on this energy was not smooth.

He also understood why in many film and television works, those superpowers obviously have talents with unlimited potential, but the abilities they developed in the end are so weak, because it is really too difficult to master a completely unknown power from scratch.

Even Carl, a time traveler who has watched countless film and television novels, thought he knew all kinds of superpowers, but if it was not by chance, he would not have discovered how to use this power.

Space magic, this is what he called this light blue energy in his body.

The reason why Carl gave this space-related name is because Carl discovered by chance that he could permanently attach this light blue energy to some objects, and after attaching, he could sense the location of the space magic on these objects no matter how far away they were.

Then, through the mutual induction between the space magic controlled by him and the space magic attached to these objects, he could distort the space and create a portal that breaks the distance limit in the physical sense, just like the mutants in X-Men: Blink ability.

In theory, this ability is very powerful, after all, it involves one of the highest rules of this universe: space, but Carl found that his ability is a bit useless.

Because he found that his space magic is useless except for opening the portal.

This is currently a kind of

It can only be used for assistance and escape.

He cannot use space magic to make any attack or defense.

He once tried to use space magic as energy to destroy some living or non-living things, but nothing happened, only a fixed space coordinate was formed.

Carl also found the correct way to use his space magic.

Fortunately, Carl is a time traveler with an open mind.

Based on this ability, he developed a variety of practical abilities to make up for the attack.

For example, his favorite and most commonly used storage space ability.

Its principle is very simple. Carl only needs to place a warehouse at any location in this world, and then use space magic to set a coordinate in this warehouse. Then, this warehouse becomes a private warehouse that Carl can use at any location and at any time. He can even set coordinate points directly on some commonly used items.

For humans, the most powerful way of attack is hot weapons.

And the United States is a place where guns are not banned.

Then, there is another lucky thing.

That is, Carl discovered that this space magic can slowly improve his physical fitness.

This gives Carl the power beyond human limits.

He has tested it himself, and now he should be considered a superhuman, able to lift objects weighing more than one ton.

Although this strength is not even comparable to Captain America, in this world where there seems to be no superhumans, Carl has enough power to protect himself.

Not to mention that the improvement of physical fitness is not only about strength, but also about the five senses and the ability to react in all aspects.

It's just a bit of a headache that he still doesn't know how to actively improve this magic.

So far, it is only known that as he gets older, the space magic in his body will automatically increase slowly.

However, even if Carl has superpowers, he still hasn't succeeded in saving his closest person in this world.

When Carl was sixteen years old, he became the youngest genius young writer in the United States by moving literary and film works from his previous life. After redeeming Lance Book Publishing Company from the bank, Mrs. Lance, who was tortured by illness and the pain of losing her husband, chose to sleep in her own bed at home with a smile.

Carl, who could have stopped it, looked at Mrs. Lance's calm eyes facing death at that moment, and finally chose to accompany her quietly to the end.

From that time on, Carl, who had lost his only relative in the world, completely lost his restraint.

Especially in the past few years, through the vision and perspective that surpassed this era for more than half a century, the investment made allowed Carl to save dozens of lifetimes of money and rights that were unimaginable in his previous life. There was nothing in this world that could restrain him.

Among the many things he was interested in, the desire under the action of hormones also became one of his favorite things.

For example, at this moment, the girl on the bed was awakened by the sun, opened her emerald-like clear eyes, saw Carl who was already dressed, and asked with endless reluctance on her shy face.

"Carl, are you leaving?"

Feeling the girl's inner attachment to herself, the melancholy on Carl's face dissipated, and he put on a charming smile again. He slowly climbed up from the bed, pressed the girl on him, and said while looking at the girl's delicate face.

"Jenny, I will appear in front of you at any time if you need me!"

Carl didn't need to be so troublesome, but after tasting countless pure flesh transactions, Carl began to understand why so many overbearing presidents would go to great lengths to chase women, because the process is really interesting, and after success, the emotional value that the sense of accomplishment can provide is indeed satisfying.

Just like at this moment, the girl's eyes became as beautiful as gems, and her eyes were full of love.


"Of course! Don't forget You jump I jump!"

After that, in the completely confused eyes of the girl, Carl kissed her, and the two hugged each other.


An hour later, the satisfied Carl drove his red Ford convertible and appeared on the busy streets.

The United States in the 1960s still has a different flavor in it.

Those old cars that can only be seen in movies are everywhere here, and the men and women on the street are also very conservatively dressed, mainly in suits and long skirts, and the colors are very simple.

After a while, Carl arrived at his company, namely: Lance Book Publishing Group.

Just as Carl was riding

The private elevator just arrived at the office, and I made myself a cup of tea, ready to continue this boring day.

The phone at the front desk rang.

"Boss, there are two gentlemen who want to see you. They call themselves: Charles Xavier and Eric Lansheer..."

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