The first time was a long time ago.

Time: 10:15 am.

On the blue Caribbean Sea.

Under the escort of 68 US air squadrons and eight aircraft carriers, a huge fleet of 90 warships blocked the entire Cuban waters. Looking down from the sky, you can see the US Navy warships lined up in a line on the blue sea.

On the opposite side of the US Navy blockade line are the Soviet warships that are also on high alert.

The two largest superpowers in the world are in a tense confrontation at this moment.

Both sides are holding their breath and concentrating their minds.

Because, at this time, just one negligence may trigger the Third World War.

As the commanders of the warships of the United States and the Soviet Union, they have all experienced the most brutal war. Although their military status makes them obey orders, no one wants to start a war before the final order is issued.

Both sides looked at the cargo ship between the blockade lines of both sides: the Aral Sea cargo ship.

As long as this cargo ship crosses the central blockade line, World War III will break out instantly.

"In the opposite direction, twelve nautical miles, three minutes left, sir, the Soviet cargo ship will reach the embargo line!"

"If they cross the line, they will be on their own! May God bless you!"

The commander of the US warship put down the telescope. At this moment, he could only issue the final order.

"Initiate a combat alert!!!"

"Everyone enter combat status!!!"

On the command ship of the Soviet warship, the Soviet commander was also watching with a telescope, but he could not issue the final order. Seeing that the US warship had entered combat status, he could only look at the messenger behind him with the last expectation.

Unfortunately, the answer he got was a shake of his head.

There was no new order from the Kremlin, which meant that war was inevitable.

A commander who advocated war came up and asked sarcastically.

"Captain, we have received instructions, why are we waiting for new orders!"

"I have experienced a war, comrade, I don't want to start a dispute again!"

But even so, facing the countdown, the duty of a soldier still made him issue orders quickly.

"Enter combat readiness immediately!!!"

So, the sound of various combat alarms resounded throughout the sea, and the artillery of the United States had completely locked the cargo ship that was about to cross the blockade.

Seeing that the war was about to break out, fortunately, at this time, on the Soviet warship, the messenger excitedly brought the final order.

"Captain, new order from the Kremlin, before 10:25, the Aral Sea cargo ship...changes course and returns to the port of Odessa..."

At this time, the soldiers on the Soviet warship were relieved, they knew that the war was over.

But at this moment, an accident occurred.

"Aral Sea, please answer... I order you to return to where you are!"

The order was issued, but the Aral Sea cargo ship in the distance did not make any movement and continued to rush straight towards the blockade. The voice of the messenger became more and more anxious, but there was no news from the Aral Sea cargo ship.

Now the soldiers on the Soviet warships all felt something was wrong.

They transmitted all this to the United States through the radio, but the United States only thought it was an old trick of the Soviet Union and still aimed the artillery and prepared to fire.

Just when both sides were very anxious, suddenly, a burst of air explosions came, attracting everyone's attention.

I saw a supersonic plane passing through the clouds, from behind the US warship, and appeared above the sea where the two sides confronted each other.


"It doesn't look good?"

On the fighter plane, the beast as the driver immediately noticed the cargo ship that was about to cross the cordon and the missile launch port opened on the US warship.

Time was urgent, Charles immediately used his telepathy to understand the current situation, and then he saw the figure of the Red Devil on the cargo ship.

"FUCK, everyone on the cargo ship is dead, the Red Devil hijacked the cargo ship, and he controlled the ship to head towards the blockade..."

Mora, who was sitting in the co-pilot, said immediately.

"Once this ship crosses the line, it will be bombed by warships, and the war will begin..."

Everyone's face changed, seeing that the situation was tense, Charles had no other choice, and immediately used his telepathy.

, and controlled the commander of the pro-war faction on the Soviet warship.


The missile silo on the Soviet warship opened, and a missile was launched with flames.

This surprised the American warship that had already started counting down and preparing to launch.

They thought the Soviet Union had started the war in advance, and then they saw the missile brushed past the plane and hit the cargo ship directly.


Although it was a bit strange, at this moment, both the Soviet army and the American warships were relieved.

"Well done, professor!"

On the supersonic plane, everyone was very excited to see this scene. The crisis was finally completely resolved. The next step was to catch Xiao and his accomplices, but now there was a problem. The radar of the supersonic plane could not find the submarine underwater. Fortunately, Sean's ultrasonic ability was a natural sonar.

With Charles' telepathic ability, Charles quickly found the location of Xiao's submarine.

Next, it depends on Eric.

So, both the Soviets and the Americans noticed the plane that suddenly floated on the sea.

"What are they doing?"

They didn't understand, but they soon saw it and were stunned.

At this moment, the existence of mutants was finally revealed to the world.

Under the dumbfounded eyes of the Americans and the Soviets, a steel submarine weighing more than ten tons flew out from the blue sea, violating the laws of physics and floating in the air. Now even a fool would know what was going on.


On the submarine that flew out, the hatch was opened and the figure of Jiliu appeared.

Looking at Eric who was controlling the submarine above his head, a tornado gathered directly on his hands.

Without Charles's reminder, Salvador stood up.

"Leave this guy to me!"

Two insect wings appeared behind her and she flew out at high speed.

Spit out a fireball at Jiliu, which forced Jiliu to stop his ability.

Seeing this, Charles immediately used his telepathic ability to contact Sean and asked him to help Salvador deal with the rapids.

He helped Eric control the submarine.

Finally, under Eric's control, the submarine fell on the coastline of Cuba, and Hank also safely controlled the plane to land not far away.

Four figures slowly walked out from the center of the torn submarine.

White Queen: Emma Frost, Red Devil: Azazel, Rapids: Janos Questi and Sabretooth: Victor Creed.

On their opponents, seven figures also walked down from the supersonic plane that fell from the sky.

Professor X: Charles Xavier, Magneto: Eric Lanshere, Human Agent: Mora, Mystique: Raven, Beast: Hank, Ravage: Alex, Darwin: Amanda.

In addition, the Sirens flying on the sea: Sean and Angel Salvador.

This seems to be a 4V9 situation. Charles has the upper hand, but just from the excitement of the guys on the opposite side, it is clear that this war is not so easy to win.

On Xiao's side, the newly joined Victor showed his fangs and looked at these little ghosts with interest.

"Is this the Boy Scout you are talking about? Doesn't it look good?"

But soon, Victor's pupils shrank, and then he became more excited.

Because opposite him, a portal opened, and his good brother: Logan appeared in front of him...

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