After the wedding, the two of them were very close.

It was a bit regrettable that Carl did not get on the bed with Raven as he wished!

Especially in the form of Mystique.

Raven, who had untied her knot, chose to say goodbye mischievously!

Carl wanted to find Salvador, but unfortunately, although it was only one day, the high-intensity shooting training still made Salvador's body feel exhausted. Salvador's mutant ability did not bring her strong physical fitness. The short-term high-intensity training made her hands unable to even hold a spoon, let alone hold other things.

Amanda performed very well. His mutant talent was born to be a warrior. Under high-intensity training, he was growing at an incredible speed. All aspects of his body were evolving to make him a sharpshooter and a warrior.

Darwin, as his name suggests!

On the second day, Hank also brought him good news.

In Charles' castle.

In the laboratory that Hank temporarily set up.

Hank was introducing his new invention to Carl with some excitement.

A huge machine that looked like a prison electric chair.

Why does it feel a bit like Charles' brain wave amplifier.

"What is this?"

Carl didn't mind being a guinea pig these days. He took the initiative to contribute his abilities and body to Hank's research. He had only one purpose, which was to find a way for Hank to find a way to enhance his internal space magic.

Carl didn't mind that his abilities were exposed by Hank after being studied.

Because, compared with the dangers that may come in the future, the power is the most important.

And Carl was unwilling to give up such an opportunity.

You know, if it is purely in the world view of the X-Men movie version, Hank can almost be said to be the smartest mutant in the world, even human beings, without a doubt.

If Hank can't do it, then Carl really doesn't know who to find.

Hank also introduced it with some excitement and shyness.

"This is a smaller version of the brain wave amplifier I made. The original version is in the CIA. I made it originally to let the professor find more of our kind, but it is obviously not useful now, so I modified it. These days, I have been studying your talent and where that magic comes from, but unfortunately, maybe because it is a kind of cosmic ray that humans cannot detect now, I still have no clue, so I thought about it in reverse."

Carl is also a top student, and he understood it all at once.

"You mean I will find it myself?"

"Yes, I don't know what the result will be, but this is the best way I can think of at the moment."

Carl's eyes lit up.

This is indeed a good idea.

Since Carl awakened the space magic, although he has developed the first step of space magic at will, because it is a kind of innate ability, he has no idea what this ability is and how it comes from. If this machine can help him understand this problem, then his trip will be worthwhile.

"So, what should I do?"

Hank pointed to the electric chair beside him and said.

"Just sit on it!"


Carl hesitated for a moment, but still sat down.

However, seeing Hank about to put the tube full of various wires on his head, he still asked with some uncertainty.

"Are you sure it's okay? You know, I'm not a telepath like Charles."

"This is different from the amplifier of the CIA. To be precise, I call this machine: Super-sensitive sensor amplifier. It generates induction by emitting special electromagnetic waves and the electrical signals in your brain that control the neurons of your body, amplifying your sense of touch, taste, smell, vision, hearing, etc., and enhancing your perception of the outside world. Of course, if you feel uncomfortable at that time, I can stop immediately."

"Okay, I'm fine."

Carl still believes in Hank's personal qualities and is not worried that he will harm himself.

However, watching Hank put the machine on his head, Carl couldn't help but say.

"Please start from the weakest gear."

This made Hank seem to know Carl again, with a strange smile on his face.

"What's the matter?"

"I thought you would let me drive the highest gear directly!"

Wearing a strange helmet, as if

Carl, the little white mouse, rolled his eyes.

"I'm not crazy! Besides, isn't rigor and safety the most important thing in science?"

Carl's words made Hank think, but he quickly came to his senses and walked to the edge of the console.

"Are you ready?"

"Okay, let's get started!"

As Hank turned on the machine and adjusted the gear to the lowest gear, the whole machine lit up. In a somewhat nervous mood, Carl suddenly felt a strange dizziness coming, and the feeling was like you had a new pair of high-myopia glasses!

After this dizziness, Carl instantly felt that the world in front of him was different.

How to say it?

It was like a world washed by water.

Everything became clean and clear, and became brighter.

There were also colorful lights in the air.

The nose smelled all kinds of smells.

The whole world seemed to be added to slow motion.

He could even clearly see the dust particles floating in the air.


Suddenly, Hank's 3D-surrounding shouting in Carl's ear brought him back to his senses.

He turned his head and saw Hank calling him. He could even clearly see the pores on Hank's skin. How to say it, it was indeed a bit disgusting.

"Are you okay!?"

"Don't worry, it's okay, but I need to adapt a little."


Seeing that there seemed to be nothing wrong with Carl, Hank also relaxed.

Carl adapted quickly.

In about six or seven minutes, Carl was able to completely adapt to this new world under sensory amplification.


"Okay, now you can try to use your magical power in this state and see if it is different from the usual state?"


At this moment, a light blue energy like smoke emanated from Carl's body and lingered around Carl's body. At the same time, all the countless coordinate points on the earth appeared in his perception.

Soon, Carl immediately felt the difference.

Before this, although Carl could sense these spatial coordinates no matter how far away they were, the problem of the large number still bothered him. Carl's solution was to set up directories for these spatial coordinates.

He only needed to remember the spatial coordinates of the commonly used item compartments and some secret bases. For the others, if he didn't remember them, he just needed to look them up through the directory.

But now, sensing these dense spatial coordinates, he found that the number seemed to no longer bother him.

What is this? Enhanced memory? Or is it the acceleration of information processing speed due to enhanced senses! ?

Carl didn't know, but he had to say that he really liked the feeling of being in control of everything...

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