The two of them were in a mess, and the two of them were in a mess.

In the night, in Carl's room.

Everyone gathered together, looking at Carl lying on the bed with concern.

Hank carefully checked Carl's body, and only breathed a sigh of relief after confirming that he was fine.

"Don't worry, professor, there is nothing wrong with Carl's body, he is just a little weak."

Charles and others breathed a sigh of relief.

Carl looked at everyone apologetically.

"Sorry, this time it's my fault. I overestimated the risk of exploring the unknown world. If it weren't for Raven, I might never come back..."

Carl said, looking at Raven with gratitude, and Raven also responded with a gentle look.

"I'm glad you're okay, Carl. Don't do such dangerous things in the future."

This made Hank on the side look a little jealous. In fact, until now, he still couldn't forget the kiss Raven gave Carl just now. At that moment, he felt that something in his body was broken.

Charles was the same as Hank. At this time, he looked at the tender eyes of Raven and Carl, who he raised, and felt as if something was leaving him. He could only change the subject and ask.

"So, what happened? Carl, why did your ability go out of control?"

"Before answering your question, can I know how long my ability has been out of control?"

Charles looked at Hank, and Hank answered.

"10 minutes!"


At this moment, Carl's tone was also a little amazed, and his eyes seemed to have returned to a long time ago.

"But I feel that I have been in that world for at least a year!"


Everyone was shocked at this time.

Charles asked more directly.

"What world?"

"I don't know how to describe it."

Carl recalled.

"After Hank turned on the fifth gear, I seemed to enter a world that might be composed of microscopic particles. There I saw a beautiful but terrifying world that could not be described in words."

Hank, who was originally lost, suddenly brightened up his eyes and said excitedly.

"You mean you entered the world of molecules, atoms, or even subatomic atoms and electrons?"

"I don't know, but I feel it should be."


To be honest, none of the people present could understand this topic. Although Charles was also a doctor, he was in psychology and genetics, and he was still a little confused about this kind of physics, so he asked another question.

"Then why don't you come back? I mean wake up..."

"I can't do it, because I entered a very strange state. How can I describe it? It felt like my consciousness left my body and entered that huge world alone. That world was too big, like the universe, or even bigger than the universe. I got lost as soon as I entered. What's more troublesome is that in that world, although I can still use my abilities, I can't feel the coordinates I set in the outside world. This seems to have exceeded the distance I can perceive. I am like a stone abandoned in the deep space of the universe. I can't find the way back. At this time..."

Carl looked at Raven with a gentle look.

"A beautiful golden light with various colors, like an angel descended, came down. I followed this light to find the way back."


Seeing this scene, Charles didn't know what to say, but Alex on the side said with a sneer.

"Is this the power of love?"

This made Charles and Hank look unhappy.

At this moment, hurried footsteps were heard outside, and Mora, a CIA agent, walked in.

"Sorry, everyone, I may have to tell you a bad news!"

After that, he looked at Carl lying on the bed and asked apologetically.

"Mr. Carl, I know it may be a bit unkind to say this, but can you participate in the operation now?"

Mora's words gave everyone present a bad premonition.

"What happened?"

Mora took out a document he had just received from the CIA.

"Just now, the mutant imprisoned in the CIA: Emma Frost was rescued. In addition to the Red Devil and the Torrent, there was also a mutant we had never seen before."

Mora said, and handed the document to

The information was handed to Charles, and then he said with a bad face.

"It seems that during this period of time, Sebastian Shaw also found a helper for himself. He almost killed all the CIA agents in the place where Emma was imprisoned."

The faces of the mutants present changed drastically, including Carl.

Because he recognized who the mutant Mora was talking about through the photo in Charles's hand.

Wolverine's half-brother: Sabretooth.

So, is this a butterfly effect?

At this moment, Carl knew that his idea of ​​​​keeping himself out of trouble would not work.

However, he still had no idea of ​​doing it himself.

Because of the nature of spatial magic, Carl has always been clear about his position, that is: he is a mage or a shooter.

He will not take any risk that may cost him his life, and be stupid enough to fight these guys at close range.

Unless one day, he can also have the ability of immortality and self-healing similar to Wolverine.

Moreover, he has more important things to do.

This trip to the particle world has brought him a lot of gains.

Although he still doesn't understand what the space magic in his body is, he has roughly confirmed a conjecture and gained two new abilities.

This conjecture is that the ability to control space in his body may not be related to the X gene in his body alone. His soul as a traverser also plays a vital role in it.

Carl had thought about it before. After all, as a traverser, the only thing that is different from this world is the soul. It's just that there was no evidence before, but this trip to the particle world gave him a piece of ironclad evidence.

This ironclad evidence is that when he enters the tiny particle space with a posture of transcending the flesh and using a power similar to consciousness, he can still use his space magic.

Moreover, when he wants to use space magic, the appearance of space magic is not emitted from Carl's body during normal use, but it just flies out of the surrounding space out of thin air.

It's as if these space magics broke through a wall by themselves.

This made Carl think of a setting in Marvel: the fourth wall.

Simply put, the fourth wall is a wall that separates the world where comic characters live from the real world.

Carl's crossing is exactly breaking the fourth wall.

However, characters like Deadpool came from the comic world to the real world, but Carl went from the real world to the comic world.

In addition, he gained two abilities.

The first one, he called it: super-sensory state. The moment he woke up, he found that although he had been rescued from the super-sensitive sensor amplifier, he could still observe the microscopic world under the super-sensitive sensor amplifier, and he could also clearly see the light blue world where all the spatial coordinates he had set were located, and he knew them well.

This feeling is like after a certain gene lock in his body was opened by the super-sensitive sensor amplifier, his body evolved and awakened new abilities. Of course, it did not reach the abnormal level of the fifth gear. Now he can only enter the state between the second and third gears at most.

The second ability is the biggest gain of this journey to the particle world.

That is, he can now physically control the real space.

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