The young mutants finally breathed a sigh of relief when they saw Carl and Logan coming out of the portal.

"What should we do now? We must stop Xiao, otherwise we will be finished when she detonates the nuclear bomb."

Mora explained her discovery to Carl anxiously.

"Nuclear bomb!?"

This made Logan on the side raise his eyebrows. Is it such a big deal?

Fortunately, Carl did not waste time and issued an order directly.

"Sean, Salvador, you guys will take over the Riptide... Hank, Amanda, and the Red Devil... Charles, Eric, you guys will take over Shaw... Alex, Raven, you guys will be responsible for support... I'll take over the White Queen... Logan, do you have any questions..."

Carl didn't want to take over the command directly, but now Charles' attention was on Emma's telepathic ability.

Everyone shook their heads.

Eric's eyes were red.

"Then don't waste time, just go!"

Looking at the young mutants who were attacking, the White Queen and the other four didn't hesitate at all.

The body of the Riptide began to spin rapidly, turning into a hurricane, attacking Sean and Salvador who were flying over.

The Red Devil also knew that he was no match for Carl, so he disappeared and faced the Beast and Amanda who also had excellent melee abilities.

Eric couldn't bear it anymore and rushed into the submarine to look for Shaw's trace.

Neither the White Queen nor Victor stopped him.

Victor, the new member, had no such idea at all. Nothing could make him more excited than seeing his dear brother: Logan.

As for the White Queen, this was her first time meeting Carl, and in an instant, she discovered that her telepathic ability seemed to be useless for the strange man in front of her, which made her directly enter the diamond state with vigilance.

Carl was not interested in interrupting the conversation between the two brothers, so he said to the beautiful and glowing White Queen in front of him.

"Ms. Emma! Don't be nervous, I won't hurt any beautiful lady!"

After that, he looked at the two brothers who were looking at each other affectionately.

"Do you mind changing places? Maybe we can sit down and have a cup of coffee, chat, and wait for things to end!"

At this moment, Emma looked at the playboy smile on Carl's face, and then looked at the two brothers next to him. The diamond state on her body disappeared, and she said charmingly.

"Why not?"

Looking at the two people leaving, Victor and Logan were indeed not very interested.

Victor's eyes were always on Logan.

"It's been a long time since we last met, James. I didn't expect you to join these scouts!"

Logan ignored Victor's sarcasm.

"It's been fourteen or fifteen years, Victor. But you, why did you join this Hellfire Club... I didn't know when you became interested in destroying the world."

"Nothing? It's just that you know that people like us are born to be inseparable from war. Without war, we are useless. Then this guy found me. I thought he was interesting, so I joined..."

Logan didn't doubt Victor's words.

"What's next?"

Victor had an excited smile on his face, and sharp claws stretched out from his nails.

"I thought this operation would be a bit boring. After all, I'm not interested in any scouts, but I didn't expect you to appear here, James, let me see if there has been any progress in the past ten years..."

Logan's expression also became excited, and bone claws extended from his fingers.

"As you wish!"

The brothers immediately fought each other...


Compared to the mutants fighting not far away.

Carl's side seemed very peaceful.

If there were no warships and explosion smoke around, Carl would seem to be here for vacation.

The coastline of Cuba is still very beautiful!

Sunshine, beach, and beauty!

Emma, ​​who followed Carl closely, looked at Carl in front of her with bright eyes.

Of course she knew Carl.

After all, as a highly educated white woman, Emma had read many of Carl's works.

After knowing that Carl was also a mutant and made Xiao feel threatened, he had to recruit the somewhat rude Victor, Emma became more interested in Carl.

Especially now, the two of them don't seem to have to fight.

"Let's watch them fight here, otherwise it would be impolite to walk too far."

After walking for a while, Carl stopped, turned around, and stretched out his hand to the nervous Emma.

Emma was slightly surprised, but still stretched out her hand and shook it with Carl.

After a light shake, Carl separated very gentlemanly.

"To be honest, Ms. Emma, ​​although this is the first time we meet, you are more beautiful than I thought."

Seeing Carl's flowery look, Emma was completely relieved.

"Mr. Lance, how many women have you said these words to!"

"Just call me Carl, don't talk about these spoiling topics at this time, but you, Ms. Emma, ​​what are you going to do next..."

Emma looked at Carl.

"Of course, follow Xiao, wait for the start of World War III, and then rule the world..."

"There's no need to say such perfunctory words, Ms. Emma!"

"Why? Do you think these scouts can defeat Xiao?"

"Don't fool yourself, Emma!"

Carl nodded without hesitation, and then pointed to the warships on the sea in the distance.

"Did you see those warships from the United States and the Soviet Union? From the moment the mutants chose to show themselves in this world, even if Xiao successfully detonated the nuclear bomb, World War III would not break out. Let's make a bet?"

"Bet? What to bet on?"

"Just bet that soon, these warships will point their guns at us. If I lose, I can satisfy any of your wishes that I can achieve within my ability, but if I win..."

At this point, Carl looked at Emma with a greedy look without hiding his greed.

"I want you!"

Emma trembled, looked at Carl, and just hesitated for a moment, then said with a smile.

"I promise!"

And at the moment when Emma agreed, the naval warships of the United States and the Soviet Union in the distance quickly changed their routes and turned their guns, and Emma's pupils dilated involuntarily, because her telepathic ability had told her that she had lost.

"It seems that you have won, and I am yours from now on!"

Carl stretched out his hand with satisfaction.

"Welcome, Emma, ​​my White Queen, you made the most correct choice!"

At this moment, the two held their hands tightly together.

Emma's face showed a charming smile again.

"So, my king, what should we do now?"

"It's time for us to make our final appearance!"

Since the scenes belonging to Charles and Eric are about to end, then, it is time for Carl to appear. Although he has no intention of replacing the protagonists of Charles and Eric, he still needs to show his face and brush his presence.

But at this moment, suddenly, Carl's keen perception of space made him aware of the changes in the surrounding space. He looked over and saw a very incredible scene.

Five rectangular light gates formed by golden light appeared out of thin air in front of him.

Five people dressed in black combat uniforms, holding various weapons, wearing black helmets, and dressed like agents appeared in front of Carl. The leader was a black man holding something similar to a game console and pronounced a cold sentence to Carl.

"Carl Lance, the only time mutant, on behalf of the Time Mutation Administration, I arrest you for violating the sacred timeline! Now, raise your hands and follow us!!!"

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