The car was in a state of panic, and the driver was sitting in a busy street.

On the wide road.

A black Chevrolet sedan shuttled through the endless stream of vehicles.

The young Magneto Eric acted as the driver, and Charles sat in the passenger seat.

Both of them looked through the front mirror intentionally or unintentionally at Carl Lance, who was a little absent-minded in the back seat of the car.

"Charles, are you sure that Mr. Lance knows us?"

"Isn't the answer obvious, Eric?"

"That's impossible. He may have seen you somewhere, but this is my first time in the United States."

"Don't get excited, Eric. I also find it amazing. Maybe it has something to do with his talent, but obviously the real answer can only be told to us by Mr. Lance himself."

"Can't you use your telepathy to see what the answer is?"

"Sorry, I can't do it. Mr. Lance seems to have a special talent that can block my telepathy."

"You mean, he is also a telepath?!"

"I don't know, at least I don't feel it yet. Don't be too nervous. This is a good thing, isn't it? Maybe we can use him to deal with the telepath next to Xiao."

"I hope so!"

As Eric said this, he looked at Carl Lance in the back row again.

However, seeing that the other party seemed to have no reaction and still looked absent-minded, Eric could roughly be sure that the other party should not be a telepath, because the conversation between the two just now was completed through Charles' telepathic ability. If the other party was also a telepath, he should have reacted.

Charles had the same idea. As a doctor of psychology, he could judge whether the other party was lying by the other party's expression and actions, not just by language. Now Carl Lance in the back row, after Charles' confirmation, he could be sure that the other party was completely distracted or thinking about other things.

He didn't want to disturb Carl's thinking, but after thinking about it, his curiosity about Carl made him twist his body, look back, and take the initiative to ask.

"Mr. Lance, can I ask you a question?"

Carl, who came back to his senses, looked into Charles' eyes through the front mirror, his eyes were deep.

"Just call me Carl, ask it?"

Carl's seemingly gentle attitude made Charles feel that his questions could become bolder.

"Okay, Carl, can I know why you don't want to see us?"

Charles didn't ask another question because he thought it was impossible to get an answer.

This question immediately attracted Eric's attention.

Carl looked at the busy streets outside and slowly asked a question.

"Are you sure we are the same kind?"

"Yes, I am sure."

Talking about his professional knowledge, Charles became very confident.

"We...mutants...we have a common gene in our bodies, which is the source of our ability. I call it the X gene. We have a cool machine. I can use that machine to expand my telepathic ability countless times and find all the same kind with this gene."

"So, where is the machine now?"

Although Carl knew the plot, he still asked without giving up, and the answer did not change at all.

"CIA, in fact..."

Charles was about to continue to speak excitedly, but Carl interrupted directly.

"You mean, you handed over a machine that can find all of our kind to the US government."

The atmosphere in the car suddenly became strangely quiet.

Charles and Eric are both smart people, and they both heard the distrust of the government in Carl's tone.

However, they were not surprised, Charles explained.

"In fact, this machine itself belongs to the CIA's secret research base, which is where we are going now. There is no one of our kind there. This machine was made by him, and in order to deal with Xiao, we must cooperate with the CIA. I know your worries, but don't worry, Mora and Oliver are very friendly to mutants."

Unfortunately, Carl was unmoved, and instead said coldly.

"Professor Charles, you are indeed naive like a teacher who has never left the ivory tower!"

At this moment, the two people in the car could hear the irony in Carl's words. Charles was only a twenty-something at this time.

The young man, who was 20 years old, said with a rather unpleasant look on his face.

"Mr. Lance, I always thought that you, who could write so many beautiful love stories, should have more trust in the world."

Carl did not refute, because both the young version of Charles and the bald version of Professor X in the future were pure and naive idealists, but it had nothing to do with right or wrong, it was just about the embarrassing status of mutants and their excessive trust in human kindness.

This was also the reason why Carl was not very happy at this time.

Because he did not want to be a mutant.

This identity would bring him endless troubles and a lot of distress.

Among the races created by so many American comics, mutants are definitely the most embarrassing existence.

Just as the purpose of mutants being created was to imply social problems such as ethnic minorities and racial discrimination, these problems could not be answered in the real world, let alone in a fictional world like X-Men.

To be honest, Carl could even accept that he was an alien.

Because humans may accept a baby from outer space to become a god on earth, but they will never accept a mutant who may replace their race to integrate into this society.

This is not about right or wrong, it is only about the survival and continuation of the race.

The atmosphere in the car became quiet again with Carl's silence.

No matter how loud the horns outside were, it seemed that they could not enter this small world.

At this moment, Eric, who had been silent all the time, suddenly asked.

"Since you don't trust us so much, why did you accept Charles' invitation..."

Carl looked at Eric, who was driving the car, through the front mirror.

"From the moment you came to me, I had no choice!"


Charles thought Carl might have misunderstood, and he explained.

"Don't worry, the identities of all the mutants found by Eric and I are absolutely confidential, even the CIA doesn't know. If you don't want to participate in our operation, we won't force you, you still..."

Carl knew it of course, but after he confirmed that he was a mutant, he immediately realized one thing.

Facing the upcoming big event, is it the most beneficial choice to participate in it rather than avoid it?

Because this can give him something very important.

That is the right to speak in the future mutant community.

Of course, this inner thought cannot be said.

"Professor, have you ever heard a saying that when a secret is known by the second person, it is no longer a secret~"


Charles didn't know what to say all of a sudden. He wanted to refute, but reason told him that Carl was right. Eric looked at Carl with brighter eyes.

Carl didn't really want to embarrass Charles. After all, as the leader of the future mutants, Professor X is absolutely qualified, and his mistakes are only based on believing too much in the good side of human beings, so he said in a slightly relaxed tone.

"Fortunately, you are lucky!"

Luckily for what?

Of course, Carl is a time traveler, and he doesn't have much identification with the humans in this world.

Not to mention, this is still the United States, or the world of movies.

At this moment, Carl's ambition, which had already lost its restraint, became even more crazy and expanded.

Because he saw that this was a good opportunity. Unlike the previous small fights, he could become one of the leaders of the mutants, and then use the power of the mutants to become a god who controls the world...

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