The night is coming.

New York, Chinatown.

As the car stopped, Carl, Charles and Eric got out of the car.

Carl looked at the bar in front of him: Mars Bar and the drunkards coming and going around, and asked in confusion.

"Are you sure that the Logan I mentioned is here?"

Charles nodded without a doubt.

"He's drinking inside now. A few days ago, Eric and I looked for him, but unfortunately, the communication was not pleasant."

"Okay, leave it to me next!"

Amid the dynamic music and choking smoke, the three walked into the bar.

Without any surprise, Carl saw the undoubted protagonist of X-Men, Wolverine: Logan, sitting at the bar, drinking and smoking a cigar. It was also no surprise that when Carl walked up and introduced himself, he also received the same irritable answer.

"Go Fuck Yourselves!!!"

Hearing the familiar answer, Charles and Eric both had expected smiles on their faces.

Seeing this, Carl shrugged helplessly, and then directly took out the photo of Victor killing people in the CIA. Logan, who was smoking a cigar, glanced at it subconsciously, and the whole person was stunned.

"So, can we find a place to talk now?"


In a private room in the bar.

Logan smoked a cigar, drank a glass of wine, and listened to Charles's story.

After a while, Logan concluded without much care.

"That is to say, Victor is now with this guy named Xiao, who wants to start World War III, and you have formed a scout group to deal with them, but you think you can't deal with Victor, so you come to me?"

"Yes, we need your help!"

Logan took a deep breath.

"So, how do you know me and my relationship with Victor?"

At this time, Charles and Eric looked at Carl.

In fact, the two were also very curious about this question.

After all, they had such doubts when they first met Carl.

Of course, Carl also had a prepared speech.

"When I found myself different from ordinary people, I already understood one thing. I would never be the only special one. So, after I became rich, I looked for traces of people like me all over the world. I knew about Eric and Logan through this. As for Charles, to be honest, your paper is telling the world about the existence of mutants. However, I didn't bother you because the appearance of this day means that we can no longer hide ourselves."


Charles and Eric certainly wouldn't believe Carl's words too much, but the truth was not so important at this time.

Logan also understood.

However, he was more concerned about one question.

"Are you rich?"


Carl glanced at Logan and saw that he always glanced at the photo of Victor on the table from time to time. He knew that Logan had actually agreed in his heart. After all, no one knew how dangerous Victor was better than Logan, so he gave him a step and spoke.

"At least you don't have to worry about not having money to go to the bar in the future."


Logan raised his eyebrows and put down the cigar in his mouth.

"I agree, but there is one thing I must make clear. I am not interested in your Boy Scouts. I am only responsible for Victor."

"No problem, deal!"

Seeing that Logan was persuaded so easily, Carl was also very satisfied.

"Do you have anything to prepare? If not, we can go to our gathering place now. You should have heard the radio. We may have to deal with Xiao and others in the next few days. We will be together at the end to facilitate the action."

"Nothing to prepare, as long as there is wine in that place."

"Don't worry, there is enough wine!"

After Carl finished speaking, he grabbed at the air, and in Logan's stunned eyes, a portal appeared. On the other side of the portal was Charles's castle, and then he looked at Charles and Eric.

"Are you going to take the way?"

Charles and Eric walked in first without caring.

Carl made a gesture to Logan, and Logan

Logan followed in with some surprise.

As for the car, just leave it there.


Inside Charles's castle.

After a brief space journey, Logan looked at the portal that disappeared behind him in disbelief.

"Is this your talent?"

Charles and his companions, who came in first, had already prepared Logan's accommodation.

"Yes, theoretically, I can go anywhere on Earth, so if you want to travel somewhere, tell me. Of course, it must be a place I've been to."

"Don't worry, I won't be polite. By the way, where is the wine you mentioned?"

"What do you want to drink?"

"Whiskey will do?"

Carl grabbed the air, reached into a portal, and took out a bottle of wine.

"How about Scotch whisky?"

Logan opened the bottle cap in surprise and took a sip, and immediately exclaimed with satisfaction.

"How did you do it?"

"Although I don't like drinking, I bought some wineries as investments. I have whiskey, rum, vodka, brandy, red wine, whatever you want. If you like, I can give you a gold card, which allows you to drink for free until you die."

Logan's eyes lit up.

"That's really a happy trouble. Now I believe what you said is true."

At this time, under the leadership of Charles, these young mutants also came over, wanting to see what this powerful mutant boasted by Carl looked like.

"Is this your Boy Scout?"

"For the sake of the gold card, give these young people a good impression."

If it were anyone else, Logan would certainly not be so easy to talk to, but for the sake of the wine, Logan tried his best to show a kinder expression on his face, but he looked a little silly.

In this way, everyone introduced each other in a relatively pleasant atmosphere.

After the introduction, Charles took Logan to the room prepared for him.

Everyone dispersed quickly, leaving only Raven to look at Logan who was leaving, and asked curiously.

"This is the powerful guy you mentioned, who looks like the big fool."

"You'll know later, by the way, Raven..."

At this point, Carl turned around and looked at Raven.

"Speaking of which, I haven't thanked you for your kiss yet, saving me from that dark world."

At this moment, the two looked at each other, and an indescribable emotion filled the air between them. Raven restrained some kind of fiery emotion in her heart, looked at Carl's beautiful eyes, and said slowly.

"Then how are you going to thank me..."

"How about giving myself to you?"

"I don't have the confidence to possess you alone!"

"Okay, then I can only give you another gift. When our operation is over, I will take you to a place..."

And in a corner, Hank looked at this scene in confusion and made a certain decision...

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