The space is a three-dimensional space, just like the coordinate axis XYZ!

After entering the wonderful particle world, Carl discovered an interesting thing.

That is, even though he has entered the very tiny particle world, he found that the light blue energy that constitutes his space magic has no physical space changes, such as length, height, density, size, etc.

You know, the particle world is a very tiny, almost two-dimensional world.

In this world, atoms are transformed into nebulae, as big as footballs, but the space magic is still in a state of smoke and dust.

This gave Carl two conjectures. One was that the energy unit that constituted his spatial magic might be much smaller than molecules and atoms, so he could not see any changes. The other was that his spatial magic did not have the concept of space in the physical sense.

This was something he had never thought of when he was developing his abilities before.

The way to verify these two conjectures was also very simple.

That is to constantly gather all the spatial magic together.

If it was the first conjecture, as long as there was space in the physical sense, the more space magic was gathered together, the larger the volume would always be.

But if it was the second one, it would be interesting.

The result was indeed interesting. When Carl gathered all the spatial magic he could mobilize to one point, he found that the spatial magic did not have any spatial changes in the physical sense at all. Even Carl could compress the spatial magic infinitely as long as he wanted.

This meant that Carl's second conjecture came true.

His spatial magic did not have the concept of space in the physical sense. It was an existence beyond the basic physical concept of space.

This reminded Carl of a weapon of cosmic law in the novel "The Three-Body Problem" he had read, that is: the two-dimensional foil, which can deprive the concept of height in a physical sense and turn the three-dimensional world into a two-dimensional world.

So, he got inspiration.

Carl is not a scientist. He is not interested in studying what kind of energy his space magic is. He just wants to turn space magic into a weapon that can protect himself.

So, in the one year in the particle world, he has been trying to see if he can use space magic to affect the real world.

Then, he succeeded.

Carl couldn't figure out the specific principle, just like he didn't understand how he distorted space to create a portal, but he probably had a guess that space magic is like a quantum, and there is a quantum superposition state.

In short, when Carl needs space magic to have space in the physical sense, it has it, and when Carl doesn't need it, it doesn't have it. Even when it has space in the physical sense, he can control the standard scale of this space.

Just like 1CM is 1CM in the physical sense, but Carl wants to make 2CM become 1CM, or even 3CM, 4CM, or even higher, he can do it, and vice versa.

When the space magic in this state of modified standard scale enters the real world, it can affect the standard scale of space in the real physical world, making it larger or smaller.

Of course, Carl has not reached the abnormal level of the two-dimensional foil that can directly deprive the dimension.

Now Carl can only affect the real world by changing the dimensions of the three-dimensional world, including: length, width and height.

This is a bit like the Pym particles in Ant-Man.

But there are some troubles. Carl's ability does not change the mass of the object, but only changes the size of the object. This means that this will not happen, the unreasonable setting of Pym particles that the volume becomes smaller and the power becomes larger, or the volume becomes larger and the power becomes larger, but the volume changes, and the power will not change at all.

However, this is already a huge improvement for Carl.

With this first step, the rest will naturally follow...

Carl has developed a series of interesting abilities.

For example: space stance.

Carl can use space magic to create a special space around his body, and the scale of this space is distorted.

Simply put, this space is like glass, only 1CM thick, but in fact it has been stretched to more than a thousand meters, ten thousand meters, or even longer.

Taking bullets as an example, the range of most pistols is

It is only a thousand meters, which means that when the bullet flies into this field, it will quickly become smaller and disappear into it, and then, because of the range, it cannot fly out of this field, and finally, it loses power and falls down.

This completely makes up for Carl's shortcomings in defense and enhances his offensive ability.

It's a pity that he still can't use space magic to directly control and destroy the material in the real world like Scarlet Witch or Doctor Strange.

In addition, it's a bit troublesome that the mass cannot be changed.

Otherwise, Carl can use space magic to directly create a real storage space prop, such as a space ring.

Now he can make a space ring, but if there are too many things in it, the weight will exceed the standard. This thing needs to be worn on the finger, which is not as convenient as the original space coordinates.

However, with this first step, Carl believes that he will have plenty of opportunities to solve this problem in the future.

Now? Let's solve the problem of the saber-tooth tiger first!


"It's him..."

Carl's sudden words startled everyone present, and Mora asked in disbelief.

"Do you know this guy?"

"Yes, your CIA doesn't have any information about this guy?"


Mora was a little stunned.

"Should we have it?"

Carl understood.

"It seems that your CIA and the military are not in solidarity, otherwise, you wouldn't not know this guy."

Carl's mysterious look surprised everyone present, including Mora.

Carl didn't let them wait any longer and directly told everything he knew.

"I don't know what his specific name is, I only know that his name is Victor."

Carl didn't call out his nickname directly, because he was not sure whether he still had the nickname of Sabertooth Tiger.

"Is he dangerous?"

Charles asked the key question.

"Very dangerous, even more dangerous than Xiao and the others?"

Carl's answer made everyone present a little incredible.

"Is he very powerful?"

Alex asked in disbelief.

"Victor's power does not lie in his ability, but in his character. Let's put it this way. He has participated in almost all the wars since the birth of the United States, including the Civil War, World War I, and World War II, which makes him experienced in combat..."

"Wait, you mean the Civil War, that's..."

"Yes, you're right. This is also one of his abilities. He has a strong self-healing ability, which makes him almost immortal and impossible to be killed. With this ability, plus the killing skills cultivated in the war, he has become a nearly perfect killing machine. What's more troublesome is that he will hardly show mercy to the enemy."

Now everyone looked at each other.

"Even you can't do it, Carl?"

Raven asked worriedly.

"No... Unfortunately, take the battle between me and the Red Devil as an example. The reason why I was able to defeat the Red Devil was that I relied on my keen perception of space, which allowed me to determine where he appeared. But Victor is different. He only needs to rely on pure combat intuition to kill the Red Devil. Let's put it this way. My combat skills are only acquired through learning and sparring, but this guy is built up with countless lives. He is a well-deserved killing machine. If we meet him, even Charles can't deal with him, because he also has a certain resistance to telepathy, and as long as he is negligent, he will take your life without mercy."

Karl is not modest, which is why he is unwilling to take action.

Although he thinks that his melee fighting skills are also very good, compared with the killing machine honed on the battlefield like the saber-toothed tiger, it is not at the same level.

Not to mention, this guy also has the ability to heal himself.


This made everyone present feel cold all over. One Xiao was enough, and now there is such a terrible guy.

"Then what can we do to deal with him?"

Raven looked at Carl with hope.

Carl certainly wouldn't let her down.

"Of course there is. The only guy in the world who can deal with Victor is his brother, Logan Howlett. If we can find him..."

After this, Charles and Eric looked at each other, because this name was too familiar to them...

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