The two of them were sitting on the ground, and the two of them were sitting on the ground.

At the front desk of Lance Book Publishing Company.

The young Professor X, Charles Xavier, looked at the blonde beauty at the front desk with a charming smile.

Magneto King Eric Lansheer asked subconsciously with a vigilant look around.

"Are you sure that Mr. Carl Lance is one of our kind?"

"Of course!"

Charles didn't care at all that their conversation was heard by the blonde beauty at the front desk, because when the two of them just came here to express their desire to meet Carl Lance, they were decisively rejected as expected. Charles had to use his telepathic ability to let the blonde beauty call Carl Lance's office.

Unfortunately, a few minutes had passed, and there was still no response on the other end of the phone.

Eric, who still didn't quite trust Charles, a friend he had just met, expressed his thoughts directly.

"Maybe, we should just break in!"

With Charles' telepathic ability, no one can stop them.

Charles shook his head indifferently.

"I think we should be polite. After all, he may be our future friend, right? It's a bit too rude to break in like this."

Eric nodded without comment.

To be honest, he didn't trust Charles's recruit plan.

To deal with a demon like Xiao, he didn't think the children Charles found would be of any use.

At this moment, to the surprise of both of them, the blonde beauty at the front desk hung up the phone and said with some surprise.

"Please follow me, Boss is waiting for you in the office!"

Charles and Eric looked at each other in surprise, and then quickly followed.

Soon, the two entered the interior of Lance Book Publishing Company.

The huge office was bustling with activity, the sound of typewriters kept ringing, everyone was working hard at their workstations, and all kinds of book posters were posted on the surrounding walls: "Heartbeat", "Jurassic Park", "Titanic", "King Kong", "Twilight", "Harry Potter", etc.

Eric was not surprised by these. As early as when Charles used the electroencephalogram to locate this genius writer as a mutant, Eric had learned about this Carl Lance and read some of his works.

I have to say, they are all very good recreational readings!

Even Eric, who has been busy with revenge, has recently used these books as his bedtime readings!

In addition, there are huge group photos of this Carl Lance and celebrities, all of whom are female celebrities without exception: Audrey Hepburn, Elizabeth Taylor, Kim Novak...

Seeing this, Eric also understood why this Mr. Carl Lance had the reputation of a playboy at such a young age.

However, how can you say that he should be more reliable than those children?

At this moment, the two of them, led by the blonde, came to a big door at the end of the office.

The blonde knocked on the door, and a man's voice sounded inside.

"Come in!"

The blonde opened the door and made a gesture to Charles and Eric to come in.

After expressing their gratitude, the two walked in.

As the two walked in, the door behind them was closed, and the two carefully looked around.

It seems that Mr. Carl Lance must be a person who likes to enjoy himself. Compared with the office, this place is more like a huge playground, with bars, cinemas, libraries, and game consoles. Carl Lance, the owner here, was sitting on the sofa, frowning and watching the news on the TV in front of him.

"President Kennedy met with Soviet Premier Khrushchev, and the two sides jointly issued a statement on the deployment of missiles by the United States in Turkey..."

This made Charles and Eric feel something unusual!

They wanted to say something, but Carl kept turning his head to face the two of them, frowning, revealing an air of not wanting to be disturbed. After the news ended, Carl turned off the TV and still looked at the two of them with a frown. After a while, he stretched out his hand and said.

"Please sit down!"

His tone revealed obvious indifference!

This made the atmosphere in the office suddenly awkward.

Fortunately, Charles had anticipated this possibility and said it very actively.

"Hello, Mr. Carl Lance, let me introduce myself, I am Charles Xavier!"

In terms of age, Carl is younger than them, but Charles can't treat Carl in front of him as the children they recruited not long ago.

"Eric Lansheer..."

Unfortunately, Carl did not show any enthusiasm for this, and he was indeed not very happy.

Although Carl knew that this world could never be so normal after crossing into this world and awakening the power of space magic, and it was even very likely to be the American movie world, but after seeing these two famous mutants, his brows still twisted up.

Especially after he saw the news just now and the coincidence of these two coming here.

He thought of a possibility that was not so good.

"Mr. Xavier and Mr. Lansheer, what do you want to talk to me about?"

Eric seemed a little impatient and wanted to talk openly, but Charles suddenly held him down, his eyes became sharp, and he observed Carl and said.

"Very interesting, Mr. Lance, you seem to know us, and you don't welcome us very much?"

Charles' words made Eric stunned, but Carl asked with a normal expression.

"Why do you have such an idea?"

Charles showed a look of being in control and said confidently.

"First of all, Miss Susan said that Mr. Lance never sees other guests except for appointments. Secondly, let me introduce myself again, Charles Xavier, a doctor of genetics and psychology from Columbia University and Oxford University! Finally, if I was just suspicious just now, then now I am sure."

Unfortunately, Carl did not show any surprise because of Charles's inference, but just said lightly.

"I really don't want to see you! But, tell me what you came to see me for?"

Eric's eyes became puzzled, but Charles said with a sense of meaning.

"We came here to find some like-minded friends to fight a terrible enemy together. His name is Sebastian Shaw, and he is one of our kind. He has gathered some people like us around him, who want to provoke a conflict between the United States and the Soviet Union and start a war. Eric and I are weak, so..."

At this moment, Carl frowned even more deeply. The thing he least wanted to see really happened...

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