The two of them were so busy that they had to work together.

"How do you feel now?"

When Hank saw Carl's satisfied smile, he knew that there was no problem at the moment.

Indeed, that was the case.

"I feel great, I don't know how to describe it."

"Then can you sense that there is any energy you are familiar with in the world around you?"

This brought Carl back to his senses.

Yes, his purpose this time was not this, but to increase the magic power in his body.

Carl shook his head, thought about it, and decided to speak boldly.

"How many gears does this super-sensitive tactile sensor amplifier have?"


"Very good, let's try the second gear!"

Instantly, as Hank challenged the machine to the second gear, the familiar dizziness came again, but Carl was no longer too surprised. After adapting, he still did not feel the familiar space magic, but saw another wonderful scene.

How to say it?

Although Carl could sense the existence of his space coordinates before, he could not see it from a visual perspective, but now it is different, Carl really sees it.

He saw directly with his eyes, a strange blue world, in which there were densely packed space coordinates formed by light blue space magic, floating there like stars.

At this moment, Carl felt that he seemed to have really begun to touch the true meaning of his space magic, but it was not enough.

So, he said without hesitation.

"Hank, turn it to the third gear!"

Hank nodded and turned the switch.


This time, the dizziness disappeared, but it did not mean that Carl did not find new changes. Instead, a surprising scene appeared.

He saw a more microscopic physical world.

The world in front of him, as if observed through a magnifying glass, began to increase in magnification.

The effect was that he clearly saw that the dust in the air in the world in front of him began to grow larger and larger.

From so small that it could only be seen, it slowly became the size of a fist.

He could clearly see the various rugged and twisted textures on the surface of these dust particles.

This scene made Carl instantly think of the movie he had seen: Ant-Man.

He seemed to have the ability to observe the microscopic world.

In other words, are these magic powers of his related to the Pym particles in Ant-Man?


The 3D surround sound sounded in his ears again.

Carl could no longer see Hank, and could only see a huge body like a mountain shaking in front of him.

"I feel great, Hank, adjust to the fourth gear!"

Because he did not feel any discomfort, Carl said directly.



As Hank shifted the gear to the fourth gear.

At this moment, an unprecedented feeling appeared.

Carl felt that he had entered a magical state.

Carl's eyes went straight through the huge dust particles, and what appeared in front of him were all kinds of ethereal worlds like bacteria, fungi, and the universe.

These bacteria and fungi floated in this ethereal world like meteorites and planets.

Carl had never seen such a strange, but indescribably beautiful world.

At this moment, Carl no longer needed to hesitate.

"Hank, fifth gear!"


In Charles's castle.

Mora came here today.

Because during the period when the mutants were training, the United States discovered a building similar to a launch platform arranged by the Soviets in Cuba. After confirmation by experts, it was a launch silo used to launch missiles far beyond the range of more than 2,000 kilometers, which meant that the whole United States was under the threat of Soviet missiles.

Moreover, these launchers may be equipped with nuclear weapons with nuclear warheads.

This made Kennedy, the then US President, furious and he made a public speech to the whole country.

At this moment, in the living room, Charles, Eric, Mora, Raven, Alex, and Sean were sitting in front of the TV, listening to this speech.

"From the perspective of national policy, any crossing of the Cuban embargo line..."

"Should be regarded as an attack by the Soviet Union on the United States... The United States will give a full counterattack!"

Watching the Soviet warships sailing on the sea on TV, Erik

Rick knew that Xiao must be behind this.

"Xiao must be there?"

"How do you know?"

"Two superpowers are facing off, and Xiao wants to start World War III. He won't miss such an opportunity."

Charles gave the answer.

"Let's stop talking about diplomacy. Let's get ready for what's next!"

On TV, the confrontation between the two navies continued. Eric and the other children left, and Mora asked directly.

"How are these children prepared?"

Charles thought for a while and said slowly.

"I think they are ready!"

"That's good. We don't have time. Today is the 23rd. World war may break out every day from now on."

"I understand!"

Charles's face also became serious. He thought about it and decided to make more preparations for the safety of these children.

But at this moment, suddenly, a crisp sound rang out, attracting the attention of Charles and Mora.

They found that it was the sound of the spoon on the porcelain plate shaking.

But no one moved the spoon just now?

Just when both of them were confused, an incredible scene appeared.

Everything around them slowly floated up...

Then the spoon snapped and was broken by some terrible force...


This magical scene, of course, did not only happen in the living room.

Everyone living here discovered this scene and guessed the possible cause of all this.

Sure enough, when everyone rushed to Hank's laboratory.

They saw a dreamy and terrifying scene.

In Hank's laboratory, the light blue energy was flying everywhere, and the source of this light blue energy was undoubtedly Carl sitting on the amplifier.

The loss of control of this light blue energy caused sparks and lightning everywhere in the laboratory, and the walls began to crack.

Hank stood beside the console in a panic, not knowing what to do.

"What's going on, Hank?"

"I don't know!"

Hank explained that he helped Carl develop his abilities. When he drove to the fifth gear, he found that Carl seemed to be unable to hear his voice and could not wake up.

"Can we turn it off now?"

Hank was indeed a little panicked.

"I don't know. If I turn it off now, Carl may never wake up."

"Damn it, think of a way!"

World War III is about to break out outside, but such a big trouble suddenly appeared inside.

If Carl is not awakened, no one knows what trouble Carl's runaway power will bring.

"Sorry, I..."

Hank did not expect that helping Carl develop his abilities would have such consequences. He thought about it and suddenly said with a bright eye.

"Maybe we can give him some stimulation, so that after the amplifier is amplified, it can be transmitted to the depths of his consciousness, so that he can feel that we are waking him up."

"What stimulation, stab him?"

Alex asked curiously.

Then everyone saw a scene that stunned them.

Raven walked through the dangerous light blue energy without hesitation and came to Carl's side, then kissed him...

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